145 research outputs found

    Oportunidades de aprendizaje en matemáticas para estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual

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    En Chile, los estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual (di) asisten a escuelas especiales o a escuelas regulares con programas de integración escolar (pie). Hasta la fecha se carece de información respecto de las oportunidades de aprendizaje (oda) que se proporcionan a estos estudiantes en ambos contextos. El estudio que se presenta es parte de una investigación mayor, cuyo propósito es explorar las oda de las matemáticas que se generan en centros de educación especial para estudiantes con di. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con profesores y directivos de escuelas especiales, con el objetivo de indagar cuáles son sus creencias sobre la enseñanza, sobre los estudiantes con di y las matemáticas. Los resultados indican que la enseñanza a estudiantes con di requiere de mucho tiempo de planificación, de un currículo flexible que se adapte a las necesidades individuales, de uso de material concreto y de una evaluación individualizada. Respecto de los estudiantes, los entrevistados indican que no hay fórmulas generales y que se debe tratar cada caso de manera individual. Finalmente, profesores y directivos estiman que la enseñanza de las matemáticas para estudiantes con di son principalmente el conteo y las operaciones con números, lo cual excluye del currículo ofrecido espacios para el desarrollo de otras habilidades matemáticas

    NRF2-dependent gene expression promotes ciliogenesis and Hedgehog signaling

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    The transcription factor NRF2 is a master regulator of cellular antioxidant and detoxification responses, but it also regulates other processes such as autophagy and pluripotency. In human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), NRF2 antagonizes neuroectoderm differentiation, which only occurs after NRF2 is repressed via a Primary Cilia-Autophagy-NRF2 (PAN) axis. However, the functional connections between NRF2 and primary cilia, microtubule-based plasma membrane protrusions that function as cellular antennae, remain poorly understood. For instance, nothing is known about whether NRF2 affects cilia, or whether cilia regulation of NRF2 extends beyond hESCs. Here, we show that NRF2 and primary cilia reciprocally regulate each other. First, we demonstrate that fibroblasts lacking primary cilia have higher NRF2 activity, which is rescued by autophagy-activating mTOR inhibitors, indicating that the PAN axis also operates in differentiated cells. Furthermore, NRF2 controls cilia formation and function. NRF2-null cells grow fewer and shorter cilia and display impaired Hedgehog signaling, a cilia-dependent pathway. These defects are not due to increased oxidative stress or ciliophagy, but rather to NRF2 promoting expression of multiple ciliogenic and Hedgehog pathway genes. Among these, we focused on GLI2 and GLI3, the transcription factors controlling Hh pathway output. Both their mRNA and protein levels are reduced in NRF2-null cells, consistent with their gene promoters containing consensus ARE sequences predicted to bind NRF2. Moreover, GLI2 and GLI3 fail to accumulate at the ciliary tip of NRF2-null cells upon Hh pathway activation. Given the importance of NRF2 and ciliary signaling in human disease, our data may have important biomedical implicationsThis work was supported by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)-cofunded grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) to FRGG (SAF2015-66568-R and RYC2013-14887) and to A.C. and I.L.B. (SAF2016-76520-R

    ROS-MATLAB HMI for industrial robot teleoperation

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    [Resumen] ROS (Robot Operating System) es un framework para el desarrollo de sistemas robóticos de código abierto ampliamente utilizado en la industria y la investigación. Los sistemas robóticos asistidos requieren una comunicación fluida y fiable entre ROS y el controlador externo, a fin de lograr un control y supervisión eficaz del mismo. En este artículo, se presenta el procedimiento necesario para establecer la comunicación a través de una red local entre un robot móvil que implementa ROS y un dispositivo remoto desde el que enviar y recibir información del robot. Además, se propone un ejemplo de HMI (Interfaz Hombre-Máquina) desarrollado en MATLAB, y que puede ser instalada en equipos Windows, Linux o MacOSX, para la teleoperación de un robot en un entorno industrial. La comunicación bidireccional en tiempo real, las capacidades de procesamiento de datos y su versatilidad la convierten en una herramienta completa para la gestión de datos robóticos en entornos industriales.[Abstract] ROS (Robot Operating System) is an open-source robotics development framework widely used in industry and research. Human assisted robotic systems require of robust and constant communication between ROS and the remote controller in order to achieve effective control and monitoring of the system. In this paper, we propose a methodology to connect a mobile ROS with a remote device, using a wireless local network. This device serves as link between the robot and the rest of the system. Additionally, an HMI (Human-Machine Interface) developed using MATLAB is presented. The HMI can be implemented in Windows, Linux or MacOSX computers and provides teleoperation capabilities for a robot in an industrial environment. Real-time bidirectional communication, data processing capabilities and intrinsic versatility make this HMI a robust tool for robotic data management in industrial applications.Ministerio Ciencia e Innovación; PLEC2021-007819Comunidad de Madrid; S2018/NMT-433

    Psychotropic drugs prescription to elderly people in the National Institute of Social services for Retirees and Pensioners of Argentina (PAMI)

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    Objetivo: Analizar el patrón de prescripción de psicofármacos a los afiliados mayores de 60 años del Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para Jubilados y Pensionados de Argentina (PAMI). Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de la base de datos del Instituto Nacional de Servicios Sociales para Jubilados y Pensionados de Argentina (PAMI) sobre la población de 60 años y más a los que se les prescribió al menos un psicofármaco durante el año 2016. Resultados: Durante el año 2016, un 30% de la población mayor de 60 años recibió la indicación de al menos un psicofármaco. Hubo una mayor prescripción de psicofármacos a las mujeres que a los hombres (75,3% vs. 24,7%). De los fármacos prescriptos, el 67% fueron benzodiacepinas, el 20% fueron antidepresivos, el 9% antipsicóticos y el 4% hipnóticos no benzodiacepínicos. El 54% de los psicofármacos prescriptos fueron clonazepam y alprazolam. Un 21% de la población recibió tres o más indicaciones durante el período estudiado. Hubo una prescripción relativamente mayor de psicofármacos en la población de 75 años o más. Conclusiones: Teniendo en cuenta los riesgos de efectos adversos, las interacciones y la inclusión de algunos de estos fármacos entre aquellos que no deben ser prescriptos entre los adultos mayores, resulta alarmante la alta tasa de prescripción de algunos de estos medicamentos. Se hace necesario desarrollar estrategias entre los médicos de cabecera, especialistas y también entre la población general para lograr reducir la prescripción de este grupo de fármacos.Objective: To analyze the prescribing pattern of psychotropic drugs to affiliates over 60 years of age at the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners of Argentina (PAMI). Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of the at the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners of Argentina (PAMI) database on the population over 60 years of age who received at least one psychotropic drug during 2016. Results: During the year 2016, 30% of the population over 60 years of age received the prescription of at least one psychotropic drug. There was a greater prescription of psychotropic drugs to women than to men (75.3% vs. 24.7%). Of the drugs prescribed, 67% were benzodiazepines, 20% were antidepressants, 9% were antipsychotics and 4% were non-benzodiazepine hypnotics. 54% of the drugs prescribed were clonazepam and alprazolam. 21% of the population received three or more prescriptions during the period studied. There was a relatively greater prescription of psychotropic drugs in the population of 75 years old or older. Conclusions: Taking into account the risks of adverse effects, interactions and the inclusion of some of these drugs among those that should not be prescribed among older adults, the high prescription rate of some of these drugs is alarming. It is necessary to develop strategies among general practitioners, specialists and also among the general population in order to reduce the prescription of psychotropic drugs.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Oportunidades de aprendizagem das matemáticas para estudantes com deficiência intelectual

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    In Chile, students with learning disabilities (ld) attend either special schools or regular schools with school integration programs (sip). To this day, there is no information about the learning opportunities (lo) provided to these students in both contexts. The study is part of a larger research aimed at exploring the mathematics lo for students with ld in special education centers. We conducted semi-structured interviews with teachers and principals from special schools with the purpose of learning about their beliefs on teaching, students with ld, and math. Results show that teaching students with ld requires many hours of planning, a flexible curriculum adapted to their individual needs, using specific material, and individualized assessment. Regarding students, the respondents note that there are no general formulas and that each case should be handled individually. Finally, the school teachers and principals estimate that the teaching of mathematics for students with ld includes mainly counting and operations with numbers, which excludes spaces for developing other mathematical abilities from the curriculum offered. En Chile, los estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual (di) asisten a escuelas especiales o a escuelas regulares con programas de integración escolar (pie). Hasta la fecha se carece de información respecto de las oportunidades de aprendizaje (oda) que se proporcionan a estos estudiantes en ambos contextos. El estudio que se presenta es parte de una investigación mayor, cuyo propósito es explorar las oda de las matemáticas que se generan en centros de educación especial para estudiantes con di. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con profesores y directivos de escuelas especiales, con el objetivo de indagar cuáles son sus creencias sobre la enseñanza, sobre los estudiantes con di y las matemáticas. Los resultados indican que la enseñanza a estudiantes con di requiere de mucho tiempo de planificación, de un currículo flexible que se adapte a las necesidades individuales, de uso de material concreto y de una evaluación individualizada. Respecto de los estudiantes, los entrevistados indican que no hay fórmulas generales y que se debe tratar cada caso de manera individual. Finalmente, profesores y directivos estiman que la enseñanza de las matemáticas para estudiantes con di son principalmente el conteo y las operaciones con números, lo cual excluye del currículo ofrecido espacios para el desarrollo de otras habilidades matemáticas. No Chile, os estudantes com deficiência intelectual (di) frequentam escolas especiais ou escolas normais com programas de integração escolar (pie). Até agora não existem dados sobre as oportunidades de aprendizagem (oda) proporcionadas aos estudantes nos dois contextos. O estudo apresentado faz parte de uma pesquisa maior, cujo propósito é explorar as oda das matemáticas que são geradas em centros de educação especial para estudantes com di. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com professores e diretivos de escolas especiais, com o objetivo de indagar quais são suas crenças sobre o ensino, sobre os estudantes com di e as matemáticas. Os resultados assinalam que o ensino a estudantes com di precisa de muito tempo de planejamento, de um currículo flexível que possa ser adaptado às necessidades individuas, de uso de material concreto e de uma avaliação individualizada. Em relação com os estudantes, os entrevistados indicam que não existem fórmulas gerais e que cada caso deve ser trabalhado individualmente. Finalmente, professores e diretivos consideram que o ensino das matemáticas para estudantes com di consiste principalmente na contagem e as operações com números, o que exclui do currículo oferecido espaços para o desenvolvimento de outras habilidades matemáticas

    A new scenario in metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a SOG‑GU consensus

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    [Abstract] Background This article describes and compares approved targeted therapies and the newer immunotherapy agents. Materials and methods This article especially performs an in-depth review of currently available data for tivozanib, explaining its mechanism of action, its safety profle and its role as an efcacy drug in the management of renal cancer. Results Despite the fact that the treatment of advanced RCC has been dramatically modifed in recent years, durable remissions are scarce and it remains a lethal disease. For frst- and second-line therapy, there is now growing evidence to guide the selection of the appropriate treatment. Conclusions Several TKIs are standard of care at diferent settings. Among those approved TKIs, tivozanib has similar efcacy than others with a better safety profle. The use of prognostic factors is critical to the selection of optimal therapy

    The so-called social phobia and school phobia in adolescence

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    Es de nuestro interés presentar los avances de la investigación en curso “Las fobias: ¿síntoma y/o estructura? Función de suplencia y nominación” (Directora: Dra. Napolitano, Programa de Incentivos, UNLP). Los interrogantes planteados en el curso de la obra freudiana concernientes a la naturaleza, estructura y función de la fobia se han mantenido en el campo del Psicoanálisis hasta la actualidad. La enseñanza de Lacan abre el camino a considerar ciertos aspectos de este problema, recuperando el costado de solución que todo síntoma entraña. El estatuto de las fobias es ocasión de revisión de la bibliografía y puesta a punto de la casuística. En esta oportunidad los trabajos versarán sobre la función de la fobia en diversos contextos. Situaremos los problemas conceptuales ligados a dos categorías de actual resonancia, la fobia social y la fobia escolar, y tras un sintético recorrido por los antecedentes, estableceremos su peculiar entramado en la encrucijada desarrollo-estructura en la entrada a la pubertad. Analizaremos e interrogaremos las relaciones entre estructura y función de estas variedades de la fobia a partir de casos problemáticos.It is of our interest to present the advances of the investigation in course “Phobias: symptom and/or structure? Function of suppletion and nomination” (Director: Dra. Napolitano, Program of Incentives, UNLP). The questions arisingfrom Freudian work concerning the nature, structure and function of the phobia have not been answered in the field of the Psychoanalysis yet. Lacan’s teachings lay the way to consider certain aspects of this problem, recovering the dimension of solution that all symptom involves. The statute of the phobias is occasion of revision of the bibliography and casuistry. In this opportunity the work will focus on the function of the phobia in diverse contexts. We will locate the conceptual problems related with two categories of actual debates, the social phobia and the school phobia, andafter reviewing the antecedents, we will establish the links betweenthese two categories and the crossroads development-structure in the entrance to puberty. We will analyze and interrogate the relations between structure and function of these varieties of the phobia through the study of problematic cases.Facultad de Psicologí

    IgE-reactivity pattern of tomato seed and peel nonspecific lipid-transfer proteins after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion

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    The influence of gastrointestinal digestion on the immunological properties of three different nonspecific lipid-transfer proteins (nsLTPs) described in tomato fruit has been assessed using an in vitro system mimicking the stomach and intestine digestion conditions. Tomato peel/pulp nsLTP, Sola l 3, was degraded after digestion, although the immunoglobulin E (IgE) recognition of intact protein and a 10 kDa band were still observed after 30 min of duodenal digestion in the presence of phosphatidylcholine. The tomato seed nsLTP, Sola l 7, showed a higher stability than the other seed allergen, Sola l 6, during digestion. Sola l 7 showed an IgE immunoreactive 6.5 kDa band in immunoblotting analysis, retaining up to 7% of its IgE-binding capacity in inhibition ELISA test after 60 min of duodenal digestion and keeping intact its ability to activate basophils after digestion. These results suggest that the tomato seed allergen Sola l 7 might be considered as an important allergen in the induction of allergic responses to tomato due to its high stability against gastrointestinal digestion.This work was supported by grants SAF2017-86483-R from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and PI13/00928 Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), ISCIII cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional – FEDER for the Thematic Networks and Co-operative Research Centres; RIRAAF RD16/0006/0024 and ARADyAL (RD16/0006/0001; RD16/0006/0013; RD16/0006/0014); and EAACI Exchange Research Fellowship 2016. The authors would like to thank the excellent technical support of Sara Abián. S.B. was supported by a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación contract from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.Peer reviewe

    Entangled core/shell magnetic structure driven by surface magnetic symmetry-breaking in Cr2O3 nanoparticles

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    Bulk Cr2O3 is an antiferromagnetic (AFM) oxide that exhibits the magnetoelectric effect at room temperature, with neither spontaneous magnetization nor net electric polarization. These physical properties stem from a subtle competition between exchange and crystal field interactions. In this article, we exploit the symmetry breaking at the surface of Cr2O3 nanoparticles for unbalancing this delicate physical equilibrium. The emerging weak ferromagnetic signal we observe persists up to near room temperature (≈ 270 K) at which the antiferromagnetic order disappears. In addition, an exchange-bias effect, that rapidly decreases on heating from low temperature up to 30 K, is resistant to thermal disorder above 200 K. Our findings point to the possible formation of an entangled core/shell magnetic structure, where pinned uncompensated spins at the shell are randomly distributed in a low-temperature spin-glass ordering, with low net magnetic moment and an ordering temperature governed by the AFM Néel temperature.Work at University of Oviedo was financially supported by research projects MCIU-19-RTI2018-094683-B-C52 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and AYUD/2021/51822 (FICyT, Principality of Asturias). Thanks are due to Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste (Italy) and to Institut Laue-Langevin (France) for allocating beam time. We are grateful to the Scientific-Technical Services of the University Oviedo for providing assistance in transmission microscopy image acquisition and processing. Work at USF supported partially through US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Science and Engineering under Award # DE-FG02-07ER46438. H. S. acknowledges support from the Bizkaia Talent Program, Basque Country (Spain). X. M. acknowledges support from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic Grant no. 14-37427.Peer reviewe

    A clinically compatible drug-screening platform based on organotypic cultures identifies vulnerabilities to prevent and treat brain metastasis

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    We report a medium-throughput drug-screening platform (METPlatform) based on organotypic cultures that allows to evaluate inhibitors against metastases growing in situ. By applying this approach to the unmet clinical need of brain metastasis, we identified several vulnerabilities. Among them, a blood-brain barrier permeable HSP90 inhibitor showed high potency against mouse and human brain metastases at clinically relevant stages of the disease, including a novel model of local relapse after neurosurgery. Furthermore, in situ proteomic analysis applied to metastases treated with the chaperone inhibitor uncovered a novel molecular program in brain metastasis, which includes biomarkers of poor prognosis and actionable mechanisms of resistance. Our work validates METPlatform as a potent resource for metastasis research integrating drug-screening and unbiased omic approaches that is compatible with human samples. Thus, this clinically relevant strategy is aimed to personalize the management of metastatic disease in the brain and elsewhere.Acknowledgments: This work was supported by MINECO (SAF2017-89643-R, SAF2014-57243-R, SAF2015-62547-ERC) (M.V.), Fundacion FERO (IX FERO Grant for Research in Oncology) (M.V.), Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (141) (M.V.), Melanoma Research Alliance (Bristol-Myers Squibb-Melanoma Research Alliance Young Investigator Award 2017 (https://doi.org/10.48050/pc.gr.75716)) (M.V.), Beug Foundation (Prize for Metastasis Research 2017) (M.V.), Fundacion Ramon Areces (CIVP19S8163) (M.V.) and CIVP20S10662 (E.O.P.), Worldwide Cancer Research (19-0177) (M.V.), H2020-FETOPEN (828972) (M.V.), Cancer Research Institute (Clinic and Laboratory Integration Program CRI Award 2018 (54545)) (M.V.), AECC (Coordinated Translational Groups 2017 (GCTRA16015SEOA) (M.V.), LAB AECC 2019 (LABAE19002-VALI) (M.V.), ERC CoG (864759) (M.V.), Sophien-Stiftung zur Förderung der klinischen Krebsforschung (T.W.), Promedica Stiftung (T.W.), Stiftung f€ur angewandte Krebsforschung (T.W.), Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich (FK-18-054) (T.W.), Betty and David Koetser Foundation for Brain Research (T.W.), Foundation for Applied Cancer Research in Zurich (T.W., M.W.), Comunidad de Madrid (S2017/BMD-3867 RENIM-CM and Y2018/NMT-4949 NanoLiver-CM) and European structural and investment funds (M.D.), ISCIII (PT20/00044) co-funded by FEDER “A way of making Europe” (M.D.), Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita e della Ricerca-MIUR, “Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022”, (D15D18000410001) (L.B. and P.C.), Science Foundation Ireland Frontiers for the Future Award (19/FFP/6443) (L.Y.), Science Foundation Ireland Strategic Partnership Programme, Precision Oncology Ireland (18/SPP/3522) (L.Y.), Breast Cancer Now Fellowship Award/ with the generous support of Walk the Walk (2019AugSF1310) (D.V.), La Caixa-Severo Ochoa International PhD Program Fellowship (LCF/BQ/SO16/52270014) (L.Z.), La Caixa International PhD Program Fellowship-Marie Sklodowska-Curie (LCF/BQ/DI17/11620028) (P.G-G), MINECO-Severo Ochoa PhD Fellowship (BES-2017-081995) (L.A-E.), AECC Postdoctoral Fellowship (POSTD19016PRIE) (N.P.), Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds MD fellowship (L.M.). The contribution of the Experimental Therapeutics Programme was supported by core funding from the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO). CNIO is supported by the ISCIII, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0510). The CNIC is supported by the ISCIII, the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). M.V. was named Ramon y Cajal Investigator (RYC-2013-13365) and is member of EMBO YIP (4053)