3,906 research outputs found

    A precarização do trabalho docente: um estudo sobre a situação dos professores/as de sociologia das escolas estaduais de Joinville.

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Curso de Ciências Sociais.O presente artigo analisa a precarização do trabalho docente nas escolas da rede estadual de ensino da cidade de Joinville, tendo como foco os/as professores/as de sociologia. Através da revisão da literatura produzida em torno das questões relacionadas ao sistema educacional brasileiro, precarização do trabalho docente, ensino de sociologia nas escolas de ensino médio brasileiras, de questões históricas, políticas e econômicas da cidade de Joinville, bem como de dados disponibilizados pela Gerência de Educação, buscamos identificar alguns problemas significativos enfrentados pelos docentes de sociologia que trabalham nas escolas estaduais de Joinville. Finalmente apontamos alguns caminhos que possam contribuir na construção de um sistema educacional mais crítico, reflexivo e de qualidade que valorize o trabalho docente.This article examines the precariousness of teaching in public state schools in Joinville. Focusing on the sociology teachers. Through of the review of literature produced on issues related to the Brazilian educational system, the situation and the precariousness of teaching sociology in high schools in Brazil, the historical issues, and economic policies in Joinville, as well as available data by the Education Department, identify what are the biggest problems faced by sociology teachers who work in state schools in Joinville. Finally we point out some ways that can contribute to building an educational system more critical, and reflective quality that enhances the teaching profession


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    In an Era where environmental issues are a growing concern, microorganisms that have remarkable features, such as extracellular electron transfer (EET) ability, present major opportunities in diverse biotechnological fields. Geobacter bacteria have shown an extraordinary respiratory flexibility, with its dissimilatory metal reduction ability and EET to electrode surfaces, and numerous c-type cytochromes were pointed as key players. However, the understanding of the mechanisms involved and hence, the advances in practical applications, are still in its early days and it is crucial to move further and unveil not only the components involved, but also their roles and partners in electron transfer. The dodecaheme GSU1996, composed of four similar triheme domains (A–D), was proposed to work as a natural nanowire, owing to its linear structure and large number of hemes. In this work, the in vitro functional characterization of the GSU1996 was attempted, in a modular characterization based strategy. Here, the triheme domains C and D assisted in the characterization of the C-terminal end of GSU1996, the hexaheme fragment CD. The first step encompassed the assignment of the heme groups signals in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the triheme domains and of the hexaheme fragment, which is the protein with the highest number of hemes assigned to date. The second step comprised the determination of the microscopic thermodynamic parameters of fragment CD. This provided mechanistic information on the dominant microstates and included the determination of the reduction potentials of the hemes, redox interactions between hemes and ionizable centers and among neighboring hemes. The third and final step consisted in the determination of the microscopic kinetic parameters of fragment CD. This unveiled details about the reactivity of the heme groups and included the calculation of the reference rate constants for each heme in the reduction/oxidation process. All combined, the data revealed that a heme located at the end of the C-terminal edge of GSU1996 shows the necessary skills to accept electrons from redox partners. In vitro interaction studies performed between GSU1996 and the periplasmic cytochrome PpcA and its homologues (PpcC–E), revealed that it is possible that GSU1996 and PpcA may be redox partners in G. sulfurreducens, as they form a transient redox complex that involves the C-terminal fragment of GSU1996. Work has also been started to disclose other electron transfer components of G. sulfurreducens, namely, the outer membrane tetraheme cytochrome OmcE; the hexaheme OmcS and the nanowire cytochrome GSU2210. New constructs and expression systems were tested, based in the pBAD vector, albeit none of the attempts have been successful. Although in vitro studies provide information and allow the evaluation of the functional properties of these proteins, in vivo studies are essential to assess the actual roles and interacting partners in the cells. Therefore, a novel approach was also tested towards the in vivo labeling of c-type cytochromes, based in the attachment of a tetracysteine tag that is fluorescent upon binding with commercially available biarsenical dyes. However, no expression of the model tagged protein was accomplished


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    RESUMO: Propomos apresentar algumas reflexões acerca da questão territorial e suas implicações na Política de Assistência Social no município de Caiuá/SP, cuja maior parte da população vive na área rural onde foi instalado no ano de 2012 o Centro de Referência de Assistência Social – CRAS na Agrovila III, porém, o acesso a Política de Assistência Social ainda é prejudicado pelas particularidades geográficas do município. Além da Agrovila III, a área rural do município de Caiuá é formada pela Agrovila IV e mais nove assentamentos rurais, tornando ainda mais complexa a gestão e operacionalização da política em questão

    Etnomatemática de um artefacto de latoaria do nordeste transmontano português: a almotolia

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    Neste artigo damos especial ênfase às matemáticas envolvidas na almotolia – artefacto de latoaria – ao procurarmos contribuir para a valorização, divulgação e preservação de uma das mais antigas artes e ofícios tradicionais – o latoeiro – da região portuguesa de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Desenvolvemos um estudo sobre saberes (etno)matemáticos envolvidos nos processos de construção da almotolia, apoiados em entrevistas semiestruturadas a cinco latoeiros desta região e em pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, com recurso à observação participante. Identificamos a utilização de geometria elementar. Com os resultados obtidos é possível criar tarefas matemáticas envolvendo os processos de contrução da almotolia para o ensino básico português (6 a 15 anos)

    Peutz-Jeghers syndrome : capsule endoscopy to stage disease

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    Este artigo disponibiliza 2 vídeos http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140673612608307#FCANot

    Investigating the impact of combining handwritten signature and keyboard keystroke dynamics for gender prediction

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    © 2019 IEEE. The use of soft-biometric data as an auxiliary tool on user identification is already well known. Gender, handorientation and emotional state are some examples which can be called soft-biometrics. These soft-biometric data can be predicted directly from the biometric templates. It is very common to find researches using physiological modalities for soft-biometric prediction, but behavioural biometric is often not well explored for this context. Among the behavioural biometric modalities, keystroke dynamics and handwriting signature have been widely explored for user identification, including some soft-biometric predictions. However, in these modalities, the soft-biometric prediction is usually done in an individual way. In order to fill this space, this study aims to investigate whether the combination of those two biometric modalities can impact the performance of a soft-biometric data, gender prediction. The main aim is to assess the impact of combining data from two different biometric sources in gender prediction. Our findings indicated gains in terms of performance for gender prediction when combining these two biometric modalities, when compared to the individual ones

    Early childhood education as a right : a dimension of materialization of policies for children

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    O presente artigo discute a educação infantil como direito, defendendo-a como resultado de lutas históricas, embates, correlação de forças, em que a garantia legal não significa a efetivação destes. Realizamos uma análise dos documentos nacionais que reconhecem a educação infantil como direito que são: a Constituição Federal de 1988, o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente e a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, conclui-se que se trata de um embate social e político e não apenas jurídico-legal e, apesar de avanços consideráveis, muito há que ser feito para que a educação da primeira infância se materialize. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article discusses childhood education as a legal right, by defending it as a result of historical struggles in which the legal guarantee does not mean the achievement of those. We realized an analysis of the legal frame work that supports early childhood education, the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution, Statute of Children and Adolescents and the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education and concluded that, it is a social and political struggle and not just legal-juridical despite considerable progress, much remains to be done for early childhood education to materialize