108 research outputs found

    Sustainability Analysis of Sheep Farming in Norway Using the Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment RouTine (SMART)

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    Sheep production systems in Norway present complexity in the same way as other systems partaking in the climate challenges. Sustainability of these systems cannot be defined through single-impact indicators; hence a broader range of sustainability dimensions and trade-offs must be assessed. The present research uses the Sustainability Assessment and Monitoring RouTine (SMART): a multi-criteria sustainability assessment based on the Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Systems (SAFA) Guidelines which gathers data on the farms’ performance through 327 indicators across 4 dimensions. Eight sheep farms in Norway were selected for assessment: four low-land coastal farms, and four inland mountain farms. Management practices which support sustainability were identified in all farms: high animal welfare, high number of days of access to pasture for the livestock, no/low use of synthetic chemicals, good water management, and high quality of life for farmers. Management practices which hinder sustainability and key areas for improvement were also identified: increased on-farm energy production, decreased use of externally sourced concentrate feed, and increased farmers’ knowledge about externally sourced inputs. Some differences between the coastal and inland farms were also identified which were related to number of days of access to pasture for livestock, water consumption, participation for farmers in trainings and additional education, and political involvement. Using the SMART-Farm tool aided the process of identifying practices and systematically evaluating them through a global sustainability perspective.Aggregated results from the SMART-Farm assessment indicated a high degree of goal achievement across dimensions. The farms scored on average above 80% on the Environmental Integrity and the Social Well-Being, and lower on the Economic Resilience and the Good Governance dimensions (76% & 71% respectively). To evaluate these results, a qualitative expert elicitation method was employed; this provided insight into shortcomings which were a result of the context-generic approach that the tool has and lack of inclusion of stakeholder participation in indicator selection and aggregation process. These shortcomings are important to consider when interpreting the results of numeral integration assessments which are used for decision-making. However, evaluating these scores was also a valuable outcome in itself since it uncovered knowledge gaps about the topic of sustainability of sheep farming in Norway

    Penerapan model pembelajaran inquiry berbantuan platform zoom cloud meeting untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa SD Negeri 14 Kesiman

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa Kelas VI Semester II  SD Negeri 14 Kesiman Tahun Pelajaran  2020/2021. Penelitian ini mengambil subjek pada Kelas VI Semester II  SD Negeri 14 Kesiman Tahun Pelajaran  2020/2021. Peningkatan prestasi belajar tersebut datanya diperoleh lewat pemberian tes, setelah data diperoleh, selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Perolehan data hasil penelitian ini, ternyata menggembirakan setelah cara pembelajaran yang konvensional diubah menggunakan model Inquiry. Kegiatan penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu peningkatan yang diharapkan yaitu meningkatnya perolehan data awal yang baru mencapai 62,19 dengan ketuntasan belajar 53% pada siklus I naik menjadi 74,69 dengan ketuntasan belajar 72%, dan pada siklus II naik menjadi 81,34 dengan ketuntasan belajar 100%.  Hasil tersebut membuktikan keberhasilan penelitian ini sehingga peneliti berkesimpulan bahwa penerapan Model Inquiry berbantuan platform Zoom Cloud Meeting dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar Bahasa Indonesia. Siswa Kelas VI Semester II  SD Negeri 14 Kesiman Tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. This study aims to improve student achievement in Class VI Semester II SD Negeri 14 Kesiman for the 2020/2021 Academic Year. This study took the subject of Class VI Semester II SD Negeri 14 Kesiman Academic Year 2020/2021. The increase in learning achievement data is obtained through the provision of tests, after the data is obtained, then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The data obtained from this study were encouraging after the conventional learning method was changed using the Inquiry model. This research activity resulted in an expected increase, namely the increase in initial data acquisition which only reached 62.19 with 53% learning completeness in the first cycle increasing to 74.69 with 72% learning completeness, and in the second cycle increasing to 81.34 with learning mastery 100%. These results prove the success of this research, so the researchers conclude that the application of the Inquiry Model assisted by the Zoom Cloud Meeting platform in the implementation of the learning process can improve Indonesian language learning achievement. Class VI students in Semester II SD Negeri 14 Kesiman for the 2020/2021 academic year

    Pembuatan Brondong Dari Berbagai Beras

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    A technology of puffed-salted rice processing has been studied. Five rice varieties (IR 64, IR 42, IR 48, Cisadane and Gemar) were used. Salt solution was sprayed onto the rice prior to puffing, at level of 10 % of rice weight. Puffed saltedrices were compared to puffed unsalted-rice. The results showed that either rice varieties or salting affected the puffed rice characteristics. Puffed rice of Gemar variety had the highest whiteness and volume expansion, and lowest hardness. Protein quality decreased in the puffed rice, indicated by decreasing in amino acids composition. Aromatics and S-amino acid were more susceptible to degradation during puffing than the others. Salt spraying before puffing resulted in puffed rice with lower whiteness and volume expansion, and higher water solubility and gel consistency. Salting also increased amino acids susceptibility to degradation during puffing. Salting, however, decreased in the ability to absorb water and increased hardness, therefore the treatment would keep puffed rice crispy for longer lime rather than puffed, unsalted-rice. Organoleptics evaluation also showed that puffed rice of Gemar variety had the high score of color, appearance, taste and crispiness, though poor in flavor. Rice salting decreased in the panelist acceptability of color and appearance, but increased in the crispiness, taste and flavor acceptability. Kata-kata kunci : brondong, beras, derajad putib, pengembangan, sifat inderawi, mutu protei

    Association between childhood obesity, oral health behavior, and dental caries in Jetis, Yogyakarta

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    The number of school-age children with overweight and obesity is increasing in developing countries. This is a risk factor for prosperity improvement followed by lifestyle changes. People with obesity are reported to be more susceptible to caries than people who are not, and the average numbers of caries in permanent molars increase on higher BMI. Dental caries is an infectious disease as a result of demineralization in enamel and dentine which has a relationship with behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between oral health behavior and dental caries among overweight and obese children in Jetis District, Yogyakarta. This research was an analytical observational study with a cross sectional design. One hundred and ninety-six overweight and obese elementary school children in Jetis District were chosen using multistage cluster random sampling. The independent variable was behavior and the dependent variable was dental caries. Behavior variables were measured using questionnaire based on a Likert scale with validity testing (correlation coefficient > 0.30) and reliability testing (Cronbach alpha = 0.819). The caries was measured using teledentisry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data analysis used Spearman’s correlation analysis. Behavior of maintaining oral and dental health in overweight and obese children had a relationship with caries (p < 0.001 and r = -0.410). There is no difference between overweight and obese children in maintaining their oral health behavior. The better the oral health behavior of the overweight and obese children, the lower the incidence of caries

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning pada Materi Aritmetika Sosial Kelas VII di SMP Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan LKPD dengan model Problem Based Learning pada materi aritmetika sosial yang memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (Research and Development) dengan prosedur pengembangan 4-D dari Thiagarajan yang telah dimodifikasi menjadi 3 tahap yaitu tahap define, design dan develop. Hasil penelitian pengembangan LKPD ini menunjukkan bahwa : (1) LKPD dengan model problem based learning pada materi aritmetika sosial kelas VII SMPN 06 Kota Bengkulu termasuk dalam kategori sangat valid dari aspek materi, kontruksi, dan bahasa dengan skor rata – rata 4,35; (2) LKPD dengan model problem based learning pada materi aritmetika sosial kelas VII SMPN 06 Kota Bengkulu termasuk dalam kategori sangat praktis dengan skor rata – rata 4,48; (3) LKPD dengan model problem based learning pada materi aritmetika sosial kelas VII SMPN 06 Kota Bengkulu termasuk dalam kategori sangat efektif dengan rata – rata 4,74Kata kunci : LKPD, Problem Based Learning, Penelitian dan Pengembanga

    Modul Diklat PKB Guru SMK Paket Keahlian Akomodasi Perhotelan E

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    Modul Guru Pembelajar Paket Keahlian A komodasi P erhotelan SMK ini terdiri atas 2 materi pokok, yaitu : materi profesional dan materi pedagogik. Masi ng - masing materi dilengkapi de ngan tujuan, indikator pencapaian kompetensi, uraian materi, aktivitas pembelajaran, latihan dan kasus, rangkuman, umpan balik dan tindak lanjut, kunci jawaban serta evaluasi pembelajara


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    Abstrak “Katak dalam Ekspresi Seni Lukis”adalah suatu kecaman maupun pesan yang disampaikan katak untuk masyarakat di lingkungan persawahan yang kian merebak menjadi pemukiman penduduk.Dalam mewujudkan ide serta tema pada karya seni lukis, melalui proses penjajagan, percobaan, persiapan, pembentukan dan penyelesaian akhir. Dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis, mengorganisir elemen-elemen serta unsur-unsur seni rupa yang dipadukan dengan teknik sesuai dengan kemampuan yang ditekuni selama proses belajar, dengan penerapan warna untuk mencapai karakter serta suasana pada karya yang diwujudkan secara surealis. Kesan yang dicapai adalah kesan panas dingin, siang, malam, dan kesan keruangan serta memperlihatkan keplastian objek pada masing-masing karya. Diterapkan dengan teknik campuran dengan menggunakan cat minyak dengan memakai kuas, dilakukan tahap demi tahap secara menyeluruh, agar dapat tercipta karakteristik objek karak dan bangunan serta objek pendukung lainnya. Dalam perwujudan objek, diungkapkan melalui gagasan serta imajinasi, sehingga dapat merepresentasikan katak serta situasinya ke dalam karya seni lukis. Kata Kunci: Katak,Ekspresi,Seni Lukis Frogs of Expression in Art Absatract Frogs of Expression in Art"is a condemnation or the message delivered frog to the public in the rice fields becoming increasingly widespread settlements.In realizing the ideas and themes in works of art, through the assessment process, trial, preparation, formation and finishing. In the creation of works of art, organizing the elements as well as elements of art combined with the technique according to the ability that occupied during the learning process, with application of color to achieve the character and atmosphere of the work realized surreal. The impression that is achieved is the impression of heat, cold, day, night, and spatial impression and show the authenticity of the object on each paper. Applied with a technique using a mixture of oil paint with a brush, carried out stage by stage as a whole, in order to create the object characteristics of frogs and other support buildings and objects. In the embodiment of the object, expressed through ideas and imagination, in order to represent a frog as well as the situation into works of art. Keywords : frogs, expression, painting

    Penerapan Hukum Tata Negara Darurat dalam Penanggulangan Bencana di Indonesia (Kasus Lumpur Lapindo Sidoarjo)

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    Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh, pemerintah bersama DPR pada tahun 2007 telah menetapkan Undang Undang Nomor 24 tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana (UU PB) sebagai landasan hukum yang kuat bagi penyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana. Secara eksplisit Undang-undang Penanggulangan Bencana tersebut pada prinsipnya telah mengatur mengenai penyelenggaran penanggulangan bencana dari landasan nilai, kelembagaan, sampai pada distribusi kewenangan. Penyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana telah diatur dengan Undang-undang beserta peraturan pelaksanaannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka diharapkan adanya penerapan aturan yang jelas dan terpenuhi agar dapat menjadi dasar pertimbangan bagi aparat dalam melakukan penerapan hukum tata negara secara efektif
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