31 research outputs found

    An outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium DT170 associated with kebab meat and yoghurt relish

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    During July 1995, an outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium definitive type (DT) 170, an unusual strain, occurred in South Wales. A case-control study found that illness was associated with eating kebabs (odds ratio undefined, P=0·002), doner kebabs (odds ratio 7·9, 95% confidence interval 1·5–20·5, P=0·02) and kebabs with yoghurt based relish (odds ratio undefined, P=0·009) but not with eating kebabs with mayonnaise-based relish (odds ratio 2·4, 95% confidence interval 0·4–13·9, P=0·53). Environmental investigations discovered a complex web of producers and wholesale suppliers. Kebab meat and yoghurt had been supplied to the two main implicated outlets by a single wholesaler. Samples of raw minced lamb and several environmental swabs taken at the wholesaler were positive for S. typhimurium DT170. Blood- stained, unsealed yoghurt pots were observed to be stored under a rack of raw lamb. Investigators of food poisoning outbreaks linked to takeaway food should consider cross- contaminated relishes and dressings as well as undercooked meat as potential vehicles of infection

    Education policy as an act of white supremacy: whiteness, critical race theory and education reform

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    The paper presents an empirical analysis of education policy in England that is informed by recent developments in US critical theory. In particular, I draw on ‘whiteness studies’ and the application of Critical Race Theory (CRT). These perspectives offer a new and radical way of conceptualising the role of racism in education. Although the US literature has paid little or no regard to issues outside North America, I argue that a similar understanding of racism (as a multifaceted, deeply embedded, often taken-for-granted aspect of power relations) lies at the heart of recent attempts to understand institutional racism in the UK. Having set out the conceptual terrain in the first half of the paper, I then apply this approach to recent changes in the English education system to reveal the central role accorded the defence (and extension) of race inequity. Finally, the paper touches on the question of racism and intentionality: although race inequity may not be a planned and deliberate goal of education policy neither is it accidental. The patterning of racial advantage and inequity is structured in domination and its continuation represents a form of tacit intentionality on the part of white powerholders and policy makers. It is in this sense that education policy is an act of white supremacy. Following others in the CRT tradition, therefore, the paper’s analysis concludes that the most dangerous form of ‘white supremacy’ is not the obvious and extreme fascistic posturing of small neonazi groups, but rather the taken-for-granted routine privileging of white interests that goes unremarked in the political mainstream

    Metoder för att minska utslÀpp av dÄlig lukt frÄn avfallsbrÀnsle

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    Swedish power plants have in general an overcapacity which means that they must import waste from abroad. The imported fuel consists of several types of waste, but the majority originates from municipal and commercial waste. EFO is one of the leading fuel supplying and transport companies in Sweden. The company is owned by eight power plants located all around Sweden. The waste is purchased from other countries and then shipped to Sweden. During the unloading of the ship, when the cargo hatches opens, the malodourous gases will escape and be released in to the air. These malodours can travel quite far and are extremely unpleasant to people who live close by. The aim of this thesis was to suggest ways on how to prevent or reduce the emission of malodours during unloading of bales containing municipal waste. The aim of the project was to determine the causes of malodours, to identify the most common odorants in municipal waste, what properties they have, how they can be affected and how to prevent the formation of them. The problem was tackled by theoretical and practical studies. The theoretical study was a literature study and the practical study was observation at MĂ€larenergi combined heat and power plant. The results are presented as a number of suggestions for how to prevent or reduce the emission of malodours during unloading of bales containing municipal waste. These suggestions were divide in to the three categories Storage, Unloading and At Port. The suggestions varied from using better sorted waste to researching the possibility to use a portable tent covering the cargo ship during unloading. It was recommended that EFO should use both short- and long-term plans and also conduct further research on other ways to reduce emission of malodours.The suggestions were not tested so it cannot with certainty be determined if the suggestions will reduce or prevent emission of malodour. No laboratory tests were done on the waste. Therefore, the contents and concentrations could not be confirmed. However, it is almost certain that even if there were a slight difference it would not lead to a change of the current treatment process of the MSW. Obviously, there should have been multiple observations carried out at MĂ€larenergi`s power plant on various occasions and at different weather conditions. Several observations should also have been done on EFOÂŽs other power plants to confirm that the core of the malodour emission problem is the same for all power plants. Basing suggestions on results taken from one instance might not give the correct answer to the problem. Common for malodours found in MSW is that they are formed as a product of degrading MSW. Reducing or stopping the degradation process, will prevent the formation of these compounds. This can be done either by lowering the temperature of the waste bales, altering the pH, decreasing the water content and increasing the level of Oxygen.De svenska kraft- och vĂ€rmeverken Ă€r sĂ„ effektiva att det svenska brĂ€nslet inte rĂ€cker till utan man mĂ„ste importera frĂ„n andra lĂ€nder. BrĂ€nslet bestĂ„r till stor del av hushĂ„llsavfall och kommersiellt avfall. EFO Ă€r ett energianskaffnings- och transportföretag som delĂ€gs av Ă„tta svenska el- och vĂ€rmeleverantörer. De förser sina Ă€gare med brĂ€nsle till deras kraft- och vĂ€rmeverk runt om i landet. Majoriteten av det inköpta brĂ€nslet kommer frĂ„n utlandet och fraktas till Sverige med fartyg. Problemet för boende i nĂ€romrĂ„det Ă€r att avfallet avger dĂ„lig lukt nĂ€r det lastas av frĂ„n fartyg till hamn. Syftet med den hĂ€r rapporten var att undersöka hur man kan förhindra eller minska utslĂ€pp av dĂ„lig lukt vid avlastning frĂ„n fartyg till hamn samt att ge förslag pĂ„ metoder som kan minska luktproblematiken. Övriga mĂ„l var att faststĂ€lla vilka de mest förekommande luktĂ€mnena Ă€r, orsaken till att de bildas, vilka egenskaper de har och hur man kan förhindra att de bildas. Arbete bestĂ„r av en litteraturstudie tillsammans med observation gjord pĂ„ MĂ€larenergis kraftvĂ€rmeverk. Resultaten presenterades i form av ett antal förslag pĂ„ sĂ€tt att minska utslĂ€pp av dĂ„lig lukt vid avlastning. Dessa förslag indelades i de tre omrĂ„dena Lagring, Avlastning och Hamn. Förslagen var breda och strĂ€ckte sig frĂ„n anvĂ€ndning av bĂ€ttre sorterat avfall till att utreda om det finns möjligheter till anvĂ€ndning av ett portabelt tĂ€lt kring fartyget under avlastning. Utöver de presenterade förslagen för minskning av luktutslĂ€pp gavs ocksĂ„ rekommendationen att EFO bör anvĂ€nda sig av bĂ„de kortsiktiga och lĂ„ngsiktiga planer samt forska pĂ„ ytterligare sĂ€tt för att minska utslĂ€pp av dĂ„lig lukt. Förslagen har inte prövats och det kan dĂ€rför inte faststĂ€llas om de reducerar och förhindrar utslĂ€pp av dĂ„lig lukt. Det gjordes heller inte nĂ„gra laboratoriska analyser pĂ„ avfallets innehĂ„ll dĂ€rför kan det inte bestĂ€mmas om avfallet innehĂ„ller samma Ă€mnen och koncentrationer. Sannolikt skiljer sig inte vĂ€rdena sĂ„ pass mycket att det skulle krĂ€va andra typer av luktreducerande metoder. Fler observationer borde ha gjorts bĂ„de pĂ„ MĂ€larenergis anlĂ€ggning och pĂ„ de andra delĂ€garnas anlĂ€ggningar. Observationerna skulle dĂ„ ocksĂ„ utförts vid olika tidpunkter samt vid olika vĂ€derlek. Det Ă€r möjligt att resultatet skulle vara annorlunda om det funnits data frĂ„n fler observationer. Gemensamt för Ă€mnen som avger dĂ„lig lukt Ă€r att de uppkommer som en produkt av nedbrutet avfall. Genom att bromsa eller stoppa nedbrytningsprocessen kommer uppkomsten av dessa luktĂ€mnen förhindras. Detta kan man göra genom att förĂ€ndra pH, sĂ€nka temperaturen, minska fukthalten och öka syrenivĂ„n

    Metoder för att minska utslÀpp av dÄlig lukt frÄn avfallsbrÀnsle

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    Swedish power plants have in general an overcapacity which means that they must import waste from abroad. The imported fuel consists of several types of waste, but the majority originates from municipal and commercial waste. EFO is one of the leading fuel supplying and transport companies in Sweden. The company is owned by eight power plants located all around Sweden. The waste is purchased from other countries and then shipped to Sweden. During the unloading of the ship, when the cargo hatches opens, the malodourous gases will escape and be released in to the air. These malodours can travel quite far and are extremely unpleasant to people who live close by. The aim of this thesis was to suggest ways on how to prevent or reduce the emission of malodours during unloading of bales containing municipal waste. The aim of the project was to determine the causes of malodours, to identify the most common odorants in municipal waste, what properties they have, how they can be affected and how to prevent the formation of them. The problem was tackled by theoretical and practical studies. The theoretical study was a literature study and the practical study was observation at MĂ€larenergi combined heat and power plant. The results are presented as a number of suggestions for how to prevent or reduce the emission of malodours during unloading of bales containing municipal waste. These suggestions were divide in to the three categories Storage, Unloading and At Port. The suggestions varied from using better sorted waste to researching the possibility to use a portable tent covering the cargo ship during unloading. It was recommended that EFO should use both short- and long-term plans and also conduct further research on other ways to reduce emission of malodours.The suggestions were not tested so it cannot with certainty be determined if the suggestions will reduce or prevent emission of malodour. No laboratory tests were done on the waste. Therefore, the contents and concentrations could not be confirmed. However, it is almost certain that even if there were a slight difference it would not lead to a change of the current treatment process of the MSW. Obviously, there should have been multiple observations carried out at MĂ€larenergi`s power plant on various occasions and at different weather conditions. Several observations should also have been done on EFOÂŽs other power plants to confirm that the core of the malodour emission problem is the same for all power plants. Basing suggestions on results taken from one instance might not give the correct answer to the problem. Common for malodours found in MSW is that they are formed as a product of degrading MSW. Reducing or stopping the degradation process, will prevent the formation of these compounds. This can be done either by lowering the temperature of the waste bales, altering the pH, decreasing the water content and increasing the level of Oxygen.De svenska kraft- och vĂ€rmeverken Ă€r sĂ„ effektiva att det svenska brĂ€nslet inte rĂ€cker till utan man mĂ„ste importera frĂ„n andra lĂ€nder. BrĂ€nslet bestĂ„r till stor del av hushĂ„llsavfall och kommersiellt avfall. EFO Ă€r ett energianskaffnings- och transportföretag som delĂ€gs av Ă„tta svenska el- och vĂ€rmeleverantörer. De förser sina Ă€gare med brĂ€nsle till deras kraft- och vĂ€rmeverk runt om i landet. Majoriteten av det inköpta brĂ€nslet kommer frĂ„n utlandet och fraktas till Sverige med fartyg. Problemet för boende i nĂ€romrĂ„det Ă€r att avfallet avger dĂ„lig lukt nĂ€r det lastas av frĂ„n fartyg till hamn. Syftet med den hĂ€r rapporten var att undersöka hur man kan förhindra eller minska utslĂ€pp av dĂ„lig lukt vid avlastning frĂ„n fartyg till hamn samt att ge förslag pĂ„ metoder som kan minska luktproblematiken. Övriga mĂ„l var att faststĂ€lla vilka de mest förekommande luktĂ€mnena Ă€r, orsaken till att de bildas, vilka egenskaper de har och hur man kan förhindra att de bildas. Arbete bestĂ„r av en litteraturstudie tillsammans med observation gjord pĂ„ MĂ€larenergis kraftvĂ€rmeverk. Resultaten presenterades i form av ett antal förslag pĂ„ sĂ€tt att minska utslĂ€pp av dĂ„lig lukt vid avlastning. Dessa förslag indelades i de tre omrĂ„dena Lagring, Avlastning och Hamn. Förslagen var breda och strĂ€ckte sig frĂ„n anvĂ€ndning av bĂ€ttre sorterat avfall till att utreda om det finns möjligheter till anvĂ€ndning av ett portabelt tĂ€lt kring fartyget under avlastning. Utöver de presenterade förslagen för minskning av luktutslĂ€pp gavs ocksĂ„ rekommendationen att EFO bör anvĂ€nda sig av bĂ„de kortsiktiga och lĂ„ngsiktiga planer samt forska pĂ„ ytterligare sĂ€tt för att minska utslĂ€pp av dĂ„lig lukt. Förslagen har inte prövats och det kan dĂ€rför inte faststĂ€llas om de reducerar och förhindrar utslĂ€pp av dĂ„lig lukt. Det gjordes heller inte nĂ„gra laboratoriska analyser pĂ„ avfallets innehĂ„ll dĂ€rför kan det inte bestĂ€mmas om avfallet innehĂ„ller samma Ă€mnen och koncentrationer. Sannolikt skiljer sig inte vĂ€rdena sĂ„ pass mycket att det skulle krĂ€va andra typer av luktreducerande metoder. Fler observationer borde ha gjorts bĂ„de pĂ„ MĂ€larenergis anlĂ€ggning och pĂ„ de andra delĂ€garnas anlĂ€ggningar. Observationerna skulle dĂ„ ocksĂ„ utförts vid olika tidpunkter samt vid olika vĂ€derlek. Det Ă€r möjligt att resultatet skulle vara annorlunda om det funnits data frĂ„n fler observationer. Gemensamt för Ă€mnen som avger dĂ„lig lukt Ă€r att de uppkommer som en produkt av nedbrutet avfall. Genom att bromsa eller stoppa nedbrytningsprocessen kommer uppkomsten av dessa luktĂ€mnen förhindras. Detta kan man göra genom att förĂ€ndra pH, sĂ€nka temperaturen, minska fukthalten och öka syrenivĂ„n

    Meningococcal disease and social deprivation: a small area geographical study in Gwent, UK.

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    Although meningococcal disease is known to be linked to characteristics of individuals associated with social deprivation, there is only limited evidence of a relation with area-based measures of deprivation. In a small area geographical study, we ascertained 295 confirmed or probable cases occurring between 1996 and 1999 in the socially diverse resident population of Gwent Health Authority, equating to an average annual rate of 13.2 per 100,000. Incidence rates of meningococcal disease increased from 8.1 per 100,000 in the least deprived fifth of enumeration districts to 19.8 per 100,000 in the most deprived fifth, a relative risk of 2.4 (95% CI 1.7-3.6). In Poisson regression, the percentage change in the incidence rate arising from a unit change in the enumeration district Townsend score, was 9.4% (95% CI 6.2-12.6%). Strongest associations were found for the under 5 age group, serogroup B disease and with the overcrowding variable component of the Townsend index. Our study quantifies the strength of the relation between meningococcal disease and social deprivation at small area level and provides further evidence of the need for action to reduce health inequalities