57 research outputs found

    Identification and Estimation of Partial Effects with Proxy Variables

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    I develop a new identification approach for partial effects in nonseparable models with endogeneity. I use a proxy variable for the unobserved heterogeneity correlated with the endogenous variable to construct a valid control function, where the definition of a proxy variable is the same as in the measurement error literature. The identifying assumptions are distinct from existing methods, in particular instrumental variables and selection on observables approaches, and I provide an alternative identification strategy in settings where existing approaches are not applicable. Building on the identification result, I consider three estimation approaches, ranging from nonparametric to flexible parametric methods, and characterize asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators.Comment: 48 pages with the appendi

    Identification and estimation of group-level partial effects

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    Bootstrap-Based Inference for Cube Root Asymptotics

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    This paper proposes a valid bootstrap-based distributional approximation for M-estimators exhibiting a Chernoff (1964)-type limiting distribution. For estimators of this kind, the standard nonparametric bootstrap is inconsistent. The method proposed herein is based on the nonparametric bootstrap, but restores consistency by altering the shape of the criterion function defining the estimator whose distribution we seek to approximate. This modification leads to a generic and easy-to-implement resampling method for inference that is conceptually distinct from other available distributional approximations. We illustrate the applicability of our results with four examples in econometrics and machine learning

    A Physico-chemical Study of Elastomeric Polyurethans

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    Polyurethan prepolymers prepared by the reaction of polypropylene glycol (PPG) with tolylene diisocyanate (TDI) are cross-linked with trimethylol propane (TMP) to afford elastomeric polyurethans. Although the reaction rate of TDI with PPG increases remarkably with TDI/PPG molar ratio (R), the reaction does not follow a simple second-order mechanism. The curing of the prepolymers with TMP is influenced greatly by R, by the time (t) of prepolymer formation, and also by the amount of TMP. On the other hand, the effects of other curing agents, temperature and inorganic fillers upon the curing are examined

    Bootstrap-Assisted Inference for Generalized Grenander-type Estimators

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    Westling and Carone (2020) proposed a framework for studying the large sample distributional properties of generalized Grenander-type estimators, a versatile class of nonparametric estimators of monotone functions. The limiting distribution of those estimators is representable as the left derivative of the greatest convex minorant of a Gaussian process whose covariance kernel can be complicated and whose monomial mean can be of unknown order (when the degree of flatness of the function of interest is unknown). The standard nonparametric bootstrap is unable to consistently approximate the large sample distribution of the generalized Grenander-type estimators even if the monomial order of the mean is known, making statistical inference a challenging endeavour in applications. To address this inferential problem, we present a bootstrap-assisted inference procedure for generalized Grenander-type estimators. The procedure relies on a carefully crafted, yet automatic, transformation of the estimator. Moreover, our proposed method can be made ``flatness robust" in the sense that it can be made adaptive to the (possibly unknown) degree of flatness of the function of interest. The method requires only the consistent estimation of a single scalar quantity, for which we propose an automatic procedure based on numerical derivative estimation and the generalized jackknife. Under random sampling, our inference method can be implemented using a computationally attractive exchangeable bootstrap procedure. We illustrate our methods with examples and we also provide a small simulation study. The development of formal results is made possible by some technical results that may be of independent interest

    MCA morphology and BAD

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    Introduction : Branch atheromatous disease (BAD) is a type of cerebral infarction caused by stenosis or occlusion at the entrance of the penetrating branch due to the presence of plaque. Despite its clinical significance, it is not clear how these plaques are formed. Focal geometrical characteristics are expected to be as important as vascular risk factors in the development of atherosclerosis. This study aimed to analyze the association between middle cerebral artery (MCA) geometric features and the onset of BAD. Shear stress results from the blood flow exerting force on the inner wall of the vessels and places with low wall shear stress may be prone to atherosclerosis. At the curvature of blood vessels, the shear stress is weak on the inside of the curve and plaque is likely to form. When this is applied to the MCA M1 segment, downward type M1 is likely to form plaques on the superior side. Because the lenticulostriate artery usually branches off from the superior side of the MCA M1 segment, in downward type M1, a plaque is likely to be formed at the entrance of the penetrating branch, and for that reason, BAD is likely to onset. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed hospitalized stroke patients with BAD and investigated the morphology of their MCA using magnetic resonance imaging. The M1 segment was classified as straight or curved. Additionally, we compared the difference between the symptomatic and the asymptomatic side. Data regarding patients’ medical history were also collected. Results : A total of 56 patients with lenticulostriate artery infarctions and BAD were analyzed. On the symptomatic side, downward type M1 accounted for the largest proportion at 44%, whereas on the asymptomatic side, it was the lowest, at 16%. Conclusion : A downward type MCA may be associated with the onset of BAD and the morphological characteristics might affect the site of plaque formation

    Human Hematopoietic Stem Cells Can Survive In Vitro for Several Months

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    We previously reported that long-lasting in vitro hematopoiesis could be achieved using the cells differentiated from primate embryonic stem (ES) cells. Thus, we speculated that hematopoietic stem cells differentiated from ES cells could sustain long-lasting in vitro hematopoiesis. To test this hypothesis, we investigated whether human hematopoietic stem cells could similarly sustain long-lasting in vitro hematopoiesis in the same culture system. Although the results varied between experiments, presumably due to differences in the quality of each hematopoietic stem cell sample, long-lasting in vitro hematopoiesis was observed to last up to nine months. Furthermore, an in vivo analysis in which cultured cells were transplanted into immunodeficient mice indicated that even after several months of culture, hematopoietic stem cells were still present in the cultured cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to show that human hematopoietic stem cells can survive in vitro for several months

    ‘Protected DNA Probes’ capable of strong hybridization without removal of base protecting groups

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    We propose a new strategy called the ‘Protected DNA Probes (PDP) method’ in which appropriately protected bases selectively bind to the complementary bases without the removal of their base protecting groups. Previously, we reported that 4-N-acetylcytosine oligonucleotides (ac4C) exhibited a higher hybridization affinity for ssDNA than the unmodified oligonucleotides. For the PDP strategy, we created a modified adenine base and synthesized an N-acylated deoxyadenosine mimic having 6-N-acetyl-8-aza-7-deazaadenine (ac6az8c7A). It was found that PDP containing ac4C and ac6az8c7A exhibited higher affinity for the complementary ssDNA than the corresponding unmodified DNA probes and showed similar base recognition ability. Moreover, it should be noted that this PDP strategy could guarantee highly efficient synthesis of DNA probes on controlled pore glass (CPG) with high purity and thereby could eliminate the time-consuming procedures for isolating DNA probes. This strategy could also avoid undesired base-mediated elimination of DNA probes from CPG under basic conditions such as concentrated ammonia solution prescribed for removal of base protecting groups in the previous standard approach. Here, several successful applications of this strategy to single nucleotide polymorphism detection are also described in detail using PDPs immobilized on glass plates and those prepared on CPG plates, suggesting its potential usefulness

    Support for UNRWA's survival

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    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provides life-saving humanitarian aid for 5·4 million Palestine refugees now entering their eighth decade of statelessness and conflict. About a third of Palestine refugees still live in 58 recognised camps. UNRWA operates 702 schools and 144 health centres, some of which are affected by the ongoing humanitarian disasters in Syria and the Gaza Strip. It has dramatically reduced the prevalence of infectious diseases, mortality, and illiteracy. Its social services include rebuilding infrastructure and homes that have been destroyed by conflict and providing cash assistance and micro-finance loans for Palestinians whose rights are curtailed and who are denied the right of return to their homeland