657 research outputs found

    Innovation processes as a method to facilitate deep-learning?

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    Helminth parasites in pigs: New challenges in pig production and current research highlights

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    Helminths in pigs have generally received little attention from veterinary parasitologists, despite Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, and Oesophagostomum sp. being common worldwide. The present paper presents challenges and current research highlights connected with these parasites. In Danish swine herds, new indoor production systems may favour helminth transmission and growing knowledge on pasture survival and infectivity of A. suum and T. suis eggs indicates that they may constitute a serious threat to outdoor pig production. Furthermore, it is now evident that A. suum is zoonotic and the same may be true for T. suis. With these ‘new’ challenges and the economic impact of the infections, further research is warranted. Better understanding of host–parasite relationships and A. suum and T. suis egg ecology may also improve the understanding and control of human A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infections. The population dynamics of the three parasites are well documented and may be used to study phenomena, such as predisposition and worm aggregation. Furthermore, better methods to recover larvae have provided tools for quantifying parasite transmission. Thus, an on-going study using helminth naĂŻve tracer pigs has surprisingly demonstrated that soil infectivity with A. suum and T. suis increases during the first 2–3 years after pasture contamination. Though all three helminth species stimulate the Th2 arm of the immune system, Oesophagostomum seems weakly immunogenic, perhaps via specific modulation of the host immune system. A. suum and T. suis potently modulate the host immune response, up-regulating Th2 and down-regulating Th1. As a consequence, A. suum may compromise the efficacy of certain bacterial vaccines, whereas T. suis, which establish only short-term in humans, is a favourite candidate for down-regulating autoimmune Th1-related diseases in man. Some basic research findings have offered new possibilities for future sustainable control measures. For example, the heredity of host resistance to A. suum and T. suis is so high that breeding for resistant pigs may be a possibility. Experimental studies have demonstrated that fermentable dietary carbohydrates have an antagonistic effect on Oesophagostomum and to a lesser extent on T. suis and A. suum, whereas egg-destroying microfungi may be used to inactivate the hard-shelled A. suum and T. suis eggs in the environment. Helminth control in Denmark has previously relied solely on anthelmintic treatment in herds with low helminth transmission. When indoor transmission rates increase, or in outdoor herds with high pasture contamination levels, medication may advantageously be combined with sustainable control measures, such as selected pig genomes, bioactive forages, and egg-destroying microfungi. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A phosphorylcholine-containing glycolipid-like antigen present on the surface of infective stage larvae of Ascaris spp. is a major antibody target in infected pigs and humans

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    BACKGROUND: The pig parasite Ascaris suum plays and important role in veterinary medicine and represents a suitable model for A. lumbricoides, which infects over 800 million people. In pigs, continued exposure to Ascaris induces immunity at the level of the gut, protecting the host against migrating larvae. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize parasite antigens targeted by this local immune response that may be crucial for parasite invasion and establishment and to evaluate their protective and diagnostic potential. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Pigs were immunized by trickle infection for 30 weeks, challenged with 2,000 eggs at week 32 and euthanized two weeks after challenge. At necropsy, there was a 100% reduction in worms recovered from the intestine and a 97.2% reduction in liver white spots in comparison with challenged non-immune control animals. Antibodies purified from the intestinal mucus or from the supernatant of cultured antibody secreting cells from mesenteric lymph nodes of immune pigs were used to probe L3 extracts to identify antibody targets. This resulted in the recognition of a 12kDa antigen (As12) that is actively shed from infective Ascaris L3. As12 was characterized as a phosphorylcholine-containing glycolipid-like antigen that is highly resistant to different enzymatic and chemical treatments. Vaccinating pigs with an As12 fraction did not induce protective immunity to challenge infection. However, serological analysis using sera or plasma from experimentally infected pigs or naturally infected humans demonstrated that the As12 ELISA was able to detect long-term exposure to Ascaris with a high diagnostic sensitivity (98.4% and 92%, respectively) and specificity (95.5% and 90.0%) in pigs and humans, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings show the presence of a highly stage specific, glycolipid-like component (As12) that is actively secreted by infectious Ascaris larvae and which acts as a major antibody target in infected humans and pigs

    Inventering av Gislavedsleden

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    Över hela vĂ€stvĂ€rlden blir hĂ€lsoproblem som hĂ€nger ihop med övervikt och för lite rörelse allt vanligare, dĂ€rför har mĂ„nga lĂ€nder börjat med att försöka fĂ„ befolkningen att röra sig mer. Vandring kan vara en lösning pĂ„ detta problem och dĂ€rför har man i Jönköpings lĂ€n börjat se över sitt vandringsledssystem. Gislaveds kommun, i Jönköpings lĂ€n, har uppmĂ€rksammat detta problem och inlett ett arbete med att hitta lösningar för en modernisering och restaurering av Gislavedsleden. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att utföra en observationsstudie och analys av Gislavedsleden och framlĂ€gga Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslag dĂ€r de behövs. Med hjĂ€lp av Rainer BrĂ€mers empiriska undersökningar om vandring och vandringsleder, Patrik Grahns parkkaraktĂ€rer och Kevin Lynch analysmetod studeras ledens upplevelsevĂ€rden. Analysen resulterar i förĂ€ndringsförslag som kan förbĂ€ttra ledens upplevelsevĂ€rden. I uppsatsen uppmĂ€rksammas Ă€ven att leden inte stödjer rundvandring eller kortare etapper pĂ„ grund av dĂ„lig tillgĂ€nglighet, ett problem som leden delar med mĂ„nga andra vandringsleder i Jönköpings lĂ€n. Även ledens större kontext tas i beaktande sĂ„ som hur det gĂ„r att ta sig till och frĂ„n leden och om den har kapacitet att anvĂ€ndas av en större brukargrupp eller pĂ„ nya sĂ€tt. Uppsatsens slutsats visar att ett gemensamt regelverk och en gemensam standard skulle underlĂ€tta för att utveckla och förbĂ€ttra gamla leder eller anvĂ€ndas som riktlinjer för skapandet av nya leder. Med en gemensam standard kan vandringsleder lĂ€nkas samman och vandringen blir en bĂ€ttre upplevelse i sin helhet. Den anvĂ€nda analysmetoden och de förslag för Ă„tgĂ€rder som presenteras för Gislavedsleden, kan anvĂ€ndas för vidare arbete eller forskning kring utvecklandet av en nationell standard för svenska vandringsleder

    A molecular mechanism directly linking E-cadherin adhesion to initiation of epithelial cell surface polarity

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    Mechanisms involved in maintaining plasma membrane domains in fully polarized epithelial cells are known, but when and how directed protein sorting and trafficking occur to initiate cell surface polarity are not. We tested whether establishment of the basolateral membrane domain and E-cadherin–mediated epithelial cell–cell adhesion are mechanistically linked. We show that the basolateral membrane aquaporin (AQP)-3, but not the equivalent apical membrane AQP5, is delivered in post-Golgi structures directly to forming cell–cell contacts where it co-accumulates precisely with E-cadherin. Functional disruption of individual components of a putative lateral targeting patch (e.g., microtubules, the exocyst, and soluble N-ethylmaleimide–sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) did not inhibit cell–cell adhesion or colocalization of the other components with E-cadherin, but each blocked AQP3 delivery to forming cell–cell contacts. Thus, components of the lateral targeting patch localize independently of each other to cell–cell contacts but collectively function as a holocomplex to specify basolateral vesicle delivery to nascent cell–cell contacts and immediately initiate cell surface polarity

    Molecular Epidemiology of Ascariasis: A Global Perspective on the Transmission Dynamics of Ascaris in People and Pigs

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    Background The roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides infects 0.8 billion people worldwide, and Ascaris suum infects innumerable pigs across the globe. The extent of natural cross-transmission of Ascaris between pig and human hosts in different geographical settings is unknown, warranting investigation. Methods Adult Ascaris organisms were obtained from humans and pigs in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Barcodes were assigned to 536 parasites on the basis of sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene. Genotyping of 410 worms was also conducted using a panel of microsatellite markers. Phylogenetic, population genetic, and Bayesian assignment methods were used for analysis. Results There was marked genetic segregation between worms originating from human hosts and those originating from pig hosts. However, human Ascaris infections in Europe were of pig origin, and there was evidence of cross-transmission between humans and pigs in Africa. Significant genetic differentiation exists between parasite populations from different countries, villages, and hosts. Conclusions In conducting an analysis of variation within Ascaris populations from pig and human hosts across the globe, we demonstrate that cross-transmission takes place in developing and developed countries, contingent upon epidemiological potential and local phylogeography. Our results provide novel insights into the transmission dynamics and speciation of Ascaris worms from humans and pigs that are of importance for control program

    En utmaning för interkommunal och multifunktionell landskapsplanering

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    En utmaning för interkommunal och multifunktionell landskapsplanering: Ett vattendrag i det SkÄnska landskapet En landskapsplanerare mÄste ta hÀnsyn till allt fler aspekter i sin planering. Planeringen ska bland annat baseras pÄ delaktighet av de inblandade, ta hÀnsyn till miljö, framtidens klimat och det allt större behovet av tÀtortsnÀra rekreationsomrÄden. Syftet med detta arbete Àr att, genom att titta pÄ SegeÄ se om ett vattendrag kan anvÀndas som rekreationsomrÄde som höjer de sociala vÀrdena för tÀtorterna. Allt fler flyttar till stÀderna vilket skapar behov av att bygga fler bostÀder samtidigt som de nationella miljömÄlen stÀller krav pÄ myllrande vÄtmarker, levande sjöar och vattendrag, god bebyggd miljö, ett rikt odlingslandskap och mycket mer. StÀderna förtÀtas medan behovet av rekreationsytor blir allt mera pÄtagligt. Hoppet Àr att vattendrag kan blir lÀnken mellan stad och land, stadsnÀra rekreationsomrÄden, men Àven lösningen till en del av översvÀmningsproblematiken som följer pÄ framtidens klimatförÀndringar. Ett stort projekt som ett vattendrag innefattar mÄnga inblandade kommuner, markÀgare och andra intressenter, som kan leda till konflikt och fördröjning i planering och utförande, men det kan ocksÄ vara en styrka dÄ man delar pÄ kostnaderna. Ett vattendrag har mÄnga av de aspekter som anses vara bra för den mentala hÀlsan samtidigt som den ocksÄ ger möjligheter till motion. Samtidigt verkar det som om en del klimatanpassningsÄtgÀrder frÀmjar den biologiska mÄngfalden, samtidigt som de jÀmnar ut flöden och förskönar vattendragets utseende. Olika styrdokument frÄn kommunerna kan försvÄra kommunikationen men samtidigt Àr visionen den samma vilket kan göra ett sÄdant projekt mera genomförbart. Omsorgsfull planering och stor transparens Àr förutsÀttningen för genomförandet av ett sÄdant projekt som kan gagna mÄnga. Stora infrastrukturella och administrativa grÀnser kan bilda barriÀrer som man förhoppningsvis kan övervinna genom tvÀrvetenskapligt och interkommunalt samarbete. Att genomföra ett projekt av denna storlek Àr enklare om man delar upp det i olika etapper. För att fÄ mÄnga olika infallsvinklar till problematiken ingick det en litteraturstudie, studier av kartmaterialet av omrÄdet, en fysisk inventering av större delen av Än, kontakt med olika kommuner och Region SkÄne samt studier av tvÄ referensobjekt. För analysen och presentationen anvÀndes GIS.A challenge to intermunicipal and multifunctional landscape planning: A river in the Scanian landscape A landscape planner has to think of many aspects when planning. Planning has to be based on public participation, show consideration to the environment, future climate change and the ever bigger need of having recreation areas near cities. The purpose of this work is to look at the river SegeÄ, to see if riparian landscape can add to the social values of urban recreation areas. More and more people are moving to the cities which creates the need for building more housing areas at the same time as national policy craves environmental quality objectives such as thriving wetlands, flourishing lakes and streams, a good urban environment and a varied agricultural landscape. Urban densification makes the need for recreation areas more apparent. There is hope that rivers can be the links which connect the cities with the country side, through recreation areas, that also serve as flooding planes for flooding which may be caused by predicted future climate change. A big project such as this contains many municipalities, land owners and other stakeholders who can cause conflicts and slow down planning procedures and the realizations of the plans, but it can also be an advantage when it comes to sharing the costs. Riparian landscape has many of the aspects that are thought to have positive influence on our mental health at the same time as it can be used for exercise. It seems that some of the climatic adaptions considered in this paper are both beneficial for the bio diversity, create a more beautiful river site and at the same time can balance the water flow. The municipalities use different documents as policy instruments for local planning which can complicate communication but their vision for the river seems to be the same which is positive and makes the project possible. Careful planning and transparency are a necessity for the realization of such a project that can be beneficial for many. The implementation of a project this size will be simpler if it is broken up into different stages. To be able to gain as much insight as possible on the subject the study consisted of a wide collection of literature, a study of maps, an onsite visit of almost the entire river area, contact with different municipalities and the Scanian Regional Council and the study of two reference objects. GIS was used for some of the analysis and the presentation of the material

    Helminth parasites in pigs: challenges and current research highlights

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    Helminths in pigs have generally received little attention from veterinary parasitologists, despite Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, and Oesophagostomum sp. being common worldwide. The present paper presents challenges and current research highlights connected with these parasites. In Danish swine herds, new indoor production systems may favour helminth transmission and growing knowledge on pasture survival and infectivity of A. suum and T. suis eggs indicates that they may constitute a serious threat to outdoor pig production. Furthermore, it is now evident that A. suum is zoonotic and the same may be true for T. suis. With these ‘new’ challenges and the economic impact of the infections, further research is warranted. Better understanding of host-parasite relationships and A. suum and T. suis egg ecology may also improve the understanding and control of human A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infections. The population dynamics of the three parasites are well documented and may be used to study phenomena, such as predisposition and worm aggregation. Furthermore, better methods to recover larvae have provided tools for quantifying parasite transmission. Thus, an on-going study using helminth naïve tracer pigs has surprisingly demonstrated that soil infectivity with A. suum and T. suis increases during the first 2-3 years after pasture contamination. Though all three helminth species stimulate the Th2 arm of the immune system, Oesophagostomum seems weakly immunogenic, perhaps via specific modulation of the host immune system. Ascaris suum and T. suis potently modulate the host immune response, up-regulating Th2 and down-regulating Th1. As a consequence, A. suum may compromise the efficacy of certain bacterial vaccines, whereas T. suis, which establish only short-term in humans, is a favourite candidate for down-regulating autoimmune Th1-related diseases in man. Some basic research findings have offered new possibilities for future sustainable control measures. For example, the heredity of host resistance to A. suum is so high that breeding for resistant pigs may be a possibility. Experimental studies have demonstrated that fermentable dietary carbohydrates have an antagonistic effect on Oesophagostomum and to a lesser extent on T. suis and A. suum, whereas egg-destroying microfungi may be used to inactivate the hard-shelled A. suum and T. suis eggs in the environment. Helminth control in Denmark has previously relied solely on anthelmintic treatment in herds with low helminth transmission. When indoor transmission rates increase, or in outdoor herds with high pasture contamination levels, medication may advantageously be combined with sustainable control measures, such as selected pig genomes, bioactive forages, and egg-destroying microfungi
