139 research outputs found

    Managing impressions and gaining control: Performances of emotion work in financial organizations

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    This study explores the performative aspects of emotion work in financial organizations. The analysis of the interview discourse shows that financial analysts manage the immediate affective reactions to different work situations not only to remove subjective factors threatening to contaminate the preferred rationality of the financial research, but they strategically communicate their emotions to produce impressions of “knowledgeable,” “rational,” “nice,” “needed,” and “trusted experts.” Through strategically orchestrated practices of impression management, the interviewees seek to communicate “expert power” which helps them validate their research as logical, objective, and correct. The study also discusses performances of emotion work as a form of strategic communication

    Varjoteatteri : legendoista nykypäivään

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    Opinnäytetyöni aiheena on varjoteatteri ja sen hyödyntäminen esityksen suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Esittelen varjoteatterin mahdollisia syntymaita ja niiden traditioita ja legendoja liittyen opinnäytetyön aiheeseen. Tutustumalla näihin traditioihin ja syntylegendoihin saadaan näkemys siitä, mihin varjoteatteria voi käyttää nykypäivän esityksissä. Esittelen niin puhtaasti varjoteatteriesityksiä kuin myös esityksiä, joiden yhtenä elementtinä on käytetty varjoteatteria. Pohjautuen näihin esityksiin tutkin varjoteatterin erilaisia mahdollisuuksia, mitä sen avulla on luontevaa ilmaista ja kertoa. Lopuksi esittelen kaksi teatterialantekijää, jotka ovat päätyneet tekemään varjoteatteria, vaikka nukketeatteri ei olekaan osa heidän jokapäiväistä työtään. Kyseessä on tutkielma, joka esittelee vaihtoehtoja varjoteatterin käytöstä ja mahdollisesti auttaa lukijaa kehittää omaa esitysideaa. Vastaan kysymyksiin, miten varjoteatteria on käytetty ja miten sitä voi hyödyntää nykypäivänä, miksi se kiinnostaa muiden alojen tekijöitä ja mihin tarkoitukseen varjoteatteria on hyvä käyttää. Raotan ovea tähän varjojen ihmeelliseen maailmaan. Tämän aiheen tiimoilta pääsin tuloksiin, että oman yksinkertaisen rakenteen takia varjoteatteri on päässyt kehittymään erilaisissa kulttuureissa ja perheissä hyvin vapaasti ja erilaisiin suuntiin. Sitä voi tehdä käsillä tai teknisesti monimutkaisilla nukeilla. Se kantaa itsessään suurta potentiaalia ja rajattomasti mahdollisuuksia. Nämä ovat myös syitä miksi muiden taidealojen tekijät ovat kiinnostuneet siitä. Sen lisäksi Henryk Jurkowski korostaa, että ihmisiä ovat aina kiehtoneet pimeys ja valo, valaisu ja varjot ja niitä on pidetty todella maagisina. (1996, 208). Se on ehkä suurin syy, miksi varjoteatteri kiinnostaa ihmisiä vielä tänäkin päivänä.This dissertation is about shadow theatre and how to use it in performance. I introduce some countries where shadow theatre could possible been born and their traditions and legends about it. By getting to know those traditions and legends you get an idea how shadow theatre could be used nowadays. I introduce as well some performances where shadows have been used during whole performance or just as one supporting element. Based on those performances I study possibilities of shadow theatre, what is appropriate to tell and express by it. In the end I tell about two actors/directors who use shadow theatre though puppetry is not part of their everyday work. This is a dissertation which introduces alternatives of shadow theatre usage and it might help reader to find his or her own idea. In the text I answer to the questions how shadow theater have been used and what one can benefit from it these days, why other artists than those working in puppetry are interested in this art form and what is the purpose of using shadows. I slightly open a door to this magical world of shadows. By studying this subject I come to the results that because it doesn’t take much to build shadow theatre, it had a chance to develop freely in different cultures and families. You can do it with hands or with gorgeous puppets. Shadow theatre has so much potential and limitless possibilities. Those are also the reasons why so many artists are interested in it. Moreover humans have always been fascinated by light and dark, illumination and shadow, and it have been considered as something magical, as Henryk Jurkowski wrote (1996, 208). And it’s a biggest reason why humans are still interested in shadow theatre

    Thiols specification and detection strategies via electroanalysis

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    People's experiences of gossiping: a narrative analysis

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    Thesis (M.A.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2002This study employs narrative methodology to develop an understanding of meanings people make of their gossiping experiences. Four theoretical approaches are identified in the review of literature: functionalistic approach, gossip as information management, and gossip as a social form of discreet indiscretion which extended as a basis for examining gossiping as a communication experience. Four themes emerged from six narrative interviews, regarding the co-researchers' interpretations of their gossiping experiences: secrecy as a gossiping experience, gossiping as a negative experience, gossiping as a positive experience, and gossiping as being connected. The equivocal nature of gossiping stems from the participants' engagement in two distinct sets of practices out of single set of resources

    La mise en scène du mystère dans l’espace sacré au xxe siècle

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    Ré-invention de l’espace de jeu Comme le sujet choisi est extrêmement vaste, il s’agit ici d’évoquer quelques tendances majeures de l’art théâtral européen durant la première moitié du xxe siècle, et plus précisément au cours des années vingt et trente. On peut constater que, dès la première décennie du xxe siècle, dans plusieurs pays d’Europe Occidentale, les cathédrales et les églises les plus importantes, grands monuments de l’histoire nationale et de l’histoire sacrée, deviennent des cent..

    Discourses of emotionality and rationality in the financial services industry

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    This dissertation explores the practices of emotion work in the financial services industry as they are constructed in interviews with people employed in different financial organizations. The issues of emotion work in organizations are generally investigated in terms of emotion management, impression formation and negotiation or accomplishment. The previous research has also uncovered that emotions and market moods influence how people make financial decisions under conditions of fundamental uncertainty. In this study, I adopt a critical-interpretive approach and seek to develop an in-depth understanding of organizational practices through which people employed in the financial services industry maintain emotion-reason dualism. This approach allows us to shift the analysis from categorizing what counts as rational versus emotional decision making to examining discourses that constitute claims of preferred rationality and devalue the significance of emotions at work. The transcripts of 23 interviews with 17 people employed in different financial organizations constituted the data for this study. The analysis of the interview discourse shows that emotions are conceptualized as an antipode to rationality, threat, weakness and as a source of stress. On one hand, the strategies of internal emotional control reflect the participants’ desire to take control over their feelings in order to fit into the discourse of preferred rationality. The concept of emotion also shapes the tactics of impression management. The interviewees were consciously aware of which feelings they wanted to display, and how to use emotions in order to build and maintain networks of relationships with different market participants. On the other hand, the simultaneous co-existence of negation and practical utility of feelings at work in the participants’ narratives suggests that meanings associated with preferred rationality and marginalized emotionality fluctuate along the following dimensions: absence-presence, chaos-order/discipline, weakness-power and subjectivity-objectivity. These findings open up a new space to explore the concepts of emotionality and rationality as socially constructed phenomena that are reproduced in the practices of emotion work. The focus on discourse not only offers a communication centered model of rationalized emotion, but also unveils social aspects of financial management.Ph.D.Includes bibliographical referencesIncludes vitaby Dina V. Nekrassov

    Designating valuable arable land at the level of local governments, based on the example of Tartu County

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    Pidevalt kasvava inimkonnaga suureneb ka vajadus toiduainete ja põllumajandussaaduste järele, kuid samas haritava maa ressurss väheneb erinevate tegevuste tulemusel. See toob kaasa vajaduse hakata senisest rohkem tähelepanu pöörama väärtusliku põllumaa määratlemisele ja säilitamisele. Eestis puudub üldine arusaam väärtuslikust põllumaast ja selle määratlemise alustest, kuna väärtuslike põllumaadega seotud temaatikat on vähe uuritud. Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks on välja selgitada väärtuslike põllumaade määratlemise alused kohalike omavalitsuste (KOV) tasemel Tartu maakonna näitel. Antud eesmärgi saavutamiseks on püstitatud uurimisülesandeid, mille abil selgitatakse välja Tartu maakonna KOV-ide arusaamad väärtuslikest põllumaadest ja nende määramise kriteeriumid ja põhimõtted. Uurimustööks vajalikud andmed on kogutud intervjuu ja ankeetküsitluse meetodil. Ankeetküsitlus põhines erinevate tasandite planeeringute eelnevalt uuritud taustal ning intervjuude käigus saadud informatsioonil. Analüüsitud andmete põhjal selgus, et väärtusliku põllumaa määratlemisel lähtuvad KOV-id konkreetse valla vajadusest, mis väljendub peamiselt viljakate maade ja põllumajandustegevuse säilitamise soovis ning põllumaade täisehitamise vältimises. Väärtuslikku põllumaad määratakse enamasti KOV-i algatusel ja üldplaneeringus määratud väärtusliku põllumaa alade määratlejateks on vallavalitsuse spetsialistid ja konsultandid. Enamus KOV-e lähtub väärtusliku põllumaa määratlemisel haritava maa viljakuse hindepunktist ehk boniteedist. Küsitletud valdades muutuvad põllumaad väärtuslikuks alates 30 hindepunktist ja sellest suurema väärtuse puhul. Uurimus näitas, et peaaegu kõik küsitletud KOV-id on arvamusel, et väärtuslikke põllumaid on vaja Eestis säilitada. Käesoleva uurimistöö lõpptulemusena selgus, et Tartu maakonna konkreetses uuritavas vallas toimub väärtusliku põllumaa määratlemine üldplaneeringu alusel ning väärtusliku põllumaa määratlemiskriteeriumid ja -põhimõtted sõltuvad valla kohalikust olukorrast ja eesmärkidest.The need for food and agricultural production grows along with the ever increasing human population. At the same time there is a decrease of existing arable land resources which is a result of different activities. Therefore it is necessary to pay more attention to designating and preservation of valuable arable land. In Estonia there is no universal approach to valuable arable land or the principles for designating it, as the topic of valuable arable land has not been studied comprehensively. The objective of this Master’s thesis was to establish the principles for designating valuable arable land at the level of local governments, based on the example of Tartu County. For achieving this objective, the author formulated research tasks for determining the approaches of the local governments of Tartu County as well as the underlying criteria and principles. The research data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. The questionnaire was based on the different level plan studied beforehand and on information received from the interviews. The analysis of the data indicated that while designating the valuable arable land, local governments consider the local needs of the rural municipality, expressed foremost in the wish to preserve fruitful land and agricultural activities and in the prevention of building on arable land. The valuable arable land is usually designated in the initiative of the local government, and the persons who designated it in the general plan were local government specialists and consultants. While designating the valuable arable land, majority of the local governments rely on the fertility and quality points given to the land. In the rural municipalities surveyed, the arable land with more than 30 points was designated valuable. The study showed that almost all local governments that were surveyed considered that valuable arable land in Estonia should be preserved
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