416 research outputs found


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    The association of shift work and coronary heart disease risk factors among male factory workers in Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    Shift work is one of the work hour systems in which a relay of employees extends the period of production beyond the conventional 8-hour working day. It has been found to be associated with various health problems and there is concern that shift workers are at higher risk to develop risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD). The study was undertaken to examine relationships between shift work and CHD risk factors, namely hypertension, dyslipidaemia (either hypercholesterolaemia, hyper-low density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia, hypo-high density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridaemia), high body mass index (BMI), hyperglycemia and physical inactivity among male factory workers in a factory in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. METHODS: This study was a contrived cross-sectional study of 76 shift and 72 day workers from one ofthe factories in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Data was collected through a questionnaire on psychosocial and life-style factors, anthropometric and blood pressure measurement, fasting blood sugar and fasting lipid proJiles analyses. RESULTS: The prevalence of hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia and high body mass index (BMO were significantly higher among shift workers compared to day workers. There was no difference in the prevalence of hyperg[ycemia, hypo-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia, hyper-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterolaemia and physical inactivity. When the shiji workers were compared with the day workers, the aajusted odds ratio (OR) for hypertension, high BMI andphysical inactivity were 9.1 (95% CI 1.4-56.8), 2.9 (95% CI 1.3-6.1) and 7.7 (95% CI 2.1-27.5) respectively. There was neither association of shift work with dyslipidaemia, nor with hyperglycemia. CONCLUSIONS: There were positive association between shiji work and hypertension, high BMI andphysical inactivity which denotes a higher risk of CHD risk factors among shift workers compared to day workers


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    Morphological errors occur when students made morphological aspect of grammar misinformed. The aims of the research to describe the morphological errors and to know the factors that affect students in their writing skill. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. The data was taken from 25 students asked the undergraduate students of the first semester of English Department Hamzanwadi University in making recount text based on their holiday experience and interviewed students  to know their difficulties in it. In analyzing the data, the researchers used: identification error, classification error, and explanation error. The findings showed that the most students who made errors in inflectional morpheme consisting 18 (72%) students. It happened because they don’t realize in describing event happening in the past, the text should be in past tense. The second, 13 (52%) students did errors in free morpheme, it occurred because the first language structure is not like the target language, so students forgot to apply the auxiliaries in past form. Next, 6 (24%) students who made errors in compounding because teacher’s style in teaching English. The last, derivational errors made by 5 (20%) students. Based on interview result, they got difficulties in comprehending the structure target language its self and lectures’ teaching style was aspect why students still confuse in comprehending the materials. Hence, to solve these problems te students have to build writing habit in order they familiar with the morphological aspects then flow into the their writing

    Application of e-marketing by small-medium housing developer companies in Kelantan, Malaysia.

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    Global competition among the players in the housing and construction industry has pushed the companies to be more surviving and struggling for their long term competitiveness and hence;identifying a more innovative marketing strategy. In this context, e-marketing has been considered as one of the main aspects of marketing strategies among the companies, whereby the internet as the main vehicle

    Radio frequency radiation measurement for base tower station safety compliances: a case study in Pulau Pinang Malaysia

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    The residence of Pulau Pinang and Malaysia generally are worried with the possible health effects due to Base Tower Station (BTS) radiation. Particularly, the residents of Pulau Pinang are utilizing their mobile phones for multiple kind of tasks including communications, browsing the internet and other applications. With the recent advances in mobile communication technologies, the end user demanded a better coverage, great communication services, and faster speed for internet browsing. To fulfill the demand, service provider and communication companies are providing plenty of communication base tower leading to the beliefs of that the tower emitted radiation and cause harmful effect to human health and voiced out and complain to the municipal councils in Malaysia. In this paper, a measurement was conducted to study electromagnetic fields (EMF) radiation level in Pulau Pinang. The measurement is compared with the international standard provided by International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Far field measurement of different values of long term evolution (LTE) exposure was demonstrated in radiofrequency (RF) shielded environment. LTE850, LTE1800 and LTE2600 field exposure was compared in term of its’ electrical field and power density that adhere to the standard provided by ICNIRP

    The seismic vulnerability assessment methodologies : a state-of-the-art review

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    In the past decades, the research and development of methodologies have received considerable attention which quantified earthquake-related damages to structures. Among these, indices of seismic risk and vulnerability assessment have indeed been developed to quantify the level of damages to structural elements or the whole structural system. In this paper, a detailed investigation has been done on the developed methodologies in the field, and the findings from other works are summarized. The authors have tried to present the most common empirical and analytical methodologies in a concise manner, which would motivate researchers and practicing engineers to use it as a comprehensive guide and reference for their future works

    Pengaruh senibina dan adat istiadat Minangkabau terhadap masyarakat tempatan di Negeri Sembilan / M. Nazri M. Shariff

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    Masyarakat Minangkabau merupakan satu suku kaum pendatang yang terkenal di Negeri Sembilan. Secara tak langsung mereka telah menjadi satu masyarakat yang dikenali dan adat-adat yang dibawa telah menjadi kebiasaan serta mempengaruhi kebudayaan masyarakat tempatan

    Development of seismic vulnerability index methodology for reinforced concrete buildings based on nonlinear parametric analyses

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    This paper presents a simplified method in the seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings based on proposed seismic vulnerability index (SVI) methodology. The employed procedure is derived with some modifications from the Italian GNDT and the European Macro-seismic approaches. Eight parameters were modeled in three distinct vulnerability classes to estimate the vulnerability indices of RC structures. The vulnerability classes were categorized based on the earthquake resistant design (ERD) defined as; (Low, Moderate, and High)-ERDs. Nonlinear time history analysis (NL-THA) and nonlinear static analysis (NL-SA) were carried out to define the weight of each parameter in order to calculate the seismic vulnerability index in a specific intensity (PGA) of an earthquake event. Knowing that it ranges from 0 to 1 from less vulnerable to most vulnerable with respect to the seismic intensity. In addition, the engineering demand parameter (EDP) used to determine the vulnerability index as the maximum top displacement of the structure. After determining the (SVI), The mean damage states were developed to evaluate the estimated physical damage of buildings in distinct seismic intensities. • This simplified methodology helps to manage and implements strategies for the safety of the communities before earthquake takes place by investigating the vulnerability classes for each building type. • Modeling the parameters that have an influence on the structural behavior without considering the past-damages observations through an analytical approach. • Developing the seismic vulnerability index can reduce or limit the role of the rapid visual screening methods, which is based on expert opinion decisions, and depends on observations of damages caused by earthquakes, and can be a useful framework criterion in earthquake filed

    Sistem pemantauan transformer dengan IoT

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    Artikel ini sebagai laporan untuk kajian yang berkaitan transformer dan sistem pemantauan masa nyata. Dalam dekad yang lalu, banyak perhatian dibuat untuk memperkenalkan sistem pintar dan peralatan untuk memenuhi keperluan semasa dan menjadikan kehidupan selesa. Satu kepentingan baru-baru ini dalam komunikasi Mesin ke Mesin dikenali sebagai Internet of Things (IOT), untuk membolehkan peranti autonomi menggunakan Internet untuk bertukar data. Kerja-kerja ini membentangkan reka bentuk dan pelaksanaan pemantauan masa nyata dan pengesanan kesalahan pengubah dan rekod penunjuk operasi utama pengubah penyebaran seperti beban semasa, voltan, minyak pengubah dan merangkumi suhu dan kelembapan. Transformer adalah salah satu peralatan elektrik yang paling penting yang digunakan dalam sistem penghantaran kuasa kerana mereka melaksanakan fungsi mengubah tahap voltan. Oleh itu, penyelenggaraan pengubah kuasa adalah wajib; kerana ia terletak di kawasan geografi yang berbeza, pemantauan berkala tidak mungkin sepanjang masa disebabkan oleh tenaga manusia yang tidak mencukupi. Sekiranya ada sesuatu yang tidak normal atau keadaan kecemasan berlaku, sistem itu boleh dipantau melalui internet yang mengandungi maklumat tentang ketidaknormalan mengikut beberapa arahan yang telah ditetapkan yang diprogramkan dalam mikrokontroler. Sistem ini akan membantu transformer untuk beroperasi dengan lancar dan mengenal pasti masalah sebelum sebarang kegagalan bencana

    Transitioning from National Examinations to Computer-Based National Assessments: Teachers'-Students' Perceptions and the Impact on Islamic Education

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    This study delves into the shift from the traditional National Examination (NE) to the computer-Based National Assessment (CBNA) in Indonesia, focusing on the intricate implications for Islamic education. This study aims to explore the perceptions of teachers and students regarding the elimination of NE and the implementation of ANBK as a national standard. The research method used was qualitative, with interviews with principals, teachers, and students as the primary informants. While recognizing the benefits, the study highlights significant challenges, particularly alignment with Islamic values, infrastructure limitations, and concerns in remote regions. The findings, drawn from the experience of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Ogan Ilir, serve as a microcosm of broader challenges, offering valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders. The implications are extensive and multifaceted and require a balanced approach that preserves the unique identity of Islamic education. The study acknowledges limitations, including potential bias in participant sampling and regional focus, and recommends further research to provide a more comprehensive view. Collaboration and dialogue are vital for a successful transition that aligns with Islamic education's traditions and principles