839 research outputs found

    Maya lime mortars. Relationships between archaeometric dating, manufacturing technique and architectural function. The Dzibanché case

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    [EN] Researchers have related the manufacturing technique of plasters and stucco in the Maya area with their period of production but not with their architectural function. In this paper, we establish a relationship between those three features (manufacturing technique, age, and architectural function) in the plasters of the Maya site of Dzibanche in southern Quintana Roo. Dzibanche has abundant remains of stuccos and plasters found mainly in three buildings (Plaza Pom, Pequena Acropolis, and Structure 2). We used thin sections, SEM and XRD, and archaeomagnetic dating processes. The pictorial layer of Structure 2 was the earliest (AD 274-316 and the stuccoes and plasters of the other two buildings were dated to the Middle Classic (AD 422-531), but we obtained different archaeomagnetic dates for the red pigment layers found in the buildings of the Pequena Acropolis and thus we were able to determine their chronological order of construction. The raw materials and proportions were carefully chosen to fulfil the mechanical necessities of the architectonic function: different proportions were found in plasters of floors, in the external walls, and inside the buildings; differences between earlier and later plasters were also detected.We acknowledge the archeological project of Dzibanche and Centro INAH Quintana Roo who generously allowed the extraction of the samples for this study; also we acknowledge the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico that gave a grant that allowed a three month research in the laboratories of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Financial support for the analysis of organic materials is kindly acknowledged; it was provided by the Spanish MINECO R+D project CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and also supported with ERDEF funds. The authors thank Jaime Diaz for his assistance in preparing thin sections.Straulino Mainou, L.; Sedov, S.; Soler Arechalde, AM.; Pi Puig, T.; Villa, G.; Balanzario Granados, S.; Domenech Carbo, MT.... (2016). Maya lime mortars. Relationships between archaeometric dating, manufacturing technique and architectural function. The Dzibanché case. Geosciences Journal. 6(4):49-1-49-27. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences6040049S49-149-276

    ESL College Students\u27 Perspectives on Classroom Content Delivery and Assessments

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to gather the perspectives of English as a Second Language (ESL) students to determine their views regarding content delivery and assessments in their content’ specific classes. This case study is based on the concept that students’ perspectives should be considered when planning content delivery and assessments for ESL students at Constitution College (pseudonym), a 4-year college in South Florida. ESL college students receive content and assessments in the same manner as native English - speaking students at Constitution College after completing an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. Even after this program, some still had trouble with reading comprehension. For students to be successful in their content-specific classes, they must understand the subject matter. Individual interviews were used to gather the perspectives of 13 ESL college students enrolled in EAP courses, selected through purposeful sampling. The questions related to connections between content delivery, assessments, and academic struggles in content-specific classes. As data were collected, they were organized according to recurring themes, common patterns, and categories. The findings suggested that colleges need to ensure that instructors are fully prepared to provide quality instruction during EAP courses for ESL students. If this suggestion is enacted, these ESL students will also benefit as they will be able to use English for academic and social mobility change. The findings will also provide information specific to Constitution College that will add to the body of knowledge regarding the perspectives of ESL college students in the United States

    Web 2.0 comes on the Scene

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    En este artículo pretendemos desarrollar un análisis crítico sobre los denominados entornos Web 2.0. Para ello comenzaremos un recorrido "histórico" sobre el origen del término para después realizar una descripción de sus características, lo que nos permitirá abordar su funcionamiento técnico. Todo ello nos debe servir para tratar de comprender si nos encaminamos hacia el denominado modelo "3.0". Concluiremos con una crítica constructiva de algunos aspectos relevantes que se han venido mencionando en torno al concepto de web colaborativa.In this article we pretend to go deepen into the web 2.0 environments. We will start by describing a historical background about the origin of the term, the next step will consist on analyzing its characteristics, which will allow us understand the technical working system. All this information should help us to understand if we are moving towards the so-called "3.0 model". We will conclude with a constructive criticism about some relevant aspects around the concept and implications of web 2.0

    Indikator Proses Utama pada Proses Grinding dengan Pendekatan Manajemen Pengetahuan

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    This study discusses about key process indicators in grinding with the knowledge management approach. Common/key indicators used in the machine are workpiece, grinding wheel, dressing tool and coolant. The resulting key processeswill benefit firms and their operators especially new ones in managing scienceson grinding process that will allow knowledge transferred to new operators quickly. Process indicators are described with IDEF0 diagrams which will define the inputs, outputs, mechanisms and controls.Keywords: Knowledge Management, Grinding, IDEF0AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang indikator proses utama pada proses grinding/gerinda dengan pendekatan manajemen pengetahuan. Indikator umum yang dipakai yaitu mesin, benda kerja, grinding wheel, dressing tool dan coolant. Hasil ini akan bermanfaat untuk membantu perusahaan dalam mengelola ilmu pengetahuan pada proses grinding sehingga akan memudahkan pewarisan ilmu pengetahuan kepada operator baru dari operator senior. Indikator proses digambarkan dengan IDEF0 yang memperlihatkan masukan, luaran, mekanisme dan kontrol pada proses.Kata kunci: Manajemen Pengetahuan, Grinding, IDEF

    La estrategia didáctica de recursos expresivos para mejorar la narración oral de cuentos en los alumnos del segundo grado de la I.E N° 88028 "Almirante Miguel Grau" Nuevo Chimbote 2015

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    Se expone en el presente informe de tesis los resultados relativos al estudio de investigación denominado: “LA ESTRATEGIA DIDÁCTICA DE RECURSOS EXPRESIVOS PARA MEJORAR LA NARRACIÓN ORAL DE CUENTOS EN LOS ALUMNOS DEL SEGUNDO GRADO DE EDUCACIÓN PRIMARIA DE LA INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA N° 88028 ""ALMIRANTE MIGUEL GRAU"" NUEVO CHIMBOTE 2015 Nos planteamos la siguiente hipótesis: Si se aplica correctamente la estrategia didáctica de recursos expresivos, entonces mejorará significativamente la narración oral de cuentos en los alumnos del segundo grado de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa N° 88028 ""Almirante Miguel Grau"" Nuevo Chimbote 2015 La población de estudio está constituida por 64 alumnos del segundo grado de primaria de dicha institución y la muestra de estudio constituida por 64 alumnos del segundo grado de primaria seleccionados, utilizando el muestreo de grupos apareados. Se consideró pertinente trabajar un diseño cuasi experimental considerando los grupos de investigación control y experimental. Luego de la aplicación de los instrumentos de recolección de datos y efectuar el procesamiento estadístico, se comprobó que los niños que recibieron la propuesta basada en la estrategia de Recursos Expresivos alcanzaron un alto nivel de desarrollo en la narración oral de cuentos en comparación con el grupo control.There are exposed in the formless present of thesis the results relative to the study of investigation (research) named: THE DIDACTIC STRATEGY OF EXPRESSIVE RESOURCES TO IMPROVE THE ORAL STORY OF STORIES IN THE PUPILS OF THE SECOND DEGREE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Nº 88028 “ALMIRANT MIGUEL GRAU” NEW CHIMBOTE. For such an effect, I appear the hypothesis If I apply correctly the didactic strategy of expressive resources at the time the oral story of stories will improve significantly in the pupils of the second degree of Primary Education of the Educational Institution N° 88028 “Almirant Grau”new chimbote. The population of study is constituted by 94 pupils of the second degree of primary of the above mentioned institution and the sample of study constituted by 64 pupil of the second degree of primary selected using the sampling of paired groups. Was considered to be pertinent a design worked cuasi experimentally considering control to be the groups of investigation (research) and experimentally. After the application of the instruments of compilation of information and to effect(to carry out) the statistical processing, there was verified that the children who received the offer based on the strategy of Expressive Resources reached a high level of development in the oral story of stories in comparison with the group control

    Cómo son y qué hacen los “maestros excelentes”: la opinión de los estudiantes

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    This paper presents the most relevant results of a study dealing with the perception that Primary Education students have of what characterizes an excellent teacher. Among other aims, we have tried to identify what attributes, skills or values are found to be characteristic of close-toexcellent teachers. We have also studied the impact such teachers have on their students. From a methodological perspective, the most valuable aspect of this research is its open and interactive nature. This is so because such characteristics have been related to the influence that the students believe teachers have on them. The conclusions corroborate the well-known fact that there is no unique and ideal teacher model. The profile we have obtained characterizes the teacher as close to the student, sensitive, demanding, and enthusiastic, and also as having good skills for didactic communication, interaction, and planning, as well as a good control of the teaching/learning process and of evaluation.En este artículo se presentan los resultados más relevantes de una investigación en la que se analiza la percepción que tienen los estudiantes de Educación Primaria acerca de los maestros excelentes. Entre otros objetivos, se ha tratado de identificar cualidades, competencias o valores de los docentes que los caracterizan como próximos a la excelencia, así como de recoger los efectos que éstos ejercen sobre sus estudiantes. En cuanto al planteamiento metodológico, lo más valioso del trabajo es la dinámica abierta e interactiva del proceso de estudio, ya que se han relacionado dichas características con los efectos que en su propia opinión producen sobre ellos. Las conclusiones vienen a corroborar que no existe un modelo único e ideal de maestro. El perfil que se ha obtenido lo caracteriza como cercano al alumno, sensible, exigente y entusiasta, con competencias para la comunicación didáctica, la interacción, la planificación y gestión de la enseñanza/aprendizaje y la evaluación


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    Berhubungan dengan era revolusi industri 5.0 kita perlu bersyukur semua pekerjaan menjadi dimudahkan dengan terdigitalisasi. Berbagai pekerjaan dapat diselesaikan jauh lebih mudah, cepat dan secara otomatis. Konsep era industri 5.0 memiliki fokus pendayagunaan aspek dari manusia, data dan teknologi berbasis modern. Manusia dan sistem saling terhubung dan mendapatkan hasil maksimal dengan bantuan AI. Konsep ini memberikan dampak positif untuk menghadapi perubahan besar pada transformasi digital. Perkembangan pesat dari transformasi digital saat ini ada pada pendeteksian objek menggunakan machine learning. Deteksi objek adalah teknik dari computer vision dalam pembacaan pengenalan objek pada gambar ataupun video. Pada penelitian ini diterapkan klasifikasi deteksi objek dengan algoritma Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) menggunakan arsitektur VGG16Net dengan mengklasifikasikan wajah bermasker dan tidak bermasker. Dataset yang digunakan untuk proses training diperoleh dari kaggle berjumlah 3.725 menggunakan masker, 3.828 tidak menggunakan masker dan dataset untuk proses testing menggunakan dataset personal berjumlah 16 dataset. Evaluasi jaringan pelatihan model menggunakan confusion matrix sedangkan tahap pengujian menggunakan SSD ResNet10. Hasil evaluasi dari rancangan implementasi pelatihan model didapatkan nilai akurasi 0,992%, presisi 1.000, dan recall 0,984. Kemudian hasil pengujian testing mendapatkan nilai tertinggi dengan akurasi 100%

    Self-defense and women victims of habitual gender violence

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    [ES] A lo largo de este TFG se elaborará un estudio tendente a resolver la posible aplicación de la legítima defensa en los casos de mujeres víctimas de violencia de género habitual que reaccionan de forma violenta, agrediendo a sus (ex)parejas maltratadoras. Se comenzará determinando la regulación, concepto y fundamento de la legítima defensa como causa de justificación, así como sus requisitos esenciales e inesenciales. Estos requisitos pueden ser interpretados de diferentes formas, algunas de las cuales se explicarán, además de las características que componen cada uno de ellos. Se narrará un caso real concreto para adentrarse en los casos que nos ocupan. Posteriormente, se tratarán las diferentes posturas doctrinales en cuanto al cumplimiento de los requisitos y sus argumentos en contra y a favor de la aplicación de esta causa de justificación. Seguidamente, se incluirá una breve aproximación a las soluciones alternativas a la legítima defensa propuestas por la doctrina y jurisprudencia para resolver estos supuestos. Estas serían: el trastorno mental transitorio, el miedo insuperable y el estado de necesidad defensivo. Se completará el estudio con un análisis de la posición que toma la jurisprudencia española durante los últimos años en estos supuestos mediante diferentes sentencias expuestas en orden cronológico.[EN] Throughout this TFG a study will be carried out to resolve the possible application of self-defense in cases of women victims of habitual gender violence who react violently, attacking their abusive (ex) partners. We will begin by determining the regulation, concept and basis of self-defense as a cause of justification, as well as its essential and non-essential requirements. These requirements can be interpreted in different ways, some of which will be explained, in addition to the characteristics that make up each of them. A concrete real case will be narrated in order to go into the cases we are dealing with. Subsequently, the different doctrinal positions regarding the fulfillment of the requirements and their arguments against and in favor of the application of this cause of justification will be discussed. Next, a brief approach to the alternative solutions to selfdefense proposed by doctrine and jurisprudence to resolve these cases will be included. These would be: transitory mental disorder, insurmountable fear and state of defensive necessity. The study will be completed with an analysis of the position taken by Spanish jurisprudence in recent years in these cases by means of different sentences presented in chronological order