27 research outputs found

    Does Improvisation Help or Hinder Planning in Determining Export Success? Decision Theory Applied to Exporting

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    Exporting enables organizations to diversify risk and generate multiple income streams. In turn, the ability to make good export decisions is purported to be a main determinant of performance. Although substantive export decisions are well researched, little is known about how export decisions should be made in practice and whether different decision-making approaches should be combined. This study addresses this gap using decision theory; the authors assess the interaction of planning and improvisation and examine the impact of these approaches on export responsiveness and export performance. They develop a conceptual model through exploratory research and test it through structural equation modeling. The authors seek insights into the results through post hoc in-depth interviews and conclude that improvisation has multiple dimensions (spontaneity, creativity, and action orientation) and that there is no one “best way” for export managers to make decisions. Furthermore, export planning can enhance economic performance but detract from customer performance. In addition, improvisation improves responsiveness, whereas action orientation leads to greater customer performance and results in greater responsiveness with regard to planning. However, export managers should be wary of spontaneity and creativity, because they detract from planning outcomes


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    Purpose: To reveal clinical effects of epoetin alfa in the sharp period the serious сoncomitant brain injury.Materials and Methods: Controllable blind randomized research at 77 patients at the age of 38,6±15,2 years old was held. Epoetin alfa was entered intravenously. The given preparation was applied from first days of the posttraumatic period, in a course dose not less than 50000 МЕ (on 10000 МЕ within 5 days).Results: The given preparation has reduced number of patients with a Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, grasping infringements of functions of three and more bodies (in 1,7 times). In group of patients by which it was applied epoetin alfa, the number of complications has decreased from bronho-pulmonary system. The number of cases respiratory distress has decreased in 2,1 times, pneumonia - in 3 times, trophic infringements - in 5,5 times.Summary: Inclusion in intensive therapy the serious сoncomitant brain injury epoetin alfa leads to more favorable current of traumatic illness


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    The article is dedicated to an urgent issue of modern pediatrics and neurology — complex treatment of stroke consequences in children. The article details etiological aspects, pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical peculiarities of stroke consequences in children, the primary among which are asthenic syndrome (73–86% of the patients), movement disorders (33–58%), cognitive disorders (60%), paroxysmal conditions (30%), sensory disorders (14%), emotional-volitional and behavioral disorders (17–38%), vegetative dysfunction syndrome (60–74%), pain syndrome (53–74%) and syncopal conditions (12%). The article details the main spheres of complex rehabilitation of children with stroke consequences, including use of innovative medical rehabilitation technologies — kinesitherapy, dynamic proprioceptive correction, mechanotherapy using robotic systems, physiotherapy and drug correction. The article demonstrates that diagnosis and treatment of stroke consequences in children is a difficult problem, which requires a differential complex approach in order to improve effectiveness of both drug therapy and rehabilitation and quality of life of the patients.Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме современной педиатрии и неврологии — комплексному лечению последствий инсульта у детей. Подробно освещены этиологические аспекты, патофизиологические механизмы и клинические особенности последствий инсульта в детском возрасте, основными из которых являются астенический синдром (у 73–86% пациентов), двигательные расстройства (у 33–58%), когнитивные нарушения (у 60%), пароксизмальные состояния (у 30%), сенсорные расстройства (у 14%), эмоционально-волевые и поведенческие нарушения (у 17–38%), синдром вегетативной дисфункции (у 60–74%), болевой синдром (у 53–74%), синкопальные состояния (у 12%). Рассмотрены современные направления комплексной реабилитации детей после перенесенного инсульта, в том числе с применением инновационных технологий восстановительного лечения — кинезиотерапии, метода динамической проприоцептивной коррекции, механотерапии с использованием роботизированных систем, физиолечения, медикаментозной коррекции. Показано, что диагностика и лечение последствий инсульта в детском возрасте является сложной проблемой, требующей дифференцированного комплексного подхода с целью повышения эффективности как медикаментозной терапии, так и реабилитациии и улучшения качества жизни пациентов


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    The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern pediatrics and neurology ― a comprehensive diagnosis and correction of sleep disorders in children. Detail the features of the clinical manifestations of sleep disorders in childhood (insomnia and parasomnia), great attention is paid to sleep apnea syndrome as a risk factor for somatic and psychopathological disorders in children. Highlight the current capabilities of complex instrumental diagnosis of sleep disorders with the use of highly effective methods of polysomnography and pulse oximetry. The actual dimensions as non-drug and drug treatment of sleep disorders in children, taking into account the pathogenetic features of their occurrence. From the standpoint of evidence-based medicine demonstrate efficient methods of herbal medicine, developed on the basis of traditional Chinese recipes, as well as modern nootropics and magnesium preparations. It is shown that sleep disorders in children not only lead to a deterioration of emotional mood, cognitive function, health and school performance, but also are associated with increasing risk of somatic disorders, which determines the need for timely diagnosis and comprehensive differentiated medical and psychological data correction of pathological conditions, taking into account the neurophysiological and biochemical mechanisms of their development, as well as polymorphism of clinical manifestations, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment and quality of life of patients.  Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме современной педиатрии и неврологии ― комплексной диагностике и коррекции нарушений сна у детей. Подробно рассмотрены особенности клинических проявлений расстройств сна в детском возрасте (инсомний и парасомний), большое внимание уделено синдрому обструктивного апноэ сна как фактору риска развития соматических и психопатологических нарушений у детей. Освещены современные возможности комплексной инструментальной диагностики расстройств сна с применением высокоэффективных методов полисомнографии и пульсоксиметрии, а также актуальные аспекты как немедикаментозной, так и лекарственной терапии нарушений сна в детском возрасте с учетом патогенетических особенностей их возникновения. С позиций доказательной медицины продемонстрирована высокая эффективность способов фитотерапии, разработанных на основе традиционных китайских рецептов, а также современных ноотропных средств и препаратов магния. Показано, что расстройства сна у детей не только приводят к ухудшению эмоционального настроя, когнитивных функций, работоспособности и школьной успеваемости, но и сопряжены с нарастающим риском развития соматических нарушений, что определяет необходимость проведения своевременной диагностики и комплексной дифференцированной медико-психологической коррекции данных патологических состояний с учетом нейрофизиологических и биохимических механизмов их развития, а также полиморфизма клинических проявлений с целью повышения эффективности лечения и улучшения качества жизни пациентов.

    Reproducing global inequalities in the online labour market: valuing capital in the design field

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    Millions of freelancers work on digital platforms in the online labour market (OLM). The OLM’s capacity to both undermine and reproduce labour inequalities is a theme in contemporary platform economy debates. What is less well understood is how processes of social (re)production take place in practice for diverse freelancers on global platforms. Drawing on a study of freelance designers, we use Bourdieu’s notions of capital and field to explore the specific ‘rules of the game’ and the symbolic valuing of skills and identities that secure legitimacy and advantage in the OLM. We contribute to contemporary debates by illuminating the power of Global North actors to shape freelancer positions and hierarchies in the online design field. The ‘cost advantages’ of Global South workers are counterbalanced by the symbolic legitimising of specific cultural and social practices (specifically in relation to language) and the devaluing of others

    Social capital creation on professional sharing economy platforms: The problems of rating dependency and the non-transferability of social capital

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    The sharing economy platforms facilitate collaboration across geographical boundaries and promote service innovation by reshaping traditional business networks. This study takes a Social Capital Theory perspective on how Social Capital (SC) is created on professional sharing economy platforms, with particular attention to the creative services industry. Our in-depth qualitative investigation draws on 35 interviews with freelance designers and platform clients based in 17 different countries. The study demonstrates that SC created outside sharing economy platforms is not readily transferred to these platforms, which represents a major difference from the dynamics of SC in more traditional settings. Furthermore, SC transfer between platforms is difficult. Building platform-specific SC ‘from scratch’ requires a significant effort and is highly dependent on reputation systems, in the form of ratings and reviews. We argue that the platforms’ reputation systems force members to become ‘slaves’ to ensuring their star ratings and reviews are as good as possible. In addition, we explore how platform members learn to build SC on the platforms beyond ratings and reviews. Overall, the study contributes to academic discussions on opportunities and challenges for service innovation within the sharing economy and introduces the application of Social Capital Theory to the context of sharing economy platforms

    Spontaneity and International Marketing Performance

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to ascertain how today’s international marketers can perform better on the global scene by harnessing spontaneity. Design/methodology/approach We draw on contingency theory to develop a model of the spontaneity–international marketing performance relationship, and identify three potential moderators, namely strategic planning, centralization, and market dynamism. We test the model via structural equation modeling with survey data from 197 UK exporters. Findings The results indicate that spontaneity is beneficial to exporters in terms of enhancing profit performance. In addition, greater centralization and strategic planning strengthen the positive effects of spontaneity. However, market dynamism mitigates the positive effect of spontaneity on export performance (when customer needs are volatile, spontaneous decisions do not function as well in terms of ensuring success). Practical implications Learning to be spontaneous when making export decisions appears to result in favorable outcomes for the export function. To harness spontaneity, export managers should look to develop company heuristics (increase centralization and strategic planning). Finally, if operating in dynamic export market environments, the role of spontaneity is weaker, so more conventional decision-making approaches should be adopted. Originality/value The international marketing environment typically requires decisions to be flexible and fast. In this context, spontaneity could enable accelerated and responsive decision-making, allowing international marketers to realize superior performance. Yet, there is a lack of research on decision-making spontaneity and its potential for international marketing performance enhancement

    Possibility and prospects of preservation of minor components in technology of fruit raw materials conservation

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    ArticleAccording to modern research, traditional methods of preserving fruits and vegetables do not allow obtaining products identical to natural products for biological value. At the same time, there is a need to provide the population with minor components of food, including concentrated form. The aim of the study was to preserve the minor components in canned fruit raw materials for a long time. The study was carried out comparing the data of bioflavonoids and vitamin C in fresh oranges and dehydrated oranges (immediately after dehydration and storage for 12 months). The analysis was performed by reversed-phase HPLC on Dionex Ultimate 3,000 chromatograph (‘Thermo Scientific’, USA) using Luna 5U C18(2) 100A, 5 µm 4.6 mm × 150 mm column (‘Phenomenex’, USA), system number 125617-12. The identification of components was performed by comparison of retention times of standard flavonoid samples. Dehydration was done by means of resonant IR drying, gradually lowering the temperature from intense (67–75 °C) to soft (32–35 °C) temperature regimes. Analysis of chromatograms of fresh and dehydrated oranges shows that they all have a similar profile, but differ significantly in the content of certain components. The presence of vitamin C 1,926.9 mg per 1 g of dehydrated oranges was noted, which is identical to the content of 10 g of fresh orange. The following flavonoids have been found: prunus and a component related to the polymer form of naringin, the content in 1 g of dehydrated oranges is approximately seven times more than that for 1 g of fresh orange. The loss of vitamin C by 8% during storage of dehydrated orange for 12 months was noted, the amount of flavonoids varies insignificantly by 2–3%.Studies have shown that the technology of dehydration with the help of resonance IR drying allows to keep the minor components in the native state for a long time

    Salesperson Improvisation: Antecedents, Performance Outcomes, and Boundary Conditions

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    Premised on the idea that not all salesperson behaviors can be pre-scripted and that, increasingly, salespersons must find ways to respond to unexpected but urgent market conditions, this study theorizes the drivers, outcomes and boundary conditions of salesperson improvisation. Using primary data from industrial salespersons, the study examines how perceptions of resource availability and customer demandingness drive salesperson improvisation and condition its sales performance effects. Findings show that higher levels of salesperson improvisation are associated with increased sales performance. Additionally, a heightened perception of resource availability and greater customer demandingness are associated with increases in salesperson improvisation. Furthermore, findings indicate that the salesperson improvisation–sales performance relationship is strengthened when resource availability is greater and when customer demandingness is lower