787 research outputs found

    Olympic and paralympic games Rio 2016: a technical-tactical analysis of judo matches

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the athletes’ scores, penalties and efficiency between the Olympic and Paralympic Games Rio 2016, and identify which variable determined the winner of the matches. A total of 608 matches in the Olympic and Paralympic Games were analysed. Total relative scores (ippon, waza ari and yuko), penalties (shido per match) and efficiency were identified in the male and female categories, Olympic and Paralympic Games, and medallists and non-medallists. The main results showed that waza ari was higher in the Olympic Games (p=.05) than in the Paralympic Games (male team); ippon was higher in the Paralympic Games (p=.05) and shido was higher in the Olympic Games (p=.05) (female team). The male Olympic medallists were more efficient (p=.01), while the female Paralympic medallists were less penalised (p=.01). Ippon was the key variable that determined winning in both the Olympic and Paralympic matches (p<.001). We concluded that the male Olympic judo athletes showed greater efficiency and scores than Paralympians, while the female team presented more scores and fewer penalties. Ippon was the key point that determined victory in most of the matches

    Social scientists in the Brazil's National Health Service

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    Although there is a tradition of social scientists working in the health sector in Brazil, the workforce and its contribution remains almost completely invisible. This article discusses the results of two complementary investigations, conducted in 645 municipalities in São Paulo state, into the views of healthcare managers and social scientists concerning their work in Brazil's National Health System. The study concludes that the entry to work in the health sector is unplanned and that the invisibility, colonization and alienation of this workforce are generated by internal factors within both the health sector and the social sciences themselves.Embora exista uma tradição de cientistas sociais atuando no campo da saúde no Brasil, essa força de trabalho e suas contribuições são praticamente invisíveis. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir os resultados de duas investigações complementares, realizadas nos 645 municípios do estado de São Paulo, a fim de compreender a visão dos gestores de saúde e de cientistas sociais sobre o trabalho desses gestores no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Concluiu-se que o ingresso para o trabalho no campo da saúde não é planejado e que a condição de invisibilidade, colonização e estranhamento dessa força de trabalho é promovida pelas internalidades tanto do campo da saúde como do campo das ciências sociais

    Effect of selenite and selenate application on mineral composition of lettuce plants cultivated under hydroponic conditions: nutritional balance overview using a multifaceted study

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOThe effect of selenate and selenite enrichment on mineral composition of a red type of lettuce cv. “Veneza roxa” was evaluated using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP OES), molecular modeling and principal component analysis (P292371379FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2013/26855-22012/15020-42014/15425-02008/57808-1573894/ 2008-6The authors gratefully acknowledge the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP Process 2013/26855-2, 2012/15020-4 and 2014/15425-0), the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) and National Institute of A

    Injury prevalence in Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes: comparison between different competitive levels

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    This study aimed to identify types and sites of body injury, location of injury occurrence, and the mechanism and severity of injuries in novice and advanced Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) athletes. One hundred and eight BJJ athletes took part in this study separated in two groups: advanced (n = 53) and novice (n = 55). Athletes answered a questionnaire concerning regions of injury, locality of occurrence, injury severity and mechanism. Chi square test and a logistic regression analysis were used with the level of significance set at p < 0.05. The main results showed that shoulders and knees were the most injury location reported by novice and advanced athletes. Novice athletes demonstrated higher prevalence of injuries during training sessions (54.5%), whereas advanced athletes reported more injuries during competitions (66.1%). Significant associations between novice and advanced athletes were observed for major joints (p < 0.05). The odds ratio of having injury was 70-87% less for novice versus advanced athletes for the major joints cited. We concluded that BJJ athletes demonstrate high prevalence of injury mainly at knee and shoulder. While risk of injury appeared less in novice, the advanced demonstrated higher number of injuries during competitions as a consequence of injured joint keys. By contrast, novice athletes reported higher number of injuries associated with training sessions as a consequence of overuse


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the productivity and energy efficiency of tree extraction in mountainous regions by means of a tractor with winch in two work team compositions: I: one tractor operator and a cable operator; and II: one tractor operator and two cable operators. The study was carried out in Vale do Ribeira region using a full tree harvesting system through a time and motion study in different conditions of extraction distance (6 to 135 meters) and log yard (5 to 241 meters), and land slope (from 7 to 37º). To evaluate the cycles, a regression analysis was carried out for each treatment and subsequently compared using the Graybill F test. Then a regression with a dummy variable was performed. The productivity was 9.26 m3 PMH0-1 with a cable operator and 12.12 m³ PMH0-1  at an extraction distance of 100 m; the specific fuel consumption was 44.26 g kW-1 PMH0-1  in both treatments, and the energy efficiency was 4.92 g kW-1 m³ with a forest worker and 3.13 g kW-1 m³ with two forest workers. Consequently, although the specific fuel consumption was equal in both treatments, the increase in productivity resulting from the addition of a cable operator,improved  the energy efficiency in the extraction using a tractor with winch

    Fauna e Flora do Brasil\ud (especialmente do Mato Grosso)\ud segundo Joseph Barbosa de Sáa (1769): (Dialogos geograficos, coronologicos, polliticos, e naturais, escripos [sic] por Joseph Barbosa\ud de Sáa nesta Villa Reyal do Senhor Bom Jesus do Cuyaba –\ud Manuscrito 235 da Biblioteca Pública do Porto)

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    Joseph Barbosa de Sáa (? – 1775), mais conhecido por seus escritos sobre a história do estado do Mato\ud Grosso, Brasil, completou em 1769 um volumoso (408 fólios) e erudito manuscrito, intitulado “Dialogos\ud geograficos, coronologicos, polliticos e naturais”, que nunca foi publicado na íntegra. Esse manuscrito está\ud depositado na Biblioteca Pública do Porto (manuscrito no. 235), em Portugal. Dez capítulos desse manuscrito\ud tratam dos produtos naturais do Brasil (acima de mil, quase a metade sendo animais), observados por Sáa ao\ud longo da costa do Rio de Janeiro, em São Paulo, sul de Goiás e especialmente no Mato Grosso, sendo a\ud primeira monografia sobre a história natural deste último estado. Esses capítulos são aqui transcritos e\ud comentados.Joseph Barbosa de Sáa (? – 1775), more known for his writings about the history of the state of Mato Grosso,\ud Brazil, completed in 1769 a voluminous (408 folios) and erudite manuscript entitled “Dialogos geograficos,\ud coronologicos, polliticos e naturais”, which has never been published in its entirety. This manuscript is deposited\ud in the Biblioteca Pública do Porto (Manuscript no. 235), in Portugal. Ten chapters of the manuscript deal with\ud the natural products of Brazil (over a thousand, nearly half being animals), observed by Sáa along the coast\ud of Rio de Janeiro, in São Paulo, southern Goiás and especially Mato Grosso, being the first monograph about\ud the natural history of this last state. Those chapers are here transcribed and commented.Série: Arquivos do Núcleo de apoio à pesquisa em Etimologia e História da Língua Portuguesa (NEHiLP

    Teorias de Aprendizagem em Jogos Digitais Educacionais: um Panorama Brasileiro

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    Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar as teorias de aprendizagem aplicadas em jogos digitais educacionais desenvolvidos no Brasil no período de 2004 a 2014. Foram analisados 27 artigos selecionados com o auxílio da base de dados do Google Acadêmico, para isso, foram utilizados dois grupos de descritores. Na amostra, em 41% dos casos não foi identificada a aplicação de teorias de aprendizagem no desenvolvimento de jogos digitais educacionais. No restante da amostra, a teoria de Piaget é a mais citada, presente em 22%. Em segundo, as teorias de Vygotsky aparecem em 15% das fundamentações teóricas. A concepção pedagógica adotada nas pesquisas da amostra condiz com o estado de arte internacional, isto é, uma preferência por teorias de base Construtivista. Entretanto, a Teoria de Aprendizagem Experiencial de Kolb, mais presente nas pesquisas internacionais, não é identificada na amostra

    Uma nova espécie do gênero Atractus wagler, 1928 (Colubridae: Dipsadinae) do Cerrado do Brasil Central

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    Atractus edioi sp. n. is described from the region of the Cana Brava hydroelectric power plant, located on the extreme northern state of Goiás, municipality of Minaçu, within the limits of the Cerrado ecosystem of Central Brazil. It can be distinguished from other Atractus by the combination of a temporal formula 1+1, 5 supralabials, supralabials 2-3 bordering the orbit, 6 infralabials, infralabials 1-3 in contact with the anterior genials, 15 dorsal scales rows and a color pattern of dark colored spots on a ground color of the body.Atractus edioi sp. n. é descrita para a região da usina hidrelétrica Cana Brava, localizada no extremo norte do Estado de Goiás, município de Minaçu, dentro dos limites do ecossistema Cerrado no Brasil Central. Esta espécie se distingue das outras espécies de Atractus pela combinação da fórmula temporal 1+1, 5 supralabiais, supralabiais 2-3 margeando a órbita, 6 infralabiais, infralabiais 1-3 em contato com as gulares anteriores, 15 escamas nas fileiras dorsais e um padrão de coloração dorsal de manchas escuras sobre um fundo marrom-claro

    Study of High-Performance Engineering Polymers Applied In Reciprocating Hermetic Refrigeration Compressors

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    Manufacturers of hermetic refrigeration compressors for domestic and commercial applications have been increasing the energy efficiency of their products systematically over the last decades through the continuous efforts of in-house research groups, universities and suppliers. This joint effort encompasses the technical fields of design, materials, processes, manufacturing, and simulation techniques, to achieve a multidisciplinary approach to compressor optimization as applied to refrigeration systems. Gains such as increased efficiency of the electric motor, reduction of bearing friction power loss, minimizing back flow on valves have already been addressed and the continuous search for new approaches have been proposed. This work presents a study of energy efficiency gain by comparing low conduction heat transfer plastic materials to metallic materials used in current compressor designs. The components compared include the cylinder head, discharge muffler, shock loop, valve plate and crankcase. The energy efficiency gain was evaluated using the Coefficient of Performance (COP) through the use of the Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) model using superheating temperature. The CHT model temperature results were compared with the values measured by an instrumented compressor. To complement the study, the parts and assemblies were structurally evaluated using the finite element method under performance and durability test operating conditions. The feasibility of the mold filling process was verified, because the final design of the components must be a compromise between functional requirements and process solution. In conclusion, the results show that significant efficiency gains can be achieved through the use of engineering thermoplastic. This is achieved through careful material selection and proper design that considers not only material properties, but material and process costs using the flexibility of injection molding to group parts and subsystems