1,138 research outputs found

    Study of pervaporation in continuous regimen through aqueous solvent mixtures

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022-2023, Tutors: Rodrigo Soto López, Juan Llorens LlacunaMembrane processes are advanced filtration processes that allow component separation using membrane mater ials . The technique funda mentally separate s a mixture of components physically , i.e. avoiding the need fo r additional chemicals to the feed stream to favour the separation Nowadays, the industrial use of membranes is increasing due to their low energy demand, high separation efficiency, and the ir ability to maintain efficiency while reducing the number of steps, among other benefits. Pervaporation ( is a membrane based process that uses a permselective membrane to separate liquid mixtures using pressure gradient as the driving force . It presents potential application in situations where other separa tion processes are unf easible (e.g. for separating mixtures of liquids with similar boiling points or azeotropic mixtures) mixtures). In ad dition, it can be eas ily scal ed up and integrated with ease with other unit operation , mak ing PV a versatile unit operation with realistic applicability in man y areas P V also plays a significant role in addressing the growing need to reduce the environmental impact of industrial activities, as it requires minimal energy consumption, and it does not generate waste products . Some important fields of application where p ervaporation stands up by its effective ness are separation of azeotropes, of substances with similar boiling points, of isomers, of heat sensitive liquid mixtures, of volatile organic comp ounds (VOCs), and of trace contaminants in industrial effluents. Other industrial applications include the separation of organic liquid mixtures, organic substance extraction from aqueous mixtures and solvent dehydration. This study focuses on evaluating the performance of PV in the separation of organic solvents , specifically acetone from aqueous solutions , operating in continuous mode. The effect of d ifferent operating conditions such as feed flow rate and acetone concentration will be assessed . In addition, the effectiveness of the same polysiloxane ( silicone membrane for separating other pure organic solvents , e.g. methanol, ethanol, 1 butanol, methyl tert butyl e ther (MTBE) MTBE), and a mixture with representative composition of the ABE (acetone, butanol and ethanol) fermentation process, has also been studied. The selectivity a d permeability of the membrane are found to depend on the molar fl ow, composition and chemical nature of the feed stream. Finally, a subjacent objective underneath this work is to provide data for implementing a laboratory practice of perva poration within the lab modules of the Chemical Engineering degree of the University of Barcelona

    Los predicadores reales y el Conde Duque de Olivares

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    Characterization of the Effects of Sex and Estrogen Receptor Signaling on Antigen-Specific T Cells for Immunotherapy

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    Adoptive cell transfer (ACT) immunotherapy using antigen (Ag)-specific T cells is partially effective treating several malignancies but numerous challenges remain in order to improve its therapeutic potential. The roles of host factors, such as sex hormone receptor signaling, that can affect the T cell anti-tumor function remain understudied. The work performed in this dissertation characterized the role of estrogen signaling on T cell function in vitro, and during ACT immunotherapy against hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in vivo. Estrogen signaling through ERa enhanced the expression and secretion of Type I effector cytokines including IFNg, TNFa, and Granzyme B in male and female Ag-specific T cells activated with their cognate Ag. Estrogen signaling through ERa enhanced the expression of the Type 2 cytokine IL-4 in male and female Ag-specific T cells. Estrogen signaling through ERb enhanced the polyfunctionality of male and female Ag-specific T cells activated with their cognate Ag. These results demonstrated for the first time that estrogen signaling through ERa and ERb can enhance the function of human Ag-specific T cells. Using an HCC mouse model treated with ACT immunotherapy, the effect of estrogen on the T cell anti-tumor immune response was measured. Estrogen presence resulted in reduced tumor burden and higher Ag-specific T cell tumor infiltration, survival, activation state, and cytokine expression. Removal of physiological estrogen reduced the survival and infiltration of CD4+ Ag-specific T cells. Lack of physiological estrogen during ACT also caused reduced cytokine production and polyfunctionality of CD4+ Ag-specific T cells. These results revealed for the first time that estrogen signaling can enhance the survival and function of CD4+ Ag-specific T cells in vivo which results in enhanced anti-tumor responses and reduced tumor burden. In summary, estrogen signaling enhances male and female Ag-specific T cell cytokine expression and secretion, and polyfunctionality which lead to enhanced tumor infiltration, survival, activation state, and function during ACT immunotherapy. This indicates that inducing estrogen signaling on Ag-specific T cells can enhance the efficacy and therapeutic outcome of ACT immunotherapy

    Digital-native news media : Reach in 46 countries, top brands and user profiles in Spain

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    This is a result of the Diginativemedia research project, grant PID2021-122534OB-C22, funded by IN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the ERDF, "A way of making Europe".Digital-pure news publications have become competitive players in many countries, populating audience rankings in the context of a high-choice media environment. With the aim of gaining insight into the performance of digital-native news brands around the world and into how their audiences are similar or different to those of media with traditional roots in Spain, we draw on survey data for 2021 and 2022, respectively. First, we examine what proportion of online adults use any of the most popular digital-pure news brands in 24 mostly European countries and in 22 markets in America, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region, and we highlight how the main digital-native brands rank among online news sources, based on their weekly audience reach. Then we compare the user profiles of the five most-used online-only news organizations in Spain, against the audiences of the top five legacy brands (N = 2028), looking at reader loyalty, gender, age, income and education levels, and political leaning. With this media-centric approach to audiences, we find that digital-native news media brands either lead (in 15 out of 46 countries) or occupy some of the top positions by weekly reach in most markets, with Nordic countries standing out as an exception. In Spain, audiences of the top digital-native brands check them slightly less frequently than the users of news sites with traditional roots. News sites in our study are slightly more popular among males, older people, and more affluent and formally educated users who can define their political stance. Nevertheless, the diversity of editorial approaches found among sites in an externally pluralistic news media market inevitably results in brands with user profiles that show exceptions to these trends.Les publicacions de notícies purament digitals han esdevingut actors competitius en molts països i ocupen llocs destacats en les classificacions d'audiència en el context d'un entorn mediàtic d'alta capacitat d'elecció. Amb l'objectiu d'obtenir informació sobre el rendiment de les marques de notícies digitals a tot el món i de saber si les seves audiències són similars o diferents a les dels mitjans amb arrels tradicionals a Espanya, ens basem en dades d'una enquesta de 2021 i 2022, respectivament. Primer, examinem quina proporció d'adults connectats a internet fa servir alguna de les marques de notícies purament digitals més populars en 24 països majoritàriament europeus i en 22 mercats d'Amèrica, Àfrica i la regió Àsia-Pacífic, i destaquem com es classifiquen les principals marques nadiues digitals en funció de l'audiència setmanal que aconsegueixin. Després comparem els perfils dels usuaris de les cinc organitzacions de notícies exclusivament digitals més utilitzades a Espanya, amb les audiències de les cinc principals marques tradicionals (N = 2028), i analitzem la lleialtat dels lectors, el gènere, l'edat, els nivells d'educació i ingressos, i la inclinació política. Amb aquest enfocament centrat en les audiències dels mitjans, trobem que les marques de mitjans de notícies nadius digitals són líders (en 15 de 46 països) o ocupen algunes de les primeres posicions per abast setmanal en la majoria dels mercats, amb els països nòrdics com a excepció. A Espanya, les audiències de les principals marques nadiues digitals les consulten amb una freqüència lleugerament menor que els usuaris de llocs de notícies amb arrels tradicionals. Els llocs de notícies en el nostre estudi són una mica més populars entre els homes, les persones grans i els usuaris més benestants i amb educació formal, capaços de definir la seva postura política. No obstant això, la diversitat d'enfocaments editorials que es troben entre els llocs, en un mercat de mitjans de notícies pluralista, inevitablement dona com a resultat marques amb perfils d'usuari que mostren excepcions a aquestes tendències.Las publicaciones de noticias puramente digitales se han convertido en actores competitivos en muchos países y ocupan puestos destacados en las clasificaciones de audiencia en el contexto de un entorno mediático de alta capacidad de elección. Con el objetivo de obtener información sobre el rendimiento de las marcas de noticias digitales en todo el mundo y de saber si sus audiencias son similares o diferentes a las de los medios con raíces tradicionales en España, nos basamos en datos de una encuesta de 2021 y 2022, respectivamente. Primero, examinamos qué proporción de adultos conectados a internet usa alguna de las marcas de noticias puramente digitales más populares en 24 países mayoritariamente europeos y en 22 mercados de América, África y la región Asia-Pacífico, y destacamos cómo se clasifican las principales marcas nativas digitales en función de la audiencia semanal que alcancen. Luego comparamos los perfiles de los usuarios de las cinco organizaciones de noticias exclusivamente digitales más utilizadas en España, con las audiencias de las cinco principales marcas tradicionales (N = 2028), y analizamos la lealtad de los lectores, el género, la edad, los niveles de educación e ingresos, y la inclinación política. Con este enfoque centrado en las audiencias de los medios, encontramos que las marcas de medios de noticias nativos digitales son líderes (en 15 de 46 países) u ocupan algunas de las primeras posiciones por alcance semanal en la mayoría de los mercados, con los países nórdicos como excepción. En España, las audiencias de las principales marcas nativas digitales las consultan con una frecuencia ligeramente menor que los usuarios de sitios de noticias con raíces tradicionales. Los sitios de noticias en nuestro estudio son un poco más populares entre los hombres, las personas mayores y los usuarios más pudientes y con educación formal, capaces de definir su postura política. Sin embargo, la diversidad de enfoques editoriales que se encuentran entre los sitios, en un mercado de medios de noticias pluralista, inevitablemente da como resultado marcas con perfiles de usuario que muestran excepciones a estas tendencias

    Riesgo de violencia institucional y comunitaria en delincuentes con trastorno mental

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    ResumenAltas puntuaciones en el Historical Clinical Risk Management (HCR-20) y el Psychopathy Checklist-Screening Version (PCL:SV) se asocian tradicionalmente con el riesgo de comportamiento violento en enfermos mentales. En este trabajo se estudia la relación entre ambos instrumentos y la conducta violenta fuera y dentro de un Hospital Psiquiátrico Penitenciario en una muestra de hombres con patología mental (n=29). Los resultados muestran que ambos instrumentos se asocian con la presencia de comportamiento violento dentro de la institución, mientras que se mantienen independientes de la delincuencia violenta cometida en el exterior.AbstractHigh scores on the Historical Clinical Risk Management (HCR-20) and the Psychopathy Checklist-Screening Version (PCL:SV) are traditionally associated to risk of violent behaviour in mentally disordered persons. The present work explores the relation between both instruments and violence inside and outside a forensic psychiatric hospital in a sample of mentally-disordered males (n=29). Results indicate that both instruments are associated with institutional violence, whereas they appear to be independent of community violence

    Le pouvoir de la grâce : le projet politique d'Hernando de Salazar, confesseur du comte-duc d'Olivares

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    International audienceProponemos un estudio del proyecto político que jesuita Fernando de Salazar, confesor del conde duque de Olivares, somete al valido de Felipe IV en 1625, buscando dar cuenta de su ambición reformadora sin que sea necesario enmarcarlo en el paradigma clásico del Estado moderno. El manuscrito estudiado, una síntesis de los proyectos que se discuten en aquel entonces en el entorno de Olivares, promueve un reforzamiento del carácter gracioso de la gracia real - mediatizada por el valido- dinamizando a la vez la negociación con los representantes autorizados de los distintos cuerpos del reino. Salazar comparte las críticas al uso del sistema polisinodial y pretende confiar el gobierno de la monarquía a juntas controladas por fieles del valido, capaces de poner en obra la reforma. En el nuevo paisaje institucional que diseña Salazar, el confesor del valido, así como el del rey, no tiene espacio asignado. Para nosotros, lejos de reducir el poder del confesor del valido aquí, Salazar se niega a imponerle límitesNous proposons une étude du projet politique soumis au comte-duc d'Olivares par son confesseur, le jésuite Hernando de Salazar, en 1625, qui donne la mesure de sa portée réformatrice sans pour autant le rattacher au paradigme classique de l'Etat moderne. Le manuscrit étudié, qui fait la synthèse des projets alors agités dans l'entourage d'Olivares, promeut un renforcement caractère gracieux de la grâce royale - médiatisée par le favori du roi - tout en relançant la négociation avec les représentants autorisés des différents corps du royaume. Salazar partage les critiques du système polysynodal et prétend confier le gouvernement à des juntes contrôlées par des fidèles du favori, susceptibles de mettre en œuvre cette réforme. Dans le nouveau paysage institutionnel qu'il dessine, le confesseur du favori, tout comme celui du roi, n'ont pas de place assignée. A notre sens, loin d'amoindrir ici le pouvoir du confesseur du favori, Salazar se refuse à lui imposer des limites

    Experience-dependent plasticity in early stations of sensory processing in mature brains: effects of environmental enrichment on dendrite measures in trigeminal nuclei.

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    Nervous systems respond with structural changes to environmental changes even in adulthood. In recent years, experience-dependent structural plasticity was shown not to be restricted to the cerebral cortex, as it also occurs at subcortical and even peripheral levels. We have previously shown that two populations of trigeminal nuclei neurons, trigeminothalamic barrelette neurons of the principal nucleus (Pr5), and intersubnuclear neurons in the caudal division of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (Sp5C) that project to Pr5 underwent morphometric and topological changes in their dendritic trees after a prolonged total or partial loss of afferent input from the vibrissae. Here we examined whether and what structural alterations could be elicited in the dendritic trees of the same cell populations in young adult rats after being exposed for 2 months to an enriched environment (EE), and how these changes evolved when animals were returned to standard housing for an additional 2 months. Neurons were retrogradely labeled with BDA delivered to, respectively, the ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus or Pr5. Fully labeled cells were digitally reconstructed with Neurolucida and analyzed with NeuroExplorer. EE gave rise to increases in dendritic length, number of trees and branching nodes, spatial expansion of the trees, and dendritic spines, which were less pronounced in Sp5C than in Pr5 and differed between sides. In Pr5, these parameters returned, but only partially, to control values after EE withdrawal. These results underscore a ubiquity of experience-dependent changes that should not be overlooked when interpreting neuroplasticity and developing plasticity-based therapeutic strategies.post-print2959 K

    Determinación del flujo de calor a partir de sondeos petroleros en la Cuenca Catalano-Balear

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    A method using information from oil wells has been applied to calculate heat flow at seven oil wells in the Valencia trough, a Neogene extensional basin located in the western Mediterranean. Most of these weils penetrate the Cenozoic sedimentary cover and the underlying Mesozoic sequences and the Paleozoic basement. The basic data set consists of well logs, rock samples including cuttings and cores, and bottom hole (BHT) and dril1 stem test (DST) temperature data. Thermal conductivity of the rock matrix is determined from the conductivities and volumetric fractions of its mineral components by using a geometrical mean model. The in-situ thermal conductivity profile is then obtained as a function of porosity, and it is corrected for in-situ temperature conditions. The sonic log has been used to estimate the porosity profile, which has been corrected depending on the clay content of the formation. Finally, vertical heat flow variation is calculated at every well by combining bulk thermal conductivity profile and geothermal gradients.The bulk thermal conductivity has been shown to be very sensitive to lithologic and porosity changes, with values that vary from 1.5 W m-K-' for shales with over 40 percent porosity, to about 4.3 W m-' K-' for dolomites and consolidated quartz-rich sandstones that constitute the basement. The maximum thermal conductivity values are attained for the basement materials and are due to the low porosity (caused by compaction and burial) and to the high matrix conductivities of Mesozoic carbonates and sandstones. The mean bulk thermal conductivity of the sediments is found to be about 2 W m-' K-l. Therefore, a thermal blanketing effect is likely to occur due to the conductivity contrast between the sedimentary cover and the underlying basement. This effect, which has been neglected in previous models of the thermal evolution of the Valencia trough, probably has acted to slow down post-extensional lithospheric cooling and to reduce tectonic subsidence.A regional thermal gradient of 3612 "C km-' is obtained from the available temperature data. This value is siightly lower than that estimated from a set of wells in the southwestern part of the basin. The calculated heat flow values are highly scattered, the maximum value being located in the southwestern part of the basin. As a consequence, the resulting heat flow agrees with the increase towards the SW previously observed in the Valencia trough. The mean heat flow value in the study area is determined to be 85-90 mW m-2. Although thermal conductivity could be overestimated, this value is too high to be just a consequence of the rifting process in the Valencia trough, since most of the wells considered are located in the northernmost part of the basin. The thermal effect of groundwater circulation is proposed to be in part responsible for the positive and negative thermal gradient anomalies.Fracturing and karstification, which has been widely recognized in the Mesozoic carbonates in the basement, together with the temperature data and porosity results, support this hypothesis