403 research outputs found

    Customer Satisfaction With Service Quality in Iraqi Conventional Banks: The Case of Salah Al Din Banks

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    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the customer satisfaction of the banks sector in Iraq, and in particular Salah Al Din, based on customer perception regarding service quality. This is an empirical study using mainly primary data collected through a well-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire has been personally administered on a sample size of 149 bank customers, chosen who were based on a convenient sampling from five Iraqi banks; Rafidain Bank, Rasheed Bank, Agricultural Bank, Estate Bank and Mosul Bank. This paper makes a useful contribution as there are only a few studies dealing with the assessment of service quality in conventional banking sector of Iraq. The results indicate that all of the four hypotheses tested are supported. There is a positive impact and significant relationship between the customer satisfaction and four dimensions of service quality. The highest satisfaction according to customer’s perception is in the empathy area and lowest in the tangibles area. The positive and significant relationships confirm the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of the conventional banks in Iraq


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    The objectives of the final year project are to study and investigate the forces in the reservoir model and how these forces can be used to design the water flooding performance toward oil recovery enhanced. And to evaluate how the water injection rate can affect the oil recovery for reservoir. It is a beneficial to the gas and oil industries of company to have and test the potential for the techniques of oil recovery, and low cost which are cheap and easy to control like water flooding. The problem in water flooding is that, oil companies still looking for researches on force which available in the reservoir and how it can be designed the water flooding that can lead to be a good oil recovery at lower cost. Precisely, approximately maintenance and design the requires of water flooding to understand the oil viscous can be displaced by the water, and how can optimized the oil recovery

    An Algorithm for Fingerprint Classification Using Template Matching Technique

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    Automatic fingerprint classification has received considerable attention over the past decade. Despite significant progress in this field, there are still rooms for improving the classification operation by continuing study and research in this field. This thesis describes a study of fingerprint classification using template matching technique. We have classified the fingerprints in four groups according to their pattern, which are Arch, Left loop, Right loop, and Whorl. We have discussed and explained the specification and the limitations of the fingerprint classification (the effect of corrupted and rotated input fingerprints on the accuracy of the classification operation). The thesis has analysed the mentioned technique and evaluated its strengths and limitation by comparing this technique with the singularities technique. This research has also included the pre-processing stage, which consist of enhancement, segmentation, and thinning of fingerprints

    Sequestration Effect On The Open-Cyclic Switchable Property Of Warfarin Induce By Cyclodextrin: Time-Resolved Fluorescence Study.

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    In this work, the photophysical properties of the fluorescent anticoagulant drug warfarin (W) were examined in water and inside methyl- β-cyclodextrins (Me- β-CD) through absorption and time-resolved fluorescence measurements at pH 3 and 9 and upon the selective excitation of different isomers of warfarin at 280 and 320 nm. The values of binding constants (2.9 x 103 M-1 and 4.2 x 102 M-1 for protonated and deprotonated forms, respectively) were extracted from the spectrophotometric data. Both absorption and time-resolved fluorescence results established that the interior of the macromolecular host binds preferentially the open pronated form, redshifts the maximum of its absorption of light at ~ 305 nm, extends its excited-state lifetime and decreases its emission quantum yield (ΦF). Collectively, sequestration of the open guest molecules decreases markedly their radiative rate constants (kr), likely due to the formation of hydrogen-bonded complexes in both the ground and excited states. Due to lack of interactions, no change was observed in the excited-state lifetime of the cyclic form in the presence of Me- β-CD. The host also increases the excited-state lifetime and ΦF of the drug deprotonated form (W-). These latter findings could be attributed to the increased rigidity inside the cavity of Me- β-CD. The pKa values extracted from the variations of the UV-visible absorption spectra of W versus the pH of aqueous solution showed that the open isomer is more acidic in both ground and excited states. The positive shifts in pKa values induced by three derivatives of cyclodextrins: HE- β-CD, Ac- β-CD, and Me- β-CD supported the preferential binding of these hosts to open isomers over cyclic

    Sequestration Effect on the Open-Cyclic Switchable Property of Warfarin Induced By Cyclodextrin: Time-Resolved Fluoresence Study

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    In this work, the photophysical properties of the fluorescent anticoagulant drug warfarin (W) were examined in water and inside methyl-β-cyclodextrins (Me-β- CD) through absorption and time-resolved fluorescence measurements at pH 3 and 9 and upon the selective excitation of different isomers of warfarin at 280 and 320 nm. The values of binding constants (2.9 × 103 M–1 and 4.2 × 102 M–1 for protonated and deprotonated forms, respectively) were extracted from the spectrophotometric data. Both absorption and time-resolved fluorescence results established that the interior of the macromolecular host binds preferentially the open protonated form, red shifts the maximum of its absorption of light at ~305 nm, extends its excited-state lifetime, and decreases its emission quantum yield (ՓF). Collectively, sequestration of the open guest molecules decreases markedly their radiative rate constants (kr), likely due to formation of hydrogen-bonded complexes in both the ground and excited states. Due to lack of interactions, no change was observed in the excited-state lifetime of the cyclic form in the presence of Me-β-CD. The host also increases the excited-state lifetime and ՓF of the drug deprotonated form (W-). These later findings could be attributed to the increased rigidity inside the cavity of Me-β-CD. The pKa values extracted from the variations of the UV-visible absorption spectra of W versus the pH of aqueous solution showed that the open isomer is more acidic in both ground and excited states. The positive shifts in pKa values induced by three derivatives of cyclodextrins: HE-β-CD, Ac-β-CD, and Me-β-CD supported the preferential binding of these hosts to open isomers over cyclic

    Loans of “ŠU.LAL MÁŠ NU.TUK” from the Old Babylonian Period

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     تُعد القروض من المصادر المسمارية المهمة التي ساعدت على فهم طبيعة النظامين الاقتصادي والمالي في المجتمع العراقي القديم، فقد اعطتنا هذه القروض صورة واضحة وجلية عن طبيعة نظام الاقتراض الذي كان سائداً في المجتمع البابلي القديم والذي أشتمل على نوعين أساسيين من نصوص الاقتراض تمثلت بعقود القرض بفائدة وعقود القرض بلا فائدة ؛ فضلاً عن التبعات القانونية والاجتماعية المترتبة عليها. وتمثلت مشكلة البحث الأساسية بمعرفة الاسباب الحقيقية وراء انتشار القروض الخالية من الفائدة وماهي المنفعة التي يتحصل عليها المقرض، وقد اعتمدنا على قرضين يعودان للعصر البابلي القديم. وبعد تسليط الضوء على طبيعة هذه القروض خلصنا الى جملة نتائج في مقدمتها وجود أداوت حكومية تعمل على حفظ التوازن المالي والتجاري للمجتمع عن طريق التحكم بنظام الاقتراض. Loans are one of the most mimportant cuneiform sources that helped to understand the nature of the economic and financial systems in the ancient Iraqi society. These loans gave us a clear picture of the nature of the borrowing system that prevailed in the ancient Babylonian society, which included two basic types of borrowing texts , the first one represented by interest loan contracts , and the second one is interest-free loan contracts ; As well as the legal and social consequences arising from it. The Legitimate article problem is to know the real causes behind the common of the interest-free loan , and what the benefit that the lender will get it.  We have adopted in our study on tow unpublished loans from the Old Babylonian Period. And after highlighting the nature of these loans we concluded that probably these lenders may have been agents or tools of the ruling power that are used to create a kind of equilibrium for the lending system

    Partitioning a graph into monopoly sets

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    In a graph G = (V, E), a set M ⊆ V (G) is said to be a monopoly set of G if every vertex v ∈ V − M has, at least, d(v)/2 neighbors in M. The monopoly size of G, denoted by mo(G), is the minimum cardinality of a monopoly set. In this paper, we study the problem of partitioning V (G) into monopoly sets. An M-partition of a graph G is the partition of V (G) into k disjoint monopoly sets. The monatic number of G, denoted by µ(G), is the maximum number of sets in M-partition of G. It is shown that 2 ≤ µ(G) ≤ 3 for every graph G without isolated vertices. The properties of each monopoly partite set of G are presented. Moreover, the properties of all graphs G having µ(G) = 3, are presented. It is shown that every graph G having µ(G) = 3 is Eulerian and have χ(G) ≤ 3. Finally, it is shown that for every integer k /∈ {1, 2, 4}, there exists a graph G of order n = k having µ(G) = 3.Publisher's Versio

    Upholding Human Rights and International Law in the Combat against International Terrorism

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    The question of human rights protection remains a big puzzle in the combat contrary to international terrorism. Terrorism remains a complicated concept that has posed great challenges in countering without compromising the human rights. Some of the methods used by states leaved a lot to be desired under international law. It is another issue for states to be seen countering terrorism which in most cases is not state actors but using the UN Charter and its systems to justify their actions. It is prohibited in the United Nations Charter of 1945 under Article 2(4) for States to adopt the use of force among themselves in cases of self-defense. UN Charter under Article 51 does not provide for non-state actors for instance terrorists and this has posed a great challenge to the implementation of various Treaties and Conventions. States’ attacks against non-state actors continue to take place without any condemnation. Human rights have been violated in the pursuit of terrorists and the act has not been condemned. What then is supposed to be done?, several counter-terrorism measures have been putted in place but there is also an argument that it is close to impossible to combat terrorism without compromising human rights. In other words, countering terrorism is synonymous with violating human rights and international law. These contradictions among others make one wonder whether it’s the inefficiency of the prevailing laws or mere international politics that is making the combat against terrorism a complex matter. Keywords: Terrorism, Human rights, International law, International politics, Upholding DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/110-12 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Challenges of hidden data in the unused area two within executable files

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    Problem statement: The executable files are one of the most important files in operating systems and in most systems designed by developers (programmers/software engineers), and then hiding information in these file is the basic goal for this study, because most users of any system cannot alter or modify the content of these files. There are many challenges of hidden data in the unused area two within executable files, which is dependencies of the size of the cover file with the size of hidden information, differences of the size of file before and after the hiding process, availability of the cover file after the hiding process to perform normally and detection by antivirus software as a result of changes made to the file. Approach: The system designed to accommodate the release mechanism that consists of two functions; first is the hiding of the information in the unused area 2 of PE-file (exe.file), through the execution of four process (specify the cover file, specify the information file, encryption of the information, and hiding the information) and the second function is the extraction of the hiding information through three process (specify the steno file, extract the information, and decryption of the information). Results: The programs were coded in Java computer language and implemented on Pentium PC. The designed algorithms were intended to help in proposed system aim to hide and retract information (data file) with in unused area 2 of any execution file(exe.file). Conclusion: Features of the short-term responses were simulated that the size of the hidden data does depend on the size of the unused area2 within cover file which is equal 20% from the size of exe.file before hiding process, most antivirus systems do not allow direct write in executable file, so the approach of the proposed system is to prevent the hidden information to observation of these systems and the exe.file still function as usual after the hiding process