3,864 research outputs found

    Psychological Intervention for Button Phobic

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    Behavior therapy approach is used in psychological intervention of button phobic, including systematic desensitization, relaxation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, modelling and skill training therapy. Partisipant (N=1) was button phobic since adolescence. Sampling technique in this research was accidental sampling. Psychological intervention design was classified as quasi experiment with single-case subject design. Data collection was performed with a multi-assessment, including observation and interviews, anxiety questionnaires and interview of cognitive change processes, before and after therapy is given. Results of psychological intervention indicated that behavioral therapy can be relied upon their role in overcoming anxiety of button phobic

    Aku Perempuan Yang Berbeda Dengan Perempuan Lain Di Jamanku : Aku Bisa Bahagia Meski Aku Tidak Menikah

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    Tujuan penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana pengalaman hidup menjadi wanita tidak pernah menikah hingga mendekati usia akhir dewasa madya dan bagaimana pencapaian kesejahteraan psikologis (psychological well being) wanita tidak pernah menikah. Desain dan metode penelitian ini ialah kualitatif fenomenologi. Interview mendalam dan semi terstruktur dilakukan pada dua subjek penelitian wanita tidak pernah menikah berusia 58 dan 65 tahun. Hasilnya menunjukkan beberapa tema utama : a) karakteristik diri, prinsip gender, dan konsekuensi-konsekuensi pernikahan yang tidak diinginkan, yang menunjang mereka mengambil keputusan lebih baik tidak menikah, b) masa sulit di periode siklus lajang the thirties, entering the “twilight zone” of singlehood, c) suka (keuntungan) yang lebih dirasakan daripada duka, d) perjuangan diri menghadapi stigma/tekanan sosial terkait dengan status pernikahan dan mempersiapkan pendoa saat kematian, e) potensi-potensi dalam diri, rasa syukur, kehidupan spiritualitas, dan dukungan sosial yang dimiliki menunjang mereka mengalami kesejahteraan psikologis. Implikasi dari penelitian ini ialah memberikan contoh model bagaimana menjalani kehidupan sebagai seorang wanita tidak menikah namun tetap bisa bahagia dan menemukan makna positif dalam hidupnya sebagai wanita tidak menikah bisa tetap berarti bagi sesama

    Identifikasi Karakteristik dan Stimulasi Dini Perkembangan Persepsi Visual Anak dengan ADHD

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    Salah satu identifikasi kesulitan belajar pada anak sejak dini dapat diketahui dari bagaimana perkembangan persepsi visual tersebut di usia prasekolah atau awal SD dengan Marianne Frostig Development Test of Visual Perception. Tes ini dapat mengidentifikasi karakteristik perkembangan persepsi visual anak sejak usia 4 tahun sampai dengan 7 tahun 11 bulan. Anak-anak dengan ADHD seringkali mengalami satu atau beberapa kesulitan belajar seperti dalam membaca, menulis, mengarang dan matematika, meskipun secara potensi kecerdasan di antara mereka sebenarnya banyak yang tidak bermasalah. Kesulitan belajar mereka ini ternyata juga terkait dengan masalah perkembangan persepsi visual, selain terkait dengan karakteristik perkembangan ADHDnya. Masalah perkembangan persepsi visual tampak dari penelusuran hasil tes Frostig terhadap dua belas kasus anak-anak dengan ADHD dengan rentang usia 4- 7.5 tahun dan klasifikasi IQ tergolong normal. Penelusuran tersebut menunjukkan hasil yang khas, yaitu : pada hasil skor age equivalents sub-tes figure ground dan constancy of shape menunjukkan perkembangan persepsi visual anak-anak dengan ADHD pada dua sub-tes tersebut di bawah usia kronologisnya. Kedua sub tes tersebut terkait dengan dasar perkembangan kemampuan belajar mereka: 1) mengenali huruf, tanda baca dan tanda berhitung, 2) membaca, 3) matematika, 4) konstruksi bentuk. Oleh karena itu stimulasi dini secara rutin untuk optimalisasi perkembangan persepsi visual perlu diberikan, seperti: menyusun jigsaw puzzle, tangram, menyusun balok-balok; mencari perbedaan dan persamaan gambar; mencari bentuk-bentuk tertentu dari bagian gambar; menghubungkan titik-titik dengan urutan angka/huruf untuk membentuk sesuatu; meronce manik-manik dengan pola urutan bentuk tertentu; menyusun kata dari huruf-huruf yang teracak,melipat kertas (origami), dll

    Solution Focused Brief Therapy: Mengatasi Ketakutan Pengambilan Keputusan untuk Menikah Akibat Trauma Perceraian Orangtua dan Mayer- Rokitansky-Kuster HaĂĽster (MRKH) Syndrome

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    Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) digunakan dalam intervensi psikologi ini untuk mengatasi ketakutan pengambilan keputusan untuk menikah. Partisipan (N=1) adalah kasus yang mengalami trauma perceraian dan penderita Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster HaĂĽster (MRKH) syndrome. Teknik pemilihan partisipan dalam intervensi psikologi ini ialah accidental sampling. Desain intervensi psikologi ini ialah single case subject design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara, asesmen analisis fungsional terhadap proses kognitif pada sebelum dan sesudah intervensi diberikan. Hasil intervensi menunjukkan bahwa SFBT dapat diandalkan perannya dalam mengatasi ketakutan pengambilan keputusan untuk menikah

    The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification : Food Diet and Drug Therapy Toward Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Children's Behavior

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    Most parents of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) children in Indonesia refused to use drug continuously because they were worry about it side effect. Therefore, other therapies such as food diet and behavior modification may be able to substitute the role of drug therapy. The main purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effectiveness of behavior modification, diet, and drug therapy as a single therapy to lower the hyperkinetic behavior (HB). This research was conducted through a single case subject design, appl ying the DSM-IV to measure the symptoms or the ADHD. the Werry-Weiss-Peter activity scale to measure the HB, and CPM to group the intelligence level. Subjects (N = 6) were 7 - II aged boys, diagnosed by psychiatrists as ADHD clients without any other disorder. They were divided into 3 groups; each was treated differently and monitored weekly. Results showed that behavior modification therapy was effective in lowering the HB score and in improving behavior such as obedience, discipline, autonomy, and family relationship. Diet therapy was effective in lowering the HB score, such as impulsivity, explosion of anger, and unstable emotion. Furthermore drug therapy was effective in lowering the HB score and in improving abilities such as attention span, concentration, visualmotor coordination, and shortterm memory. Each therapy has differences of specialization in handling behavior problem of ADHD children. Therefore, parents should usc multimodal approach and accept drug therapy (3)

    Karakteristik Problematika Anak Penyandang Tuna Laras Perspektif Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui problematika yang paling dominan pada Penyandang Tunalaras. Tunalaras adalah seseorang individu yang mengalami kondisi pada gangguan emosi dan tingkah laku yang menyimpang. Penelitan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Informan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari 2 penyandang Tunalaras berdasarkan dari penjelasan masing-masing penyandang Tunalaras.  Ruang lingkup objek penelitian ini adalah bidang pribadi dan keluarga informan. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan penelitian yang berupa wawancara, pemberian Daftar Cek Masalah (DCM) dan juga observasi atau pengamatan secara langsung. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Teknik keabsahan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik keabsahan data triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anak tunalaras memiliki permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan ketidakmampuan dalam mengontrol emosinya sehingga anak tularas ini tidak mendapat respon yang baik dilingkungannya

    Penelusuran Karakteristik Hasil Tes Inteligensi WISC Pada Anak Dengan Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian Dan Hiperaktivitas

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    By considering the impact of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to the future children education, the exploration of intelligence test result charac-teristic of children with ADHD is needed. The purpose of the explanation is to help children with ADHD to cope their obstacle in actualizing their intelligence potency through appropriate educational guidance. Intelligence test result characteristic with Wechsler Intelligence Children Scale (WISC) test is explored on 10 boys with ADHD aged 6 – 12 years old in Surabaya. The data is interpreted according to Glasser and Zimmerman, Ogdon Sattler, and Jose/ Goewens reference and is described with the additional data quantitatively. Children with ADHD have low score in some WISC sub¬tests. The rank of the scores from the lowest is object assembly, picture arrangement, information, comprehension, digit span, and block design. The subtests reflect the limited capacity of children with ADHD in visual motor coordination, visual perception organization, visual-spatial relationship and field dependence, sequence ability, planning ability, effects of uncer¬tainty, and social sensitivity. By knowing these limitations, it is understandable why children with ADHD have problems in behavior, social, cognitive, academic, and emotional. The limitations of ADHD children in actualizing their intelligence potency is related to the disfunction of the right hemisphere. Keywords: Intelligence test, WISC, ADHD


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    This final project report is written based on the job training done at Solo Grand Mall within a month. The writer did some jobs with the supervisor of Public Relations of Solo Grand Mall by helping the supervisor to finish her job like written press release, attending events, etc. to gain the information reported in this report. The objectives of this report are: 1) to describe the job description of public relation, 2) to describe the relationship between Public Relations and mass media. The following job description of Public Relations of Solo Grand Mall are forming and keeping reputation for company, managing company functions, covering information to the public, arranging and distributing press release. The relationship between Public Relations of Solo Grand Mall and mass media such as newspaper, radio, television is realized in special program held in several mass media or press release. Solo Grand Mall has a program called “Gerai Metta bersama Solo Grand Mall” in radio Metta FM Solo as one of the radio partners of Solo Grand Mall. Another program is “PROSPEK” conducted in TATV as one of the television partners of Solo Grand Mall. The programs with the media work well. It can be seen by the raising trust of public to Solo Grand Mall and the rising number of visitor in Solo Grand Mall. In conclusion, as a big shopping center, Solo Grand Mall should maintain the relationship well, because mass media has many important roles in business world especially to raise public awareness in modern lifestyle necessity


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to find out about the supervision of financial services authorities in the Capital Market. This research is a type of normative juridical research using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study obtained answers to the existing problems that the Financial Services Authority's supervision of the capital market ensures the implementation of Know Your Customer Principles by Financial Service Providers in the Capital Market sector (POJK No.22/OJK.04/2014), compliance with reporting Suspicious Financial Transactions (TKM). In accordance with Law no. 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.Keywords: Financial Services Authority, Know Your Customer Principles, Money Laundering.ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui  tentang  pengawasan otoritas jasa keuangan di Pasar Modal. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh jawaban atas permasalahan yang ada bahwa pengawasan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan terhadap pasar modal memastikan penerapan Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah oleh Penyedia Jasa Keuangan di bidang Pasar Modal (POJK No.22/OJK.04/2014), kepatuhan pelaporan Transaksi Keuangan Mencurigakan (TKM) sesuai dengan Undang-Undang  No. 8 Tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang.Kata Kunci: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Prinsip Mengenal Nasabah, Pencucian Uan


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    English is the first foreign language that is taught at Junior and Senior High School as compulsory subject. Actually, this language has been taught in Indonesia for a long time. But if we examine the result of teaching and learning English, it is considered unsatisfactory. It is proved by most of the students who have graduated from Senior High School still have less ability in English. They cannot rely on their ability whenever it is required. We ought to consider the hindrances that cause the teaching and learning process is unsatisfactory. One of the hindrances that cause this condition is dealing with the using of visual media. Many English teachers in Indonesia use visual media rarely in teaching learning process. Based on the phenomenon, the writer conducts this study, which is aimed at finding out the hindrances faced by the English teachers in using visual media. The accessible populations of this study are the English teachers and the students of SLTP Negeri 3 Batu. There are 3 English teachers and 675 students in this school. In order to get proportional representation, the writer uses stratified random sampling. So, the samples are all of the English teachers and 10% of the students from each grade as representation, since the total member of the assessable population was more than 100 objects. As a result, there are 3 English teachers and 68 students as the samples. In conducting this study, the writer uses descriptive research design to know the problems faced by the English teachers in using visual media. The instruments that are used in this study are questioner, interview, observation, and document. The data found in this study will be interpreted qualitatively. The results of this study show that the problems faced by the English teachers in using visual media are the lack ability of English teachers in making visual media, insufficient time allotment and fund allocation to provide visual media, the large number of the students in an class. Moreover, the English teachers also rarely conduct evaluation for their visual media used
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