831 research outputs found

    Differentially Private Distributed Optimization

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    In distributed optimization and iterative consensus literature, a standard problem is for NN agents to minimize a function ff over a subset of Euclidean space, where the cost function is expressed as a sum fi\sum f_i. In this paper, we study the private distributed optimization (PDOP) problem with the additional requirement that the cost function of the individual agents should remain differentially private. The adversary attempts to infer information about the private cost functions from the messages that the agents exchange. Achieving differential privacy requires that any change of an individual's cost function only results in unsubstantial changes in the statistics of the messages. We propose a class of iterative algorithms for solving PDOP, which achieves differential privacy and convergence to the optimal value. Our analysis reveals the dependence of the achieved accuracy and the privacy levels on the the parameters of the algorithm. We observe that to achieve ϵ\epsilon-differential privacy the accuracy of the algorithm has the order of O(1ϵ2)O(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2})

    Review times in peer review: quantitative analysis of editorial workflows

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    We examine selected aspects of peer review and suggest possible improvements. To this end, we analyse a dataset containing information about 300 papers submitted to the Biochemistry and Biotechnology section of the Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. After separating the peer review process into stages that each review has to go through, we use a weighted directed graph to describe it in a probabilistic manner and test the impact of some modifications of the editorial policy on the efficiency of the whole process

    Collaborative learning based on a micro-webserver remote test controller

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    This paper presents a remote test workbench that was developed to support on-line assignments dealing with the IEEE 1149.1 standard test access port and boundary-scan architecture. The remote test controller is based on the DS80C400 networked microcontroller from Maxim-Dallas, which offers a very cost-effective solution to the development of micro-webservers enabling low complexity data acquisition and control tasks. All remote experiments are integrated into Moodle in exactly the same way as the remaining courseware that is made available to the students. The use of Moodle facilitates the implementation of collaborative learning activities based on the remote test workbench, and the development of the workbench itself is the subject of a collaborative learning project involving students from the universities of Porto in Portugal and South Australia at Adelaide

    Development of the mathematical model for surface topography quality determination at the end milling process

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    As a metal machining process, end milling is the most widely used processes in industry. One of the most important indicators of success in finishing operation is the estetic quality of the surface that is directly connected to the maximal height of uneven surfaces, namely rougness. In process of milling the quality of the machined surface depends of many factors, for example, tool geometry, cutter parallel axis offset and cutter axis tilt, tool deflection due to cutting forces, tool and work piece vibrations etc. This paper presents the development of mathematical model for the determination of the quality of the machined surface topography. The model starts from an ideal trochoid point trajectory on the cutting edge tooth end mill, and then inserts the deviations due to cutter parallel axis offset and cutter axis tilt and gives instructions for the input of other factors that influence on the machined surface quality. Also it compares the values of maximal roughness height with different mill axis positions, and on different mill cross section heights, as well as the differences at up and down milling

    Prirodna mikobiota i prisustvo aflatoksina B1 u polenu prikupljenom u Srbiji

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    Total fungal count, incidence of fungi and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) concentration were studied in 33 samples of bee pollen randomly collected from beekeepers in Serbia. The total number of fungi was determined by dilution method whereas AFB1 was detected using the Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA). The mycological estimation showed the presence of nine genera of fungi as followed: Acremonium, Alternaría, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Epiccocum, Fusarium, Mucor, Pénicillium and Rhizopus, with total number ranging from 1 x 103 to 1 x 105 CFU g-1. The results have shown the predominance of the fungi from the genera Aspergillus and Alternaria. Among Aspergillus species it was observed that the most frequent species was A. flavus with incidence of 27.27 %. Mycotoxin AFB1 was detected as 100% positive in all samples (100%) with an average concentration of 8.61 μg kg-1. The obtained results indicated that honey bee pollen must be strictly controlled during its manipulation in the harvesting and manufacturing. Therefore, the implementation of good manufacturing (beekeeping) practice to define procedures for honeybee products could be crucial to reduce the risk of possible contamination and provide natural and safety product without risk on the human health.Ukupan broj gljiva, učestalost (incidenca) gljiva i koncentracija aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) ispitivani su u 33 uzoraka polena sakupljenih od pčelara iz različitih regiona u Srbiji. Ukupan broj gljiva određen je primenom metode razređenja a AFB1 je određen primenom imunoadsorpcione enzimske metode (ELISA). Mikološkim ispitivanjima identifikovano je devet rodova gljiva: Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Epiccocum, Fusarium, Mucor, Penicillium i Rhizopus, sa ukupnim brojem od 1 x 103 to 1 x 105 CFU g-1. Najučestalije vrste gljiva su u rodovima Aspergillus i Alternaria. Među Aspergillus vrstama najučestalija je vrsta A. flavus sa incidencom od 27,27%. AFB1 je detektovan u svim uzorcima sa prosečnom koncentracijom od 8,61 μg kg-1. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da pčelarski polen mora biti strogo kontrolisan tokom prikupljanja i njegove dalje prerade. Zbog toga, sprovođenje dobre proizvođačke (pčelarske) prakse podrazumeva definisanje procedura za pčelarske proizvode što bi moglo biti presudno za smanjenje rizika od moguće kontaminacije i dobijanje prirodnih i bezbednih proizvoda bez rizika po zdravlje ljudi

    Circle grid fractal plate as a turbulent generator for premixed flame: an overview

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    This review paper focuses to ascertain a new approach in turbulence generation on the structure of premixed flames and external combustion using a fractal grid pattern. This review paper discusses the relationship between fractal pattern and turbulence flow. Many researchers have explored the fractal pattern as a new concept of turbulence generators, but researchers rarely study fractal turbulence generators on the structure premixed flame. The turbulent flow field characteristics have been studied tand investigated in a premixed combustion application. In terms of turbulence intensity, most researchers used fractal grid that can be tailored so that they can design the characteristic needed in premixed flame. This approach makes it extremely difficult to determine the exact turbulent burning velocity on the velocity fluctuation of the flow. The decision to carry out additional research on the effect circle grid fractal plate as a turbulent generator for premixed flame should depends on the blockage ratio and fractal pattern of the grid. 1

    Delineating the role of FANCA in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in β cells through its protein interactome

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    Hyperinsulinemia affects 72% of Fanconi anemia (FA) patients and an additional 25% experience lowered glucose tolerance or frank diabetes. The underlying molecular mechanisms contributing to the dysfunction of FA pancreas β cells is unknown. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the functional role of FANCA, the most commonly mutated gene in FA, in glucosestimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). This study reveals that FANCA or FANCB knockdown impairs GSIS in human pancreas β cell line EndoC-βH3. To identify potential pathways by which FANCA might regulate GSIS, we employed a proteomics approach to identify FANCA protein interactions in EndoC-βH3 differentially regulated in response to elevated glucose levels. Glucose-dependent changes in the FANCA interaction network were observed, including increased association with other FA family proteins, suggesting an activation of the DNA damage response in response to elevated glucose levels. Reactive oxygen species increase in response to glucose stimulation and are necessary for GSIS in EndoC-βH3 cells. Glucose-induced activation of the DNA damage response was also observed as an increase in the DNA damage foci marker γ-H2AX and dependent upon the presence of reactive oxygen species. These results illuminate the role of FANCA in GSIS and its protein interactions regulated by glucose stimulation that may explain the prevalence of β cell-specific endocrinopathies in FA patients