74 research outputs found

    Self-Efficacy in The Hiv/Aids Preventive Behavior among Lesbians: A Phenomenology Study

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    Background: HIV/AIDS remains a major global public health problem. Millions of people die every year due to HIV/AIDS. However, only 54% of people with HIV/¬AIDS who are aware of their status. The HIV/AIDS epidemic does not only affect the affected individuals but also households and the society as a whole. The incidence of HIV/AIDS among lesbians is still low, so that they are considered as a low-risk group. Nevertheless it is interesting to have an understanding on how this specific group behaves with respect to HIV/AIDS infection. This study aimed to assess the self-efficacy concept in the HIV/AIDS preventive behavior among lesbians in Surakarta. Subjects and Method: A qualitative study was conducted at Talita Kum Comunity, Surakarta, with phenomenology approach. The key informants were Head of Talita Kum lesbian community, their members, health workers, social workers from Non-Government Organization, and a representative from Regional Commission on AIDS Prevention (KPAD) in Surakarta. The study theme was self-efficacy concept in the HIV/AIDS preventive behavior. The data were collected by indepth interview, observation, and document review. The data were analyzed by Miles and Huberman method. Results: Lesbians at Talita Kum community had considerably strong self-efficacy with positive expectation and strong outcome expectancy. Based on Bandura’s four sources of efficacy beliefs, i.e. mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, emotional and physiological states, we found that mastery experience and verbal persuasion were the strongest factors that increased self-efficacy among lesbians at Talita Kum Community. However, they were not capitalizing this self-efficacy into HIV/AIDS preventive behavior such as doing medical check-up and health screening. Some factors might have hampered the realization of the expected preventive behavior, including violence and verbal abuse, desire for anonimity, and “zero risk” perception of HIV/AIDS. Conclusion: Self-efficacy is strong among lesbians at Talita Kum community, but it does not necessarilly translate into actual HIV/AIDS preventive behavior. There is a need to provide health promotion intervention to this community so as to encourage them to practice HIV/AIDS preventive behavior. Keywords: lesbian, self-efficacy, preventive behavior, HIV/AIDS

    Health Belief Model on Psychosocial Factors Influencing HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior on Lesbian Community in Surakarta

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    Background: HIV/AIDS keeps on becoming a global problem. Even though there are some scientific breakthroughs on the disease and how to prevent, most people are still under the risk to contract it. The number of HIV/AIDS incidences on lesbian is still low, up to the point of considering them as low risk. This study was aimed to analyze Health Belief Model on the psychosocial factors that influence HIV/AIDS prevention behavior in lesbian community in Surakarta.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic qualitative study with phenomenology approach, conducted at Talita Kum Community, Surakarta. Key informant in this study was the Head of Talita Kum Community, with their members as main informants, and supporting informants from the health workers, Non-Government Organization and Regional Commission on AIDS Prevention (KPAD), selected by purposive and snowball sampling. The data were collected by in-depth interview, non-participating observation, and document review. The data were analyzed by Miles and Huberman method.Results: The lesbian community in Surakarta is quite knowledgeable on the HIV/AIDS concept. But they still did not have enough understanding of how to prevent it. This could be very beneficial to lessen the chance of HIV from spreading and evolving into AIDS. The study result stated that the lesbian community did not consider themselves to be on the risk. Therefore, they lack the preventing method. However, bisexual woman considered herself to be at high risk; therefore, she regularly conducted medical check-up.Conclusion: The knowledge of HIV/AIDS risk factors on lesbian have to be socialized so they could take the proper prevention steps.Keywords: lesbian, health belief model, psychosocial factorCorrespondence: Maria Paula Marla Nahak. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6282328282282.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2017), 2(1):15-26https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2017.02.01.0


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    Background: HIV/AIDS keeps on becoming a global problem. Even though there are some scientific breakthroughs on the disease and how to prevent, most people are still under the risk to contract it. The number of HIV/AIDS incidences on lesbian is still low, up to the point of considering them as low risk. This study aimed to analyze Health Belief Model on the psychosocial factors that influence HIV/AIDS prevention behavior in lesbian community in Surakarta. Subjects and Method: This was an analytic qualitative study with phenomenology approach, conducted at Talita Kum Community, Surakarta. Key informant in this study was the Head of Talita Kum Community, with their members as main informants, and supporting informants from the health workers, Non-Government Organization and Regional Commission on AIDS Prevention (KPAD), selected by purposive and snowball sampling. The data were collected by in-depth interview, non-participating observation, and document review. The data were analyzed by Miles and Huberman method. Results: The lesbian community in Surakarta is quite knowledgeable on the HIV/AIDS concept. But they still did not have enough understanding of how to prevent it. This could be very beneficial to lessen the chance of HIV from spreading and evolving into AIDS. The study result stated that the lesbian community did not consider themselves to be on the risk. Therefore, they lack the preventing method. However, bisexual woman considered herself to be at high risk; therefore, she regularly conducted medical check-up. Conclusion: The knowledge of HIV/AIDS risk factors on lesbian have to be socialized so they could take the proper prevention steps. Keywords: lesbian, health belief model, psychosocial facto

    Senjata tradisional daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Proyek Penelitian, Pengkajian, dan Pembinaan Nilai-Nilai Budaya menggali nilai-nilai budaya dari setiap suku bangsa/daerah. Penggalian ini mencakup aspek-aspek kebudayaan daerah dengan tujuan memperkuat penghayatan dan pengamalan Pancasila guna tercapainya ketahanan nasional di bidang sosial budaya. Untuk melestarikan nilai-nilai budaya dilakukan penerbitan hasil-hasil penelitian yang kemudian disebarluaskan kepada masyarakat umum. Pencetakan naskah yang beljudul Senjata Tradisional Daerah Nusa Tenggara Timur, adalah usaha untuk mencapai tujuan yang dimaksud

    Spatial Analysis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence in Kupang City in 2019-2021

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    Abstract Introduction: Pulmonary tuberculosis has a fairly high number of cases in several regions of Indonesia, including Kupang City. In 2019, tuberculosis cases in Kupang City amounted to 667 cases, in 2020 it increased to 693 cases and in 2021 it decreased to 419 cases. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis which are studied in a spatial analysis model.Methods : This research is a quantitative research with an analytical observational design using an approach to Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This study aims to see the autocorrelation of population density, poor families, and healthy homes with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis and to see the pattern of relationships that are formed.The data used in this research is secondary data taken from related agencies. The samples in this study were 11 community health centers in Kupang City, namely Naioni Health Center, Alak Health Center, Manutapen Health Center, Sikumana Health Center, Penfui Health Center, Bakunase Health Center, Oebobo Health Center, Oepoi Health Center, Pasir Panjang Health Center, Kupang City Health Center, and Oesapa Community Health Center. Spatial analysis uses computer programs, namely the QGIS and GeoDa applications. QGIS was used to produce a map of the distribution of pulmonary tuberculosis cases in 11 health centers in Kupang City in 2019-2021 and the GeoDa application was used to see the pattern of TB distribution in Kupang City in 2019-2021, in general or globally through the LISA (Local Indicators Spatial Autocorrelation) tests.Results: Based on the results of the LISA (Local Indicators Spatial Autocorrelation) bivariate test, it shows that population density, poor families, and healthy housing coverage have no relationship with the incidence of TB in Kupang City (p-value > 0.05) and show a random pattern of case distribution (Morans Index ' I is smaller than E[I] = -0.1000). However, in 2019-2020, the Morans I Index value covering healthy homes was greater than E[I] = -0.1000, which shows a clustered pattern of case distribution.Conclusion: It was concluded that there was no positive spatial autocorrelation between population density, poor families, and healthy homes with the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Kupang City in 2019-202


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    Latar belakang: Pandemi covid-19 menyebar sangat pesat dan belum ditemukan obat yang spesifik sehingga masyarakat lebih rentan tertular karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan persepsi serta praktik perilaku tidak memadai. Tujuan: mengidentifikasi hubungan pengetahuan dengan persepsi dan perilaku mahasiswa dalam memutuskan mata rantai penularan covid-19. Metodologi: Desain kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dilakukan pada Desember 2020. Instrumen pengetahuan, persepsi dan perilaku telah dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas, nilai alfa chronbach 0,697-0,793. Karakteristik responden dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif, sedangkan hubungan antar variabel menggunakan uji chi square  dengan tingkat signifikansi p<0,05. Hasil: 502 responden menyelesaikan  survei, rata-rata berumur 21,14 tahun (2,56), terbanyak perempuan (69,7%). Terdapat 67,1% mendapatkan informasi covid-19 melalui media sosial. Mayoritas memiliki pengetahuan memadai, namun 47,4% memiliki pengetahuan kurang. Dilaporkan pula persepsi dan perilaku negatif terkait upaya memutuskan mata rantai penularan covid-19, masing-masing  44,6% dan 50,4%. Sekitar 73,11% menyatakan bahwa antibiotik dan vaksin tidak efektif menghambat penyebaran covid-19. Hasil uji chi square menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan persepsi (p=0,900) dan perilaku memutuskan mata rantai penularan covid-19 (p=0,781). Kesimpulan: Penting untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keyakinan masyarakat untuk memutuskan mata rantai penularan covid-19. Mahasiswa memiliki peran penting sebagai agen pengubah di masyarakat untuk memutuskan mata rantai penularan covid-19


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    Pantai Oesapa merupakan salah pantai tujuan wisata yang terletak di Kecamatan Kelapa Lima, Kota Kupang. Letak Pantai Oesapa adalah di pesisir teluk Kupang yang cukup dekat dengan Pantai Selatan (Samudra Hindia). Oleh karena itu Pantai Oesapa juga sangat rentan terhadap bahaya Tsunami, maka perlu adanya upaya penanggulangan terhadap bahaya tsunami sejak dini terhadap Pantai Oesapa, sehingga wisatawan yang datang ke Pantai Oesapa tetap merasa aman dan nyaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripsi dengan melakukan observasi dan kajian secara langsung di lapangan terhadap berbagai kondisi guna mengetahui seberapa besar dampak dan kerusakan yang mungkin terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: a) Menghitung waktu yang diperlukan oleh gelombang tsunami dari pusat patahannya ke Pantai Oesapa. b) Memperkirakan lokasi atau jarak penempatan alat detector peringatan dini. c) Mengkaji situasi yang ada di lapangan terhadap dampak yang akan ditimbulkan oleh gelombang tsunami. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: waktu datang gelombang tsunami adalah 20,52 menit setelah terjadi dislokasi.; Lokasi pemasangan alat detector peringatan dini pada jarak 67,6 km dari garis pantai, sehingga memberikan waktu sekitar 15 menit bagi wisatawan untuk menyelamatkan diri.; Daerah yang terkena gelombang tsunami secara langsung adalah seluruh daerah pesisir Teluk Kupang, yang memiliki elevasi kurang dari 45.3 m.; Pantai wisata Oesapa juga berpotensi terkena gelombang tsunami secara langsung, karena memiliki elevasi kurang dari 45,3 m


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    Motivasi seseorang berawal dari kebutuhan, keinginan dan dorongan untuk bertindak demi tercapainya kebutuhan atau tujuan yang akan diwujudkan melalui kinerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan motivasi kerja dengan kinerja perawat di RSUD Mgr. Gabriel Manek, SVD Atambua. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional dimana peneliti membagikan kuisioioner kepada perawat yang bersedia menjadi responden, setelah penelitian selesai, maka hubungan dengan responden juga berakhir disitu. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 160 orang perawat. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang berisi daftar pertanyaan kepada para responden. Daftar pertanyaan meliputi motivasi kerja perawat dan kinerja perawat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisa descriptive statistics yang dioperasikan melalui program SPSS 22. Jenis data variabel independen dan dependen berupa data kategorik sehingga analisis selanjutnya peneliti menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil analisa dengan chi square nilai didapatkan p value adalah sebesar 0,000 artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara motivasi kerja dengan kinerja perawat di RSUD Mgr. Gabriel Manek, SVD Atambua. Disarankan perlu adanya penelitian yang lebih lanjut mengenai hubungan karakteristik individu dan motivasi kerja dengan kinerja perawat di RSUD Mgr. Gabriel Manek, SVD Atambu

    Analysis of Propeller Selection for Unmanned Aircraft

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    Unmanned aircraft are usually used to perform missions, for example surveillance missions. This mission is not always carried out in a suitable location. Researchers must ensure that the aircraft can take off properly. For this reason, runway distance greatly affects the performance of the aircraft. The aircraft can fail to take off due to the lack of thrust generated by the propeller. The propeller diameter size of each unmanned aircraft can differ from one another and this difference in propeller diameter causes a difference in thrust force. Therefore, it is very important to determine the right propeller diameter to be used on an unmanned aircraft that is adjusted to the runway distance. This propeller selection analysis is carried out using experimental methods, which is tool testing and simulation with Propeller Power Calculator software. The results of this study can be seen that a propeller with a larger diameter will produce a greater thrust force. The size of the diameter and pitch and the number of blades of a propeller can also affect the amount of thrust generated. This will be a consideration for choosing a propeller to be used on an unmanned aircraft. So that the selected propeller can be used optimally by reviewing the amount of thrust that is influenced by the amount of diameter