279 research outputs found

    Optimized Matrix Feature Analysis – Convolutional Neural Network (OMFA-CNN) Model for Potato Leaf Diseases Detection System

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    One of the most often grown crops is the potato. As a main food, potatoes are prioritised for cultivation worldwide. Because potatoes are such a rich source of vitamins and minerals, we can create a robust system for food security. However, a number of illnesses delay the growth of agriculture and harm potato output. Consequently, early disease identification can offer a better answer for effective crop production. In this research work aim is to classify and detect the potato leave (PL) diseases using OMFA-CNN deep learning model. An optimized matrix feature analysis-CNN deep learning model for PL disease detection is implemented. In the first phase, the PLs features are extracted from the potato leave images using K-means clustering image segmentation method. At the last phase, a new OMFA-CNN model are proposed using CNN to classify virus, and bacterial diseases of PLs, The PL disease dataset consists 2351 images gathered in real-time and from the Kaggle (PlantVillage) dataset. The implemented OMFA-CNN model attained 99.3 % precision and 99 % recall on potato disease detection. The implemented method is also compared with MASK RCNN,SVM and other models and attained significantly high precision and recall

    Assessment of the Role of Pharmacists in Preventing Medication Errors in Hospital Settings

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    Medication errors can have serious consequences for patients in hospital settings. As medication experts, pharmacists play a critical role in preventing medication errors. This literature review examines the roles of pharmacists in preventing medication errors in hospital settings. The review identified several roles of pharmacists in preventing medication errors, including medication order review, medication reconciliation, providing drug information and education, and participation in interdisciplinary teams. The review also identified barriers to pharmacist involvement in preventing medication errors, such as limited access to patient information and limited communication with other healthcare professionals. Overall, the literature suggests that pharmacists can play a crucial role in preventing medication errors in hospital settings and that efforts should be made to overcome the barriers to their involvement

    Treatment of Psoriasis with the Help of Curcumin Hydrogel

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    Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Current treatments for psoriasis include topical corticosteroids, immunomodulators, and phototherapy, but these treatments may have limited efficacy or cause side effects. Curcumin, a natural compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, has been shown to have potential as an alternative treatment for psoriasis. However, the low solubility and bioavailability of curcumin limit its effectiveness when administered orally or topically. Curcumin hydrogel, a topical formulation of curcumin, has been developed to address these limitations. In this review, we summarize the current research on the use of curcumin hydrogel in the treatment of psoriasis. We discuss the pharmacological properties of curcumin, the formulation of curcumin hydrogel, and the preclinical and clinical studies investigating the efficacy and safety of curcumin hydrogel in psoriasis. Overall, the available evidence suggests that curcumin hydrogel may be a promising alternative treatment for psoriasis, with potential benefits in reducing inflammation, promoting wound healing, and improving overall quality of life for psoriasis patients. Further research is needed to fully elucidate the mechanism of action of curcumin hydrogel and to optimize its formulation and delivery for maximum efficacy

    Emerging Preservation Techniques for Controlling Spoilage and Pathogenic Microorganisms in Fruit Juices

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    Fruit juices are important commodities in the global market providing vast possibilities for new value added products to meet consumer demand for convenience, nutrition, and health. Fruit juices are spoiled primarily due to proliferation of acid tolerant and osmophilic microflora. There is also risk of food borne microbial infections which is associated with the consumption of fruit juices. In order to reduce the incidence of outbreaks, fruit juices are preserved by various techniques. Thermal pasteurization is used commercially by fruit juice industries for the preservation of fruit juices but results in losses of essential nutrients and changes in physicochemical and organoleptic properties. Nonthermal pasteurization methods such as high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric field, and ultrasound and irradiations have also been employed in fruit juices to overcome the negative effects of thermal pasteurization. Some of these techniques have already been commercialized. Some are still in research or pilot scale. Apart from these emerging techniques, preservatives from natural sources have also shown considerable promise for use in some food products. In this review article, spoilage, pathogenic microflora, and food borne outbreaks associated with fruit juices of last two decades are given in one section. In other sections various prevention methods to control the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microflora to increase the shelf life of fruit juices are discussed

    Predicting vapor liquid equilibria using density functional theory: a case study of argon

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    Predicting vapor liquid equilibria (VLE) of molecules governed by weak van der Waals (vdW) interactions using the first principles approach is a significant challenge. Due to the poor scaling of the post Hartree-Fock wave function theory with system size/basis functions, the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) is preferred for systems with a large number of molecules. However, traditional DFT cannot adequately account for medium to long range correlations which are necessary for modeling vdW interactions. Recent developments in DFT such as dispersion corrected models and nonlocal van der Waals functionals have attempted to address this weakness with a varying degree of success. In this work, we predict the VLE of argon and assess the performance of several density functionals and the second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) by determining critical and structural properties via first principles Monte Carlo simulations. PBE-D3, BLYP-D3, and rVV10 functionals were used to compute vapor liquid coexistence curves, while PBE0-D3, M06-2X-D3, and MP2 were used for computing liquid density at a single state point. The performance of the PBE-D3 functional for VLE is superior to other functionals (BLYP-D3 and rVV10). At T = 85 K and P = 1 bar, MP2 performs well for the density and structural features of the first solvation shell in the liquid phase

    Highly time-resolved chemical speciation and source apportionment of organic aerosol components in Delhi, India, using extractive electrospray ionization mass spectrometry

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    In recent years, the Indian capital city of Delhi has been impacted by very high levels of air pollution, especially during winter. Comprehensive knowledge of the composition and sources of the organic aerosol (OA), which constitutes a substantial fraction of total particulate mass (PM) in Delhi, is central to formulating effective public health policies. Previous source apportionment studies in Delhi identified key sources of primary OA (POA) and showed that secondary OA (SOA) played a major role but were unable to resolve specific SOA sources. We address the latter through the first field deployment of an extractive electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer (EESI-TOF) in Delhi, together with a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS). Measurements were conducted during the winter of 2018/19, and positive matrix factorization (PMF) was used separately on AMS and EESI-TOF datasets to apportion the sources of OA. AMS PMF analysis yielded three primary and two secondary factors which were attributed to hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA), biomass burning OA (BBOA-1 and BBOA-2), more oxidized oxygenated OA (MO-OOA), and less oxidized oxygenated OA (LO-OOA). On average, 40 % of the total OA mass was apportioned to the secondary factors. The SOA contribution to total OA mass varied greatly between the daytime (76.8 %, 10:00–16:00 local time (LT)) and nighttime (31.0 %, 21:00–04:00 LT). The higher chemical resolution of EESI-TOF data allowed identification of individual SOA sources. The EESI-TOF PMF analysis in total yielded six factors, two of which were primary factors (primary biomass burning and cooking-related OA). The remaining four factors were predominantly of secondary origin: aromatic SOA, biogenic SOA, aged biomass burning SOA, and mixed urban SOA. Due to the uncertainties in the EESI-TOF ion sensitivities, mass concentrations of EESI-TOF SOA-dominated factors were related to the total AMS SOA (i.e. MO-OOA + LO-OOA) by multiple linear regression (MLR). Aromatic SOA was the major SOA component during the daytime, with a 55.2 % contribution to total SOA mass (42.4 % contribution to total OA). Its contribution to total SOA, however, decreased to 25.4 % (7.9 % of total OA) during the nighttime. This factor was attributed to the oxidation of light aromatic compounds emitted mostly from traffic. Biogenic SOA accounted for 18.4 % of total SOA mass (14.2 % of total OA) during the daytime and 36.1 % of total SOA mass (11.2 % of total OA) during the nighttime. Aged biomass burning and mixed urban SOA accounted for 15.2 % and 11.0 % of total SOA mass (11.7 % and 8.5 % of total OA mass), respectively, during the daytime and 15.4 % and 22.9 % of total SOA mass (4.8 % and 7.1 % of total OA mass), respectively, during the nighttime. A simple dilution–partitioning model was applied on all EESI-TOF factors to estimate the fraction of observed daytime concentrations resulting from local photochemical production (SOA) or emissions (POA). Aromatic SOA, aged biomass burning, and mixed urban SOA were all found to be dominated by local photochemical production, likely from the oxidation of locally emitted volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In contrast, biogenic SOA was related to the oxidation of diffuse regional emissions of isoprene and monoterpenes. The findings of this study show that in Delhi, the nighttime high concentrations are caused by POA emissions led by traffic and biomass burning and the daytime OA is dominated by SOA, with aromatic SOA accounting for the largest fraction. Because aromatic SOA is possibly more toxic than biogenic SOA and primary OA, its dominance during the daytime suggests an increased OA toxicity and health-related consequences for the general public.</p

    Uncovering Genomic Regions Associated With 36 Agro-Morphological Traits in Indian Spring Wheat Using GWAS

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    Wheat genetic improvement by integration of advanced genomic technologies is one way of improving productivity. To facilitate the breeding of economically important traits in wheat, SNP loci and underlying candidate genes associated with the 36 agro-morphological traits were studied in a diverse panel of 404 genotypes. By using Breeders’ 35K Axiom array in a comprehensive genome-wide association study covering 4364.79 cM of the wheat genome and applying a compressed mixed linear model, a total of 146 SNPs (-log10P ≥ 4) were found associated with 23 traits out of 36 traits studied explaining 3.7–47.0% of phenotypic variance. To reveal this a subset of 260 genotypes was characterized phenotypically for six quantitative traits [days to heading (DTH), days to maturity (DTM), plant height (PH), spike length (SL), awn length (Awn_L), and leaf length (Leaf_L)] under five environments. Gene annotations mined ∼38 putative candidate genes which were confirmed using tissue and stage specific gene expression data from RNA Seq. We observed strong co-localized loci for four traits (glume pubescence, SL, PH, and awn color) on chromosome 1B (24.64 cM) annotated five putative candidate genes. This study led to the discovery of hitherto unreported loci for some less explored traits (such as leaf sheath wax, awn attitude, and glume pubescence) besides the refined chromosomal regions of known loci associated with the traits. This study provides valuable information of the genetic loci and their potential genes underlying the traits such as awn characters which are being considered as important contributors toward yield enhancement

    Burden of musculoskeletal disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990–2013: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013

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    Moradi-Lakeh M, Forouzanfar MH, Vollset SE, et al. Burden of musculoskeletal disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990–2013: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2017;76(8):annrheumdis-2016-210146
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