107 research outputs found

    Circulating angiogenic stem cells in diabetes.

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    Circulating angiogenic stem cells (CACs) are rare cells found in peripheral blood that have been shown to contribute to endothelial repair and new blood vessel formation. These cells could be biomarkers and/or therapeutic targets for the assessment and prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD), which is the leading cause of mortality globally and in the United States. Diabetes is an independent risk factor for CVD, and there are inconsistent reports on the role of CACs in diabetic vasculopathy. To study this further we tested the hypothesis that diabetes depletes circulating levels of CACs, due to hyperglycemia or insulin resistance and that CAC depletion contributes to vascular dysfunction associated with diabetes. It was further proposed that in subjects with diabetes CACs may be dysfunctional. Studies presented here identify one subgroup of CAC, (CAC-3: AC133+/CD34+/CD45dim/CD31+/CD14-), that is reduced in diabetes and whose levels are negatively associated with hyperglycemia and endothelial function. Furthermore we found that increased plasma levels of soluble ICAM-1 are also associated with decreased CAC-3 levels and VEGFR2 surface expression. Our results also show that subjects with diabetes have CACs with decreased adhesive and proliferative capacity. These studies identify the specific CAC phenotypes that are affected by diabetes and suggest that CAC levels are a robust index of long-term glycemic control and that their levels reflect hyperglycemia rather than insulin levels. These studies also suggest that CAC levels may be monitored by bedside assessment of endothelial function

    Experimental and Analysis of Electromagnetic Characterization of Biological and Non-Biological Materials in Microwave, Millimeter-wave, and Terahertz Frequency Bands

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    The goal of this research is to characterize the electromagnetic properties of biological and non-biological materials at terahertz (THz), millimeter-wave, and microwave frequency bands. The biological specimens are measured using the THz imaging and spectroscopy system, whereas the non-biological materials are measured using the microwave and millimeter-wave free-space system. These facilities are located in the Engineering Research Center at the University of Arkansas. The THz imaging system (TPS 3000) uses a Ti-Sapphire laser directed on the photoconductive antennas to generate a THz time domain pulse. Upon using the Fourier Transform, the spectrum of the pulsed THz signal includes frequencies from 0.1 THz to 4 THz. On the other hand, the free space system uses a PNA network analyzer to produce a signal at frequencies ranging from 10 MHz to 110 GHz. For the biological specimens, the research focused on imaging the freshly excised breast tumors to detect the cancer on the margins using THz radiation. The tumor margin assessment depends on the THz contrast between cancer, collagen, and fat tissues in the tumor. Three models of breast tumors are investigated in this research: humans, mice (xenograft and transgenic), and Sprague Dawley rats. The results showed good differentiation between the cancerous and non-cancerous tissues in all three models. In addition, an excellent distinction was observed between cancer, collagen, and fat in the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) block tissue with ~ 90-95% correlation with the pathology images. Furthermore, the FFPE ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) tumors are investigated, also using the THz imaging. The THz images of the DCIS samples are compared with those of the FFPE invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) specimens. The results demonstrated that THz electric field reflection from the IDC were higher than that from the collagen, DCIS, and then the fat tissue region. Furthermore, a pilot study is conducted to investigate the effect of optical clearance (e.g., glycerol solution) on THz images of freshly excised tumors. The results showed that the glycerol reduced the absorption coefficients of pre-treated tissues compared with those of untreated tissues. For the non-biological materials, the research focuses on characterizing highly conductive non-magnetic radar absorbing materials (RAM) for the automotive industry. The ingredients of material components in the RAM samples are unrevealed under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). The material characterization involves the extraction of the complex relative permittivity utilizing the transmission measurement data obtained at the K-band (18 GHz to 26.5 GHz) and the W-band (75 GHz to 110 GHz). The measurements are obtained using the free-space conical horn antenna system. A transmission line based extraction model is implemented, and the results are validated with the experimental measurements of the S-parameters. The maximum error reported between the measured and the calculated S-parameters was less than 1 dB. In conclusion, the THz imaging of breast cancer tumors presents a potential margin assessment of other solid tumors, and the microwave, millimeter-wave, and THz spectroscopy of materials demonstrate a potential application in the fifth and sixth generations of wireless communications

    A survey on the knowledge and perception of computer assisted learning among undergraduate medical students in a tertiary care teaching institute of North India

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    Background: Computer assisted learning (CAL) in the classroom as well as laboratory in the medical profession has been rising in the present scenario worldwide. CAL can replace laboratory based animal experiments to a large extent and prevent the unnecessary harm or killing of animals. In India, only few studies have been conducted on CAL till date. Aims and objective of the study was to evaluate the knowledge and perception on CAL among undergraduate medical students.Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out on the medical students (MBBS-Second Professional) in the department of pharmacology at Guru Gobind Singh Medical College and Hospital, Faridkot, Punjab, India. Feedback was obtained from 105 students who had already performed animal experiments in CAL laboratory.Results: It was seen that Computer simulated models (CSMs) are useful for undergraduate teaching (by 98.1%), CAL enrich learning experience about drug effects (by 97.1%), CSMs in CAL is user friendly (by 97.1%) and use of CSMs in teaching is ethical (by 97.1%).Conclusions: CAL is an innovative teaching and learning technique for the medical students. This is an effective mode of teaching pharmacology to the students and it also helps the students to apply their theoretical knowledge of drugs to the practical aspects (without use of animal) on computer simulated models

    Dynamic modelling of cation exchange membrane chromatography for capturing Human Immunoglobulin G (IgG)

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    Membrane chromatography is an emerging technology with great potential for purification of antibodies in the biotechnology industry. To ensure the effective design and development of membrane chromatography, modelling of this system at transient state or dynamic modelling is of great importance. Until this point dynamic modelling studies have mainly focused on anion exchange and affinity membranes. In this study, dynamic modelling of membrane chromatography was performed using two commercial cation exchange membranes (Natrix C and Sartobind S) for purification of the polyclonal antibody Human IgG. The modelling involved solving three differential equations with eight model parameters and resulted in simulated breakthrough curves for IgG. Three of the model parameters, the overall system volume (Vo), the total porosity of membrane (Ɛ) and the interstitial velocity (U) were determined experimentally using 1% acetone as tracer under two different buffer conditions at pH 5 (phosphate citrate buffer and acetate buffer). The overall range of the porosity estimates for the two membranes was 0.77-0.95, which was in agreement with published porosity values. As no research has used tracer to estimate the porosity of cation exchange membranes so far, this is one of the novel aspects of the study. Further work with an alternative method is required to confirm these porosity estimates. To obtain experimental breakthrough curves, IgG was purified using both Natrix C and Sartobind S membranes under acetate buffer (pH 5) condition. The model breakthrough curves were fitted to the experimental breakthrough curves with MATLAB. The model fitting using Natrix C membrane was adequate as the sum of squared error (SSE) value was 0.07. However, the model fitting of the breakthrough curve for the Sartobind S membrane was inadequate due to high SSE value of 20.47. From the parameter sensitivity analysis with Natrix C, it was noted that with increasing membrane porosity, the maximum binding capacity of IgG increases. Overall, this study generated new information regarding the porosity of cation exchange membranes and contributed in expanding research in the area of dynamic modelling of cation exchange membrane chromatography for IgG purification

    An Investigation of the Dynamic Relationship between Tourism Expenditure and Non-Oil Growth with the Planning of a Blue Ocean Strategy: The Case of Libya

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    The aims of the thesis are to investigate tourism led non-oil growth (TLNOG), for Libya, and to identify the factors that will help to increase this growth through creating and implementing a Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS). These are three research questions: (1) Is there any relationship between tourism expenditure and non-oil GDP in Libya? (2) Is there any causality between these two variables? (3) How to resolve and recover the particular case of Libyan tourism growth through the BOS? Firstly, the research estimated the potential of tourism by using the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) co-integration model proposed by Turner (2006) to ascertain the long-run relationship between tourism expenditure and non-oil growth. Then, semi-structures interview questions based on the Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Creative grid (ERRC) (Kim & Mauborgne, 2005b) were dismissed to five kinds of stakeholders (consultants, public promoters, hoteliers, tour operators and tour guides). This study indicates that the long-run relationship is verified between the variables and there is one long run causality. The findings show the BOS through: (a) value innovation by offering special services and packages in hotels (e.g. planning healthy food for special events); (b) technology innovation linked to museums considering people with special needs; (c) cost-off by reducing the prices of the tourist restaurant and internal flights; (d) new segment market by creating the North and South Mediterranean tourism. Finally, the BOS as a recovery strategy by adopting tourism culture and choosing the desert as the main theme for Libyan tourism. The study concludes that TLNOG is not verified, and the growth in the Libyan tourism market could be achieved through the application of thoughtful and appropriate Blue Ocean Strategy

    Comparison of drug information in package inserts with standard medical textbook of pharmacology

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    Background: Accurate and reliable drug product information is important for the safe and effective use of medicines. But there are variations in the quantity and quality of information mentioned in different drug information sources and a single credible benchmark is lacking. This study was carried out to compare the presentation and completeness of clinical information in package inserts (PIs) marketed by pharmaceutical companies in India with standard medical textbook of pharmacology.Methods: Out of eighty five PIs of different drugs, only 55 were found eligible to be included in this study after applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. These PIs and medical textbook were analysed for quantitative and qualitative drug information and were compared using Chi square test of two proportions. The p value of 0.05 was used as cut off to evaluate statistical significance.Results: Quantitatively medical textbook was significantly better statistically in context of treatment of overdose and references. No statistically significant difference was observed in relation to information related to mechanism of action (MOA) and pharmacokinetics (Pk). After qualitative analysis, medical textbook was significantly better statistically in context of size and readability, references related to adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and indications and pictures. No statistically significant difference was observed in context of dosing interval, frequency of doses and pharmacokinetic parameters.Conclusions: PIs can be used as a reliable source of drug information by health care professionals in addition to other sources like medical textbooks

    Performance of BER with different diversity techniques for millimeter-wave communication system

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    In a communications system, a diversity technique is used to enhance the reliability of a message signal by using at least two channels with different characteristics. In this paper, all four possible scenarios are considered: Single-input and singleoutput (SISO), single input and multi-output (SIMO), multipleinput and single-output (MISO), Multiple-input and multiple output (MIMO) systems. Antenna arrays will be used to reduce BER and improve the performance of the system using array gain in the line of sight channel for 60 GHz frequency in an indoor scenario. Single input and single output are investigated before analysis of multiple inputs and multiple output channel in the line of sight (LOS) and multipath propagation. MATLAB simulation has been performed using BPSK modulation. The comparative studies show that the performance of the MIMO diversity technique is more reliable in terms of BER to improve the performance and efficiency of the communication system


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    Today Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are broadly utilized in many applications. Complicated integrated circuit chips like FPGAs are vulnerable to various kinds of Problems because of ecological conditions or aging from the device. The speed of occurrence of permanent problems increases with emerging technologies due to elevated density and reduced feature size, and therefore there's an excuse for periodic testing of these FPGAs. Efficient testing schemes that guarantee high fault coverage while minimizing test costs and nick area overhead have grown to be essential. The Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) would be the primary logic sources for applying consecutive in addition to combinatorial circuits in FPGA. Built-In Self-Test (BIST) is really a design technique that enables a circuit to check itself. Here, we're applying a restart able logic BIST controller for that configurable logic blocks using the sources of FPGA itself. The look exploits the reprogram ability of the FPGA to produce the BIST logic by getting hired only during off-line testing. The process achieves the testability with no extra burden because the BIST logic disappears once the circuit is reconfigured because of its normal operation. The suggested technique implemented through VHDL, after verifying the simulation results the code is going to be synthesized on Xilinx FPGA. Models Xilinx Edition (MXE) and Xilinx ISE are going to be employed for simulation and synthesis correspondingly. Xilinx FPGA board is going to be employed for testing and illustration showing the implemented system. The Xilinx Chip scope tool will be employed to test the FPGA inside results as the logic running on FPGA. As integrated circuits are created with greater and greater amounts of circuit density, efficient testing schemes that guarantee high fault coverage while minimizing test costs and nick area overhead have grown to be essential. Because the complexity of circuits is constantly on the increase, high fault coverage of several kinds of fault models gets to be harder to achieve with traditional testing paradigms. Integrated circuits are tested using numerous structured designs for testability (DFT) techniques. They rest around the general idea of making any some condition variables directly controllable and observable

    A wireless precoding technique for millimetre-wave MIMO system based on SIC-MMSE

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    A communication method is proposed using Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) precoding and Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) technique for millimetre-wave multiple-input multiple-output (mm-Wave MIMO) based wireless communication system. The mm-Wave MIMO technology for wireless communication system is the base potential technology for its high data transfer rate followed by data instruction and low power consumption compared to Long-Term Evolution (LTE). The mm-Wave system is already available in indoor hotspot and Wi-Fi backhaul for its high bandwidth availability and potential lead to rate of numerous Gbps/user. But, in mobile wireless communication system this technique is lagging because the channel faces relative orthogonal coordination and multiple node detection problems while rapid movement of nodes (transmitter and receiver) occur. To improve the conventional mm-wave MIMO nodal detection and coordination performance, the system processes data using symbolized error vector technique for linearization. Then the MMSE precoding detection technique improves the link strength by constantly fitting the channel coefficients based on number of independent service antennas (M), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Channel Matrix (CM) and mean square errors (MSE). To maintain sequentially encoded user data connectivity and to overcome data loss, SIC method is used in combination with MMSE. MATLAB was used to validate the proposed system performance