137 research outputs found

    Improved drug loading via spray drying of a chalcone implant for local treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    International audienceCurrent chemotherapy of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), even the mildest forms, encompasses multiple and painful injections with toxic drugs that cause systemic adverse effects. Recently, we showed the promising use of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles loaded with an antileishmanial nitrosylated chalcone (CH8) for effective, safe, local, and single-dose treatment of CL. Here, we proposed to optimize the delivery system by increasing the CH8 loading in PLGA-microparticles using spray drying instead of emulsification-solvent evaporation. The effect of solvent composition and polymeric matrix changes on thermal properties, loading efficiency, particle size, morphology, and spatial drug distribution of the CH8-loaded microparticles was evaluated. The results showed that spray drying allowed a higher CH8 content (18% w/w), as contrasting with the previous solvent evaporation technique that maximally incorporated 7.8% of CH8. In vitro studies on 96-hour incubation with L. amazonensis-infected macrophages showed that entrapment in spray-dried PLGA microparticles rendered CH8 safer, preserved its antileishmanial activity, and did not affect its antioxidant properties

    Chronic eosinophilic leukemia with a FIP1L1-PDGFRα fusion: case report and literature review

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    Chronic eosinophilia is habitually associated with allergic, infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic and endocrine conditions and exposure to certain drugs and toxic agents. However, eosinophilic proliferation may be primary, without identifiable causes, or provoked by clonal hematopoietic stem cell proliferation. Gene fusions involving PDGFR-α, PDGFR-β, and FGFR1 predispose patients to rare conditions with chronic myeloproliferation or lymphoproliferation, alterations in peripheral blood and bone marrow and diffuse tissue injury due to the release of cytokines and humoral factors from eosinophilic granules. The presence of the PDGFR-α rearrangement is commonly related to chronic eosinophilic leukemia, with alterations in peripheral mastocytes and neutrophils, and rarely to acute myeloid leukemia or T lymphoblastic lymphoma with eosinophilia. The most prevalent PDGFR-α rearrangement is one resulting from an interstitial deletion in the long arm of chromosome 4, that allows the formation of a neogene from the fusion of the FIP1L1 and PDGFRα genes. This codes a constitutively active tyrosine kinase, which can be inhibited by imatinib mesylate. In 2002, the successful treatment of a patient using imatinib to treat hypereosinophilic syndrome was reported. Since then, this drug has been utilized with fast, complete and lasting clinical responses. Here we describe a case of chronic eosinophilic syndrome with expression of the FIP1L1-PDGFR-α rearrangement.A eosinofilia no sangue e em tecidos está habitualmente associada a condições alérgicas, infecciosas, inflamatórias, neoplásicas, endocrinológicas, uso de medicamentos e exposição a agentes tóxicos. No entanto, pode ocorrer proliferação eosinofílica primária, sem causa aparente ou por expansão clonal da célula-tronco hematopoética. As neoplasias mielo ou linfoproliferativas associadas a rearranjos gênicos como PDGFRα, PDGFRβ e FGFR1 constituem condições raras nas quais ocorre mieloproliferação crônica, alterações no sangue periférico e na medula óssea e lesão tecidual de diferentes órgãos, a partir da liberação de citocinas e fatores humorais pelos grânulos eosinofílicos. A presença do rearranjo PDGFRα relaciona-se comumente à leucemia eosinofílica crônica, com envolvimento de mastócitos e neutrófilos e, mais raramente, à leucemia mielóide aguda ou ao linfoma linfoblástico T, com eosinofilia. O rearranjo PDGFRα mais comum é aquele resultante da deleção intersticial no braço longo do cromossomo 4, que permite a formação de um neogene a partir da fusão dos genes FIP1L1 e PDGFRα. Este codifica uma tirosino-quinase constitutivamente ativa que é inibida pelo mesilato de imatinibe. Em 2002 foi relatado o uso bem sucedido de mesilato de imatinibe em baixas doses em um paciente com síndrome hipereosinofilica e, desde então, vem-se utilizando esta droga com respostas clínicas rápidas, completas e duradouras. Descrevemos um caso de LEC com expressão do rearranjo FIP1L1-PDGFRα.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) EPMHospital do Servidor Público Municipal de São PauloHospital Guilherme Álvaro UNIFESPUNIFESPUNIFESP, EPMHospital Guilherme Álvaro UNIFESPSciEL

    Maternal characteristics and the risk of neonatal mortality in Brazil between 2006 and 2016

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    Neonatal deaths account for more than 60% of infant deaths and are a major concern in Brazil. The reduction of the occurrence of these events appears to be more challenging than post-neonatal deaths, as such a reduction depends more on factors related to the pregnancy and childbirth than sanitary and health conditions. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of maternal factors (schooling, marital status, and age) on the risk of neonatal mortality in Brazil between 2006 and 2016. Data were collected from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics as well as two information systems of the public health-care system: Mortality Information System and Live Birth Information System. The total valid sample size was 28,362,359 children. Visualization and classification methods were performed. The results revealed a considerably higher risk of neonatal deaths when the mothers were unmarried, had a low level of schooling, and were outside the 20-34-year-old age group. Different demographic profiles in Brazil exert an influence on neonatal health. The identification of the risk factors of neonatal mortality can assist in ensuring pregnancy, delivery, and a neonatal period of greater quality

    Técnicas de si e clínica psi: um campo de estudos etnográficos / Techniques of the self and clinical psychology: a field for ethnographic studies

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    O alvo deste trabalho é examinar os efeitos de subjetivação produzidos pelas práticas psi, notadamente as oriundas do campo clínico. Para tal tomaremos como ferramenta-chave o conceito de tecnologias ou técnicas de si, desenvolvido na última fase dos escritos de Michel Foucault, nos anos 1980. Tais tecnologias são analisáveis em componentes como substância, askesis, práticas de si, e teleologia. A partir destes componentes, Foucault estabelece alguns sistemas éticos específicos, dentre eles, a hermenêutica de si cristã, que seria fundamental para o surgimento dos saberes psi. Contudo, mais do que sugerir uma aplicação do conceito foucaultiano às práticas psicológicas, o campo de estudos da Antropologia da Ciência ou Epistemologia Política, como também é chamado, nos permite fazer um estudo das técnicas de si presentes nas práticas clínicas atuais. Para tal, seguimos com uma pesquisa de campo realizada com dispositivos psicológicos específicos, na Divisão de Psicologia Aplicada da UFRJ. Ao longo da pesquisa acompanhamos as distintas técnicas terapêuticas que são colocadas em prática neste espaço por estudantes do curso de psicologia sob orientação de profissionais mais experientes, sendo este estágio uma parte do processo de formação dos primeiros. Além de entrevista com estagiários, a pesquisa conta com outros recursos como entrevista a pacientes e supervisores e observação participante

    Depot subcutaneous injection with chalcone CH8-loaded Poly (Lactic-Co-Glycilic Acid) microspheres as a single-dose treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis

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    International audienceConventional chemotherapy of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is based on multiple parenteral or intralesional injections with systemically toxic drugs. Aiming at a single-dose localized therapy, biodegradable PLGA (poly-(lactide-co-glycolide) microparticles loaded with 7.8% of an antileishmanial nitrochalcone named CH8 (CH8/PLGA) were constructed to promote sustained subcutaneous release. In vitro, murine macrophages avidly phagocytosed CH8/PLGA smaller than 6μm without triggering oxidative mechanisms. Upon 48-hour incubation, both CH8 and CH8/PLGA were 40 times more toxic to intracellular Leishmania amazonensis than to macrophages. In vivo, BALB/c were given one or three subcutaneous injections in the infected ear with 1.2mg/kg of CH8 in free or CH8/PLGA forms, while controls received three CH8-equivalent doses of naked PLGA microparticles or Glucantime. While a single injection with CH8/PLGA reduced the parasite loads by 91%, triple injections with free CH8 or CH8/PLGA caused 80% and 97% reduction, respectively, in relation to saline controls. Glucantime treatment was the least effective (only 36% reduction) and the most toxic as seen by elevated alanine aminotransferase serum levels. Together, those findings show that CH8/PLGA microparticles can be effectively and safely used for single-dose treatment of CL

    Do ensino jurídico à sala de aula feminista: a experiência no Bacharelado em Estudos de Gênero e Diversidade

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    Inspiradas na escrita feminista e em metodologias autobiográficas, no presente artigo buscamos apresentar nossa trajetória na formação para a docência, forjada nos estudos de gênero e na teoria feminista, a fim de demonstrar como a experiência enquanto professoras substitutas e temporárias no Bacharelado em Estudos de Gênero e Diversidade, da Universidade Federal da Bahia, foi substancial para o desenvolvimento de uma atuação crítico-feminista na docência em Direito. Destacamos a importância da experiência para sala de aula feminista, bem como defendemos não a criação de componentes curriculares que tratem gênero ou raça como temas transversais, mas, como categorias sociais que organizam e estruturam as relações sociais, devem integrar todo o conteúdo formativo e orientar as atividades pedagógicas e todo o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão.Inspired by feminist writing and autobiographical methodologies, in this article we seek to present our trajectory in teacher training, forged in gender studies and feminist theory, in order to demonstrate how the experience as substitute and temporary teachers in the Bachelor of Gender Studies and Diversity, from the Federal University of Bahia, was substantial for the development of a critical-feminist role in teaching Law. We emphasize the importance of experience for the feminist classroom, as well as we defend not the creation of curricular components that treat gender or race as cross-cutting themes, but, as social categories that organize and structure social relations, must integrate all training content and guide pedagogical activities and all teaching, research and extension.Inspirándonos en la escritura feminista y en metodologías autobiográficas, en este artículo buscamos presentar nuestra trayectoria en la formación docente, forjada en los estudios de género y la teoría feminista, con el fin de demostrar cómo la experiencia como docentes suplentes y temporales en la Licenciatura en Estudios de Género y Diversidad, de la Universidad Federal de Bahía, fue sustancial para el desarrollo de un papel crítico-feminista en la enseñanza del Derecho. Destacamos la importancia de la experiencia para el aula feminista, así como defendemos no la creación de componentes curriculares que traten el género o la raza como ejes transversales, sino que, como categorías sociales que organizan y estructuran las relaciones sociales, deben integrar todos los contenidos formativos. y orientar las actividades pedagógicas y todas las de enseñanza, investigación y extensión


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    Texto de apresentação do dossiê "Feminismos e a crítica do/ao Direito".&nbsp