74 research outputs found

    Blood oxidative stress and antioxidant defense profile of White Stork Ciconia ciconia chicks reflect the degree of environmental pollution

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    Oxidative stress biomarkers in the blood of White Stork Ciconia ciconia chicks were analyzed during their development in nests in polluted and control environments. The control, relatively pure, environment was the village of Kłopot, with no industrial plants within a radius of 150 km. Blood samples were also collected in two polluted areas, including the suburban village of Czarnowo, located 20 km from the city of Zielona Góra (southwestern Poland) and an area near the town of Głogów, where a large Copper Manufacture is situated. We measured two markers of oxidative stress (2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and stable 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine derivates of the oxidative modified carbonyl groups levels), as well as antioxidant defenses (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities, ceruloplasmin and total antioxidant capacity levels) in the blood samples. White Stork chicks from different environments are probably significantly susceptible to environmental conditions. In the unpolluted area, chicks showed lower lipid and protein oxidation levels, indicating that the variation in the pollution-induced oxidative stress among areas is dependent of environmental loads. Increased oxidative stress biomarkers can modify antioxidant defenses in chicks from various environments, principally causing increased glutathione peroxidase activity in chicks from polluted regions. Therefore, the use of oxidative stress biomarkers to assess the health and condition of chicks will be useful in future studies aiming to identify miscellaneous environmental loading

    Theoretical and methodological framework of accounting and analytical support for sustainable development strategy

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    In the article, the theoretical and methodological foundations of accounting and analytical support of the enterprise strategy in the concept of sustainable development are investigated. The essence of the concept of "sustainable enterprise development strategy" and its significance in the context of globalization of the economy and access to international commodity, resource and financial markets has been analyzed. The content and structure of accounting and analytical support for the strategy of sustainable development of the enterprise is justified. Structural-logical scheme of procedures for developing strategies for sustainable development of the enterprise has been proposed. The model of accounting and analytical support for the strategy of sustainable development of the enterprise has been developed. Information support for setting goals for sustainable development strategies in the context of sustainability factors has been improved

    Influence of preparations Biolan and Vympel for the crop and quality of grapes and wine from varieties Aligote and Rkatsiteli

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    High-quality white wines with better sensory and physicochemical attributes can be produced from grapes treated by Biolan and Vympel preparations. The yield of grapes was increased by 18-25%. Using the preparation Biolan, which has an endogenous origin, the mass concentration of sugars in the juice of berries of grape varieties Aligote and Rkatsiteli increased by 10.2-15.2%, respectively, and were higher than the control. During the analysis of the physicochemical composition of the must, it was found that the grapes processed with Biolan and Vympel preparations differed in the indices necessary for the production of high-quality white table wines. The sensory evaluation showed that the wine materials from the grapes treated with the endogenous preparation Biolan were characterized by higher quality characteristics; score of the tasting was 7.8 and 7.9 against 7.6 of the control, respectively, according to the Aligote and Rkatsiteli varieties


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    З метою управлiння безпечнiстю розроблених бiсквiтiв з органiчної сировини за принципами системи НАССР, створенi двi рецептури бiсквiтiв «Зимова насолода» та «Екзотик». Для приготування бiсквiтного напiвфабрикату «Зимова насолода» використане борошно гречане органiчне, iмбир молотий органiчний, цукор кленовий органiчний, яйця органiчнi, есенцiя м’яти органiчна. Для приготування бiсквiтного напiвфабрикату «Екзотик» використане борошно зi спельти органiчне, конопляне борошно органiчне, порошок шипшини органiчний, цукор кокосовий органiчний, яйця органiчнi, есенцiя на основi лимону органiчного. Встановлено, що розробленi продукти мають високi органолептичнi властивостi. З фiзико-хiмiчних показникiв було визначено вологiсть у обох виробах, яка складала 25±2 % для напiвфабрикату «Зимова насолода» та 24±2 % для напiвфабрикату «Екзотик». Була визначена харчова та енергетична цiннiсть виробiв. Кiлькiсть бiлкiв складала для бiсквiту «Зимова насолода» – 14,4 г/100 г; «Екзотик» – 15 г/100 г, кiлькiсть жирiв – 4,40 та 3,80 г/100 г, кiлькiсть вуглеводiв – 50,41 та 55,40 г/100 г, енергетична цiннiсть – 298,84 та 315,80 ккал/100 г вiдповiдно. Розроблений план НАССР для виробництва бiсквiтiв дає змогу виготовити безпечний продукт: проаналiзованi небезпечнi фактори на кожному етапi виробничого процесу та встановлено 4 критичних точки контролю. Встановлено, що найвищий ступiнь ризику мають бiологiчнi фактори, якi можуть вплинути на безпечнiсть готового продукту. Встановленi критичнi точки контролю, критичнi межi та розроблено план НАССР. Визначенi мiкробiологiчнi та токсикологiчнi показники безпечностi готових виробiв, не перевищують допустимих меж. Цi результати вказують на те, що використання альтернативних рецептур бiсквiтних напiвфабрикатiв на основi органiчної сировини з урахуванням пiдходiв НАССР дає змогу створювати безпечнi продукти з пiдвищеною харчовою цiннiстю. Отриманi результати можуть використовувати пiдприємства кондитерської промисловостi для розширення асортименту органiчних виробiв. Також, враховуючи необхiднiсть впровадження системи НАССР всiма операторами ринку харчових продуктiв, результати щодо розроблення плану НАССР також можуть бути використанi виробникам

    Evaluating Future Teacher Competencies in the Face of Contemporary Global Challenges: A Comprehensive Analysis

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    A highly qualified teacher of the future should demonstrate to students the highest performance and expected results of their activities after completing the proposed tasks and activities. At the same time, the professional teacher of the future should take care of the adaptation of students and the fact of their diversity by changing teaching strategies and learning materials that are appropriate to the age, prior learning, cultural values, and individual needs of the educational program. The role of the teacher in the future is to ensure the formation and education of the personalities of new generations and their professional training within educational institutions, closely related to life, social and professional, moral,and civic activities. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the problems of forming the skills and personality traits of a teacher that would cause reverberations in students for many years after graduation. The work uses general scientific and special scientific research methods, adheres to the principles of objectivity, scientificity, specificity, and systematicity to argue for the normative reason, of updating the system of professional competencies in an increasingly globalized, multicultural, diverse, and complex environment marked by digital technologies and transformations. It is about the need to change the system of acquiring thorough knowledge to mobilize the professional achievements of teachers. This is the whole point of rewriting the common core of knowledge, skills, and culture envisioned by the Ukrainian education reform. Search engines have identified more than 100 articles on pedagogy. As a result of the selection and verification process, only 21 state-of-the-art sources from 2021-2022 were selected (given the novelty of the proposed scientific research). The results address the problem of professional competence development in European countries. The generalization of the characteristics of the teacher of the future in the context of the global challenges of our time is made based on the contrast of the experiences of the described countries and the general opinion of the participants in the relevant forum. Thus, the reference base of professional competencies for pedagogical and educational professions should reflect the developments in the training of teachers and pedagogical staff in the context of the new Ukrainian education system


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    The article discusses the recipes of new biscuits based on organic raw materials, as well as the results of the study of their quality and safety indicators. The aim of this research is studying the consumer properties of biscuits, developed on the basis of organic raw materials, which will expand the range of organic confectionery products. The main difference between the developed biscuit recipes is that instead of wheat flour buckwheat flour, spelled flour and hemp flour were used, and coconut and maple sugar were used as sweeteners. To determine the organoleptic characteristics, a 25-point scale was developed, which includes indicators: taste, smell, appearance, crust state, crumb color. On the basis of the carried out organoleptic assessment, it has been established that the developed biscuits have a pleasant taste and good aroma and are highly appreciated by the tasting commission. Physico-chemical characteristics and safety performance of the developed products were within the normal range. Thanks to the use of non-traditional raw materials, the energy value of biscuits was reduced. On the basis of the obtained data, the expediency of expanding the range of organic confectionery products with new types of biscuits is substantiated

    Application of sensor analysis methodology in fish snacks technology for express bars with regulated histamine content

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    The object of research is the technology of fish snacks for express bars with a regulated histamine content for the rational correction of certain diets of the population. One of the most problematic places in the technology of fish fermented products is the accumulation of biogenic amines with toxic properties. An increased intake of histamine can cause the so-called «histamine» migraine (Horton's syndrome), headache (Harris' neuralgia, characterized by pain in the eyes, forehead, temporal part of the head, lacrimation, inflammation of the nasal mucosa) and other symptoms, including the gastrointestinal tract, sweat, increased secretion of gastric juice, increased heart rate, and decreased diastolic (lower) blood pressure. In addition, the appearance, namely the shape and color of snacks, reduces the attractiveness of snack products. In the course of the study, methods of sensory analysis, standard methods for studying physical and chemical quality indicators were used. The chosen methodology makes it possible to timely correct technological processes for the production of fish snacks to obtain high-quality, safe food products with a harmonic sensory profile, as well as to control the accumulation of biogenic amines. The obtained results of the research conducted allow to state that the proposed technological methods and the developed ingredient composition of the mince mixture in the production of snacks contribute to the expansion of the range of snack products for a healthy diet with high consumer properties that provide an attractive appearance, safety, and biological value. This is due to the fact that the consumer preferences for shape, color, usefulness and safety taken into account made it possible, based on the methodology of sensory analysis, to scientifically substantiate the choice of raw materials, form requirements for the appearance of finished products and containers used for packaging snacks. The main raw material for the production of snacks is fish from inland waters of Ukraine with a low-active enzymatic system and, accordingly, a small amount of low-molecular volatile substances involved in the formation of odor. The production process ensures a high sanitary level and the use of consumer packaging of small capacity, which meets the modern requirements of visitors to express bars. In addition, natural biopolymers of plant origin have been introduced into the recipe composition of the minced mixture, which allow to control the process of accumulation of biogenic amines

    The Impact of Nutritional Quality on the Students’ Health

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    Aim: To study the nutritional quality and its impact on the health of the students of higher education institutions. Material and methods: 647 students were interviewed. A questionnaire, which contains 17 questions and is aimed at studying the quality of students’ nutrition, was created by authors. Experimental (EG, n = 60) and control (CG, n = 60) groups were formed. The EG included the students whose diet was rational while studying, the CG included the students whose diet was irrational. The level of students’ health was examined at the end of studying according to the methodology of professor G.L. Apanasenko. Results: It was found that only 30.6% of students ate 3-4 times a day, 14.4% – twice a day, 49.8% did not follow any dietary regimen, and 7.9% of students would not eat breakfast at al 43.7% of male students and 53.3% of female students did not follow a dietary regimen at all. A comparative analysis of the physical health of students of EG and CG showed that among both male and female students, the students whose diet was rational had significantly better (p<0.001) level of health. Conclusions: It was determined that the majority of students had low nutritional quality while studying: nutrition was irrational, incomplete, and not varied. This does not contribute to a healthy lifestyle of modern students and can negatively affect the efficiency of their future professional activities