35 research outputs found

    Фотодинамическая терапия в хирургическом лечении больных меланомой кожи

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    In experimental and clinical research carried out studying of influence of neoadjyuvant photodynamic therapy on T- and B-cellular immune answer in surgical treatment of patients of a melanoma of skin of the I–III stage. PDT was executed to 25 patients two days prior to surgical removal of primary tumor from July, 2012 to January, 2013. As a result of the conducted research it was revealed that: the increase in concentration fotoditaziny doesn‘t lead to increase in quantity of tumoral cages at stages early apoptosis; lengthening of time of an exposition leads to increase in a share of late forms apoptosis, and FDT use with fotoditaziny in a dose of 50,0 mg with the subsequent radiation (662 nanometers, 400 J) in 2 days prior to surgical intervention promotes T- and B-cellular link of immune system.В экспериментально-клиническом исследовании изучено влияние неоадъювантной фотодинамической терапии на показатели Т- и В-клеточного иммунного ответа в хирургическом лечении больных меланомой кожи I–III стадии. ФДТ была выполнена 25 пациентам за 2 сут до хирургического удаления первичной опухоли с июля 2012 г. по январь 2013 г. Выявлено, что увеличение концентрации фотодитазина не приводит к увеличению количества опухолевых клеток на стадии раннего апоптоза; удлинение времени экспозиции приводит к увеличению доли поздних форм апоптоза, а использование ФДТ с фотодитазином в дозе 50,0 мг с последующим облучением (662 нм, 400 Дж) за 2 дня до хирургического вмешательства способствует активации Т- и В-клеточного звена иммунной систем

    Musical Language as a Non-sign Form of Thinking

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    Дается критический анализ музыкального искусства как области демонстрации языка, представляющего собой знаковую систему, согласно традиционному взгляду, элиминирующего музыкальную область, которая сама по себе не содержит знаков, а также значений, поскольку не имеет условий для взаимодействия означаемого и означающего, что последовательно рассматривается и аргументируется сравнением особенностей и специфики языковой и музыкальной сфер.The article offers a critical analysis of the art of music as a language demonstration sphere, language being a sign system, traditionally eliminating the sphere of music, as not connecting signs or meanings resulting from the absence of the signified-signifier interaction; the author describes and argues it with reference to the language and music spheres peculiarities comparison

    (R)- and (S)-methadone and buprenorphine concentration ratios in maternal and umbilical cord plasma following chronic maintenance dosing in pregnancy

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    AimsThe aim of this study was to compare the transfer of buprenorphine and methadone between maternal and cord blood in women under chronic dosing conditions and to determine if differences exist in the transfer of the two methadone enantiomers.MethodsMaternal and cord blood samples were collected at delivery from women maintained on methadone (35, 25-140 mg day⁻¹) (median; range) or buprenorphine (6.00, 2-20 mg day⁻¹) during pregnancy. Plasma concentration ratios are presented as an indicator of foetal exposure relative to the mother.ResultsMethadone was quantified in all samples, with cord : maternal plasma methadone concentration ratios (n= 15 mother-infant pairs) being significantly higher (P ConclusionsThe transfer of the individual methadone enantiomers to the foetal circulation is stereoselective. Infants born to buprenorphine maintained women are not exposed to a greater proportion of the maternal dose compared with methadone and may be exposed to relatively less of the maternal dose compared with infants born to women maintained on methadone during pregnancy.Andrea L. Gordon, Olga V. Lopatko, Andrew A. Somogyi, David J. R. Foster & Jason M. Whit

    Photodynamic therapy in surgical treatment of patients by a skin melanom

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    In experimental and clinical research carried out studying of influence of neoadjyuvant photodynamic therapy on T- and B-cellular immune answer in surgical treatment of patients of a melanoma of skin of the I–III stage. PDT was executed to 25 patients two days prior to surgical removal of primary tumor from July, 2012 to January, 2013. As a result of the conducted research it was revealed that: the increase in concentration fotoditaziny doesn‘t lead to increase in quantity of tumoral cages at stages early apoptosis; lengthening of time of an exposition leads to increase in a share of late forms apoptosis, and FDT use with fotoditaziny in a dose of 50,0 mg with the subsequent radiation (662 nanometers, 400 J) in 2 days prior to surgical intervention promotes T- and B-cellular link of immune system