99 research outputs found

    Use of text mining techniques for unsupervised organization of digital procedural acts

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    The rapid advances in technologies related to the capture and storage of data in digital format have allowed to organizations the accumulation of a volume of information extremely high, constituted a higher proportion of data in unstructured format, represented by texts. However, it is noted that the retrieval of useful information from these large repositories has been a very challenging activity. In this context, data mining is presented as a self-discovery process that acts on large databases and enables the knowledge extraction from raw text documents. Among the many sources of textual documents are electronic diaries of justice, which are intended to make public officially all the acts of the Judiciary. Despite the publication in digital form has provided improvements represented by the removal of imperfections related to divulgation at printed format, it is observed that the application of data mining methods could render more rapid analysis of its contents. In this sense, this article establishes a tool capable of automatically grouping and categorizing digital procedural acts, based on the evaluation of text mining techniques applied to groups determination activity. In addition, the strategy of defining the descriptors of the groups, that is usually conducted based on the most frequent words in the documents, was evaluated and remodeled in order to use, instead of words, the most regularly identified concepts in the texts

    Optimized Planning and Management of Domiciliary and Selective Solid Waste: Results of Application in Brazilian Cities (SisRot<sup>®</sup>Lix)

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    We show a new technology to manage solid waste services through optimization methods (on sectoring, routing costs, and resources). This technology is called optimized planning and integrated logistics management (OPILM). It is being applied to Brazilian municipalities as it attends to their major natural features. The technology is formed by a framework of computational systems that uses optimization methods from sector arc routing and scheduling, fleet and staff scheduling, using also mobile smartphone apps. We present some of the results of real cases evaluated for residential refuse collection and selective waste collection in two Brazilian cities (Petrópolis/RJ and Bom Jesus dos Perdões/SP). The plan implementations achieved 17.9% from actual fixed and variable cost savings for sectors (vehicles and workers) and routes (time and distances) for residential refuse collection in Petrópolis/RJ. For the selective waste collection, we detail how we made our project to Bom Jesus dos Perdões/SP. We also present the returns considering costs involved in the management of the operational level and amortized by the investment required to use and apply the proposed technology for Petrópolis/SP


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    This present work compares the can and the bulk milk transportation systems in the first run, taking into consideration the economical cost indexes, leveling point, optimization of routes and the forms of payment for the freight. The study was carried out at a milk receptor company in the western side of Minas Gerais and the optimization model was based on the Vehicles Path Vertices Problem ( PPV ). The SisGRAFO software was used. In the analysis operational deficiencies in the bulk milk transportation system were verified, as well as deficiencies in the remuneration of the carters and in the optimization of routes. The adoption of a system which rewards the carter per transported volume instead of traveled distance comes as a suggestion.milk transportation, can and bulk, optimization of routes.,


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    Este trabalho teve como finalidade o estudo da importância da implantação do manual de procedimento de Polícia Judiciária Militar da PMTO. A pesquisa pautou-se na abordagem qualitativa em referenciais teóricos e entrevista, bem como acesso a dados quantitativos de procedimentos instaurados pela PMTO nos últimos 05 (cinco) anos, 2012 a 2016, assim como a quantidade de Inquéritos devolvidos para novas diligências no período pesquisado. A pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e a entrevista demandaram a metodologia de trabalho científico, com enfoque na análise dos aspectos e conceitos gerais da Polícia Judiciária Militar, ressaltando a realidade do Manual na PMTO. Elencou-se os dados e as informações, os quais foram analisadas e discutidas as deficiências institucionais na atuação dos oficiais enquanto autoridades militares, no qual propõe-se a implantação do manual de procedimento de polícia judiciária militar como forma de correção, profissionalismo e excelência na investigação dos delitos militar enquanto autoridades de polícia judiciária militar. &nbsp; PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Autoridade; Manual; Polícia; Judiciária, Militar &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ABSTRACT The purpose of this work was to study the importance of the implementation of the manual of procedure of judicial police PMTO military. The research was on a qualitative approach in theoretical references and interview as well as quantitative data access procedures initiated by PMTO the last 05 (five) years, 2012 to 2016, as well as the amount of Surveys returned to new arrangements in the period researched. The bibliographical research, documentary and interview demanded the methodology of scientific work, focusing on the analysis of the aspects and general concepts of Military Judicial Police, emphasizing the reality of the Manual on PMTO. The presented data and information, which were reviewed and discussed the institutional deficiencies in the performance of the officers while military authorities, in which it is proposed the deployment of the military judicial police procedure as a form of correction, professionalism and excellence in research of military offenses while military judicial police authorities. &nbsp; KEYWORDS: Authority; Manual; Police; Judicial; Military &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; RESUMEN Este trabajo tuvo como finalidad el estudio de la importancia de la implantación del manual de procedimiento de Policía Judicial Militar de la PMTO. La investigación se basó en el abordaje cualitativo en referencias teóricas y entrevista, así como acceso a datos cuantitativos de procedimientos instaurados por la PMTO en los últimos 5 (cinco) años, 2012 a 2016, así como la cantidad de encuestas devueltos para nuevas diligencias en el período investigado . La investigación bibliográfica, documental y la entrevista demandaron la metodología de trabajo científico, con enfoque en el análisis de los aspectos y conceptos generales de la Policía Judicial Militar, resaltando la realidad del Manual en la PMTO. Se establecieron los datos y las informaciones, los cuales se analizaron y discutieron las deficiencias institucionales en la actuación de los oficiales como autoridades militares, en el que se propone la implantación del manual de procedimiento de policía judicial militar como forma de corrección, profesionalismo y excelencia investigación de los delitos militares como autoridades de policía judicial militar. &nbsp; PALABRAS CLAVE: Autoridad; manual; la policía; judicial; militar. &nbsp

    Models for Human Resource Allocation Profiles in Different It Projects

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    A gestão de projetos vem sendo aplicada nas mais diversas áreas em face da aceleração do ritmo de mudanças impostas pela globalização em qualquer ambiente organizacional. Em especial, a gestão de projetos vem sendo utilizada com muita frequência na área de tecnologia da informação. Em uma instituição que executa projetos de TI, periodicamente existem demandas de alocação de recursos humanos. Cabe à organização fazer a alocação dos profissionais nas atividades de forma a atender as necessidades do projeto. Este artigo tem como objetivo propor e avaliar modelos estruturados em programação matemática, objetivando otimizar o uso dos recursos humanos em projetos de TI.The project management has been applied in many areas in special Information Technology (IT) companies have increasingly using project management methodologies. Institutions that performs IT projects periodically have demands for human resources allocation. This task is normally done manually, which makes it expensive and sensitive to under allocations. It is needed allocate all of the resources in the most several project activities, always paying attention to the different affinities that the professionals have according to their profile. In this scenario, the aim of this study is to evaluate and develop structured mathematical programming models to optimize the allocation of human resources from different profiles into activities of IT projects. The research developed was of type applied and explanatory, regarding to the nature and the objectives; experimental, regarding to the procedure; and quantitative, regarding to the approach. The experiments were done using real data projects extracted from a software factory, which in general lines the results revealed a cost saving of 15% in labor hours and higher agility in adopting mathematical models to define the allocations. This results contribute to IT project be completed better plans in budget and schedule

    Geração de poses de faces utilizando Active Appearance Model

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    A virtualização da presença é cada vez mais importante nacomunicação entre pessoas e na indústria de entretenimento. Asvideochamadas já são uma realidade, bem como se encontram avatares em jogos de computador. Neste artigo, busca-se demonstrar o uso da técnica Active Appearance Model (AAM) para gerar poses de faces de pessoas. Os resultados permitem antever a aplicação da técnica em situações como a utilização da face de uma pessoa em jogos de computador, tornando a interatividade ainda maior

    The influence of the surgical approach concerning dislocation in total hip arthroplasty

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ocorrência de luxação nas artroplastias totais do quadril não cimentadas, comparando-se os acessos posterior e lateral direto. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo comparativo com 232 pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total do quadril não cimentada, por diagnóstico de osteoartrose primária e secundária, sendo 105 submetidos ao acesso posterior e 127 ao acesso lateral. O modelo protético utilizado foi único, assim como o protocolo de reabilitação e cuidados pós-operatórios. Foram verificados ocorrência de luxação, posicionamento acetabular e componentes utilizados. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu um caso isolado de luxação no grupo do acesso lateral direto (0,8%) contra 0% no grupo de pacientes submetidos ao acesso posterior, sem diferença significativa (p = 1). A luxação ocorreu em uma paciente de 47 anos de idade, que foi tratada com redução incruenta sem recidiva da luxação após três anos e um mês de seguimento. O tempo de seguimento dos dois grupos variou entre seis e 42 meses, com média de 23,7 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Os autores concluem que a prevalência de luxação nas artroplastias totais do quadril é similar nos dois acessos estudados e que medidas educativas, técnica cirúrgica adequada e utilização de próteses com offsets maiores podem diminuir o risco dessa complicação.OBJECTIVES: Our primary aim was to evaluate the occurrence of dislocation of non-cemented total hip arthroplasty, when using the posterior and the direct lateral approaches. METHODS: We performed a comparative retrospective study with 232 patients submitted to non-cemented total hip arthroplasty, due to the diagnosis of primary or secondary osteoarthritis. The posterior approach was used in 105 patients while direct lateral approach was used in 127 patients. There was only one prosthesis model and the same rehabilitation program and post-operative care was used for all patients. We checked the occurrence of dislocation, the acetabular positioning and also the size of the components. RESULTS: There was only one case of dislocation, treated with closed reduction successfully. This was a 47 year-old female, submitted to direct lateral approach. The mean follow-up time for both groups was 23.7 months, ranging from six to 42 months. Conclusion: The authors conclude that the prevalence of total hip arthroplasty dislocation is similar for both approaches, and educational measures besides the use of a higher femoral offset seem to reduce the risk of this complication

    Análise de aglomeração espacial de focos de febre aftosa no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil - 2005

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    In the southern region of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) epidemic started in September 2005. A total of 33 outbreaks were detected and 33,741 FMD-susceptible animals were slaughtered and destroyed. There were no reports of FMD cases in other species than bovines. Based on the data of this epidemic, it was carried out an analysis using the K-function and it was observed spatial clustering of outbreaks within a range of 25km. This observation may be related to the dynamics of foot-and-mouth disease spread and to the measures undertaken to control the disease dissemination. The control measures were effective once the disease did not spread to farms more than 47 km apart from the initial outbreaks.Uma epidemia de febre aftosa (FA), com casos apenas na espécie bovina, ocorreu no Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul, em setembro de 2005. Trinta e três focos foram detectados, e 33.741 animais suscetíveis à FA foram sacrificados e destruídos. Os dados dessa epidemia foram registrados, e uma análise utilizando a função K foi realizada. Observou-se uma aglomeração espacial de focos dentro de um raio de 25km. Essa observação pode estar relacionada à dinâmica de espalhamento da FA e a medidas tomadas para controlar a disseminação da doença, embora essas medidas de controle tenham sido cruciais para a contenção da epidemia, não permitindo que a doença se espalhasse para fazendas com distâncias superiores a 47km dos focos iniciais

    Analysis of the cattle trade network in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Caracterizamos a rede de trânsito de bovinos em Mato Grosso, Brasil – um estado responsável por uma quantidade significativa das exportações brasileiras de carne bovina. Nesta análise, o interesse foi na importância de abatedouros na rede de trânsito de bovinos, nas características do comércio para diferentes finalidades (especialmente para reprodução, engorda e abate), e sobre a importância dos principais comerciantes. Encontramos que a distância mediana de todos os movimentos foi de 79,0 km, com um intervalo interquartil entre 37,2 e 163,2 km, o que sugere um padrão de comércio de alcance relativamente curto; cerca de 20% dos estabelecimentos que compram mais animais foram responsáveis por 95% dos animais comprados e 20% dos estabelecimentos que vendem mais animais foram responsáveis por 86% dos animais vendidos, o que mostra a importância dos principais comerciantes de bovinos. Ajustando a distribuição de graus usando uma distribuição de lei de potência, obtivemos um parâmetro de escala de 2,59, indicando que a rede de movimentação de bovinos de Mato Grosso é menos densa do que outras redes de trânsito bovino observadas. As redes para engorda, reprodução e abate compreenderam 73%, 56% e 25% de todos os nós e 52%, 30% e 17% de todas as arestas, respectivamente; e os frigoríficos tiveram os mais altos graus de entrada e totais, seguidos por mercados e fazendas, desempenhando o papel de principais pontos de comércio de gado. Por conseguinte, abatedouros são potencialmente úteis como pontos de vigilância para detectar casos, e o controle de estabelecimentos importantes para o comércio pode otimizar o uso de recursos para o controle de doenças.We characterized the network of cattle movements in Mato Grosso, Brazil—a state responsible for a significant amount of Brazilian beef exports. In this analysis, we were particularly interested in the importance of slaughterhouses in the network of cattle movements, in the characteristics of the trade for different purposes (especially for reproduction, fattening, and slaughter), and about the importance of the main traders. We found that the median distance of all movements was 79.0 km, with an interquartile range between 37.2 and 163.2 km, which suggests a relatively short-range trade pattern; roughly 20% of the premises purchasing more animals were responsible for 95% of the animals purchased and 20% of the premises selling more animals were responsible for 86% of the animals sold, indicating the importance of the cattle trade hubs. Fitting the degree distribution using a power-law distribution, we obtained a scaling parameter of 2.59, indicating that the cattle movement network of Mato Grosso is less dense than other observed cattle movement networks. The networks for fattening, reproduction, and slaughtering only comprised 73%, 56%, and 25% of all nodes and 52%, 30%, and 17% of all edges, respectively; and slaughterhouses had the highest in-degrees and total degrees, followed by markets and farms, playing the role of main cattle trade hubs. Therefore, slaughterhouses are potentially useful as surveillance points to detect cases, and controlling important trader premises may optimize the use of resources for controlling diseases