179 research outputs found

    Significance of Stabilometry for Assessing Postoperative Body Sway in Patients with Cervical Myelopathy

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    [Study Design] Prospective study. [Purpose] To examine the changes in body sway using stabilometry in patients who underwent cervical laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy. [Overview of Literature] Although the patients of cervical myelopathy complain body sway there are few report to examine body sway objectively. [Methods] Patients who received treatment for cervical myelopathy between October 2010 and February 2013 were included. Twenty-one patients underwent cervical laminoplasty (myelopathy group). Body sway was assessed using stabilometry, wherein patients stood on a stabilometer with their eyes closed for 30 seconds. The Romberg ratio, outer peripheral area (OPA) with eyes closed (cm2), and total locus length per unit area (L/A) with eyes closed (/cm) were examined. Examinations were performed preoperatively (at baseline) and at 8 weeks postoperatively. Examination results of patients in the myelopathy group were compared with those of 17 healthy individuals (control group). Clinical symptoms were evaluated using the Japanese Orthopaedic Association scale score (JOA score) and the timed up and go (TUG) test. [Results] In the myelopathy and control groups, the mean baseline Romberg ratio, OPA, and L/A were 2.3±1.2, 8.9±5.5 cm2, and 14.2±5.3/cm and 1.4±1.0, 4.3±2.8 cm2, and 23.7±10.1/cm, respectively. Eight weeks after laminoplasty, only L/A showed significant improvement from baseline in the myelopathy group (23.2±10.1 to 16.8±7.9; p=0.03). The Romberg ratio and OPA showed improvement in the myelopathy group, but the changes were not statistically significant. JOA scores and TUG test results in this group significantly improved from baseline to 8 weeks after laminoplasty (12.7 to 13.4 and 10.8 to 8.0 seconds, respectively; both p<0.05). [Conclusions] L/A is a useful parameter for measuring body sway to assess the recovery of body sway after laminoplasty


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    ABSTRACT The behavior of rewetting on a high superheated and dry surface, focusing on rewetting temperature just as collapse of saturated and subcooled film boiling was investigated experimentally and analytically. Saturated and subcooled pool film-boiling experiments were conducted by using a Silicon wafer with 20 mm length, 20 mm width and 0.5 mm thickness and pure water at atmospheric condition. Saturated and subcooled impingement jet experiments were also preformed. Then, the model analysis of rewetting initiation of a hot dry surface in saturated and subcooled film boiling was constructed by using hydrodynamics instability on liquid-vapor interface (Rayleigh-Taylor instability) and a heat conduction model (rewetting model under a falling film). Some physical parameters on Rayleigh-Taylor instability, for example released period of bubble from vapor film on a heater, generated volume rate of vapor and so on, were estimated by using Two-Phase Boundary Layer theory of saturated and subcooled film boiling. The present analytical results also showed that as the liquid subcooling was high, MHF temperature was higher. Namely, the predictions agreed with the present experimental results and Dhir-Purohit&apos;s correlation. In addition, the present model of MHF temperature was developed by taking into account the dependence on thermal conductivity of wall of the MHFtemperature


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    【要旨】女子学生105人を対象に,体組成を体型認識及び生活習慣と関連づけて検討した。BMIは標準であるが,体脂肪率28%以上の者,いわゆるかくれ肥満が約6割であることがわかった。BMIによる体格判定において,低体重群は標準群及び肥満群より,体脂肪率,筋肉量,体水分量,基礎代謝量が低かった。体型認識では,BMI標準群にもかかわらず「太っている」が約5割などとの誤った認識がみられた。さらにBMI標準群90人を体脂肪率により2群に分類し比較すると,かくれ肥満群は標準群より,実測・理想体重,内臓脂肪レベルが高かった。上記2群の生活習慣の比較では,標準群はかくれ肥満群より,週2~4回の運動を実施する者の割合が高かった。以上のことから正しい体型認識を持つためには,BMIに加え,体脂肪率の測定による体型判定が重要だと考えられた。加えて,適正な体組成維持のためには,正しい体型認識を持つとともに,週2回以上の運動が必要だということが示唆された。Abstract: We examined body composition in relation to body perception and lifestyle habits in 105 female students. Their body mass index (BMI) was in the standard range, but about 60% of them had a body fat percentage of 28% or more, indicating so-called hidden obesity. In judging physique using BMI, the group with a low body weight had lower body fat percentage, muscle mass, body water content, and basal metabolic rate than the standard and obesity groups. Regarding body perception, there was a false recognition that about 50% were “fat” despite the standard BMI. Furthermore, 90 students in the standard BMI group were divided into two groups according to the body fat percentage and compared; the hidden obesity group had higher actual/ideal body weight and visceral fat level than did the standard group. A comparison of the lifestyle habits of the two groups showed that the percentage of those who exercised 2 to 4 times a week was higher in the standard than hidden obesity group. Based on the above, to have a correct body perception, it is important to make body shape judgments by measuring the body fat percentage in addition to the BMI. In addition, it was suggested that to maintain proper body composition, it is necessary to have correct body perception and exercise twice a week or more

    Distribution of 36Cl in the Yoro River Basin, Central Japan, and Its Relation to the Residence Time of the Regional Groundwater Flow System

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    This study investigates the potential of 36Cl in tracing young groundwater with residence times of up to ~50 years. Groundwater samples were obtained from 16 irrigation wells in paddy fields located within an upland–lowland system in the Yoro River basin, Central Japan. The 36Cl/Cl ratios were in the range of 17 to 362 × 10−15. Among the samples with higher Cl− concentrations (>10 mg/L), two samples showed high nitrate concentrations as well (>30 mg/L). Except for these samples, the distribution of 36Cl in groundwater was essentially consistent with previous tritium concentration data measured in 1982 and 1994, considering the time that has elapsed since these earlier measurements were performed. 36Cl/Cl values were less than 30 × 10−15 in lowland areas, with higher values in and around upland areas. The results indicate longer residence times in the regional groundwater flow system (>50 years) than those estimated in previous studies, especially in the area west of the Yoro River. The results demonstrate the ability of 36Cl to trace young groundwater flow, particularly because high values of bomb-derived 36Cl/Cl are easily discriminated from pre-bomb water with low 36Cl/Cl values. Because of its very long half-life (3.01 × 105 years), 36Cl remains even after tritium is no longer available

    Serodiagnosis of type A hepatitis by detection of immunoglobulin M-type antibody to hepatitis A virus.

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    Serum specimens from 12 patients with type A hepatitis were analyzed for immunoglobulin M-type antibody to hepatitis A virus (IgM anti-HA). A recently developed solid-phase radioimmunoassay kit for IgM anti-HA (HAVAB-M, Abbott Laboratories) and a competitive binding radioimmunoassay kit (HAVAB, Abbott Laboratories) with or without 2-mercaptoethanol treatment, as modified by Yano et al. (Acta Hepatol. Jpn. 21, 704-712, 1980) were used to obtain an M-index. All specimens obtained within 60 days of the onset of illness and specimens from 2 of 4 patients later than 60 days after the onset were positive with the HAVAB-M test. This test gave negative results to sera which were positive for anti-HA by a standard HAVAB test in the following: 3 patients with type B hepatitis; 5 with non-A, non-B hepatitis; 11 healthy adults; and 10 sera strongly positive for rheumatoid factor. The M-index for type A hepatitis in sera within 30 days of the onset (mean value of the M-index, m, = 1.52; standard deviation, SD, = 0.25) was significantly higher than that for non-A hepatitis (m = 1.05; SD = 0.15) and for healthy adults (m = 1.02; SD = 0.10). The simplicity and usefulness of the HAVAB-M test in diagnosis of acute type A hepatitis over those measuring the M-index by HAVAB tests were shown by direct comparison of the results.</p

    Striatal TRPV1 activation by acetaminophen ameliorates dopamine D2 receptor antagonists-induced orofacial dyskinesia

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    ジスキネジア新治療法の発見 --副作用を減らす併用薬から新しい創薬標的へ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-04-16.Antipsychotics often cause tardive dyskinesia, an adverse symptom of involuntary hyperkinetic movements. Analysis of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System and JMDC insurance claims revealed that acetaminophen prevents the dyskinesia induced by dopamine D₂ receptor antagonists. In vivo experiments further showed that a 21-day treatment with haloperidol increased the number of vacuous chewing movements (VCMs) in rats, an effect that was inhibited by oral acetaminophen treatment or intracerebroventricular injection of N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-arachidonylamide (AM404), an acetaminophen metabolite that acts as an activator of the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1). In mice, haloperidol-induced VCMs were also mitigated by treatment with AM404 applied to the dorsal striatum, but not in TRPV1-deficient mice. Acetaminophen prevented the haloperidol-induced decrease in the number of c-Fos⁺/preproenkephalin⁺ striatal neurons in wild-type mice but not in TRPV1-deficient mice. Finally, chemogenetic stimulation of indirect-pathway medium spiny neurons in the dorsal striatum decreased haloperidol-induced VCMs. These results suggest that acetaminophen activates the indirect pathway neurons by activating TRPV1 channels via AM404

    Association between the rs1465040 single-nucleotide polymorphism close to the transient receptor potential subfamily C member 3 (TRPC3) gene and postoperative analgesic requirements

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    AbstractAn association between postoperative analgesic requirements in subjects who underwent orthognathic surgery and the rs1465040 single-nucleotide polymorphism close to the transient receptor potential subfamily C member 3 (TRPC3) gene was suggested by our previous genome-wide association study. To verify this association, we analyzed the association between the rs1465040 SNP and analgesic requirements, including opioid requirements, after open abdominal surgery. The association between the rs1465040 SNP and postoperative analgesic requirements was confirmed in the open abdominal surgery group (P = 0.036), suggesting that the TRPC3 SNP may contribute to predicting postoperative analgesic requirements

    Influence of Diabetes Mellitus on Surgical Outcomes in Patients with Cervical Myelopathy: A Prospective, Multicenter Study

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    [Study Design] Multicenter, prospective study. [Purpose] To investigate the effects of diabetes mellitus (DM) on surgical outcomes in patients with cervical myelopathy. [Overview of Literature] To date, few studies have investigated the influence of postoperative blood glucose or glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels on surgical outcomes. [Methods] The participants were patients who underwent surgery for the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The 61 cases were evaluated preoperatively and 1 year postoperatively using the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) scores and the JOA Cervical Myelopathy Evaluation Questionnaire (JOACMEQ). The study variables included fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels measured preoperatively and at 1 week, 4 weeks, and 1 year postoperatively; the F-wave conduction velocity, latency, rate of occurrence, and M-wave latency in the ulnar and tibial nerves were measured preoperatively and at 1 year postoperatively. The patients were divided into a group without diabetes (N group, 42 patients) and a group with diabetes (DM group, 19 patients). We then assessed the associations between the surgical outcomes and each of the study variables. [Results] JOA scores significantly improved in both groups; however, no significant between-group differences were found. There was no significant improvement in the JOACMEQ scores, which assessed cervical function, upper and lower limb function, and bladder function in both groups. We then subdivided the DM group into those with a good control of HbA1c after 1 year (DMG group, 12 patients) and those with HbA1c deterioration after 1 year (DMB group, seven patients), prior to comparing the surgical outcomes. The JOACMEQ scores for upper and lower limb function significantly improved in the DMG group (p<0.01). Compared with the DMB group, there were no significant increases in upper or lower limb function scores in the DMG group. [Conclusions] Poor glycemic control might prevent postoperative functional recovery of the spinal cord

    Effects of a high-fat diet on the electrical properties of porcine atria

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    AbstractBackgroundBecause obesity is an important risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF), we conducted an animal study to examine the effect of a high-fat diet (HFD) on atrial properties and AF inducibility.MethodsTen 8-week-old pigs (weight, 18–23kg) were divided into two groups. For 18 weeks, five pigs were fed a HFD (HFD group) and five were fed a normal diet (control group). Maps of atrial activation and voltages during sinus rhythm were created for all pigs using the EnSite NavX system. Effective refractory period (ERP) and AF inducibility were also determined. When AF was induced, complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) mapping was performed. At 18 weeks, hearts were removed for comparing the results of histological analysis between the two groups. Body weight, lipid levels, hemodynamics, cardiac structures, and electrophysiological properties were also compared.ResultsTotal cholesterol levels were significantly higher (347 [191–434] vs. 81 [67–88]mg/dL, P=0.0088), and left atrium pressure was higher (34.5 [25.6–39.5] vs. 24.5 [21.3–27.8]mmHg, P=0.0833) in the HFD group than in the control group, although body weight only increased marginally (89 [78–101] vs. 70 [66–91]kg, P=0.3472). ERPs of the pulmonary vein (PV) were shorter (P<0.05) and AF lasted longer in the HFD group than in the control group (80 [45–1350] vs. 22 [3–30]s, P=0.0212). Neither CFAE site distribution nor histopathological characteristics differed between the two groups.ConclusionsThe shorter ERPs for the PV observed in response to the HFD increased vulnerability to AF, and these electrophysiological characteristics may underlie obesity-related AF