20 research outputs found

    Організація впливу на емоційно-почуттєву сферу учнів як необхідна складова уроків художньої культури в школі

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    (uk) В статті пропонуються до розгляду методи, які доцільно застосовувати в галузі педагогіки мистецтва з метою організації впливу на емоційно-почуттєву сферу учнів. Зроблено спробу обґрунтування ефективності методу художньо-педагогічної драматургії в процесі підготовки і проведення уроків художньої культури в школі.(ru) В статье предлагаются к рассмотрению методы, которые целесообразно применять в области педагогики искусства с целью организации влияния на эмоционально-чувственную сферу учеников. Сделано попытку обоснования эффективности метода художественно-педагогической драматургии в процессе подготовки и проведения уроков художественной культуры в школе

    Low-Complexity Channel Estimation in Large-Scale MIMO using Polynomial Expansion

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    This paper considers pilot-based channel estimation in large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems, also known as "massive MIMO". Unlike previous works on this topic, which mainly considered the impact of inter-cell disturbance due to pilot reuse (so-called pilot contamination), we are concerned with the computational complexity. The conventional minimum mean square error (MMSE) and minimum variance unbiased (MVU) channel estimators rely on inverting covariance matrices, which has cubic complexity in the multiplication of number of antennas at each side. Since this is extremely expensive when there are hundreds of antennas, we propose to approximate the inversion by an L-order matrix polynomial. A set of low-complexity Bayesian channel estimators, coined Polynomial ExpAnsion CHannel (PEACH) estimators, are introduced. The coefficients of the polynomials are optimized to yield small mean square error (MSE). We show numerically that near-optimal performance is achieved with low polynomial orders. In practice, the order L can be selected to balance between complexity and MSE. Interestingly, pilot contamination is beneficial to the PEACH estimators in the sense that smaller L can be used to achieve near-optimal MSEs.Comment: Published at IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2013), 8-11 September 2013, 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Robust Optimal Power Distribution for Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment

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    We consider an optimization problem for spatial power distribution generated by an array of transmitting elements. Using ultrasound hyperthermia cancer treatment as a motivating example, the signal design problem consists of optimizing the power distribution across the tumor and healthy tissue regions, respectively. The models used in the optimization problem are, however, invariably subject to errors. To combat such unknown model errors, we formulate a robust signal design framework that can take the uncertainty into account using a worst-case approach. This leads to a semi-infinite programming (SIP) robust design problem, which we reformulate as a tractable convex problem that potentially has a wider range of applications

    Robust Transmit Signal Design and Channel Estimation for Multiantenna Systems

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    In the development of advanced signal processing techniques, dealing with both uncertainties and computational burden is essential. Taking the uncertainties into consideration is required in order to guarantee a certain level of performance, even when the system is designed based on imperfect prior knowledge. Addressing the computational issues is required due to the great popularity of large-scale systems in recent years, where low-complexity signal processing techniques are not only desirable but required. The thesis considers robustness and complexity as two lines of analysis for problems related to parameter estimation and spatial power distribution. In particular, the robustness is realized by means of designing transmit signals using optimization frameworks which account for uncertainties. The complexity issue, on the other hand, is addressed by proposing methods to reduce the computational load for the Bayesian parameter estimation. The common theme throughout the thesis is the use of array with multiple elements which is applied to different applications: wireless communication systems, radars and hyperthermia therapy. The first part of the thesis focuses on the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel estimation problem. First, a worst-case robust design framework is introduced to deal with uncertain model parameters. This framework is developed specifically to provide robust training sequences for minimum mean square error (MMSE) channel estimation in MIMO communication systems. Second, low-complexity estimators are proposed for large-scale MIMO systems in order to be applied instead of the optimal MMSE estimator which suffers from high computational complexity. The second part of the thesis deals with spatial power distribution using a multi-element array. The distribution of power in space can be controlled in an optimal manner thanks to waveform diversity offered by the MIMO technology. Robust waveforms are designed by using a worst-case robust optimization framework which is tailored specifically for radar and hyperthermia therapy applications, taking uncertain array steering vectors into account.QC 20141016</p

    How far from Kronecker can a MIMO channel be? Does it matter?

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    A common assumption in the design and analysis of many MIMO transmission schemes is the so-called Kronecker model. This model is often a crucial step to obtain mathematically tractable solutions, but has also been criticized for being unrealistic. In this paper, we present a numerical approach to determine a channel whose statistics is as far from being Kronecker as possible, keeping only an assumption of spatial stationarity. As a case study for the relevance of the Kronecker assumption, a numerical analysis is included of the performance of optimal pilot design for Kronecker and non-Kronecker channels. The numerical results indicate that for this particular application, the Kronecker assumption may be used in the algorithm design and provide performance that is close to optimal also for non-Kronecker channels.© 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. QC 20111124</p

    An Improvement over PBOA MAC Protocol by Considering Link Quality in MANET

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    We propose a methodology for improving theperformance of Progressive Back Off Algorithm (PBOA)which is a protocol that performs medium access controljointly with power control in Ad-hoc networks.Our method selects the optimum SNR thresholds based onlink quality. It adjusts the role of nodes’ mobility in network throughput. Simulation results show that the improvedprotocol outperforms PBOA without adaptation taken from link quality.Qc 2012013

    Articulatory Exercises for Sound Pronunciation Correction 5 – 6 Year Old Children with Sound Pronunciation Disoders

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    Darba nosaukums: Artikulācijas vingrinājumi skaņu izrunas korekcijai 5 – 6 gadīgiem bērniem ar izrunas traucējumiem Darba autore: Lūcija Anoško Darba zinātniskā vadītāja: Dr. paed. profesore Sarmīte Tūbele Darbs sastāv no: 86 lappusēm, ievada, 4 nodaļām, teorētiskās daļas, prakstiskās daļas, nobeiguma, secinājumiem, 7 tabulām, 11 pielikumiem. Pētījuma mērķis: teorētiski izpētīt, analizēt un praktiski pārbaudīt artikulācijas vingrinājumu lietderību skaņu izrunas korekcijai 5 – 6 gadīgiem bērniem ar runas traucējumiem. Teorētiskajā daļā darba autore pētījusi un iepazinusi dažādu autoru teorētiskās atziņas par pirmsskolas bērnu attīstību fiziskajā, kognitīvajā, sociālajā, emocionālajā aspektā, kā arī skaņu izrunas korekcijas paņēmienus, izmantojot artikulācijas vingrinājumus pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. Praktiskajā daļā darba autore apraksta savu pētījumu koriģējošā darbībā ar 5 – 6 gadīgiem bērniem ar runas traucējumiem pirmsskolas izglītības iestādē. Pētījuma rezultāti ir apkopoti tabulās, diagrammās un attēlos. Darba nobeigumā ir izdarīti secinājumi un sniegti ieteikumi vecākiem, pedagogiem un logopēdiem. Atslēgas vārdi: artikulācijas vingrinājumi, skaņu izrunas korekcija, 5 – 6 gadīgie bērni, izrunas traucējumi.Name of the work: Articulatory Exercises for Sound Pronunciation Correction 5 – 6 Year Old Children with Sound Pronunciation Disoders The work author: Lūcija Anoško Supervisor: PhD professor Sarmīte Tūbele Work consists of: 86 pages, introduction, 4 chapters, theoretical part, practical part, conclusions, 7 tables, 11 appendixes. Research goal: to research and analyzed theoretically and to examine practically articulatory exercises efficiency for sound pronunciation correction in 5 – 6 year old children with sound pronunciation disoders. In the theoretical part the author has researched and studied theoretical things of several authors about physical, cognitive, social, emotional development, as well as sound pronunciation correction methods used articulatory exercises for pre-school age children. In the practical part the work author described her research work with 5 – 6 year olds children with sound disoders in the preschool educational institution. The results of the work are summarized in the tables, diagrammas and pictures. At the end of this research conclusions were drawn and recommendations for parents, pedagogues and speech therapists were offered. Key words: articulatory exercises, sound pronunciation correction, 5 – 6 year old children, sound pronunciation disoder

    Low-Complexity Polynomial Channel Estimation in Large-Scale MIMO With Arbitrary Statistics

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    International audience—This paper considers pilot-based channel estimation in large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communi-cation systems, also known as "massive MIMO", where there are hundreds of antennas at one side of the link. Motivated by the fact that computational complexity is one of the main challenges in such systems, a set of low-complexity Bayesian channel estima-tors, coined Polynomial ExpAnsion CHannel (PEACH) estimators, are introduced for arbitrary channel and interference statistics. While the conventional minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator has cubic complexity in the dimension of the covariance matrices, due to an inversion operation, our proposed estimators significantly reduce this to square complexity by approximating the inverse by a L-degree matrix polynomial. The coefficients of the polynomial are optimized to minimize the mean square error (MSE) of the estimate. We show numerically that near-optimal MSEs are achieved with low polynomial degrees. We also derive the exact com-putational complexity of the proposed estimators, in terms of the floating-point operations (FLOPs), by which we prove that the proposed estimators outperform the conventional estimators in large-scale MIMO systems of practical dimensions while providing a reasonable MSEs. Moreover, we show that L needs not scale with the system dimensions to maintain a certain normalized MSE. By analyzing different interference scenarios, we observe that the relative MSE loss of using the low-complexity PEACH estimators is smaller in realistic scenarios with pilot con-tamination. On the other hand, PEACH estimators are not well suited for noise-limited scenarios with high pilot power; therefore, we also introduce the low-complexity diagonalized estimator that performs well in this regime. Finally, we also investigate numerically how the estimation performance is affected by having imperfect statistical knowledge. High robustness is achieved for large-dimensional matrices by using a new covariance estimate which is an affine function of the sample covariance matrix and a regularization term