6 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Kreatif Ibu PKK dalam Pembuatan Meja dan Kursi dengan Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik

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    This article is about community empowerment in making tables and chairs by utilizing plastic waste, this empowerment is carried out on a group of PKK women. The purpose of this assistance is to improve skills and realize the work of batik-patterned chairs by utilizing inorganic waste in the context of empowering the creative economy. The focus of the study of this article is how is the form of empowering the creative economy of PKK women in making tables and chairs using plastic waste? This assistance prioritizes the utilization of the potential and assets that already exist in the community. To be able to carry out the mentoring program, the steps used in this mentoring activity are Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). The result of this empowerment is that the use of plastic waste is used as a material for making ecobricks. Ecobricks are plastic drink bottles packed with non-organic waste to make reusable building blocks

    Dinamika regulasi sekolah berstandar internasional di Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the dynamics of regulation of international standard schools in Indonesia; display the implementation; and analyze its impact on Islamic educational institutions. This study uses library research methods, with historical and evaluative approaches. Information extracted by using documentation techniques. While the data analysis uses content analysis techniques. This study found: First, the dynamics of international standard school regulations began with the issuance of Perpu No. 48 of 1960, strengthened by the International Standard School (SBI) program through Permendikbud No. 78 of 2009. Then it was replaced with the SPK (Cooperation Education Unit) program regulated in Permendikbud Number 31 of 2014; Second, the regulations that have been implemented so far have shown a positive thing when viewed from the aspects of effectiveness, equity and precision. However, in the aspect of adequacy it has not been able to fully overcome the existing problems; and the responsiveness aspect has not been able to satisfy all parties; and third, the dynamics of international standard school regulation has increasingly sparked the rapid development of international standard Islamic education institutions.   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dinamika regulasi sekolah bertaraf internasional di Indonesia; mengevaluasi pelaksanaannya; dan menganalisis dampaknya terhadap lembaga pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research, dengan pendekatan historis dan evaluatif. Informasi digali dengan menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis datanya menggunakan teknik content analysis. Penelitian ini menemukan: Pertama, dinamika regulasi sekolah berstandar internasional dimulai dengan lahirnya Perpu No. 48 tahun 1960, diperkuat dengan program Sekolah Berstandar Internasional (SBI) melalui Permendikbud No. 78 tahun 2009. Kemudian diganti dengan program SPK (Satuan Pendidikan Kerja sama) diatur dalam Permendikbud No. 31, tahun 2014; Kedua, regulasi yang selama ini diimplementasikan sudah menunjukkan suatu hal yang positif jika di lihat dari aspek efektivitas, pemerataan dan ketepatan. Namun, dalam aspek kecukupan belum sepenuhnya dapat mengatasi problem yang ada; dan pada aspek responsitivitas belum dapat memuaskan semua pihak; dan ketiga, dinamika regulasi sekolah bertaraf internasional semakin memantik berkembang pesatnya lembaga pendidikan Islam bertaraf Internasional

    Complex dynamics: Analyzing the profound impact of religious education depth on interfaith tolerance levels in a multicultural society in the globalization era

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    This study delved into the complex dynamics surrounding the profound impact of religious education depth on interfaith tolerance levels within a multicultural society during globalization. Employing a mixed-methods research design, the investigation sought to provide a nuanced understanding by integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research was grounded in a comprehensive literature review, identifying gaps and establishing the theoretical foundation for the study. The study aimed to ensure diverse perspectives by utilizing a stratified random sampling technique based on religious affiliation, educational background, and geographic location. Qualitative data collection involved in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, exploring participants' experiences and perceptions regarding the influence of religious education on interfaith tolerance. Concurrently, a quantitative phase utilized structured surveys with standardized scales to measure religious education depth, interfaith tolerance levels, and relevant demographics. Thematic analysis was applied to qualitative data, extracting patterns and themes, while quantitative data underwent statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics and correlation and regression analyses. Ethical considerations were paramount throughout the study, with participants providing informed consent and strict confidentiality measures in place. Triangulation of methods enhanced the validity and reliability of the study, contributing to a robust exploration of the intricate relationship between religious education and interfaith tolerance. This research offered valuable insights applicable to educational policies, societal initiatives, and global conversations on fostering peaceful coexistence amid religious diversity

    Complex dynamics: Analyzing the profound impact of religious education depth on interfaith tolerance levels in a multicultural society in the globalization era

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    This study delved into the complex dynamics surrounding the profound impact of religious education depth on interfaith tolerance levels within a multicultural society during globalization. Employing a mixed-methods research design, the investigation sought to provide a nuanced understanding by integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches. The research was grounded in a comprehensive literature review, identifying gaps and establishing the theoretical foundation for the study. The study aimed to ensure diverse perspectives by utilizing a stratified random sampling technique based on religious affiliation, educational background, and geographic location. Qualitative data collection involved in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, exploring participants' experiences and perceptions regarding the influence of religious education on interfaith tolerance. Concurrently, a quantitative phase utilized structured surveys with standardized scales to measure religious education depth, interfaith tolerance levels, and relevant demographics. Thematic analysis was applied to qualitative data, extracting patterns and themes, while quantitative data underwent statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics and correlation and regression analyses. Ethical considerations were paramount throughout the study, with participants providing informed consent and strict confidentiality measures in place. Triangulation of methods enhanced the validity and reliability of the study, contributing to a robust exploration of the intricate relationship between religious education and interfaith tolerance. This research offered valuable insights applicable to educational policies, societal initiatives, and global conversations on fostering peaceful coexistence amid religious diversity


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian penulisan buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula dengan landasan keilmuan penulisan buku teks, mengetahui bagaimana penerapan seleksi, gradasi, presentasi dan repetisi materi ilmu nahwu dalam buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula, serta kekurangan dan kelebihan buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian library reseach dan bersifat analisis deskriptif. Data diperoleh dengan cara menelusuri dan mengumpulkan data yang bersumber dari buku, jurnal, kitab, dan tulisan-tulisan lainnya yang mendukung pemecahan masalah skripsi ini. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meggunakan studi pustaka atau pengamatan terhadap buku yang sedang diteliti baik yang bersifat primer maupun sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasanya buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula belum sepenuhnya memenuhi landasan keilmuan dalam menyusun buku teks pelajaran yang meliputi: cakupan materi dan pendukung materi. Seleksi kosa kata pada buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula telah menggunakan prisnsip frequency, range, availability, coverage, dan learnability. Sedangkan seleksi gramatika buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula sudah tergolong baik. Pada pengurutan materi, buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula telah menetapkan prinsip gradasi yang cukup baik meskipun belum menggunakan pola dari yang sederhana ke yang kompleks. Pada unsur presentasi, buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula mengunakan dua prosedur yaitu prosedur diferensial dan prosedur kontekstual. Materi pada buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula mengalami repetisi yang baik dilihat dari adanya penajaman materi pada latihan yang disajikan. Tetapi untuk pengulangan kosa kata dalam buku Ilmu Nahwu Untuk Pemula tergolong kurang baik

    Etno Parenting; Transformasi Buaian Anak-anak di Ogan Ilir Sumatera Selatan

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    This study aims to describe how the transformation of baby swings in Ogan Ilir, especially in Ridho Residence Indralaya Housing. The type of research used is ethnography with a qualitative descriptive approach. This study describes or explores information based on practical experience and ethnoparenting values. The transformation of the baby swing in the Ridho Residence Indralaya housing has undergone several changes, both in terms of shape and material, as well as changes from a more modern implementation aspect with the addition of various applications on the swing. Based on the findings in the field, there are still a few parents who use electric and electric swings because the prices are quite expensive. Meanwhile, the social status of parents at Ridho Residence Indralaya is still classified as lower middle class