320 research outputs found

    A karyotype study in two fish species belonging to Genus Neolissochilus found in Meghalaya, India

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    The karyomorphological study of two species of Mahseer belonging to the genus Neolissochilus, namely Neolissochilus hexagonolepis and N. hexastichus were carried out. The study revealed the basic chromosome number in both the Masheer species was observed to be 100. However, the karyotype formula number varied among the species. N. hexagonolepis had a diploid chromosome number of 42 metacentric (m), 20 submetacentric (sm), 8 subtelocentric (st) and 30 telocentric (t) and N. hexastichus had a karyotypic formula of 32 metacentric (m), 22 submetacentric (sm), 4 subtelocentric (st) and 42 telocentric (t). This finding removed taxonomic confusion due to the differences in the chromosome number, the morphology of the chromosomes and chromosome formula between the two fish species of the genus and helped in distinctive and unblemished identification of the two species belonging to the genus Neolissochilus from Meghalaya, though they have a morphological similarity

    Mean-Variance Serum Sodium Associations with Diabetes Patients

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    Serum sodium (SNa) is a critically significant component of hyponatremia and bones, has firmly been established as a risk factor correlated with many diseases such as diabetes, heart, anaemia, etc and the incidence of fragility fractures. Note that the fragility fractures are a general complication in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients, contributing to high rates of mortality and morbidity together with mounting public health costs. SNa is a fundamental component for normal physiological processes, and T2D patients may experience osmotic diuresis as a consequence of disease-related hyperglycemia, contributing to the excess excretion of sodium in the urine and resulting in hyponatremia. Dysnatremias [hyponatremia (<136 mmol/L) and hypernatremia (>145mmol/L)] can severely affect several physiologic organ systems and functions. Diabetes is correlated with many important electrolyte disorders, predominantly affecting magnesium, SNa, and potassium. However, the correlation/ association of SNa with diabetes patients is not clear. This can be confirmed based on the proper probabilistic model of SNa with diabetes status along with the other explanatory factors of the disease. On the other hand, this type of association can be obtained based on the models of fasting glucose/post glucose/random glucose/HbA1c level  with SNa and other explanatory factors of the diabetes disease

    Attendance Management System for Industrial Worker using Finger Print Scanner

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    Attendance management is the act of managing attendance or presence in a work setting, which maximizes and motivates employee attendance thereby minimizing loss. Not only does it affect productivity, it can cost the company profits or even additional contracts. For the industrial sector attendance management system can develop alacrity among the workers to work regularly and also help them to motivate their co- worker to attend work regularly. Fingerprints are considered to be the best and fastest method for biometric identification. They are secure to use, unique for every person and do not change in one's lifetime. Fingerprint recognition is a mature field to-day, but still identifying individual from a set of enrolled fingerprints is a time taking process. This paper illustrates improvement of attendance management system based on fingerprint identification for implementation on large databases e.g. of an industry or a garments factory etc. In this project, many new algorithms have been used e.g. gender estimation, key based one to many matching, removing boundary minutiae. Using these new algorithms a new attendance management system has been developed which is faster and cheaper in implementation than any other available today in the market

    Induced breeding and larval rearing of Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton, 1822) under the agro-climatic conditions of Meghalaya, India

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    Monopterus cuchia is a fresh water eel widely distributed in Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan but predominantly available in Bangladesh and North East Region of India. The population of the species has been declined in its natural habitat to a great extend due to various environmental and anthropogenic factors. So far no report was available regarding artificial propagation of the species M. cuchia, especially from India. Hence it is necessary to develop an induced breeding protocol by standardized doses of synthetic hormone for artificial propagation of the fish.Thus, an experiment was set up for induced breeding of the species using synthetic hormone, Gonopro-FH. After hormonal administration (Gonopro-FH), brooders were released into specially prepared ponds and spawning was natural and spontaneous. During the period of analysis, fecundity of M. cuchia was calculated as 924 eggs (length= 78cm, weight= 344 gms). Induced breeding was successful using Gonopro-FH and the final dosage was 1ml/kg body weight to the female along with 0.3ml/kg body weight to the male. Final fertilization percentage was 75-80% and hatching percentage was 80-85%

    Pressure-driven Flow Instability with Convective Heat Transfer Through a Curved Rectangular Duct of Small Aspect Ratio

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    AbstractThe present study investigates unsteady fluid flow through a curved rectangular duct of aspect ratio 0.5 and curvature 0.5. Numerical calculations are carried out by using a spectral method, and covering a wide range of the pressure gradient parameter, the Dean number, 6000 ≤ Dn ≤ 12000 and the Grashof number, 100 ≤ Gr ≤ 2000 for two cases of the duct, Case-I: Stationary duct and Case-II: Rotating duct. The outer wall of the duct is heated while the inner wall cooled. The main concern of the present study is to discuss the unsteady flow behavior i.e whether the unsteady flow is steady-state, periodic, multi-periodic or chaotic, if Dn or Gr is increased. For a stationary duct, we investigate the unsteady flow characteristics for the Dean number 6000 ≤ Dn ≤ 12000 and the Grashof number 100 ≤ Gr ≤ 2000, and it is found that the unsteady flow undergoes in the scenario steady-state → periodic → multi-periodic → chaotic, if Gr is increased. For rotating duct, however, we investigate the unsteady flow characteristics for the Taylor number −100 Tr ≤ 1000, and it is found that the unsteady flow undergoes through various flow instabilities, if Dn or Gr is increased. Typical contours of secondary flow patterns and temperature profiles are also obtained, and it is found that the unsteady flow consists of a single-, two-, and multi-vortex solutions

    Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Results Pertaining to R-Curves In Low and High Ductility Solids

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    Existing linear elastic fracture mechanics and J-integral analyses are well suited for safety assessments of high-strength, low-toughness materials. These analyses apply only to the onset of crack growth, which is usually tantamount to crack instability and structural failure in that class of materials. However, this is not the case for the low-strength, high-toughness materials in which crack instability may be preceeded [sic] by extensive stable crack growth under rising loads. Here, a substantial margin of safety may exist even when the onset of crack growth is imminent. This thesis describes research leading to a ductile fracture-mechanics methodology designed to treat two-dimensional, large-scale yielding and stable crack growth problems. The linear plasticity model of moving cracks (Wnuk, 1972-1978) is used to obtain predictions concerning the material toughness associated with the preliminary crack extension (R-curves), and to calculate the critical parameters, e. g., the load and crack size at which a transition to unstable brittle-like fractures will occur. One important finding of this work is that parameters truly reflecting the state of the crack-tip process zone are not functions of the extent of stable crack growth when the mode of fracture (full shear or flat) remains fixed. The possibility exists, therefore, that useful, stable growth parameters can be evaluated from the state of the crack tip at the onset of crack extension

    Approximate inverse based multigrid solution of large sparse linear systems

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    In this thesis we study the approximate inverse based multigrid algorithm FAPIN for the solution of large sparse linear systems of equations. This algorithm, which is closely related to the well known multigrid V-cycle, has proven successful in the numerical solution of several second order boundary value problems. Here we are mainly concerned with its application to fourth order problems. In particular, we demonstrate good multigrid performance with discrete problems arising from the beam equation and the biharmonic (plate) equation. The work presented also represents new experience with FAPIN using cubic B-spline, bicubic B-spline and piecewise bicubic Hermite basis functions. We recast a convergence proof in matrix notation for the nonsingular case. Central to our development are the concepts of an approximate inverse and an approximate pseudo-inverse of a matrix. In particular, we use least squares approximate inverses (and related approximate pseudo-inverses) found by solving a Frobenius matrix norm minimization problem. These approximate inverses are used in the multigrid smoothers of our FAPIN algorithms

    Synthesis, magnetism, <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR and redox activity of dicopper(II) complexes having a discrete {Cu<SUB>2</SUB>(&#956;-phenoxide)<SUB>2</SUB>}<SUP>2+</SUP> unit supported by a non-macrocyclic ligand environment. Crystal structure of [Cu<SUB>2</SUB>(L)<SUB>2</SUB>(OClO<SUB>3</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>] [HL = 4-methyl-2,6-bis(pyrazol-1-ylmethyl)phenol]

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    Reaction between 4-methyl-2,6-bis(pyrazol-1-ylmethyl)phenol (HL) or its 3,5-dimethylpyrazole derivative (HL') and Cu(ClO4)2&#183;6H2O afforded [CuII2(L/L')2(OClO3)2] 1 and 2. Complex 1 has been structurally characterized showing that each copper(II) centre is square pyramidal with two bridging phenoxide oxygens and two terminal pyrazole nitrogens in the equatorial plane and a perchlorate oxygen atom axially co-ordinated. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements revealed that the dicopper(II) centres are strongly antiferromagnetically coupled [singlet-triplet energy separation, 2J (in cm-1): -1204 for 1 and -798 for 2]. The complexes exhibit 1H NMR spectra within &#948; 0-10 due to their S = 0 ground state. In MeCN solution they exhibit ligand field transitions in the range 14 300-16 600 cm-1 and phenolate-to-copper(II) charge-transfer transition at &#8776;22 700 cm-1. In MeCN solution each complex displays three consecutive irreversible responses (scan rate of 50 mV s-1) with Epc values (V vs. SCE) at -0.02, -0.54 and -0.86 (1) and 0.00, -0.42 and -0.80 (2). The first two responses are due to CuII-CuI and the most cathodic response to CuI-Cu0 redox processes, respectively
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