32 research outputs found

    Self-presentation in 'unsuitable' resumes: A case from Serbia

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    Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi načine na koje ljudi opisuju sebe u rezumeima označenim kao 'neprikladni'nakon prvog pregleda regrutera jedne proizvodne kompanije u Srbiji. Forma i sadržaj pedeset rezimea analizirani su kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja, induktivnim pristupom. Lične životne priče opisane intimnim, submisivnim tonom dominirale su u rezimeima, u poređenju sa opisom radnog iskustva i kompetencija. Kada je reč o sadržaju rezime, utvrđene su dve sržne kategorije - Ja kao zaposleni i Potrebe zadovoljene zaposlenjem. Pronalazeći podrÅ”ku u literaturi koja se bavila postsocijalističkom transformacijom u Srbiji, kao i u teoriji Hofsteda, pokazano je da postoji sukob dva vrednosna sistema u Srbiji - onog koji poseduju autori 'neprikladnih' rezimea, a koji odražava kolektivističke i feminine vrednosti, i onog koji je karakterističan za tržiÅ”te rada u Srbiji, a koji odražava individualističke i maskuline vrednosti. Autore 'neodgovarajućih' rezimea odlikuje međuzavisno konstruisanje selfa, primena defanzivnih strategija upravljanja utiscima, a potreba za radom je isključivo finansijske prirode. Najzad, ukazuje se na potrebu za boljim sporazumevanjem kandidata za posao i poslodavaca koji imaju različite vrednosne sisteme, pogotovo u kontekstu aktuelnih socio-ekonomskih promena u Srbiji.The main goal of this research was to explore the ways people portray themselves in resumes, labelled as 'unsuitable' after the first review of the recruiters in a manufacturing company in Serbia. The form and the content of fifty resumes were analyzed using qualitative content analysis, inductive approach. Personal life stories described in an intimate and submissive tone were predominantly present in resumes, compared to the description of work experience and competencies. Concerning the content of the resumes, two core categories emerged - I as a worker and Employment needs. Finding support in the literature dealing with postsocialist transformation in Serbia and Hofstede's theory, results are interpreted as pointing to the opposition of two value systems in Serbia: that of the authors of 'unsuitable' resumes, reflecting collectivistic and feminine values and that of the job market in Serbia, reflecting manly individualistic and masculine values. The authors of 'unsuitable' resumes display interdependent self-construal, use defensive impression management strategies and their need to work is exclusively financial in nature. Finally, the need for better understanding between job candidates and employers, having different value systems, especially in the context of actual socio-economic changes in Serbia is discussed

    Relationship between teacher support, motivation to learn and school engagement among vocational and high school students

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    PsiholoÅ”ka i pedagoÅ”ka podrÅ”ka nastavnika predstavljaju značajne činioce postignuća učenika i uspeÅ”ne tranzicije iz osnovne Å”kole u srednju Å”kolu. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita povezanost Å”kolskog angažovanja, motivacije za Å”kolsko učenje učenika prvog razreda srednjih Å”kola i podrÅ”ke nastavnika, kao i da se provere eventualne razlike u povezanosti podrÅ”ke nastavnika i Å”kolskog angažovanja i podrÅ”ke nastavnika i motivacije između učenika srednjih stručnih Å”kola i gimnazija. Upitnik je popunilo 447 učenika prvog razreda tri beogradske gimnazije (n = 198) i pet srednjih stručnih Å”kola (n = 249). Motivacija je procenjivana skalama kreiranim za potrebe ovog istraživanja (Likertovog tipa) ā€“ jedne zasnovane na teoriji ciljeva (Skala orijentacije na postignuće i ovladavanje, Ī±1 = ,744) i druge na teoriji očekivanja i vrednovanja (Skala očekivanja i vrednovanja, Ī±2 = ,798). Å kolsko angažovanje procenjivano je Upitnikom Å”kolskog angažovanja (Fredericks et al., 2004), a podrÅ”ka nastavnika ā€“ Skalom podrÅ”ke nastavnika i učenika (Torsheim et al., 2002). Korelacija između podrÅ”ke nastavnika i Å”kolskog angažovanja iznosi r = ,61, p< ,001, a korelacija između podrÅ”ke nastavnika i motivacije r1 = ,52, p< ,001, odnosno r2 = ,56, p < ,001. Kada se porede visine korelacija između podrÅ”ke nastavnika i angažovanosti u grupi učenika stručnih Å”kola i gimnazija, ne utvrđuju se značajne razlike, dok su razlike u visinama korelacijama između podrÅ”ke nastavnika i motivacije, operacionalizovane preko teorije ciljeva (rssÅ” = ,46, p< ,001, rg = ,62, p< ,001, z = - 2,28, p < ,001) i preko teorije očekivanja i vrednovanja (rssÅ” = ,50, p< ,001, rg = ,64, p < ,001, z = - 2,09 , p< ,005) među ovim grupama značajne. Rezultati su diskutovani u svetlu razlika u programima nastave i učenja za srednje stručne Å”kole i gimnazije i u inicijalnom obrazovanju nastavnika ovih Å”kola, kao i u kontekstu razlika u konstruktima motivacije i angažovanja.Psychological and educational teacher support represent significant factors of studentsā€™ academic achievement and adjustment during transition from primary to secondary school. This research tried to investigate relationship between school engagement and motivation to learn of the secondary school first graders, and teacher support. Additionally, we have tested the differences in relationship between teacher support and school engagement, and teacher support and motivation depending on the school type. The sample comprised 447 first graders from three Belgrade high schools (nhs= 198) and five vocational secondary schools (nvs = 249). Motivation was assessed with two Likerttype scales developed for this research, one grounded in the goal orientation theory (Mastery and Performance Orientation Scale, Ī±1 = .744), and the other in the expectancy-value theory (Expectancy and Value Scale, Ī±2 = .798). The School Engagement Scale (Fredericks et al, 2004) and the Teacher and Classmates Support Scale (Torsheim et al, 2002) were applied. Correlation between teacher support and school engagement was r = .61, p< .001. Correlations between teacher support and both measures of motivation were r1= .52, p< .001, and r2 = .56, p< .001. When subsamples of students were analysed separately, there were no significant differences in the correlation between teacher support and school engagement, while differences in the correlations between teacher support and both measures of motivation were significant (Mastery and Performance Orientation, rvs=. 46, p < .001, rhs =. 62, p < .001, z = - 2.28, p< .001; Expectancy and Value, rvs= .50, p = < .001, rhs =. 64, p< .001, z = - 2.09, p< .005). Results were discussed in the light of differences between vocational and high school curricula, and educational trajectories of vocational and high school teachers, as well as in the context of differences between concepts of motivation and engagement.Knjiga rezimea, 25. Međunarodna naučna konferencija "PedagoÅ”ka istraživanja i Å”kolska praksa"Book of abstracts / 25th International Scientific Conference "Educational Research and School Practice


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    To ensure the better structural integrity and maximum safety of bulk carriers in the ship design phase, an appropriate corrosion margin is introduced by the classification societies, which should enable the exploitation of ships during the projected 25-year life cycle. The new Common Structural Rules introduce even higher corrosion margin value to ensure the structural integrity of the ship. This directly affects the increase in hull weight and thus the need for more total installed power and higher fuel consumption. Higher fuel consumption results in increased emissions which directly affects environmental pollution. For these reasons, efforts are being made to introduce alternative energy sources, cleaner fuel, ship weight reduction, and the overall economic efficiency of ships. Therefore, using experimental data collected on aging bulk carriers, the paper explores the corrosion margin reduction potential considering its impact on hull weight. Assuming that the corrosive processes occur after four years of operation, a linear model that describes the percentage of plate wear as a function of the as build-in the thickness of inner bottom plates (IBP) of fuel oil tanks (FOT) located on the double bottom of aging bulk carriers, is analyzed. Over the course of 25 years, the IBP segment was monitored on 36 different ships surveys. In this way, 520 input data describing the depth of corrosion were formed. At the same time, records were kept on the mean thickness of the original metal plate, which enabled systematization of the empirical database and grouping of measured values by intervals of original plate thicknesses, and simple conversion of corrosion depth into adequate percentage values. Depth corrosion percentages were represented by standard linear models known in the literature. Based on this analysis, representative numerical and graphical results were obtained. Conclusions from the paper can assist to optimize corrosion margin and the energy efficiency of future vessels

    Analysis of corrosion depth percentage on the inner bottom plates of aging bulk carriers with an aim to optimize corrosion margin

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    To ensure the better structural integrity and maximum safety of bulk carriers in the ship design phase, an appropriate corrosion margin is introduced by the classification societies, which should enable the exploitation of ships during the projected 25-year life cycle. The new Common Structural Rules introduce even higher corrosion margin value to ensure the structural integrity of the ship. This directly affects the increase in hull weight and thus the need for more total installed power and higher fuel consumption. Higher fuel consumption results in increased emissions which directly affects environmental pollution. For these reasons, efforts are being made to introduce alternative energy sources, cleaner fuel, ship weight reduction, and the overall economic efficiency of ships. Therefore, using experimental data collected on aging bulk carriers, the paper explores the corrosion margin reduction potential considering its impact on hull weight. Assuming that the corrosive processes occur after four years of operation, a linear model that describes the percentage of plate wear as a function of the as build-in the thickness of inner bottom plates (IBP) of fuel oil tanks (FOT) located on the double bottom of aging bulk carriers, is analyzed. Over the course of 25 years, the IBP segment was monitored on 36 different ships surveys. In this way, 520 input data describing the depth of corrosion were formed. At the same time, records were kept on the mean thickness of the original metal plate, which enabled systematization of the empirical database and grouping of measured values by intervals of original plate thicknesses, and simple conversion of corrosion depth into adequate percentage values. Depth corrosion percentages were represented by standard linear models known in the literature. Based on this analysis, representative numerical and graphical results were obtained. Conclusions from the paper can assist to optimize corrosion margin and the energy efficiency of future vessels


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    The aim of the research is to establish the state of honey production based on the current production and economic characteristics in order to predict their tendency for the period 2023-2026. The analyzed data refer to the number of beehives, total production, and yields of honey for the period 2006-2021, which were provided by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. In order to analyze the characteristics of honey production and prices the method of descriptive statistical analysis was applied: arithmetic mean (įŗ‹), extreme values ā€‹ā€‹(min and max), coefficient of variation (CV), and the annual rate of change (r). The analyzed data indicate that total honey production and the number of beehives increased at an average annual rate of 6.09% and 6.27%, respectively, while the yield has declined slightly at an average annual rate of 0.17%. The trend of increasing the number of beehives and total production, and decreasing yields will continue in the prediction period. The purchasing price of honey has a tendency to increase (r=4.97). In 2026, the price is projected to be 5533 euro/ton, which means that the expected price of honey will be higher than the average by 3184 euro/ton

    Evaluation of the Corrosion Depth of Double Bottom Longitudinal Girder on Aging Bulk Carriers

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    The longitudinal girder (LG) between fuel oil tanks (FOT) and water ballast tanks in the double bottoms of ships represent critical structural parts whose watertight nature could be harmed by corrosion, thus, causing the pollution of water ballast tanks and adjacent areas. The new common structural rules (CSR) define the minimum thickness values of structural elements and corrosion margins. The assessment of the deviations from the prescribed values during ship operation could optimize the prescribed criteria. Assuming that corrosive processes begin after four years of operation, the paper analyzes a linear model that describes the percentage of plate wear as a function of the built-in thickness of LG of FOT. The research included 20 ships and provided the database for 1918 corrosion depth values. The gauging records included the average values of the original thickness of steel plates grouped in three intervals (11ā€“13 mm, 13ā€“15 mm, 15ā€“18 mm). Based on the difference between the built-in and subsequently measured values, the paper analyzes the percentage of thickness reduction due to corrosion, concerning the original plate thickness. The findings of the research should facilitate the optimization of corrosion margins and prevent potential structural collapse and pollution

    State and tendencies of production characteristics of wheat and maize in Serbia

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    The aim of the research is to determine the state and tendencies in the movement of production parameters of wheat and corn in Serbia for the period from 2005-2020. Analyzed parameters are harvested area, yield and total production. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the state and tendencies of the observed features. In order to predict the value of production parameters from 2021 to 2023, two methods were used: ARIMA model and extrapolation of the average rate of change of the analyzed parameters. Since the ARIMA model did not give satisfactory results due to a short time series (16 years), annual rates of change were used to extrapolate the production characteristics for the period 2021-2023. Using extrapolation of the average rate of change, the authors concluded that the yield of corn and wheat in the analyzed period showed a tendency to grow, with the areas of both crops showing a tendency to fall. Total wheat and corn production have a tendency to grow when compared with the averages of the analyzed period in previous years. The results of the forecast indicate that the volume of wheat production is expected to be 15.54% higher, and the volume of corn 28.41%, during the prediction period in relation to the multi-year averages of the analyzed period

    Diagnosis of inherited coagulation disorders in Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka

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    Cilj: Analizirati podatke o dijagnosti ci nasljednih koagulacijskih poremećaja u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka te utvrditi pojavnost pojedinih koagulopati ja, dob u vrijeme postavljanja dijagnoze i indikacije za laboratorijsku obradu. Materijali i metode: U radu je retrospekti vno analizirana dijagnosti ka nasljednih koagulopati ja u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka od 1975. godine do 2014. godine. KoriÅ”tena je laboratorijska i medicinska dokumentacija Laboratorija za ispiti vanje poremećaja zgruÅ”avanja krvi Kliničkog zavoda za transfuzijsku medicinu. Rezultati : U navedenom razdoblju dijagnosti cirano je 117 nasljednih koagulopati ja. NajčeŔće su dijagnosti cirane hemoļ¬ lija A u 33 % slučajeva (39/117) i von Willebrandova bolest u 21 % (25/117), slijede hemoļ¬ lija B 10 % (12/117), hipoļ¬ brinogenemija 10 % (12/117), te ostale rijetke koagulopati je: deļ¬ cit faktora VII:11/117 (9 %), XI: 8/117 (7 %), V: 3/117(3 %), XIII: 3/117 (3 %), X:2/117 (2 %) i kombinirani deļ¬ cit faktora V i VIII:2/117 (2 %). TeÅ”ki oblik hemoļ¬ lije A dijagnosti ciran je kod 7/39 (18 %), umjereni oblik kod 9/39 (23 %), te blagi oblik kod 23/39 (59 %). TeÅ”ki oblik hemoļ¬ lije B dijagnosti ciran je kod jedne osobe (8 %), umjereni kod 6 (50 %), a blagi kod 5 (42 %). Indikacija za dijagnosti ku poremećaja kod teÅ”kih oblika koagulopati ja bilo je isključivo krvarenje u ranoj dječjoj dobi, a za ostale koagulopati je, uz krvarenje, razlog za dijagnosti ciranje su bili prijeoperati vna i obiteljska obrada. Zaključak: Tijekom četrdesetogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka dijagnosti cirano je 117 nasljednih koagulopati ja. NajčeŔće su hemoļ¬ lija A i von Willebrandova bolest, slijede hemoļ¬ lija B i deļ¬ cit ļ¬ brinogena, dok su ostale koagulopati je rijetke. Dobiveni podaci sukladni su s podacima iz literature, izuzev povećane učestalosti hipoļ¬ brinogenemije u naÅ”oj populaciji.Aim: To analyse diagnostic data of inherited coagulati on disorders in Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, to determine the frequency, age of diagnosis and the reasons for laboratory testing. Methods: A retrospecti ve analysis of diagnosti c data for inherited coagulopathies in Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka in period from 1975 to 2014. The data were collected from laboratory and medical documentati on of Coagulati on Laboratory of Clinical Insti tute for Transfusion Medicine. Results: During the study period 117 inherited coagulopathies were diagnosed. The most frequent were haemophilia A 33 % (39/117), von Willebrand disease 21 % (25/117), followed by haemophilia B 10 % (12/117) hypoļ¬ brinogenemia 10 % (12/117), and other rare inherited coagulopathies: factor VII: 11/117 (9 %), XI: 8/117 (7 %), V: 3/117 (3 %), XIII: 3/117 (3 %), X: 2/117 (2 %), and combined deļ¬ ciency of factors V and VIII: 2/117 (2 %). Severe haemophilia A has been diagnosed in 7/39 (18 %), moderate in 9/39 (23 %) and mild in 23739 (59 %) of cases. Severe haemophilia B has been diagnosed in one case (8 %), moderate in 6 (50 %) and mild in 5 (42 %). The reason for severe coagulopathies diagnosis has been enti rely a bleeding in early childrenā€™s age, while the reasons for other coagulopathies diagnoses have been bleeding, preoperati ve testi ng and family screening. Conclusion: In Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka during forty years period 117 inherited coagulati on disorders have been diagnosed. The most common have been haemophlia A, von Willebrand disease, haemophilia B and factor I deļ¬ ciency, while other coagulopathies have been rare. Collected data are comparable with literature, except higher frequency of hypoļ¬brinogenemia in our population


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    Farms operating under more or less similar environmental and socio-economic conditions often reflect significant differences in production and economic results they achieve. Such differences are most commonly attributed to: biological factors, the level of specialization, the intensity of production, the size of farms and/or implemented production practice, etc. It is considered that the differences in achieved results, that is, the success of a farm can be, to a large extent, explained by variations in farmersā€™ management capacities. Management capacities can be defined as possession of appropriate personal characteristics and capabilities of farmers (managers) to cope with specific problems and opportunities at the right time and in the right way. With the changes taking place within the modern agricultural production, it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain competitive advantages, thus the farmers are progressively confronted with the requirements for certain management capacities which will enable them to take advantage of the existing conditions in the best possible way, i.e. to choose and implement the optimal production practice. As the management capacities are rarely explicitly defined and quantified, particularly when it comes to agricultural producers, the aim of this study is to provide a review of the previous research in this field while highlighting the significance of these issues


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    Milk production in developed countries is based mostly on large farms due to the fact that during the development of cattle husbandry on the private farms in the last decades number of producers declined while the number of cows increased. Since the milk production in Vojvodina Province is likely to be based mostly on private farms in the future as well, one of the possible ways to reach the similar level of competitiveness as developed European countries is to gain and increase the concentration of cows on the farms. In the paper organizational and economic aspects of milk production have been analyzed on three private farms with more than 50 cows in Vojvodina Province