22 research outputs found

    Para investigar a la vejez: desafíos y alternativas durante el trabajo de campo

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    El presente ensayo ofrece una reflexión metodológica sobre las dificultades enfrentadas durante el trabajo de campo cuando los informantes clave son individuos con discapacidades biológicas o mentales, como es el caso de los ancianos. La intención es abrir el debate metodológico acerca de cómo se hace investigación cualitativa en el campo del envejecimiento. La primera parte se centra en el fenómeno de la exclusión de ancianos con mayor grado de deterioro, al seleccionar a los informantes. La segunda parte describe algunas situaciones por las que se dificulta la entrevista con este tipo de ancianos, lo que origina la pérdida de informantes. Por último, se alude a las condiciones de discapacidad biológica o mental que afectan el desarrollo de una entrevista en los cánones tradicionales prescritos en los textos metodológicos y las alternativas para enfrentarlas

    Self-compassion and suicide risk in veterans : when the going gets tough, do the tough benefit more from self-kindness?

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    Objectives: Veterans are at particular risk for suicide due to psychopathological, emotional, and interpersonal risk factors. However, the presence of individual-level protective factors, such as self-compassion, may reduce risk, becoming more salient at increasing levels of distress and psychopathology, per theory. We examined the relation between self-compassion and suicide risk, and the moderating effects of depression, PTSD symptoms, anger, shame, and thwarted interpersonal needs. Methods: Our sample of United States veterans (n=541) in our cross-sectional study were mostly male (69.1%) with an average age of 49.90 (SD=16.78), who completed online self-report measures: Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised, Multidimensional Health Profile-Psychosocial Functioning Screening Tool, PTSD Checklist-Military Version, Differential Emotions Scale-IV, and the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire. Results: The linkage between self-compassion and suicidal behavior in our veteran sample was moderated by distress-evoking risk factors, including depression, anger, shame, and thwarted interpersonal needs, such that, as level of risk severity increases, the inverse association between self-compassion and suicidal behavior is strengthened. Conclusions: Our findings highlight an emergent protective process that may prevent suicide in times of distress. Therapeutically bolstering the ability for self-compassion may provide a proactive coping strategy that can be brought to bear in times of crisis, reducing suicide risk for veterans

    A systematic review of physical activity promotion strategies

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    This article was first published in:British Journal of Sports Medicine:1996:30:84-89We have reviewed randomised controlled trials of physical activity promotion to provide recent and reliable information on the effectiveness of physical activity promotion. Computerised databases and references of references were searched. Experts were contacted and asked for information about existing work. Studies assessed were randomised controlled trials of healthy, free living, adult subjects, where exercise behaviour was the dependent variable. Eleven trials were identified. No United Kingdom based studies were found. Interventions that encourage walking and do not require attendance at a facility are most likely to lead to sustainable increases in overall physical activity. Brisk walking has the greatest potential for increasing overall activity levels of a sedentary population and meeting current public health recommendations. The small number of trials limits the strength of any conclusions and highlights the need for more research

    Optimal level of inbreeding in the common lizard

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    Mate choice with regard to genetic similarity has been rarely considered as a dynamic process. We examined this possibility in breeding populations of the common lizard (Lacerta vivipara) kept for several years in semi-natural conditions. We investigated whether they displayed a pattern of mate choice according to the genetic similarity and whether it was context-dependent. Mate choice depended on genetic similarity with the partner and also on age and condition. There was no systematic avoidance of inbreeding. Females of intermediate ages, more monogamous, did not mate with genetically similar partners, whereas younger and older females, more polyandrous, did but highest clutch proportions were associated with intermediate values of pair-relatedness. These results indicate dynamic mate choice, suggesting that individuals of different phenotypes select their partners in different ways according to their genetic similarity. We consider our results in the light of diverse and apparently contradictory theories concerning genetic compatibility, and particularly, optimal inbreeding and inclusive fitness

    Improving peer review with ACORN: ACO algorithm for Reviewer’s Network

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    Peer review, our current system used by journals and conferences to determine which papers to accept and which to reject, has limitations that impair the quality of scientific communication. Under the current system, reviewers have only a limited amount of time to devote to evaluating papers and each paper receives an equal amount of attention regardless of how good the paper is. We propose to implement a new system for computer science peer review based on ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms. In our model, each reviewer has a set of ants that goes out and finds articles. The reviewer reviews the articles the ants bring and the ant deposits pheromone that is proportional to the quality of the review. The reviewer assesses the paper according to the criteria specified by the conference organizers. Each subsequent ant then samples the pheromones and probabilistically selects the next article based on the strength of the pheromones. We used an agent-based model to determine if an ACO-based paper selection system will direct reviewers ’ attention to the best articles and if the average quality of papers increases with each round of reviews. We will also conduct an experiment in conjunction with the Computer Science Graduate Student Association conference and compare the results of our simulation

    Use of microsatellite loci and AFLP markers to verify gynogenesis and clonal lines in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus L.

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    To develop an effective system for parentage analysis in gynogenetic and clonal progeny of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L., polymorphic microsatellite loci and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) were investigated in several gynogenetic families and clonal lines. Six microsatellite loci were screened in two meiotic gynogenetic families to look for loci with high gene-centromere recombination rates, which can be used to discriminate meiotic from mitotic gynogenetics. Microsatellite loci UNH189 and UNH211 showed 96.7% and 92.0% heterozygosity, respectively, in these families, while other loci showed lower recombination frequencies. Scoring both UNH189 and UNH211 would give a very low probability of an individual meiotic gynogenetic being homozygous for both loci. Multiplex polymerase chain reaction of microsatellite loci was used to verify parentage in four families of mitotic gynogenetics and five fully inbred clonal lines. The genotype of each clonal line should serve as a unique identifier. Twelve AFLP primers were also investigated and 26 diagnostic AFLP bands were identified to follow inheritance in mitotic gynogenetic individuals. Amplified fragment length polymorphisms were found to be effective for this purpose but microsatellites were more appropriate since they are co-dominant, while AFLPs are dominant markers. A multiplex of the microsatellite loci used in this study would be useful for general parental assignment as well as for the analysis of the products of chromosome set manipulations