20 research outputs found

    Effect of Body Condition Score on Reproductive Performance and Chest Girth of Bali cows in Different Rearing Systems

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    Nutrition and rearing systems are some of the main factors affecting productivity of cows. Body condition score (BCS) is a method used to assess nutritional status and evaluate rearing systems of each animal. This study was done to analyze effect of BCS on reproductive performance and chest girth of Bali cow in different rearing systems. This study was conducted at the Field Station of Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat Kuamang Abadi, Bungo Regency, Jambi, Indonesia. A total of 62 heads of Bali cow with BCS of 2, 3, and 4 (scale 1-5) reared on intensive, semi-intensive and extensive systems were used in this study. This study was conducted using survey and direct observation. Variables observed were as follows: BCS, calving interval (CI), days open (DO), service per conception (S/C) and chest girth (CG). Data were analyzed using simple correlation and regression analysis in SPPS, followed by descriptive analysis. Result showed that the BCS of Bali cow in different rearing systems did not affect CI, DO, S/C and CG. BCS had a weak correlation coefficient (r), with the reproductive performance of CI, DO, and S/C at 0.09, 0.09, and 0.08, respectively. In addition, the relationship between BCS and CG was highly significant, with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.532. Therefore, BCS had a positive relationship with CI, DO, S/C, and CG. Moreover, BCS cannot be used as the only indicator to assess the reproductive performance of Bali cow in different rearing systems

    Karakteristik Endapan Cairan Rumen Sapi Asal Rumah Potong Hewan Sebagai Feed Supplement

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    The aims of this experiment were to identify and characterize of sediment product from cattle rumen liquor as a source of amino acids, minerals and vitamins. The sediment were obtained as pellets upon centrifugation of rumen liquor at 10,000 g for 10 minutes for collection of supernatant. The sediment were evaluated for amino acids, minerals and vitamins composition and chararacterized for the pH, solubility of dry matter, specific density, bulk and compacted bulk densities and angle of response. Result of the experiment showed that sediment contained higher minerals: Na, K and Fe compared with the commercial premix, but lower in B-vitamins and amino acids. The composition of mineral Na, K, and Fe from rumen liquor of local cattle was 13.47%, 7.73 % and 14.52 %, while Na, K, and Fe from rumen liquor of imported cattle was 18.40%, 10.25%, and 14.52% respectively. The sediment had pH range from 10.01-10.03, the dry matter solubility was 35.5% up to 39.1%. The sediment from imported cattle had higher specific density, bulk and compacted bulk densities and angle of response than that of local cattle. It is concluded that sediment from cattle rumen liquor contained high Na, K and Fe, low amino acids and B-vitamin, high pH and low solubility

    The Improvement of Paclitaxel Cytotoxicity using Nanocellulose based Nature Resources

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    Paclitaxel is one of the cancer drugs that often used. These drug kills cancer cells by inhibiting mitotic cycle. The efficiency of paclitaxel is increased by the use of nanomaterials as a carrier of paclitaxel. Nanomaterials can enhance encapsulation efficiency, improve the drug release to the target cell following nanomaterial degradation, and improve local accumulation of drug in the cellthrough endocytosis receptor. Nanomaterial that often used forencapsulation of paclitaxel is a polymer derived from natural resources such as cellulose. The advantages of cellulose as a carrier of paclitaxel are nontoxic, biodegradable, and very abundant from various sources. One of the potential sources of cellulose for drug delivery system is cassava baggase


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    Persoalan jiwa (psykhe) merupakan persoalan yang esensial dalam hidup manusia. Karena jiwa menjadi ukuran eksistensi hidup seorang manusia. Oleh karena itu, dalam sejarah pemikiran manusia pun, pemikiran mengenai jiwa sudah ada sejak lama bahkan sejak peradaban umat manusia awal dibangun. Namun bab ini tidak akan menjelaskan secara lengkap dari awal pemikiran manusia, melainkan membatasinya dengan hanya mengkaji pemikiran Yunani setelah masa Pra-Sokrates, yakni pemikiran tentang manusia dan jiwa yang diwakili oleh pemikiran Sokrates, Plato dan Aristoteles

    Kualitas Silase Ransum Komplit Berbahan Baku Pakan Lokal

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    The quality of complete ration silage use traditional local feed materials ABSTRACT. The research was conducted to assess the complete ration silage products use traditional local feed materials of high water levels are currently still problematic in storage. The technology used is in a state of anaerobic fermentation technology. This study uses a random group, with 4 levels of water treatment (30, 40, 50, and 60%) and 4 groups of storage time (1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks) at room temperature, each unit of treatment was repeated 3 times. Silage made in a glass bottle filled with 200-300 g of feed a complete and total BAL plus Lactobacillus plantarum 105 cfu per gram of silage. Physically and chemically, products made from raw silage rations complete local feed has characteristics that are not much different from the silage forage. Water content and storage time is very significant (P <0.01) lower pH and increased total acids

    Kualitas Silase Ransum Komplit Berbahan Baku Pakan Lokal

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    The quality of complete ration silage use traditional local feed materialsABSTRACT. The research was conducted to assess the complete ration silage products use traditional local feed materials of high water levels are currently still problematic in storage. The technology used is in a state of anaerobic fermentation technology. This study uses a random group, with 4 levels of water treatment (30, 40, 50, and 60%) and 4 groups of storage time (1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks) at room temperature, each unit of treatment was repeated 3 times. Silage made in a glass bottle filled with 200-300 g of feed a complete and total BAL plus Lactobacillus plantarum 105 cfu per gram of silage. Physically and chemically, products made from raw silage rations complete local feed has characteristics that are not much different from the silage forage. Water content and storage time is very significant (P 0.01) lower pH and increased total acids

    Physico-chemical properties and metabolizable energi value of protein concentrate from palm kernel meal in broiler.

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    Protein concentrate from palm kernel meal (BIS PRO) was produced using combination method of grinding and ethanol extraction. The experiment was conducted to evaluate physico-chemical properties and metabolizable energy value of BIS PRO in broiler. The metabolizable energy experiment was conducted in Completely Randomized Design using 19 broilers Ross strain with average body weight of 1.79 ± 0.11 kg. The treatment diets were: R1(90 % basal diet + 10% palm kernel meal), R2 (90% basal diet + 10% BIS PRO) and R3 (90% basal diet + 10% soybean meal).The result showed that BIS PRO had higher specific density (0.723 g/ml), compacted specific density (0.885 g/ml), specific gravity (1.596 g/ml), and angle of repose (28.320) compared to those of palm kernel meal and soybean meal. Total solubility of BIS PRO (70.22%) were higher than that of the others. BIS PRO had metabolizable energy of 1.94 – 2.66 time higher compared to metabolizable energy of palm kernel meal, but there was no difference compared to metabolizable energy of soybean meal. It is concluded that BIS PRO has physicochemical properties and metabolizable value better than that of palm kernel meal and were equal to that of soybean meal.   Key Words: Physico-Chemical Characteristics, Protein Concentrate, Palm Kernel Meal, Metabolizable Energy, Broile

    Propolis supplementation affects performance, intestinal morphology, and bacterial population of broiler chickens

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    A meta-analysis was conducted to examine the effect of supplementing the diet of broiler chickens with propolis on growth, bacterial population of the intestine, antiviral serum concentration, intestinal morphology, and digestive enzyme activities in broiler chickens. Forty peer-reviewed articles that had been published between 2003 and 2019 were identified using the PRISMA protocol and included in the study. Data were analysed with mixed model methodology, in which the studies were considered random effects, whereas the level of supplemental propolis was considered a fixed effect. Responses to propolis supplementation in bodyweight (BW) and average daily gain (ADG) were quadratic, but average daily feed intake (ADFI) was not affected. Propolis supplementation improved feed conversion ratio (FCR) significantly as a linear function of the level of supplement. The optimum level of supplementation was between 256 and 262 mg/kg feed and produced maximum ADG and final BW. There was a tendency for mortality to decrease because of propolis supplementation. Propolis had no detectable effect on serum antiviral concentration, intestinal bacterial population or intestinal morphology. Among digestive enzymes, only sucrase increased linearly as propolis was increased. Thus, supplementation with propolis increased the growth performance of broiler chickens positively and the effect was dose dependent. This may have been partly because of an improvement in sucrase activity and other factors related to the nutritional content of propolis. Future study to evaluate specific bioactive compounds of propolis is therefore warranted