30 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Minat Baca pada Anak Sekolah Dasar dengan Kegiatan Literasi Membaca 15 Menit Sebelum KBM

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali dan menganalisis strategi efektif dalam meningkatkan minat baca pada anak-anak sekolah dasar melalui penerapan kegiatan literasi membaca selama 15 menit sebelum memulai Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan kegiatan literasi membaca sebelum KBM memiliki dampak yang signifikan dalam meningkatkan minat baca anak-anak. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap kemampuan membaca dan pemahaman teks pada anak-anak. Hasil temuan ini memberikan wawasan berharga dalam pengembangan strategi pendidikan yang berfokus pada peningkatan minat baca pada tingkat dasar. Implikasi penelitian ini mendukung integrasi kegiatan literasi membaca dalam kurikulum sekolah dasar untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran dan pengembangan keterampilan literasi pada anak-anak


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    Latar belakang: Vitamin A memiliki peran sentral dalam kekebalan tubuh. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan adanya interaksi antara kadar vitamin A dengan malaria. IL-12 merupakan sitokin yang dapat menginduksi respon imun. IL-12 dapat  menghambat dan efek sitotoksik terhadap parasit intrasel termasuk malaria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar Vitamin A dan IL-12 serum pada anak dengan malaria asimtomatih di daerah endemis malaria.Metode: Penelitian belah lintang dilakukan di 2 desa dengan HCI malaria tertinggi di Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah. Subyek penelitian adalah 77 anak usia 6–14 tahun yang dipilih secara acak. Anak dengan demam (>37,2°C) dan ada gejala malaria tidak digunakan sebagai sebyek penelitian. Diagnosis malaria dilakukan dengan Rapid diagnostic test (RDT), preparat hapus darah tepi tipis dan tebal. Kadar vitamin A dan IL-12 diukur dari sampel darah vena dengan metode ELISA.Hasil: Pemeriksaan RDT menunjukkan 5 anak negative, 70 anak terinfeksi P, falciparum dan 2 anak dengan P. vivax. Kadar vitamin A serum 28,97 ± 8,009 μg/L dan kadar IL-12 serum 3,36 ± 3,327 pg/mL. Uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan korelasi positif yang bermakna antara kadar vitamin dan IL-12 serum ((r=0,32;p=0,005).Simpulan: Kadar vitamin A berkorelasi dengan IL-12 serum pada anak dengan malaria asimtomatik di daerah endemis malaria Kata kunci: malaria asimtomatik, vitamin A, IL-12

    Self-Deployment of Datacenter Servers Through BMC Reserved Storage

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    Server deployment is a process of configuring BIOS, peripheral controllers and installing Operating System with associated drivers & software. In manual server deployment, admins will setup BIOS and peripheral controllers followed by an Operating System installation. As time and human efforts required for deployment will linearly increase with more servers. In automated server deployment, setup complexity grows, with increase in number of tools getting integrated in the automation framework, leading to a high maintenance cost in terms of tool maintenance. By recording various server configuration patterns and reusing them to self-deploy new servers automatically via HPE intelligent provisioning. This eases data center maintenance activities and achieve high productivity with less effort

    Clinical study on the safety and efficacy of intravitreal triamcinolone for recalcitrant acular edema in south Indian population.

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    Edema of the retina is an extremely common condition occurring to some degree in most circulatory disturbances and all inflammatory conditions. Broadly defined macular edema is an abnormal thickening of the macula with accumulation of excess fluid in the extracellular space of the neurosensory retina. The term cystoids macular edema applies when there is accumulation of fluid in cyst like spaces within the macula as evidenced by clinical examination, fluorescein angiography or OCT. Macular edema in its various forms can be considered the leading cause of central vision loss in the world and is therefore of enormous medical and socio-economic importance. SUMMARY • This is a six month prospective , non randomized clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravitreal triamcinolone in the treatment of macular edema due to causes like diabetes, post surgical and post venous obstruction, which was refractory to conventional treatment. • The main aim was to evaluate the improvement in visual acuity and decrease in macular thickness in the above said conditions after intravitreal injection. • The occurrence of adverse effects known to intraocular steroids like increase in the intraocular pressure and progression of cataract were also noted. • Of the 32 patients who were enrolled for this study 19 were female (59%) and 13 were male (41%) • The indications for treatment were diabetic macular edema (56%), post surgical macular edema (28%) and edema secondary to retinal venous occlusions(16%). Visual acuity: • The VA in diabetic maculopathy showed a definite increase with 44% patients showing an increase in VA better than 6/24. There was an increase by 3 lines in about 50% of the patients • In post surgical macular edema 2 patients showed an improvement of 2 lines. 56% patients had a VA ranging from 6/60 to 6/24 whereas pre treatment 45% patients had VA in the same range. • In the treatment of edema secondary to retinal venous occlusion , the visual acuity showed an improvement by one line(50%) on an average. 2 patients had about 3 lines of improvement. • In summary, this study shows that the vast majority of patients demonstrated stability or improvement of the VA. Of those few patients with a visual decline, the change was felt to be due to disease progression rather than drug toxicity. Macular thickness: • The reduction in macular thickness in DME after administration of triamcinolone was substantial. Pre treatment the macular thickness varied from 200 to 1200μ. After treatment most of the patients (89%) had a reduction within the range of 180 to 300μ.Patients also had a corresponding increase in their visual acuity. • In post surgery CME, the macular thickness was within the range of 200 to 1100 μ. The mean baseline macular thickness was 400μ. Post injection all the patients had macular thickness less than 400μ with 11 % having thickness less than 180μ. • In cases of macular edema secondary to venous occlusion, the results were encouraging. Prior to treatment 40% patients had thicknesses of > 400μ. After treatment all the patients had thickness within 400 μ, with 2 patients having reduction to < 200μ. However, again this drastic reduction did not correspond to improved visual acuity most likely due to long standing macular edema with associated photoreceptor loss. Intra ocular pressure measurements: • The IOP for most patients remained within the normal physiological range. The mean IOP noted for all patients was 16±2mm Hg. However 2 patients showed a rise in IOP occurring around 10 weeks of followup. These patients were started on topical aqueous suppressants (0.5 % timolol maleate) and were seen to be maintaining their IOP within the physiological limits on subsequent visits. None of the patients with increased IOP needed multiple drugs or trabeculectomy. Conclusions Intravitreal Triamcinolone (4 mg) treatment is well tolerated over 6 months with significant safety and efficacy. Nevertheless, this is a small interventional study, with no comparison arm to quantify the actual magnitude of benefit of this treatment modality compared with other therapies. This would have to be studied subsequently in larger studies and also needs to be compared with other VEGF inhibitiors regarding safety and efficacy

    Studies in the mechanisms of adsorption from solution

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    This thesis describes a series of investigations in the thermodynamics of solution absorption, designed to throw light on the mechanisms of the process; these investigations include qualitative and quantitative studies of the specific hydrogen-bond forces responsible for some kinds of adsorption. Solution adsorption isotherms are divided into four main classes according to the slope of the initial portion of the curve to the concentration axis, and thereafter into subgroups. The four classes are: S Curves. The initial portion is convex to the concentration axis. They represent high affinity of the solvent for the solid substrate and low affinity of the solute; the surface becomes increasingly attractive with coverage; this is the case when molecules attract each other strongly so that they tend to orient vertically on the surface. 1 Curves. The normal or "Langmuir" isotherms, the initial portion is concave to the concentration axis. .These curves usually indicate that the adsorbed molecules lie flat on the surface, but when competition from the solvent is weak (e.g. polar solutes on polar substrates from non-polar solvents) and the intermolecular attraction is high, even vertical orientation can produce these curves. H Curves. ("High affinity"). (These commence at a positive value on the "concentration in solid" axis.) The solute has very high and the solvent low, affinity for the substrate. They are often given by solutes adsorbed as ionic micelles and by high affinity ions exchanging with low affinity ions. 0 Curves ("constant partition"). These are linear curves, given by solutes which penetrate into the solid more readily than does the solvent. The sub-groups of these classes are those in which there is evident: (1) only an initial portion of the isotherm is obtained. (2) the first plateau indicating the completion of the first layer. (3) a plateau, followed by a further rising portion, caused by either adsorption on the top of the first layer or by further penetration of the solute into the accessible regions, or by reorientation of the molecules from the flat to the vertical position. (4) a second plateau, caused by completion of the processes given under (3) (mx) a maximum, followed by a decrease in adsorption, perhaps due to predominance of solute-solute attraction over solute-substrate attraction. The measurement of specific surface area of solids has hitherto been the principal use of solution adsorption isotherms. P-Nitrophenol is one of the best solutes for this purpose because, it (i) is highly polar and therefore attaches to the whole surface of polar solids; (ii) has a hydrophobic benzene nucleus which enables it to be adsorbed by non-polar solids; (iii) has a small planar molecule and is often adsorbed as a vertically oriented close packed monolayer; (iv) is not highly surface active and therefore does not form three dimensional micelles at the solid surface; (v) is coloured and can be easily analysed; (vi) is soluble in water, but is also soluble in non-polar solvents so that it can be used with water-soluble solids. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2017-2021 Menggunakan Regresi Data Panel

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    Tingkat pengangguran terbuka di Provinsi Jawa Tengah masih tergolong cukup tinggi. Hal ini dilihat dari Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang menduduki peringkat kesebelas dari 34 provinsi. Melihat kondisi tersebut pemerintah perlu melakukan program untuk mengurangi tingkat pengangguran terbuka. Dalam mengurangi tingkat pengangguran terbuka, diperlukan adanya penelitian mengenai analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat penganggguran terbuka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat pengangguran terbuka di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2017-2021. Pada penelitian ini, data yang digunakan adalah data tingkat pengangguran terbuka dari 35 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2017-2021 yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah regresi data panel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model regresi data panel terbaik adalah fixed effect model. Pada fixed effect model diperoleh output efek individu yang digunakan untuk melihat perbedaan intersep setiap kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Selain itu, hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat pengangguran terbuka di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2017-2021 yaitu indeks pembangunan manusia, upah minimum kabupaten/kota dan rasio ketergantungan. Adapun nilai R^2 yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 0,8276 artinya bahwa variabel IPM, jumlah penduduk, APK SMA, UMK, indeks kedalaman kemiskinan, indeks keparahan kemiskinan, rasio ketergantungan, dan TPAK mampu memberikan semua informasi yang dibutuhkan pada variabel tingkat pengangguran terbuka di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2017 sampai 2021 sebesar 82,76%

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Imunisasi Hb-0 di TPMB “L” Kabupaten Ciamis

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    Data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia shows that as many as 7.1% or 18 million Indonesians are infected with Hepatitis B-0. Of these, 50% are at risk of becoming chronic and 900,000 can become liver cancer. Even Hepatitis B-0 is the top 4 cause of death in Indonesia, with an estimated annual death of 51,100 deaths. HB-0 immunization coverage at TPMB "L" in May 2023 is 35% of the target of 100%. The purpose of this study: To determine the picture of maternal knowledge about HB-0 immunization in newborns in TPMB "L". This research method is a descriptive study, sampling using the Accidental sampling method, with a total of 25 respondents of 3rd-trimester pregnant women in TPMB "L" using questionnaires. The results of the study: Pregnant women with quite a lot of knowledge categories are 20 people (80%) and pregnant women with knowledge of approximately 5 people (20%). Conclusion: The level of knowledge about HB-0 immunization in TPMB "L" with sufficient category is 20 respondents (80%). It is expected that health workers, especially midwives, will further increase knowledge of 3rd-trimester pregnant women about HB-0 immunization by providing education through counselling about HB-0 immunization or distributing brochures about the HB-0 immunization program

    Membangun Entrepreneur Mindset Masyarakat melalui Pelatihan Branding dan Digital Marketing

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    The development of internet technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is getting faster. One of them is that the internet is used to develop a business. Entrepreneurship has an important role in economic growth. Entrepreneur mindset is very important to form because it is related to the mindset of an entrepreneur to adapt to the times. Improved branding and digital marketing skills are needed to realize a technologically advanced community economy. Therefore, KKN Tematik 108 group 15 UIN Sunan Kalijaga held branding and digital marketing training with the aim of building an entrepreneurial mindset to improve the economy, especially in Padukuhan Blekik. This service uses the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method with data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. The targets in this service are the community, youth, and business actors totaling 45 people. The training was held at the Al-Huda Mosque in Blekik Village. This activity also presents competent speakers in the fields of academics and entrepreneurship. The results of this service are increasing knowledge and creating an entrepreneur mindset for the people of Padukuhan Blekik

    Implications of tactile enrichment on the behaviour and whisker movements of four species of carnivorans

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    Caniformia include a range of aquatic, semi-aquatic and terrestrial species, which reveal diversity in their whisker arrangements and shape. Whisker movements play a crucial role in the perception of tactile information, allowing whiskered mammals to distinguish between shapes, sizes, and textures. Despite the significance of whisker movements in sensory perception, few studies have focussed on measuring whisker movements during tactile sensing. Whisker enrichment tasks have the potential to expand behavioural repertoires of animals in captivity and reduce stereotypical behaviours. However, despite whiskers being essential in guiding foraging and exploration in many mammalian species, tactile whisker enrichment tasks are rare. Here, we utilised a novel tactile enrichment device to investigate the whisker movements in four Caniform species in captivity, including two pinnipeds- South African fur seals (Arctocephalus pussilus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), a mustelid – Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra), and a canid – red fox (Vulpes vulpes) during a texture discrimination task. This study is the first to explore the impact of tactile enrichment on the behavioural repertoire of caniforms in captivity and provides the first insight of whisker movements in South African fur seals. The introduction of the tactile enrichment device did not increase the behavioural repertoire, nor did it lead to an increase in stereotypical behaviours or aggression in any of the species. However, it did successfully encourage natural whisker movements in the pinnipeds and otter. The whisker amplitude measure was especially high in the South African fur seals. We suggest that such a complex, discrimination-based enrichment task might only be feasible for more trainable caniforms, such as pinnipeds, rather than more neophobic species, such as the red fox, which did not interact with the enrichment device throughout the study. Therefore, while our enrichment device increased natural whisker movements, an even simpler foraging task might encourage tactile sensing without the requirement for training, making tactile whisker enrichment available to a wider group of species

    Structural controls on groundwater flow in the Clanwilliam area

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    Magister Scientiae - MScDeformation of the western part of the Table Mountain Group rocks during the Cape Orogeny created a series of folds and associated fractures. The subsequent continental break-up of Gondwana led to the development of large fault systems. These exert a major influence on deep and shallow groundwater flow. There are 3 main types of structures that are investigated. The geological contacts between hydraulically different lithologies, the primary characteristics of the sediments comprising the main geological units and the secondary structures developed from the tectonic events. These inter-alia include lithological boundaries, bedding and conjugate joints and large faults. Compartmentalisation of the aquifers by lithological and fault boundaries are the main regional level controls on flow in the study area. Joints are important for local control of flow, but cumulatively exert a regional effect as well. These controls exert a strong 3 dimensional impact on flow patterns within the area. Geological cross sections and detailed fieldwork combined with the conceptual models proposed are used to determine groundwater flow and the extent of the flow constraints. There is heterogeneity in the fault characteristics whilst there isconsistence in the impermeable aquitards. These effect boundaries at the base of the aquifer, divide the aquifer into upper and lower units and cap the top of the aquifer. Using water level data, EC and pH an attempt is made to establish patterns created by structures, mainly faults. There appears to be some control of these shown by patterns seen on contour plots of the data. Understanding of the structures can significantly alter the way the available data could be interpreted. The integration of all available data into the conceptual model provides an effective research tool, which opens up further avenues for new approaches and methods for continued research in this area.South Afric