25 research outputs found

    Specifications of Free Verse Writing in Lesja Ukrajinka’s Heritage

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    The article gives an analysis of several poems taken from Lesja Ukrajinka s nature philosophical verses written in the free form What became the initials for this research was the nature of free verse which would allow determining the specifications of generic and stylistic diffusion in works of a certain poet and observe formation of an individual vision of the world thereby reflected in re-interpreted initials of folklore verse The objectives of this work are to establish the formal and substantial features of free verse writing in the poetic works by Lesja Ukrajinka upon studying three most famous free verses Fragments from the Letter Ave Regina and Spring in Winter Concisely there was concluded that the formal and substantial conceits of Lesja s creativity the choice of genre and versification order first evidence her endeavor to return to initial artistic syncretism Particularly her free verse upon combining the prosodic systems dominant in Modernist literary process in Ukraine appears to be the successor of preliminary versification traditions folk duma verse and at the same time the founder of those new It is the factor that defines the special imagery of free verse works including various lexical massifs exotic colloquial or dialect words artistic and scientific terms and composition of a verse as a narration with profound philosophical conten

    Narrative Polyphony of Sting’s Album “Ten Summoner’s Tales” (1993)

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    The article analyses the specifications of narrative structures and types of narrators in the song lyrics from the album “Ten Summoner’s Tales” (1993), based on “Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer and traditionally claimed the Magnum Opus of Sting. Apparently, Chaucerian style in all the twelve verses composing the album emerges not merely as the interpretation of original “Canterbury Tales” plots or impartment of the new features to the initial characters, but predominantly as exploitation of the lyrical and ironic intonations within an image of a narrator for a certain poem. Since a song is the synthetic generic structure marked with profound internal experience, Sting’s album reveals the diverse types of a speaker in every verse. Primarily, it is the ‘I-narrator’ embodied in poetic masks of a historian, a warrior, a saint, a gambler or a philosopher; some texts like “Fields of Gold” or “Shape of My Heart” represent the alternation of speaker types, which method of storytelling creates the special generic and narrative polyphony for a song. Subsequently, the narrative structure would determine the genre of a separate work: a detective story, a pastoral, a historical reflection, a cumulative tale, a confession, and somehow a Dante-styled epic poem. Overall, the various types of narrators in Sting’s lyrics composing “Ten Summoner’s Tales” (determined as ‘reflexive,’ ‘actor,’ ‘pointillist’ and ‘medium’ with all possible combinations) bring the elements of the author’s own vital and creative experience into the song where they gain the generalized meanings as symbols of human life, being surrounded with verbal images and amplified with musical accompaniment


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    Reading plays an important role in the educational process, as it is one of the central spheres in communication in a foreign language. However, reading Chinese has its own peculiarities, because the method of writing differs from the phonetic languages. The paper is devoted to the teaching reading in Chinese for beginners, using the peculiarities of an ideographic language. The outlining of these peculiarities and the development of exercises, with the consideration of these peculiarities are relevant, because most of the methodological developments are devoted to the teaching of reading phonetic languages. The paper aims to determine the peculiarities of teaching reading in Chinese, which are caused by the ideographic character of the hieroglyphic writing. The developed system of exercises for teaching reading in the Chinese language for beginners is provided. The exercises enable learners to get acquainted with the hieroglyphic writing, to build a grapheme competence and to learn how to write any character.


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    China has been promoting the project of the “New Silk Road” (NSR) not just as a revival of the ancient trade road or a transport route between East and West. On a larger scale it is the redesigning of the entire commercial and economic model of the Middle East and Central Asia. Thus we have no time to wait until all the people involved in the project will graduate from the universities’ foreign language departments. We are well aware that we need short term language programs intended for non-philologist learners. One of the aspects that is compulsory for the beginner is the phonetics of the Chinese language. The article discusses the basic modern requirements for the content and form of teaching the phonetics of the Chinese language. The methods like synthesis, comparative analysis and literature review were used to outline the requirements for teaching phonetics of the Chinese language in short term language programs and in higher education. As a result of the study the textbook aimed at forming the correct pronunciation for beginners is introduced. While compiling the textbook the descriptive method and the method of comparison were used.

    Oсобливості навчання діалогічного мовлення студентів-першокурсників нефілологічних вишів (The specifications of teaching dialogical speech to the freshmen of non-philological high schools)

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    У статті розглянуто принципи компонування вправ із діалогічного мовлення для першокурсників різного рівня підготовки та способи їх виконання під час практичних занять. Показано, що в даному контексті доречним є метод індукції (від простішого до складнішого), оскільки він допомагає студентам розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення на ґрунті отриманих базових знань. (The author of this article researched the main principles to compose the exercises for teaching dialogical speech to the fi rst-year students with different level of language profi ciency, and the ways to complete them on practical classes. The crucial point is that the language courses taught in non-philological high school (which is particularly National University of Food Technologies) require using the materials of both fundamental (like History of Ukrainian Culture, World Culture and Arts) and profi le (like Chemical Technology, Technology of Food Products) disciplines. However, the author focused on dialogues built on culturological terminology because they may include the various grammar conceits (types of questions, formulating the personal data etc.) Therefore, the method of induction, or step-by-step (from the simpler to the more complicated) would be expedient in this context due to its undoubted possibility to help students develop their skills of dialogical speech on the base of knowledge obtained earlier. For better visualization of each stage of learning process, the author put some samples of dialogues of different types.


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    Nowadays, the art of calligraphy is being revived. Computer typing, has largely replaced handwritten version, however it cannot develop fine motor skills, memory training, and concentration. Thus, a person does not receive a certain training set necessary for the harmonious development of brain activity. In recent years, the direction of "calligraphy therapy" has been developing, which is precisely aimed at filling the missing skills. In modern pedagogy, inclusive education comes to the fore in importance. Methods of working with people with special needs are being developed, including the direction of "art pedagogy", that is, learning through art. And it is precisely oriental (art) calligraphy (Chinese, Japanese), which is a whole philosophy and art that has developed over many centuries, that can fully meet new pedagogical tasks. The article proposes the concept of a new method of inclusive education - "art calligraphy", which can be used as one of the elements of art pedagogy for working with people with special needs.

    Organization of work of juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine

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    Juvenile delinquency is a social problem faced by each country. Depending on the effectiveness of prevention work, citizens’ levels, and social sense of security in each country differ. Juvenile prevention units are just beginning their practical activities in a new legal direction. The article aims to characterize the organization of the work of juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine. The object of the study is public relations in juvenile prevention. The subject of the research is the organization of work of juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific and unique methods. Thus, dialectical, descriptive, system-structural, and comparative-legal methods and methods of induction and deduction were used. It is emphasized that the organization of the work of juvenile prevention units of the National Police of Ukraine is due to several factors. First, the system of juvenile prevention in general. Secondly, the legislative sources determine the general principles of juvenile prevention and its specific measures. Third, the structure of juvenile prevention units at the national and local levels. Fourth, the normative definition of the main tasks of juvenile prevention units

    Разработка и валидация методики количественного определения силденафила и n-десметил силденафила с помощью ВЭЖХ-МС/МС в плазме крови человека

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    Aim. To assess bioequivalence of sildenafil citrate tablet formulation produced by pharmaceutical company “Microkhim” (Rubezhnoe, Ukraine) it was developed and validated a prompt, specific and quite simple method for quantitative determination of sildenafil and its active metabolite - N-desmethyl sildenafil concentrations in the human blood using deuterium labeled internal standards. Direct liquid-liquid extraction procedure was utilized to extract the analytes from the blood plasma.Methods. Contents of sildenafil and its metabolite in supernatant were determined by means of the high performance liquid chromatography / tandem mass spectrometric detection technique. Ionization of sildenafil, N-desmethyl sildenafil, sildenafil-d8 and N-desmethyl sildenafil-d8 was performed in the positive electrospray mode (ESI, Positive). Detection of the analytes was carried out in the multi reactions monitoring (MRM) regimen with the following m/z values for selected parent ions: 475,30; 483,20; 461,20 and 469,20, respectively. The daughter ion m/z value was selected to be 283,10 for all analytes.Results. Analytical method proposed proved to demonstrate reliable accuracy and reproducibility for both analytes and has been validated within linear range 5,05-1009,92 ng/ml for sildenafil and 2,24-400,84 ng/mL for N-desmethyl sildenafil with correlation coefficient (r2) equaled to 0.9975 and 0.9973, respectively.Conclusions. It was developed and validated a simple, specific and sensitive HPLC-MS/MS method for quantitative determination of sildenafil and its active metabolite N-desmethyl sildenafil concentrations in human blood plasma utilizing stable isotope labeled internal standards – deuterated sildenafil-d8 and N-desmethyl sildenafil- d8. Important feature of the method was a modified preanalytical procedures of biological samples preparation – direct liquid-liquid extraction that allowed to avoid laborious and time-consuming procedures such as evaporation to concentrate the samples with consequent recovery of dry residue, as well as to refuse from expensive solid-phase extraction. Application of the deuterium labeled internal standards allowed to suppress a biological matrix effect drastically, as well as to reach target LLOQ level. Experimental data obtained in the course of full validation of the method proposed that was performed in accordance with approved national and international technical and regulatory requirements, allowed to affirm high specificity, sensitivity, accuracy, reproducibility and efficiency of the method.Цель. Для изучения биоэквивалентности таблетированной формы силденафила (таблетки «Тегрум» 100 мг), производства ООО «НПФ «Микрохим» (г. Рубежное, Украина) был разработан и валидирован быстрый, простой и специфический метод количественного определения концентрации силденафила и его активного метаболита - N-десметил силденафила в плазме крови человека с применением внутренних стандартов, меченных атомами дейтерия. Извлечение аналитов из плазмы крови выполнялось методом прямой жидкость-жидкостной экстракции.Методы. Содержание силденафила и его десметилированного метаболита определяли в надосадочной жидкости методом высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии с тандемным масс-спектрометрическим детектированием. Ионизацию cилденафила, N-десметил силденафила, cилденафила-d8 и N-десметил силденафила-d8 проводили электрораспылением в положительном режиме (ESI, Positive). При детектировании использовали мониторинг мультиреакций (MRM) выбранных материнских ионов с m/z 475,30; 483,20; 461,20; 469,20. Дочерний ион был выбран с m/z 283,10 для всех анализируемых соединений.Результаты. В ходе валидации данного метода в линейном диапазоне 5,05-1009,92 нг/мл для силденафила и 2,24-400,84 нг/мл для N-десметил силденафила коэффициент корреляции (r2) составил 0,9975 и 0,9973 соответственно, также была продемонстрирована надёжная правильность и воспроизводимость результатов для обеих аналитов.Выводы. Разработан и валидирован простой, специфический и чувствительный ВЭЖХ-МС/МС метод количественного определения концентрации силденафила и его активного метаболита N-десметил силденафила в плазме крови человека с применением меченных стабильными изотопами внутренних стандартов - силденафил-d8 и N-десметил силденафил- d8. Разработанный нами экспресс-метод подготовки биологических образцов, позволяет исключить влияние биологической матрицы на получаемые результаты и определять низкие концентрации обоих аналитов в надосадочной жидкости без применения таких трудоемких и времязатратных процедур, как концентрирование пробы, восстановление сухого остатка или дорогостоящей твердофазной экстракции. Экспериментальные данные, полученные в ходе полной валидации метода, соответствуют установленным национальным и международным требованиям, а так же подтверждают высокую специфичность, чувствительность, точность, воспроизводимость и экономичность разработанного нами метода