211 research outputs found

    The Method of Forecasting of the Indicators for Drug Reimbursement to Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases in Ukraine

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    The aim of the study is to develop a method for forecasting the indicators for drug reimbursement to patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Ukraine within the framework of the government program “Available medicines”.Materials and methods: materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and medical records of patients with CVD, who were prescribed with medicines according to the government program, were used in the study.Results: according to the method proposed for forecasting the volume of drug reimbursement to patients with CVD under the government program it has been found that Enalapril has the highest indicator – 10916.4 USD thousand in 2019 and 10736.8 USD thousand in 2020. Clopidogrel takes the second position – 12108.13 USD thousand and 11908.24 USD thousand, while Amlodipine occupies the third position – 9105.60 USD thousand and 8955.28 USD thousand.Among the medicines not included in the government program, but prescribed rather frequently the largest forecasting amount required for reimbursement (in case of inclusion in the program) is 18910.55 USD thousand in 2019 and 18598.36 USD thousand in 2020 for Magnicor, and the least amount is 444.55 USD thousand and 437.22 USD thousand for Acetylsalicylic acid, respectively.Conclusions. The government program to provide patients with effective and affordable medicines has a significant impact on reforming the healthcare system of Ukraine. The study conducted can be used to expand the government program in the process of formation and distribution of budget funds

    Multifactorial vector of regional agriculture development

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    The article reveals the agriculture development potential of the Volgograd region enabling to move to the stable type of reproduction as well as its factors: the natural conditions, location, technological types of production, agrarian structure, horizontal and vertical integrations, state support. The methodological approach of the differentiation of green box subsidies is approved, the mechanism of its realization is proposed. The evidence base is substantiated by the long-term research of the soil intensification and soil quality factors influencing the soil productivity in the region. Within the boundaries of the existing natural areas, the following zones of territorial and economic development are allocated: the zones of competitive and efficient grain production; the zone of commercial sun flower production; the zones of territory and priority development. The criterion signs of their development are formulated. Alongside with the natural factor, the following factors were accepted as a criterion: the level of production adaptability and development of rural areas, the displacement of population, customary lifestyle, the arrangement of production infrastructure, resources, the structure of the agrarian economy. The evolutionary entrance of small agribusiness into the innovation-based economy has been reasoned as well as the creation on this basis of a special sector of agrarian economy—organic agriculture, which is reasonable to develop in the eld of dairy cattle-breeding and vegetable-growing. A strategic analysis of the technological types of production existing in the regional agriculture in the context of organizational units and activities is presented. These are: industrial type with innovative elements, extensive and intensive type with innovative elements, extensive and intensive type, extensive type. They provide modernization as a factor of the evolutionary formation of the innovation-based economy in the agrarian sector. Considering the global tendencies, the priorities of increasing the availability of agricultural mass producer in the market realized within a cluster, agricultural holding, cooperative are grounded


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    The article analyzes the problems of implementation of drug reimbursement programs in Ukraine and in the countries of the world. One of the key problems in the countries of the world is the low index of cooperation between the doctor and the pharmacist, the patient's failure to adhere to the medication regimen and the recommendations of specialists. In Ukraine through questionnaires specialists found that one of the main problems is the unavailability of feedback through the "doctor-pharmacist-patient" and the interaction doctor pharmacist no number of monitoring of medical appointments. The need for close cooperation between doctors, pharmacists, patients and the state in order to justify improving the delivery and receipt of appropriate medical and pharmaceutical care.The article analyzes the problems of implementation of drug reimbursement programs in Ukraine and in the countries of the world. One of the key problems in the countries of the world is the low index of cooperation between the doctor and the pharmacist, the patient's failure to adhere to the medication regimen and the recommendations of specialists. In Ukraine through questionnaires specialists found that one of the main problems is the unavailability of feedback through the "doctor-pharmacist-patient" and the interaction doctor pharmacist no number of monitoring of medical appointments. The need for close cooperation between doctors, pharmacists, patients and the state in order to justify improving the delivery and receipt of appropriate medical and pharmaceutical care


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    Conduct systematic analysis of the state of the supply of Ukraine with medications with chondroprotective activity. The Unified Clinical Protocol of Primary, Secondary (specialized) Medical Care allows doctors to control the state of a patient at every stage of illness and guarantees the effective treatment and prophylaxis of the locomotor system (LMS) pathologies.As a result of the chondroprotective medication range analysis it was determined that the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine is represented by 40 trade names of medications. The top market share of chondroprotective medications in Ukrainian market belongs to the foreign producers (52.5%), while domestic medications occupy 47.5%. In general the nomenclature of Ukrainian medications is provided by 6 manufacturing companies. Three pharmaceutical companies are the leaders producing 5 names of medications each (12.5% each): Pharmaceutical company “Zdorovye” (Kharkiv), PrJSC “Fitofarm” (Bakhmut, formerly Artemivsk, Donetsk region), JSC “Farmak” (Kyiv). Out of 40 trade names the medications are mainly produced: as coated tablets – 12 medications (30%), as solutions for injections – 11 items (27.5%), as capsules – 7 (17.5%), as soft dosage forms – 6 medicines (15%), and powders for oral administration – 4 items (10%).Conduct systematic analysis of the state of the supply of Ukraine with medications with chondroprotective activity. The Unified Clinical Protocol of Primary, Secondary (specialized) Medical Care allows doctors to control the state of a patient at every stage of illness and guarantees the effective treatment and prophylaxis of the locomotor system (LMS) pathologies.As a result of the chondroprotective medication range analysis it was determined that the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine is represented by 40 trade names of medications. The top market share of chondroprotective medications in Ukrainian market belongs to the foreign producers (52.5%), while domestic medications occupy 47.5%. In general the nomenclature of Ukrainian medications is provided by 6 manufacturing companies. Three pharmaceutical companies are the leaders producing 5 names of medications each (12.5% each): Pharmaceutical company “Zdorovye” (Kharkiv), PrJSC “Fitofarm” (Bakhmut, formerly Artemivsk, Donetsk region), JSC “Farmak” (Kyiv). Out of 40 trade names the medications are mainly produced: as coated tablets – 12 medications (30%), as solutions for injections – 11 items (27.5%), as capsules – 7 (17.5%), as soft dosage forms – 6 medicines (15%), and powders for oral administration – 4 items (10%)

    Generative sphere states of Catalpa bignonioides and C. speciosa under condition of the roadside forest belt

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    Проведено дослідження генеративної сфери рослин роду Catalpa у придорожній лісосмузі. Встановлено, що за цих умов у C. bignonioides Walt. та C. speciosa Ward. пригнічується інтенсивність цвітіння та плодоношення, змінюються якісні та кількісні характеристики плодів та насіння (причому сильніше змінюються показники плодоношення, ніж цвітіння). Якщо характеристики цвітіння у обох видів змінюються майже однаково (за винятком довжини суцвіття) порівняно з контролем, то характеристики плодоношення суттєвіше змінюються у C. speciosa Ward.Проведено исследование генеративной сферы растений рода Catalpa в придорожной лесополосе. Установлено, что при этих условиях в C. bignonioides Walt. и C. speciosa Ward. подавляется интенсивность цветения и плодоношения, меняются качественные и количественные характеристики плодов и семян (причем сильнее изменяются показатели плодоношения, чем цветения). Если характеристики цветения у обоих видов меняются почти одинаково (за исключением длины соцветия) по сравнению с контролем, то характеристики плодоношения существеннее меняются в C. speciosa WardResearch of the generative sphere of plant genus Catalpa in the roadside forest belt was conducted. The belt’s ecological condition leads to the depression of blossoming and fruiting of C. bignonioides Walt. and C. speciosa Ward. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of fruits and seeds were changed in comparison with a control. The changes in fruiting parameters are greater than flowering. Flowering characteristics of both species changed almost identically, with the exception of the blossom cluster length. The description of fruiting changed substantially in C. speciosa Ward.


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    The aim of the study. To conduct a pharmacoeconomic evaluation of the effectiveness of drugs for oral and parenteral rehydration and modeling of costs for rehydration therapy of secretory (virus) diarrhea in children under 5 years.Materials and Methods. The method of pharmacoeconomic analysis "minimization of costs", analytical, statistical, logical and graphical methods were used in the research. Drugs that are most appropriate to use for oral and parenteral rehydration of children from the perspective of minimizing of costs had been indicated and total costs for rehydration therapy of secretory (viral) diarrhea in children under 5 years had been modeled. The study was conducted by the established method of pharmacoeconomic studies of AII in children.Results and Discussion. The planed volume of costs for rehydration therapy of AІІ of viral origin in children under 5 years old in 2017 had been identied, which amounted to over 707 thousands UAH, or 26.000( 26.000 ( 1 US – 27.19 USD as of 11.01.17).Conclusions. Calculation of costs of AІІ of rehydration therapy in children has been carried out with the using of pharmacoeconomic analysis’ method "minimization of costs" and the possible costs of treating of children under 5 years with a AІІ of viral etiology have been modeled. Further, it is advisable to use the obtained results in the improvement of pharmaceutical providing of the children, in particular for the prevention and treatment of AІІ.Мета роботи. Провести фармакоекономічну оцінку ефективності застосування ЛЗ для оральної та парентеральної регідратації та моделювання витрат на регідратаційну терапію секреторних (вірусних) діарей у дітей віком до 5-ти років.Матеріали і методи. У дослідженні було використано метод фармакоекономічного аналізу «мінімізація витрат», а також аналітичний, статистичний, логічний та графічний методи. На прикладі регідратаційної терапії визначено ЛЗ, найбільш доцільні для використання з метою оральної та перантеральної регідратації дітей з позиції мінімізації витрат, а також змодельовано сукупні витрати на регідратаційну терапію секреторних (вірусних) діарей у дітей віком до 5-ти років. Дослідження було здійсненне за створеною методикою проведення фармакоекономічних досліджень ГКІ у дітей. Результати й обговорення. Визначено можливий обсяг витрат на регідратаційну терапію ГКІ вірусної етіології у дітей до 5-ти років на 2017 рік, що склав понад 707 тис. грн, або 26 004 (1 (1 США – 27,19 грн станом на 11.01.17).Висновки. Здійснено розрахунки вартість регідратаційної терапії ГКІ у дітей з використанням методу фармакоекономічного аналізу «мінімізація витрат», а також змодельовано можливі витрати на лікування дітей до 5-ти років з діагнозом ГКІ вірусної етіології. В подальшому отримані результати доцільно використати у процесі вдосконалення фармацевтичного забезпечення дитячого населення, зокрема для попередження та терапії ГКІ