3,051 research outputs found

    L’experiència de la fibromiàlgia: conflictes dels malalts en situació d’invisibilitat

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    Treballs Finals de Grau Antropologia Social i Cultural, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Sílvia BofillEl present article tracta les problemàtiques que afecten a les persones malaltes de fibromiàlgia (FM), encapçalades pel desconeixement mèdic envers quin és l’origen i el tractament de la malaltia. A través dels relats dels afectats sobre les seves experiències amb la malaltia, s’analitza per què es troben en una situació d’invisibilitat, quin paper juga l’atenció mèdica en el seu procés de cerca de salut, i com afecta això al rol de malalt al que es troben condicionats. Els procediments reflexius que el malalt realitza per buscar respostes que no obté de l’atenció mèdica, es plasmen en els relats dels malalts, els quals empren estratègies narratives per resignificar la seva història de vida i adaptar-la a la convivència amb un dolor crònic. Així, emergeixen les dimensions socials del dolor i la seva repercussió sobre la realitat objectiva de l’individu, i és a través de la narració de l’experiència, que es creen mecanismes d’acceptació i superació de la malaltia

    Observation of small scale structure using sextupole lensing

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    Weak gravitational lensing seeks to determine shear by measuring induced quadrupole (elliptical) shapes in background galaxy images. Small impact parameter (a few kpc) gravitational lensing by foreground core masses between 2 10^{9} and 2 10^{12} M_\odot will additionally induce a sextupole shape with the quadrupole and sextupole minima aligned. This correlation in relative orientation of the quadrupole and sextupole provides a sensitive method to identify images which have been slightly curved by lensing events. A general theoretical framework for sextupole lensing is developed which includes several low order coefficients in a general lensing map. Tools to impute map coefficients from the galaxy images are described and applied to the north Hubble deep field. Instrumental PSFs, camera charge diffusion, and image composition methods are modelled in the coefficient determination process. Estimates of Poisson counting noise for each galaxy are used to cut galaxies with signals too small to reliably establish curvature. Curved galaxies are found to be spatially clumped, as would be expected if the curving were due to small impact parameter lensing by localized ensembles of dark matter haloes. Simulations provide an estimate of the total required lensing mass and the acceptable mass range of the constituent haloes. The overdensities and underdensities of visible galaxies and their locations in the Hubble foreground is found to be consistent with our observations and their interpretation as lensing events.Comment: 40 pages, 44 figure

    Calidad de los servicios de atención de parto y puerperio, Hospital César Amador Molina, SILAIS Matagalpa durante el período de Abril a Junio del año 2011.

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    El estudio refleja que las mujeres que acudieron a la atención del parto en su mayoría son mujeres jóvenes, en edades óptimas reproductiva en el 64.09%, con bajo nivel de escolaridad en el 62%, de procedencia rural en el 65%, con alta paridad en el 73.2%, con más de 3 partos y con bajo nivel de inserción al campo laboral remunerado dado que en el 63% eran amas de casa. Las usuarias evaluaron la atención recibida, en su mayoría como buena 63% y excelente 28% en menos del 1% la catalogaron como mala, siendo los principales parámetros que definieron la buena calidad de la atención: el buen trato por el personal que les atendió, pocas barreras de accesibilidad a los servicios, buena calidad de la información, buena percepción de las competencia técnica del personal. Dentro de los factores que incidieron en la atención humanizada del parto se destaca la privacidad de las salas, como buena en un 49.29% y excelente en 19.72%; la comodidad de los ambientes de atención la evaluaron como bueno en el 54.92% y excelente en el 19.72 %. El 61.97% coincidieron en señalar que la limpieza de las salas fue buena, siendo la limpieza de los servicios higiénicos con una percepción más desfavorable en un 53% de los casos

    Evolución de la contaminación del aire e impacto de los programas de control en tres megaciudades de América Latina

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    En este trabajo se discute la problemática de la contaminación del aire en tres megaciudades de América Latina (Ciudad de México, São Paulo y Santiago); en particular se revisan los programas de control de la contaminación atmosférica que han puesto en marcha los gobiernos de esas ciudades y la evolución de los niveles de contaminantes durante el periodo 1988-1995 en Santiago de Chile y São Paulo, y hasta 1997 en la Ciudad de México, con el objeto de evaluar el impacto de esos programas. En las tres megaciudades se observó un descenso en las concentraciones de PTS, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO y O3 durante el periodo mencionado, aunque la mayoría de los contaminantes siguen rebasando la norma de calidad del aire. Cabe destacar que el mayor impacto de los programas ha sido sobre los niveles de SO2. Se recomienda el desarrollo de políticas de transporte sostenible; en ese sentido, en la Conferencia Europea de Ministros del Transporte la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE) propuso distintas estrategias. Por otra parte, la participación ciudadana es importante al tomar decisiones relacionadas con las políticas de transport

    Methodologies for teaching an engineering subject in different countries: comparison and results

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    Engineering or technical degrees are difficult to teach and, consequently, have always been characterized by a large number of academic failures. Therefore, continuous assessment has been applied to classes of similar content, related to Port and Coastal Engineering during these last years in three different Universities worldwide: University of La Republica (Montevideo, Uruguay), Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and Cadiz (Spain). This paper presents different methodologies used to teach and evaluate these courses at each University, together with the results of the evaluations of the students who were enrolled during the current and previous stages. Generally, a decrease in the number of students who abandon the classes has been noticed together with an increase in the percentage of students who pass and an improvement of their grades, except at the University Nova de Lisboa were the results have remained stable. In addition, changes experienced in the courses are discussed herein by comparing the percentage of success in the different locations. Moreover, influence of the different methodologies and the possible reasons for these changes are also presented and analysed. As a conclusion, the improvement in educational outcomes has been achieved through the concurrence of different factors: the existence of more frequent written and/or oral exams, practical examples of case studies as well as access to specific tools of new technology and to documentation specifically prepared for the classes and available online. Evidently, the above mentioned tasks require a strong commitment and great effort by the teaching staff. If human resources diminish, as it is happening in Spain and Portugal due to the budget reduction in education, two difficult questions arise: For how long will teachers’ current effort be maintained? What impact will have their complete devotion to teaching in their research performance

    Characterization of wind-blown sediment transport with height in a highly mobile dune (SW Spain)

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    The Valdevaqueros dune is located at one of the windiest points of Europe, where the frequent occurrence of strong easterly winds has generated a highly mobile dune. Several rotating cup anemometers in vertical array and a self-designed vertical sand trap, were placed to retain the drift sands at different heights over the surface in order to determine theoretical and actual sand transport rates in the Valdevaqueros dune system. General results show that 90% of the wind-blown sand is transported within the first 20cm above the dune crest surface. Theoretical transport rates based on different empirical formulae were 0.33 to 0.78 times the in-situ sand transport rate detected, which was 2.08·10-2kgm-1s-1 under moderate wind power (mean speed ranging from 8.4 to 17.9ms-1). Analysis of different statistical grain-size parameters helped to understand sand transport distribution at different heights

    MIR135A1 (microRNA 135a-1)

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    Review on MIR135A1, with data on DNA/RNA and where the gene is implicated

    Degradation and mineralization of Bisphenol A by the photo fenton process

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    Bisphenol A (BPA; 2,2-bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) propane) is an industrial organic chemical basically used in the plastics industry as a monomer for producing epoxy resins and polycarbonates [1,2]. It is also a well-known endocrine disruptor agent that contaminates surface waters even at low concentration [3]. Unfortunately, BPA cannot be entirely removed from water solutions by conventional treatments. Additionally, in some cases, such treatments can lead to a series of by-products with higher endocrine disrupting effect [4]. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), among them the Fenton and photo-Fenton processes, are efficient methods for BPA photodegradation [1]. However, they are energy-intensive processes and their cost is ought to be improved by reducing the reaction time as well as the consumption of reagents. In this work, the Fenton and the photo-Fenton degradation of BPA (0,5 L, 30 mg L-1) was addressed. The process efficiency was evaluated under different H2O2 and Fe(II) initial concentrations (2,37-6,41 mM H2O2 and 1,42·10-2-3,92·10-2 mM iron salt), while other variables were fixed (pH=3, 25ºC, UV light source). The treatment performance was assessed for a series of assays from a factorial design and was quantified in terms of the decay rate of total organic carbon (TOC) and the total conversion attained, according to a pseudo first order kinetics [5-6]. The performance of the mineralization may be characterized by determining the two parameters of the model, ¿max (or [TOC]8) and k, which can be obtained by fitting the model to the experimental data under the least squares criterion. The results were plot k in front to identify different clusters and the conditions which produces higher mineralization ratesPostprint (published version