769 research outputs found

    On Constructing Constrained Tree Automata Recognizing Ground Instances of Constrained Terms

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    An inductive theorem proving method for constrained term rewriting systems, which is based on rewriting induction, needs a decision procedure for reduction-completeness of constrained terms. In addition, the sufficient complete property of constrained term rewriting systems enables us to relax the side conditions of some inference rules in the proving method. These two properties can be reduced to intersection emptiness problems related to sets of ground instances for constrained terms. This paper proposes a method to construct deterministic, complete, and constraint-complete constrained tree automata recognizing ground instances of constrained terms.Comment: In Proceedings TTATT 2013, arXiv:1311.505

    Dislocation in Translation

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    My inquiry into translation is, first of all, concerned with a regime that postulates translation as something representable, and then, with the task of historicizing that regime. The definition of translation as the “transfer of the message from one language into another” leads to the supposition that languages are separate and discrete unities. But what might translation be if we suppose that this is not the case and that one language cannot be easily distinguished from another? The Jakobsonian concept of interlingual translation or “translation proper” fails to take into account the ambiguity inherent in the translator’s position: who and where is the translator in relation to the source and target texts? Being neither addresser nor addressee the translator becomes a “subject in transit.” If translation is understood as simply the transfer of an invariant message from one language to another, the ambiguity of the translator’s positionality is suppressed and with it the idea of translation as a poietic social practice that institutes a relation at the site of incommensurability. When this occurs, translation is replaced by the “representation of translation” and comes to be seen as a form of communication between two fully circumscribed language communities. It was this particular representation of translation which gave rise to the possibility of identifying the unity of ethnic or national language with another language unity. By this “schema of co-figuration” an ethnic‑linguistic community becomes a “geo‑body” on which national sovereignty is built. Two nations represented as equivalent and alike can be viewed as conceptually different, a difference construed as a specific difference. The co‑figuration of “the West and the Rest” is an example of the resultant typical binary oppositions: “the West” constitutes itself by positing everything else as “the Rest” allowing one term to be evaluated as superior to the other. The identification of “modern” with “the West” changed how people organized historical experience; movement in time came to be associated with movement from periphery to centre. Historically, how we represent translation prescribes how we imagine national communities and ethnic identities.Cet article explore le postulat qui définit la traduction comme représentable, puis se penche sur l’évolution de cette pensée. Définir la traduction comme « le transfert d’un message d’une langue dans une autre » présuppose que les langues sont des unités individuelles et indépendantes. Mais que serait la traduction si on supposait le contraire, c’est-à-dire que les langues ne se distinguent pas si facilement les unes des autres? Le concept forgé par Jakobson de traduction interlinguistique ou « traduction propre » ne tient pas compte de l’ambiguïté inhérente à la place du traducteur : qui est le traducteur et quelle est sa position par rapport au texte source et au texte cible? Ni destinateur ni destinataire, il devient un « sujet en transit ». Si par l’acte de traduire on ne fait que transférer un message invariant d’une langue à une autre, on élimine à la fois l’ambiguïté de la position du traducteur ainsi que l’idée de la traduction comme pratique sociale poïétique qui établit une relation de l’ordre de l’incommensurabilité. La traduction est dès lors remplacée par une « représentation de la traduction » et est ainsi perçue comme une forme de communication entre les deux cercles fermés que forment chacune des communautés linguistiques. C’est précisément cette manière de représenter la traduction qui a permis d’identifier l’unicité d’une langue ethnique ou nationale à l’unicité d’une autre langue. Grâce à ce « schéma de co-figuration », une communauté ethnolinguistique devient un espace géographique sur lequel se construit la souveraineté nationale. Deux nations représentées comme des équivalents qui se ressemblent peuvent ainsi être considérées comme conceptuellement différentes, et leur différence est une différence spécifique. La co-figuration de l’expression « the West and the Rest » est un bon exemple d’une telle opposition binaire : « l’Ouest », ou l’Occident, se définit en se différenciant de ce qu’il n’est pas par « le reste », ce qui met l’emphase sur la supériorité du premier terme par rapport au second. L’association du terme « moderne » avec « l’Ouest » a modifié le rapport des individus à l’histoire. Ainsi, le mouvement dans le temps est devenu synonyme de tout mouvement de la périphérie vers le centre. L’histoire démontre que notre manière de représenter la traduction dicte la manière dont on imagine les communautés nationales ainsi que les identités ethniques

    Prostate-Specific Antigen-Based Prostate Cancer Screening

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    Serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing is a simple and effective method for diagnosing prostate cancer. The widespread PSA screening resulted in increased diagnosis of early-staged, localized prostate cancer and marked reduction in advanced, metastatic cancer, which contributed to subsequent reduction in prostate cancer mortality. Most patients with localized prostate cancer, especially low-grade cancer, have an indolent clinical course. In addition, the rate of death from prostate cancer itself is very low. Therefore, early diagnosis of prostate cancer can lead to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. There has been a controversy regarding the effect of PSA screening on prostate cancer mortality. Results of the two largest randomized trials concerning PSA screening were totally contrary. European countries-based trial showed a significant prostate cancer mortality reduction, whereas the USA-based trial showed no benefit in reducing prostate cancer mortality. In 2013, based on these arguments, the American Urological Association updated a guideline regarding PSA screening, which did not recommend routine PSA screening but a selective screening, according to patient\u27s age, coexisting medical condition, and risks, such as family history. The guideline also emphasized shared decision making

    Soundness of Unravelings for Deterministic Conditional Term Rewriting Systems via Ultra-Properties Related to Linearity

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    Unravelings are transformations from a conditional term rewriting system (CTRS, for short) over an original signature into an unconditional term rewriting systems (TRS, for short) over an extended signature. They are not sound for every CTRS w.r.t. reduction, while they are complete w.r.t. reduction. Here, soundness w.r.t. reduction means that every reduction sequence of the corresponding unraveled TRS, of which the initial and end terms are over the original signature, can be simulated by the reduction of the original CTRS. In this paper, we show that an optimized variant of Ohlebusch\u27s unraveling for deterministic CTRSs is sound w.r.t. reduction if the corresponding unraveled TRSs are left-linear or both right-linear and non-erasing. We also show that soundness of the variant implies that of Ohlebusch\u27s unraveling


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    67歳男, 腫瘤の形成はなく, 精管に沿って発生した精索平滑筋腫の1例.精索に発生した平滑筋腫でこのような特異な形態を呈した症例は文献上報告がなく, 本症例が最初の報告であるWe report an unusual case of a leiomyoma of the spermatic cord. The tumor did not present as a mass but presented as a hard structure along the spermatic cord. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a leiomyoma of the spermatic cord with such an unusual appearance

    Inverse Unfold Problem and Its Heuristic Solving

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    Unfold/fold transformations have been widely studied in various programming paradigms and are used in program transformations, theorem proving, and so on. This paper, by using an example, show that restoring an one-step unfolding is not easy, i.e., a challenging task, since some rules used by unfolding may be lost. We formalize this problem by regarding one-step program transformation as a relation. Next we discuss some issues on a specific framework, called pure-constructor systems, which constitute a subclass of conditional term rewriting systems. We show that the inverse of T preserves rewrite relations if T preserves rewrite relations and the signature. We propose a heuristic procedure to solve the problem, and show its successful examples. We improve the procedure, and show examples for which the improvement takes effect

    Dualities of the entropy bound

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    I study the hypothetical thermodynamic system which saturates the so-called Hubble entropy bound and show that it is invariant under the S- and T-dualities of string theory as well as the interchanges of the eleventh dimension of M-theory. I also discuss how unique the entropy bound is under the dualities and some related issues.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, a reference replaced, minor correction

    Successful remote treatment of a client with Hikikomori using internet-delivered cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder: a case report

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    Hikikomori (prolonged social withdrawal) has been discussed as a hidden worldwide epidemic and a significant social and healthcare issue. Social anxiety disorder is the most common psychiatric disorder preceding the onset of Hikikomori. Although studies exist suggesting the effectiveness of family-support interventions, little is known about psychotherapeutic approaches for Hikikomori individuals. Here, we present a case of Hikikomori wherein an internet-delivered cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder (iCT-SAD) worked effectively in improving the client’s social anxiety symptoms and social interaction behaviors. This case study demonstrates the principle that evidence-based psychological interventions focusing on social anxiety can be effective for clients with Hikikomori. Furthermore, the online mode of treatment delivery, along with a variety of relevant modules, may facilitate clients’ engagement with treatment at home. The findings suggest that iCT-SAD might be a promising option for Hikikomori clients who have social anxiety problems, within the recommended stepped-intervention approach