2,376 research outputs found

    La incidencia de la fiscalidad en la actividad empresarial de un comercio de ropa deportiva.

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    En el presente trabajo se detallan los diferentes pasos a seguir para la constitución de una sociedad y para su reconocimiento fiscal. También se exponen los aspectos fiscales más representantivos y las obligaciones tributarias a las que está sujeta

    Revisión de las dificultades diagnósticas e implicaciones en la patología dual en trastornos de la personalidad

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    "Revisión de las dificultades diagnósticas e implicaciones en la patología dual en trastornos de la personalidad" aborda la Patología Dual en trastornos de la personalidad, centrándose en las dificultades que muestra la patología dual sobre el diagnóstico. Para ello, se hace una mención a la etiología y al criterio diagnóstico de cada trastorno por separado, para posteriormente abordar los aspectos relativos al diagnóstico de ambos dentro de la patología dual

    Caracterización de las HDL en función del tipo de proteína dietética en ratones ApoE

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    La aterosclerosis es considerada como una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en los países desarrollados. Esta enfermedad inflamatoria crónica afecta a la pared arterial y su desarrollo es un proceso multifactorial.Con el fin de evaluar el papel de las fuentes proteicas de la dieta en el desarrollo de la aterosclerosis, en este proyecto se trabajó con 75 ratones KO ApoE de ambos sexos separados en tres grupos cada uno alimentado con un tipo de fuente proteica distinta (soja, pavo o pollo). Transcurridas 12 semanas de ingesta de esas dietas, se analizaron diversos parámetros relacionados con la enfermedad como colesterol total, fosfatidilcolina, esfingomielina, Apo-I, ApoA-IV y nivel de expresión a nivel de mRNA de genes relacionados con la funcionalidad de las HDL.En los resultados obtenidos no se observaron cambios en el perfil de distribución de colesterol, fosfatidilcolina y esfingosina para ambos sexos y dietas experimentales. Los niveles de ApoA-I fueron independientes de la dieta para ambos sexos, sin embargo, en el caso de los machos fue la ingesta de pollo la que produjo un aumento en los niveles de ApoA-IV. La ingesta de pavo en machos produjo una disminución significativa en la expresión de Pon1 y un aumento de Abca1 en comparación con la proteína de soja. Sin embargo, la ingesta de soja está relacionada con una mayor expresión de Srb1. En hembras, la ingesta de pollo aumentó la expresión de Pon1 frente a las demás mientras que la dieta de pavo aumentó la expresión de Lcat si lo comparamos con la dieta de soja<br /

    Revisión actualizada del carcinoma de célula pequeña de pulmón. ¿Por qué difiere tanto con otros tumores?

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    INTRODUCCIÓN. El carcinoma de célula pequeña o microcítico es un tumor neuroendocrino muy agresivo, siendo el tumor con mayor mortalidad. El tratamiento de este tumor apenas ha variado, presentando muy buena respuesta quimioterápica al inicio, pero haciéndose resistente al poco tiempo. Al diagnóstico, la mayor parte de los pacientes tiene la enfermedad diseminada. En otros tumores pulmonares los avances en el campo de la biología molecular han dado lugar a efectivas terapias como la inmunoterapia, que están empezando a ser aplicadas a este tumor en diversos estudios. OBJETIVO. El objetivo principal es obtener una revisión actualizada de este tumor, incluyendo los nuevos campos como la inmunoterapia y una revisión de la biología molecular, buscando nuevas posibles terapias y diferenciando la evolución respecto al carcinoma de célula no pequeña en los últimos avances. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. Se realizaron 3 búsquedas principales; la primera en diciembre del 2017 en cuatro bases de datos diferentes con un resultado total de 730 artículos. La segunda se realizó para acotar datos y añadir información, en febrero del 2018 con un total de 66 resultados. En abril de 2018 se realizó la última búsqueda para buscar novedades respecto al tema en cuestión y se obtuvieron un total de 241 artículos. Finalmente, se seleccionaron 33, 6 y 14 artículos de las respectivas búsquedas. RESULTADOS. Diversos ensayos están aún en progresión para analizar si realmente la inmunoterapia es una vía factible en este tumor. El tratamiento actual sigue siendo la quimioterapia. La biopsia líquida ofrece una alternativa a la convencional, siendo las células tumorales circulantes una buena vía para ampliar la información que tenemos de este tumor mediante el estudio de la biología molecular de estas células. CONCLUSIONES. A pesar del gran avance en la información que otorga la biología molecular, no se puede decir que actualmente este avance se aprecie en los campos de la terapéutica. A diferencia con otros tumores, en el CPCP la biología molecular y la inmunoterapia, de momento, no han avanzado lo suficiente como para obtener resultados respecto a la mortalidad, lo cual no implica que en un futuro no se puedan obtener nuevas dianas terapéuticas desde estos campos de investigación.<br /

    Supplementary feeding stations for conservation of vultures could be an important source of monophasic Salmonella typhimurium 1,4,[5],12:i:-

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    [EN] Vultures are nature's most successful scavengers, feeding on the carcasses of dead animals present in the field. Availability of domestic carrion has been unstable due to rapidly changing agro-grazing economies and increasing sanitary regulations that may require burial or burning of livestock carcasses. Thus, several griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) recoveries are based on European legislation that guarantees the animals' welfare, avoids intense persecution of the vultures and allows the feeding of threatened wildlife in supplementary feeding stations (SFS). However, in recent years, many studies have speculated on the likelihood that avian scavengers may be infected by feeding on pig carcasses at SFS from intensive livestock. In this context, the present study evaluated whether free-living griffon vultures and pig farms share zoonotic Salmonella strains to test the hypothesis that vulture are infected during consumption of carcasses provided at SFS. Here, the occurrence, serotypes and genomic DNA fingerprinting (phage typing and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis) of isolated strains were carried out in griffon vultures and pig farms authorised to provided carcasses at SFS in Castellón province (eastern Spain). The bacteriological analyses revealed that 21.1% of vultures and 14.5% for pig farms samples tested were Salmonella-positive. Monophasic S. typhimurium 1,4,[5],12:i:- was the most frequently isolated serovar. Comparison of Salmonella strains isolated from vultures and pig farms revealed that monophasic S. typhimurium 1,4,[5],12:i:-, S. Derby and S. Rissen strains were highly genetically homogeneous (similar DNA fingerprint). In conclusion, the current study indicates that free-living griffon vultures and pig farms that provide the carcasses at SFS share several zoonotic Salmonella strains. On this basis, and although transmission could be bidirectional, our result seems to corroborate the pig carcasses-to-vulture transmission and cross-infection at SFS. As an immediate Salmonella control strategy in wild avian scavengers, we suggest the implementation of a programme to guarantee that solely pig carcasses from Salmonella-free farms arrive at SFS.Funding grants from the Ministry of Infrastructures, Territory and Environment (Regional Government/Generalitat Valenciana) and from CEU-UCH (Consolidacion de Indicadores INDI15/16, INDI16/20, INDI17/25) are acknowledged. CERCA Programme from the Generalitat de Catalunya is also acknowledged.Marin-Orenga, C.; Torres, C.; Marco Jiménez, F.; Cerdà-Cuéllar, M.; Sevilla-Navarro, S.; Ayats, T.; Vega-García, S. (2018). Supplementary feeding stations for conservation of vultures could be an important source of monophasic Salmonella typhimurium 1,4,[5],12:i:-. The Science of The Total Environment. 636:449-455. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.04.310S44945563

    The Spatial Extent of Pain Is Associated with Pain Intensity, Catastrophizing and Some Measures of Central Sensitization in People with Frozen Shoulder

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to explore the spatial extent of pain and its association with clinical symptoms, psychological features, and pain sensitization in people with frozen shoulder (FS). Forty-eight individuals with FS completed pain drawings (PDs) and reported their clinical symptoms including pain intensity (Visual Analogue Scale) and shoulder disability (Shoulder Pain and Disability Index). Moreover, pain sensitization measurements (pressure pain thresholds, temporal summation, conditioned pain modulation, and Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI)) were assessed. Psychological features were assessed by Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) and Pain Vigilance and Awareness Questionnaire. Pain frequency maps were generated, Margolis rating scale was used for pain location, and Spearman correlation coefficients were computed. The mean (SD) pain extent was 12.5% (6.7%) and the most common painful area was the anterolateral shoulder region (100%). Women presented a more widespread pain distribution compared with men. Significant positive associations were obtained between pain extent and current pain intensity (rs = 0.421, p < 0.01), PCS (rs = 0.307, p < 0.05) and CSI (rs = 0.358, p < 0.05). The anterolateral region of the shoulder was the most common painful area in people with FS. Women with FS presented more extended areas of pain; and a more widespread distribution of pain was correlated with higher levels of pain, pain catastrophizing and pain sensitization

    Dietary proteins modulate high-density lipoprotein characteristics in a sex-specific way in Apoe-deficient mice

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    Objectives: The type and amount of dietary protein have become a topic of renewed interest, considering their involvement in several diseases. However, little attention has been devoted to the effect of avian proteins despite their wide human consumption. In a previous study, we saw that compared with soybean protein, the consumption of avian proteins, depending on sex, resulted in similar or lower atherosclerosis with a higher paraoxonase 1 activity, an antioxidant enzyme carried by high-density lipoproteins (HDL). This suggests that under these conditions, the HDL lipoproteins may undergo important changes. The aim of this research was to study the influence of soybean, chicken, and turkey proteins on the characteristics of HDL. Methods: Male and female Apoe-deficient mice were fed purified Western diets based on the AIN-93 diet, differing only in the protein source, for 12 wk. After this period, blood and liver samples were taken for analysis of HDL composition and hepatic expression of genes related to HDL metabolism (Abca1, Lcat, Pltp, Pon1, and Scarb1). Depending on sex, these genes define a different network of interactions. Females consuming the turkey protein–containing diet showed decreased atherosclerotic foci, which can be due to larger very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs) calculated by molar ratio triacylglycerols/VLDL cholesterol and higher expression of Lcat. In contrast, in males, a higher ratio of paraoxonase1 to apolipoprotein A1 decreased the oxidative status of the different lipoproteins, and augmented Abca1 expression was observed. Conclusions: The source of protein has an effect on the development of atherosclerosis depending on sex by modifying HDL characteristics and the expression of genes involved in their properties

    Las unidades del discurso oral. La propuesta Val.Es.Co. de segmentación de la conversación (coloquial)

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    El presente artículo resume y examina críticamente la propuesta de segmentación del discurso realizada en Briz y Grupo Val.Es.Co (2003). El modelo Val.Es.Co. consta de ocho unidades (discurso, diálogo, intercambio/ alternancia de turnos, intervención/turno, acto y subacto), tres órdenes (social, estructural e informativo) y cuatro posiciones (inicial, media, final e independiente); se caracteriza, además, por ser jerárquico y recursivo. La aplicación del modelo Val.Es.Co. permite la segmentación de una conversación coloquial sin residuos, así como un adecuado tratamiento de diversos fenómenos conversacionales (actos truncados, solapamientos, elementos suprasegmentales o marcadores discursivos)This paper summarizes and critically reviews the model of discourse segmentation made by Briz and Grupo Val.Es.Co (2003). This model is made up of eight units (discourse, dialogue, exchange/ turn taking, intervention/turn, act and subact), three orders (social, structural and informative) and four positions (initial, medial, final and independent). The Val.Es.Co model is also hyerarchical and recursive. By applying the Val.Es.Co model, a conversation can be divided into parts and subparts without any element remaining unanalyzed. Also, some specific features occurring in conversations such as false starts, overlappings, the segmentation value of prosodic features or discourse markers, can be successfully analyze

    Liraglutide Reduces Vascular Damage, Neuronal Loss, and Cognitive Impairment in a Mixed Murine Model of Alzheimer's Disease and Type 2 Diabetes

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    Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, and epidemiological studies support that type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a major contributor. The relationship between both diseases and the fact that Alzheimer's disease (AD) does not have a successful treatment support the study on antidiabetic drugs limiting or slowing down brain complications in AD. Among these, liraglutide (LRGT), a glucagon-like peptide-1 agonist, is currently being tested in patients with AD in the Evaluating Liraglutide in Alzheimer's Disease (ELAD) clinical trial. However, the effects of LRGT on brain pathology when AD and T2D coexist have not been assessed. We have administered LRGT (500 mu g/kg/day) to a mixed murine model of AD and T2D (APP/PS1xdb/db mice) for 20 weeks. We have evaluated metabolic parameters as well as the effects of LRGT on learning and memory. Postmortem analysis included assessment of brain amyloid-beta and tau pathologies, microglia activation, spontaneous bleeding and neuronal loss, as well as insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptors. LRGT treatment reduced glucose levels in diabetic mice (db/db and APP/PS1xdb/db) after 4 weeks of treatment. LRGT also helped to maintain insulin levels after 8 weeks of treatment. While we did not detect any effects on cortical insulin or insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor m-RNA levels, LRGT significantly reduced brain atrophy in the db/db and APP/PS1xdb/db mice. LRGT treatment also rescued neuron density in the APP/PS1xdb/db mice in the proximity (p = 0.008) far from amyloid plaques (p < 0.001). LRGT reduced amyloid plaque burden in the APP/PS1 animals (p < 0.001), as well as A beta aggregates levels (p = 0.046), and tau hyperphosphorylation (p = 0.009) in the APP/PS1xdb/db mice. Spontaneous bleeding was also ameliorated in the APP/PS1xdb/db animals (p = 0.012), and microglia burden was reduced in the proximity of amyloid plaques in the APP/PS1 and APP/PS1xdb/db mice (p < 0.001), while microglia was reduced in areas far from amyloid plaques in the db/db and APP/PS1xdb/db mice (p < 0.001). This overall improvement helped to rescue cognitive impairment in AD-T2D mice in the new object discrimination test (p < 0.001) and Morris water maze (p < 0.001). Altogether, our data support the role of LRGT in reduction of associated brain complications when T2D and AD occur simultaneously, as regularly observed in the clinical arena.CH-B: predoctoral fellowship. University of Cadiz. PA-M: predoctoral fellowship. Instituto de Investigacion Biomedica de la Provincia de Cadiz (INIBICA). MG-A: Agencia Estatal de Investigacion. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. Programa Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Cientifico y Tecnologico del Sistema de I C D C i y del Programa Estatal de I + D + i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, del Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion 2017-2020 (PID2020115499RB-I0). Programa Estatal de I C D C I orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (BFU 2016-75038-R), financed by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades. Subvencion para la financiacion de la Investigacion y la Innovacion Biomedica y en Ciencias de la Salud en el Marco de la Iniciativa Territorial Integrada 2014-2020 para la Provincia de Cadiz. Consejeria de Salud. Junta de Andalucia. Union Europea, financed by the Fondo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (PI-0008-2017)

    Building a network of TP53 and IGHV testing reference centers across Spain: the Red53 initiative

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    © The Author(s) 2021.Among the different biomarkers predicting response in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the most influential parameters are the mutational status of the IGHV genes and the presence of TP53 gene disruptions. Nevertheless, these important assessments are not readily available in most centers dealing with CLL patients. To provide this molecular testing across the country, the Spanish Cooperative Group on CLL (GELLC) established a network of four analytical reference centers. A total of 2153 samples from 256 centers were analyzed over a period of 30 months. In 9% of the patients, we found pathological mutations in the TP53 gene, whereas 48.96% were classified as IGHV unmutated. Results of the satisfaction survey of the program showed a Net Promoter Score of 85.15. Building a national network for molecular testing in CLL allowed the CLL population a broad access to complex biomarkers analysis that should translate into a more accurate and informed therapeutic decision-making.This work was supported in part by Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson. MC holds a contract from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RYC-2012-12018)