141 research outputs found

    Stability of a large amplitude plasma wave to oscillating two-stream instability

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    The stability of a long wavelength large amplitude plasma wave, generated in a laser wakefield accelerator at moderately relativistic laser intensity, to oscillating two-stream instability has been examined. In the limit when the oscillatory velocity of electrons due to the plasma wave,, exceeds the electron thermal speed, the short wavelength plasma wave turns out to be ω2 = ω + ω│.0│2/2. In the four wave parametric process, involving the pump plasma wave, a short wavelength low frequency quasimode and two short wavelength plasma wave sidebands, the pump and the sidebands exert a ponderomotive force on the electrons driving a low frequency quasimode. The electron density perturbation associated with this mode couples with the pump driven electron oscillatory velocity to produce nonlinear currents driving the sidebands. We find that this process has no growth when the ion motion is ignored. However, with the inclusion of ion motion the parametric instability is important on the time scale of an ion plasm a period

    An Application of Pareto Analysis and Cause-and-Effect Diagram (CED) for Minimizing Rejection of Raw Materials in Lamp Production Process

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    Flange tube, Glass shell, Lead in Wire (LIW), Filament (Coil) and Cap are the most important raw materials in case of Lamp Production Process. Manufacturing processes tend to produce operational wastages due to various reasons, which can be reduced by identifying and eliminating those reasons. It has been a very challenging engineering problem particularly in a multistage manufacturing, where maximum number of processes and activities are performed. With the help of Pareto diagrams, which are mostly used to identify critical areas, the manufacturing process defects in the each stage of the production belt have been prioritized by arranging them in decreasing order of importance. Then cause and effect diagram is being applied to explore possible causes/factors of defects and to determine the causes/factors, which has the greatest effect. Key words: Lamp production process; Multistage manufacturing; Pareto diagrams; Production belt; Cause and effect diagra

    Connotation and Denotation of Mandarese Religious Value in Kalindaqdaq

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    This research was about connotation and denotation in words. meaning which revealed in Kalindaqdaq as one of the poetry kind that is usually read among Mandarese Society in religious activities. This research is based on Geoffrey Leech's theory The data were analyzed through descriptive qualitative method. The researcher applied note taking as the instrument to identify and classify the data which derived from the texts that contained Kalindaqdaq. The findings showed that Kalindaqdaq was arranged in regular rhymes where the series of words in every line were always written in 8-7-5-7 syllables, some words had denotative and connotative meaning. The researcher also found that Kalindaqdaq Contained some values such as; 5 values of Aqidah, 5 Values of Syariah and 2 Values of Aklilaq. The researcher revealed that Mandarese society conveyed the moral values that were addressed to the family who held the ritual ceremony such as; in Sayyang Pattddu, Marriage, Sailing and it also referred to the people who came to attend the ritual. The researcher concluded that the contents invoke people to strengthen their faith, in the case of Agidah, specially for Moslem as the majority religion in this region and Kalindaqdaq also contained religious values that teaches us kindness as human being and as God creature


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     ABSTRAK Musik Zapin di Kota Pekanbaru sebagai budaya populer merupakan fenomena pergeseran konsep, bentuk, fungsi, estetika dan makna bagi masyarakat pendukungnya. Pendekonstruksian pola-pola tertentu (tradisi) kepada keseragaman, standarisasi, pencitraan, kapitalisme, kreatifitas dan inovasi seniman. Secara praktis hal tersebut sebagai bentuk kreativitas dan inovasi seniman dalam berkarya, baik kaitan pengembangan ataupun pelestarian seni budaya Melayu. Musik Zapin sebagai budaya populer memiliki estetika posmodern, di antaranya: Parodi, pastiche, parodi, kitsch, camp, dan skizofrenia. Pertunjukan musik Zapin mengalami pergeseran nilai-nilai keteradisiannya (konsep estetika tradisi) ke estetika modern bahkan posmodern. Pergeseran tersebut oleh karena perubahan sosial masyarakat Kota Pekanbaru. Keterbukaan dan homogenitasan, baik etnis dan budaya menciptakaan keterbukaan ruang bagi pertunjukan musik Zapin untuk beradaptasi dengan ruang dan kebutuhan masyarakatnya. Oleh sebab itu, pertunjukan musik Zapin sebagai budaya populer (estetika profan). Kata Kunci: Komodifikasi, Budaya Populer, Musik Zapin, dan Kota Pekanbaru  ABSTRACT Music Zapin in Pekanbaru as popular culture is a phenomenon of shifting concept, form, function, aesthetics and meaning to community supporters. Pendekonstruksian certain patterns (traditions to uniformity, standardization, imaging, capitalism, creativity and innovation of artists. Practically it is a form of creativity and innovation in the work of artists, both regard the development or preservation of Malay culture and art. Zapin music as popular culture has a postmodern aesthetic, including: parody, pastiche, parody, kitsch, camp, and schizophrenia. Zapin music performances shifting values keteradisiannya (traditional aesthetic concept ) to the modern aesthetic and even postmodern. The shift is due to social change Pekanbaru. Openness and homogenitasan, both ethnic and cultural openness menciptakaan Zapin space for musical performances to adapt to the space and the needs of society. Therefore, musical performances Zapin as popular culture (aesthetic profane). Keywords: Commodification, Popular Culture, Music Zapin, and the city of Pekanbar


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    Mathematic is basic but fundamental knowledge, but in fact many students do not have the motivation to learn it because they think mathematic is boring. Therefore, an innovation is needed to motivate students, one of them is by using an educational game. Racing, shooting and fighting games are the most popular types of games in 2019 according to InvisionCommunity. Shooting game is a genre that used a lot in the educational games for learning math, while racing game and fighting game are not used much for educational games. This research aims to develop and measure the effectiveness of the games from these three genre of games as a means of learning elementary arithmetic at the elementary school level. The effectiveness of an educational game can be observed from the increment in learning outcomes obtained after conducting an experiment. We can know the most effective type of game in this experiment by compare the improvement in learning outcomes after playing all three games. The comparative analysis will be carried out using ANOVA. In this research, we used data from 60 participant with elementary level of education between grade 1 to 3. The results were obtained by calculating the difference in the participants' initial scores obtained from before playing the game and participants’ final scores obtained after playing the educational game. The results show that educational racing games have the highest increase of 6.3% compared to shooter games with 3% increase or fighting games with increase of 4.3%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Menganalisis pengaruh suasana kafe terhadap keputusan pembelian, (2) Menganalisis pengaruh harga terhadap keputusan pembelian, (3) Menganalisis pengaruh komunikasi interpersonal terhadap keputusan pembelian, (4) Menganalisis pengaruh suasana kafe, harga, dan komunikasi interpersonal secara bersama-sama terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen pada Kafe Kedung Coffee Kudus. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Kafe Kedung Coffee Kudus yang tidak diketahui jumlahnya. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden dengan menggunakan rumus Cochran. Data penelitian ini berupa data primer yang bersumber dari kuesioner. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda, pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan uji t, uji F, dan uji koefisien determinasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) suasana kafe berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian, (2) harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian, (3) komunikasi interpersonal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian, (4) suasana kafe, harga, dan komunikasi interpersonal berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian secara berganda

    Strategi komunikasi pemasaran pada wisata Madiun Umbul Square

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang diterapkan Madiun Umbul Square dalam membidik wisatawan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sebuah penelitian yang datanya diperoleh melalui proses observasi dan wawancara terhadap subyek penelitian. Hasil wawancara berupa tulisan, observasidari hasil wawancara di tempat wisata Umbul Square Madiun . Dengan data itu, peneliti dalam sajian datanya akan mendeskripsikan tentang strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh wisata Umbul Square Madiun dalam membidik wisatawan agar tertarik untuk mengunjungi wisata tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Strategi komunikasi pemasaran pada wisata Madiun Umbul Squaremenggunakan enam metode yaitu periklanan, promosi penjualan, acara khusus, hubungan masyarakat dan publisitas, penjualan personal, dan pemasaran langsung. Sedangkan dari keenam metode tersebut yang sangat efektif dalam proses komunikasi pemasaran yaitu penjualan personal dan promosi penjuala

    Manajemen kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dalam meningkatkan bakat dan minat siswa pada SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Mijen Kota Semarang

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena masih jarang sekolah yang menerapkan konsep manajemen dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Biasanya sekolah hanya menyediakan layanan ekstrakurikuler akan tetapi tidak terurus dengan baik. Akibatnya program tersebut hanya menimbulkan permasalahan baru seperti besarnya anggaran yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membiayai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler tersebut. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan: (1) Bagaimana kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang dikembangkan di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang? (2) Bagaimana manajemen kegiatan ekstrakurikuler pada SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang? (3) Bagaimana dampak manajemen kegiatan esktrakurikuler terhadap pengembangan bakat minat siswa pada SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang?. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan) dan macam penelitiannya adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus tunggal. Datanya diperoleh melalui metode wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis kualitatif, meliputi: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang beraneka ragam, dari ekstrakurikuler yang wajib, pilihan, mandiri, maupun club (jenjang lanjut). (2) Dalam manajemen kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang tahap pertama adalah perencanaan (planning) yang diwujudkan dengan penetapan tujuan, perencanaan waktu dan tempat, perencanaan program kerja, silabus, prota, dan promes, perencanaan sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan guru pengajar, serta pembiayaan. Tahap kedua, pengorganisasian (organizing) meliputi koordinasi semua komponen yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Tahap ketiga, pelaksanaan (actuating) manajemen kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang sudah ideal dan terkonsep bagus, didukung dengan program pembinaan yang sudah terprogram dan berkesinambungan serta fasilitas, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, dan sistem pendanaan yang sudah tepat pengelolaannya. Tahap keempat, Pengendalian (controlling) dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang dilakukan oleh Wakil kepala 1 (kesiswaan) dengan selalu berkordinasi dengan Kepala Sekolah serta Kordinator Guru Ekstra. Tahap kelima, evaluasi (evaluating) dari program kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang dilaksanakan secara kontinyu dan berkelanjutan untuk mempertahankan kualitas dari kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler yang diselenggarakan oleh sekolah. Sedangkan hasil daripada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang dilaksanakan di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang menghasilkan prestasi baik yang berupa fisik (piala atau piagam) atau performance dalam kegiatan internal sekolah. (3) Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang pada dasarnya ditujukan untuk membantu siswa dalam mengembangkan potensi, bakat, dan minat dalam dirinya. Manajemen kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dalam mengembangkan bakat dan minat tersebut telah berhasil terlaksana dengan baik, terbukti dari banyaknya prestasi non akademik yang didapatkan di SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang hasil yang luar biasa dari berbagai perlombaan atau kejuaraan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. ABSTRACT: This research is motivated by the phenomenon that schools rarely apply management concepts in extracurricular activities. Usually schools only provide extracurricular services but they are not properly maintained. As a result, the program only creates new problems such as the large budget that must be spent to finance these extracurricular activities. This research is intended to answer the following problems: (1) How are extracurricular activities developed at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang? (2) How is the management of extracurricular activities at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang? (3) What is the impact of extracurricular activity management on the development of student interest in SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang? This research is a field research research (field research) and the type of research is qualitative with a single case study approach. The data is obtained through interview methods and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study uses qualitative analysis techniques, including: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are: (1) Extracurricular activities at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang vary, from compulsory extracurricular activities, optional, independent, and club (advanced level). (2) In the management of extracurricular activities at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang, the first stage is planning which is realized by setting goals, planning time and place, planning work programs, syllabus, prota, and promissory notes, planning human resources (HR) and teaching teachers, as well as funding. The second stage, organizing (organizing) includes the coordination of all components involved in extracurricular activities. The third stage, the implementation (actuating) management of extracurricular activities at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang is ideal and well conceptualized, supported by a programmed and sustainable development program and adequate facilities, facilities and infrastructure, and a funding system that is properly managed. The fourth stage, controlling (controlling) in extracurricular activities at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang is carried out by Deputy Principal 1 (student) by always coordinating with the Principal of the School and the Extra Teacher Coordinator. The fifth stage, the evaluation (evaluating) of the extracurricular activity program at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang is carried out continuously and continuously to maintain the quality of the extracurricular activities organized by the school. Meanwhile, the results of extracurricular activities carried out at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang resulted in physical achievements (trophies or certificates) or performance in internal school activities. (3) Extracurricular activities at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang are basically aimed at helping students develop their potential, talents, and interests. The management of extracurricular activities in developing these talents and interests has been successfully carried out, as evidenced by the many non-academic achievements obtained at SD Islam Al Azhar 29 BSB Semarang, the extraordinary results from various competitions or competitions related to extracurricular activities

    Pengkelasan Aggregat Menggunakan Rangkaian Neural Berhirarki

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    Aggregate must be classify into good shape and not depend on the types. Nowadays, the classification of the aggregate is done manually. This technique is not practical because it take a lot of time and high skill to get the result. Good classification of the aggregate is important in roads construction. The good structure of the road could minimize the rate of accident. This project used hierarchal neural network to classify the aggregate automatically. This neural network has it advantages because it can classify the aggregate to its category and shapes. The aggregates are classified into good and bad shape. There are several types of aggregates which are angular, cubical, irregular and elongated. Hopefully the classification of the hierarchal neural network can be used to classify the aggregate perfectly

    Estetika Musik Zapin sebagai Budaya Populer di Pekanbaru

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    Music Zapin in Pekanbaru as popular culture is a phenomenon of shifting concept, form, function, aesthetics and meaning to community supporters. Pendekonstruksian certain patterns (traditions to uniformity, standardization, imaging, capitalism, creativity and innovation of artists. Practically it is a form of creativity and innovation in the work of artists, both regard the development or preservation of Malay culture and art. Zapin music as popular culture has a postmodern aesthetic, including: parody, pastiche, parody, kitsch, camp, and schizophrenia. Zapin music performances shifting values keteradisiannya (traditional aesthetic concept ) to the modern aesthetic and even postmodern. The shift is due to social change Pekanbaru. Openness and homogenitasan, both ethnic and cultural openness menciptakaan Zapin space for musical performances to adapt to the space and the needs of society. Therefore, musical performances Zapin as popular culture (aesthetic profane)