1,967 research outputs found

    Design of information systems as an aid to migrants

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    [EN] Starting from the official call for the 1st Contest “Let us help those who aid migrants”, by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Universidad Iberoamericana’s Program on Migration, students of the degree course on Graphic Design and an interdisciplinary group of teacher developed a “Visual communication system to promote hygiene and health in hostels lodging migrants in transit.” This teachers’ group, through the use of a dialectical – reflexive methodology (Diezt, 2011) was able to analyze the social processes endured by migrants and solve their problems by applying design, using as main tool the discussion and opinion confrontation among those involved in the job in order to develop a common language for the participants in the design process coming from different disciplines, taking into account the relationship between sign and images’ comprehension by users. This paper objective is to share a teaching – learning experience by way of a case study and it shows the importance of using new tools and the feasibility of integrating different disciplines in projects with a social motivation. The present document will develop along three main axes: 1. Situation diagnosis. The project starts questioning: Which factors must be considered in order to get satisfactory results from a design project with a social aim? Due to user’s complexity, it is required an interdisciplinary approach in order to know him, so that an adequate graphic solution can be provided. 2. Systems and tools development. This section includes the description of the strategy to follow for the design carrying out, research, implementation, modification, installation and setting methods. Also, it answer to the question: Why is it important to utilize the new social tools in design processes? 3. Results and evaluation. The document ends presenting answers to: Which ones and in which way were the etnometodological tools incorporated into the project?Hernández Navarro, P. (2016). Design of information systems as an aid to migrants. En Systems&design:beyond processes and thinking. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 110-117. https://doi.org/10.4995/IFDP.2015.3218OCS11011

    Bird faunas of the humid montane forests of Mesoamerica: biogeographic patterns and priorities for conservation

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    The distribution of 335 species of birds in 33 islands of humid montane forest in Mesoamerica is summarized, and patterns of distribution, diversity and endemism are analysed. The montane forests of Costa Rica and western Panama far exceed other habitat islands considered for species-richness, richness of species endemic to Mesoamerica, and richness of species ecologically restricted to humid montane forests. Other regions, such as the Sierra Madre del Sur of Guerrero and Oaxaca, the Los Tuxtlas region of southern Veracruz and the mountains of Chiapas and Guatemala, also hold rich and endemic avifaunas. Based on patterns of similarity of avifaunas, the region can be divided into seven regions holding distinctive avifaunas (Costa Rica and western Panama; northern Central America and northern Chiapas; southern Chiapas; eastern Mexico north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; Sierra Madre del Sur; interior Oaxaca; and Transvolcanic Belt and Sierra Madre Occidental), which serve as useful guides for the setting of priorities for conservation action. Se resumen las distribuciones de 335 especies de aves en 33 islas de bosque humedo de montana en Mesoamerica, y se analizan patrones de distribution, diversidad y endemismo. Los bosques montanos de Costa Rica y del oeste de Panama tienen la mas alta riqueza de especies, riqueza de especies endemicas a Mesoamerica, y riqueza de especies ecologicamente restringidas a bosque humedo de montana. Otras regiones, tales como la Sierra Madre del Sur de Guerrero y Oaxaca, la region de Los Tuxtlas y las montanas de Chiapas y Guatemala, tambien tienen avifaunas ricas en especies y en endemicas. Basado en patrones de similitud de avifaunas, se puede dividir Mesoamerica en siete regiones que tienen avifaunas distintas (Costa Rica y el oeste de Panama; el norte de Centroamerica y el norte de Chiapas; el sur de Chiapas; el este de Mexico; la Sierra Madre del Sur; el interior de Oaxaca; y el Eje Neovolcanico y la Sierra Madre Occidental), las cuales pueden servir como guias en el establecimiento de prioridades para la conservation

    Projetos vinculados de Design na área de síntese e avaliação na Universidade Iberoamericana na Cidade do México: estudo de casos

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    This paper objective is to present, socialize and share an experience in teaching – learning in the graphic design curriculum at the Universidad Iberoamericana. It centers in three linked project (PV) aimed at solving some design needs of real institutions by means of the techniques taught in Design VI course (Global Image: Identity and Signalectics). The first two agencies: Mexican Confederation of Organizations in Favor of Intellectually Disabled People, A.C. (CONFE) and Exceptional People, A.C. (GE) prepare intellectually disabled people to engage in a job, while the project for the third one, Vasconcelos Library (BV) that has the largest store of books in braille in Mexico City, will focus on the necessities of visually impaired persons. General purposes of these projects were to specifically design the global image for GE as well as apply to the three institutions, CONFE, GE and BV, the expressive iconicity’s values required by signalectic designs within our society’s cultural context through a signage system.Key words: graphic design, linked projects, synthesis and evaluation area, disabled people.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, socializar e compartilhar uma experiência no ensino-aprendizagem do currículo de design gráfico da Universidade Iberoamericana. Centra-se em três projetos ligados (PV) que visam desenvolver alguns projetos necessários para instituições reais por meio de técnicas ensinadas no curso de Design VI (Imagem Global: identidade e sinalética). As duas primeiras agências: Confederação Mexicana de Organizações em prol das Pessoas com Defi ciência Intelectual, A.C. (CONFE) e Pessoas Excepcionais, A.C. (GE) preparam intelectualmente as pessoas com deficiência para participar de um trabalho, enquanto o projeto para o terceiro, Biblioteca Vasconcelos (BV), que tem a maior loja de livros em braile na Cidade do México, terá como foco as necessidades das pessoas com defi ciência visual. Os objetivos gerais destes projetos foram especificamente para projetar a imagem global da GE, bem como aplicar às três instituições, CONFE, GE e BV, valores a iconicidade expressiva de projetos exigidos pela sinalética dentro do contexto cultural da nossa sociedade através de um sistema de sinalização.Palavras-chave: design gráfico, projetos vinculados, síntese e área de avaliação, as pessoas com deficiência

    Habilidades de pesquisa em profissionais de saúde

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    Introduction: the development of research skills in medical education allows graduates to provide solutions to professional problems from a scientific and investigative conception. The training and development of these skills are conditioned by the program of a major that responds to the interests, needs and demands of society and the personal resources that the individual also possesses.Objective: to systematize updated information related to investigative skills in health professionals, to understand the aspects that influence the skills´ training and development.Method: an extensive literature review related to the training and development of research skills in medical education was carried out. Original and review articles, as well as letters to the editor were considered. Databases such as: SciELO, PubMed, Science Direct and Elsevier were consulted.Results: research together with teaching and engagement are the fundamental pillars of the medical college worldwide, an institution of this type in which health professionals are trained, cannot be conceived without the management of these three elementary processes that guide the construction of knowledge and social change.Conclusions: continuing education should be aimed at enhancing the knowledge of health professionals in research methodology, biostatistics and scientific writing. On the other hand, it is necessary to develop postgraduate studies such as doctorates and master's degrees so that graduates enhance their knowledge in these subjects.Introducción: el desarrollo de las competencias investigativas en la Educación Médica permite a los graduados universitarios brindar solución a problemas profesionales desde una concepción científica e investigativa. Su formación y desarrollo se encuentra condicionado por el currículo de una carrera universitaria que responde a intereses, necesidades y demandas de la sociedad y los recursos personales que posee el individuo también. Objetivo: sistematizar información actualizada relacionada con las competencias investigativas en los profesionales de la salud para la comprensión de los aspectos que influyen en su formación y desarrollo.Método: se realizó una amplia revisión bibliográfica relacionada con la formación y desarrollo de competencias investigativas en Educación Médica. Se consideraron artículos originales y de revisión así como cartas al editor. Se consultaron bases de datos como: SciELO, PubMed, Science Direct y Elsevier.Resultados: la investigación junto con la docencia y la vinculación son los pilares fundamentales de la Universidad Médica a nivel mundial, no se puede concebir una institución de este tipo en la que se formen profesionales de la salud sin la gestión de estos tres procesos elementales que rectoren la construcción del conocimiento y el cambio social. Conclusiones: se debe encaminar la educación continua a potenciar los conocimientos de los profesionales de la salud en metodología de la investigación, bioestadística y redacción científica. Por otra parte es necesario el desarrollo de estudios de posgrados como doctorados y maestrías para que los graduados potencien sus conocimientos en estas temáticas.Introdução: o desenvolvimento de habilidades investigativas na Educação Médica permite que os graduados universitários forneçam soluções para problemas profissionais a partir de uma concepção científica e investigativa. A sua formação e desenvolvimento está condicionado pelo currículo de uma carreira universitária que responda aos interesses, necessidades e exigências da sociedade e aos recursos pessoais que o indivíduo também possui. Objetivo: sistematizar informações atualizadas relacionadas às habilidades investigativas em profissionais de saúde para compreender os aspectos que influenciam sua formação e desenvolvimento. Método: foi realizada uma extensa revisão de literatura relacionada ao treinamento e desenvolvimento de habilidades de pesquisa em Educação Médica. Foram considerados artigos originais e de revisão, bem como cartas ao editor. Bases de dados como: SciELO, PubMed, Science Direct e Elsevier foram consultadas. Resultados: a pesquisa junto com o ensino e o vínculo são os pilares fundamentais da Universidade de Medicina em todo o mundo, uma instituição desse tipo na qual os profissionais de saúde são formados não pode ser concebida sem a gestão desses três processos elementares que orientam a construção do conhecimento e a mudança social. Conclusões: a educação permanente deve ter como objetivo aprimorar o conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde em metodologia de pesquisa, bioestatística e redação científica. Por outro lado, é necessário desenvolver estudos de pós-graduação, como doutorados e mestrados, para que os egressos aprimorem seus conhecimentos nessas disciplinas

    Nursing action in the management of pain, nausea and vomiting in pediatric patients with pump surgery of hypospadias continuous infusion for analgesia

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    Hipospadias, malformación congénita, fusión incompleta del pene con un meato uretral anómalo dificultando la micción normal; tratamiento quirúrgico, con colocación de un tutor vesical, resultando un postoperatorio doloroso, para lo cual se utilizan bombas de perfusión continua de analgesia (BPCA). Los datos fueron recogidos con una revisión de Historias Clínicas de 44 niños intervenidos en 2009, mediante una investigación cuantitativa, con realización de un estudio descriptivo; planteándose como objetivos: valorar la eficacia de la BPCA, valorar la eficacia del tratamiento de rescate, valorar la intervención de enfermería en la administración de las pautas de rescate. Entre los resultados destaca que el 63% de los niños son intervenidos entre 2 y 4 años, que el 69% portan BPCA tras ser intervenidos, que hasta 48 horas posquirúrgicas, el 84% de los niños permanecen con BPCA, que de las pautas de rescate por dolor, el 60% son fijas y el 40% “si dolor”, y en rescate por vómitos o náuseas, el 100% a “si vómitos o náuseas”. Como conclusión principal pensamos que los cambios producidos con la entrada en vigor de la Ley de garantías y uso racional de medicamentos y productos sanitarios, las enfermeras están capacitados, para indicar, usar y autorizar la dispensación de medicamentos sujetos a prescripción médica, y por tanto justificada la creación de un protocolo, que permita la realización de una prescripción colaborativa, teniendo como objetivo la optimización de los recursos sanitarios tanto humanos como materiales.Hypospadias, congenital malformation, incomplete fusion of the penis with an abnormal urethral meatus difficult urination normal, surgery with placement of a tutor bladder, resulting in a postoperative pain, for which continuous infusion pumps used for analgesia (BPCA). Data were collected by reviewing charts of 44 children operated on in 2009, through quantitative research with a study descriptive set as our objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of the BPCA, assess the efficacy of salvage therapy, assess the nursing intervention in the administration of rescue guidelines. The results highlighted that 63% of children were operated on between 2 and 4 years, 69% carry the BPCA after being operated on, until 48 hours postsurgery, 84% of children remain with BPCA, which guidelines ransom for pain, 60% are fixed and 40% "Painless" and a ransom for vomiting or nausea, 100% a “if vomiting or nausea”. As a main conclusion we think that changes with the entry into force of the law on guarantees and rational use of medicines and medical devices, nurses are trained to show, use and authorize the dispensing of medical prescription drugs, and therefore justified the creation of a protocol, which allows the realization of a collaborative prescribing, aiming at the optimization of resources both human and material health

    Structural changes associated with the inactivation of lipoxygenase by pulse light

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    Pulsed light (PL) is a non-thermal technology able to inactivate enzymes. Lipoxygenase (LOX) causes enzymatic rancidity in some foods. This study aimed to determine the structural changes associated with the PL inactivation of LOX and used measurements of residual activity, temperature, spectropolarimetry, fluorescence, spectrophotometry, free sulfhydryl and carbonyl contents and electrophoresis. LOX inactivation was non-log-linear, with a slight temperature rise. PL significantly increased the concentration of carbonlys and free-sulfhydryls of LOX and caused loss of ellipticity and intrinsic fluorescence, a red shift in the intrinsic fluorescence peak and an increase in 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate fluorescence. The turbidity of LOX sample increased during inactivation and electrophoretic bands faded. Phase diagram analysis showed no evidence of formation of intermediates. In summary, the inactivation of LOX by PL followed a Weibull kinetics, is exclusively photochemical and is an all-or-none process where the protein gets oxidized, decreases its α-helix content, unfolds and aggregates.Ciencias de la Alimentació

    Constitutive Activation of the Midgut Response to Bacillus thuringiensis in Bt-Resistant Spodoptera exigua

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    Bacillus thuringiensis is the most effective microbial control agent for controlling numerous species from different insect orders. The main threat for the long term use of B. thuringiensis in pest control is the ability of insects to develop resistance. Thus, the identification of insect genes involved in conferring resistance is of paramount importance. A colony of Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was selected for 15 years in the laboratory for resistance to Xentari™, a B. thuringiensis-based insecticide, reaching a final resistance level of greater than 1,000-fold. Around 600 midgut ESTs were analyzed by DNA-macroarray in order to find differences in midgut gene expression between susceptible and resistant insects. Among the differentially expressed genes, repat and arylphorin were identified and their increased expression was correlated with B. thuringiensis resistance. We also found overlap among genes that were constitutively over-expressed in resistant insects with genes that were up-regulated in susceptible insects after exposure to Xentari™, suggesting a permanent activation of the response to Xentari™ in resistant insects. Increased aminopeptidase activity in the lumen of resistant insects in the absence of exposure to Xentari™ corroborated the hypothesis of permanent activation of response genes. Increase in midgut proliferation has been proposed as a mechanism of response to pathogens in the adult from several insect species. Analysis of S. exigua larvae revealed that midgut proliferation was neither increased in resistant insects nor induced by exposure of susceptible larvae to Xentari™, suggesting that mechanisms other than midgut proliferation are involved in the response to B. thuringiensis by S. exigua larvae

    Evaluación de la calidad de la educación superior en México: comparación de los indicadores de rankings universitarios nacionales e internacionales

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    Dentro de los instrumentos de evaluación más destacados en el contexto internacional, se encuentran los rankings universitarios Academic Ranking World Universities (ARWU), el Times Higher Education (THE), y el Quacquarelli Symond (QS). El eje rector que se presenta en este trabajo es comparar los indicadores de los rankings universitarios internacionales ya citados, con los rankings universitarios mexicanos Comités Interinstitucionales para la Evaluación de la Educación Superior (CIEES), América Economía (AE) y Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (CTI). El objetivo de esta comparación es responder la siguiente interrogante: ¿Por qué las universidades mexicanas desempeñan una limitada participación en los rankings universitarios internacionales? Se evaluó e interpretó la metodología e indicadores de los rankings universitarios globales comparativamente con los rankings universitarios mexicanos, esto a partir de la docencia, investigación, extensión e internacionalización. Se utilizó el método de investigación comparada. Los resultados preliminares, arrojan que los rankings universitarios globales basan su evaluación prioritariamente en la investigación, quedando en segundo plano la docencia, en tercero la extensión, mientras que la internacionalización queda al final. Por otra parte, los indicadores nacionales sólo se aproximan a los indicadores internacionales, lo que sugiere que las universidades mexicanas no están diseñadas para cumplir con los estándares del contexto internacional

    Evaluación de la calidad de la educación superior en México: comparación de los indicadores de rankings universitarios nacionales e internacionales

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    Dentro de los instrumentos de evaluación más destacados en el contexto internacional, se encuentran los rankings universitarios Academic Ranking World Universities (ARWU), el Times Higher Education (THE), y el Quacquarelli Symond (QS). El eje rector que se presenta en este trabajo es comparar los indicadores de los rankings universitarios internacionales ya citados, con los rankings universitarios mexicanos Comités Interinstitucionales para la Evaluación de la Educación Superior (CIEES), América Economía (AE) y Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación (CTI). El objetivo de esta comparación es responder la siguiente interrogante: ¿Por qué las universidades mexicanas desempeñan una limitada participación en los rankings universitarios internacionales? Se evaluó e interpretó la metodología e indicadores de los rankings universitarios globales comparativamente con los rankings universitarios mexicanos, esto a partir de la docencia, investigación, extensión e internacionalización. Se utilizó el método de investigación comparada. Los resultados preliminares, arrojan que los rankings universitarios globales basan su evaluación prioritariamente en la investigación, quedando en segundo plano la docencia, en tercero la extensión, mientras que la internacionalización queda al final. Por otra parte, los indicadores nacionales sólo se aproximan a los indicadores internacionales, lo que sugiere que las universidades mexicanas no están diseñadas para cumplir con los estándares del contexto internacional

    Experiencias educativas que potencian u obstaculizan el desarrollo de capacidades de ser y hacer

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    Este ejercicio investigativo que tiene como objetivo comprender la influencia de las experiencias educativas en el desarrollo de capacidades de ser y hacer, según estudiantes del grado 11°y egresados de las instituciones educativas Concejo Municipal, Simón Bolívar, Marceliana Saldarriaga y Esteban Ochoa del municipio de Itagüí, parte del análisis de la lógica mercantil y eficientista que predomina en el mundo contemporáneo y permea la cotidianidad de las instituciones educativas, haciendo que estas enfaticen en procesos de formación técnico-científica soportados en la transmisión de conocimientos, en las prácticas homogenizantes y la evaluación estandarizada, orientado todo ello al desarrollo de las competencias que se requieren para el desempeño eficiente y eficaz en una sociedad signada por las leyes del mercado, la productividad y el consumismo en la que tener está por encima de ser.This investigative exercise that aims to understand the influence of educational experiences in the development of skills to be and do, according to students of the 11th grade and graduates of instituciones educativas Concejo Municipal, Simón Bolívar, Marceliana Saldarriaga and Esteban Ochoa of the municipality of Itagui, part of the analysis of commercial logic and efficiency that prevails in the contemporary world and permeates the daily life of educational institutions, making them emphasize technical-scientific training processes supported in the transmission of knowledge, in homogenizing practices and standardized evaluation, all oriented to the development of the competences required for efficient and effective performance in a society marked by the laws of the market, productivity and consumerism in which to have is above beingMagíster en EducaciónMaestrí