68 research outputs found

    SynthÚse itérative et simultanée de bancs de filtres bi-orthogonaux de reconstruction parfaite avec des critÚres adaptés aux applications de codage de la parole et de l'image

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    La synthÚse de bancs de filtres bi-orthogonaux connaßt une multitude de méthodes, la plus connue revient, comme dans le cas orthogonal, à construire le filtre produit, et à en extraire les filtres bi-orthogonaux par factorisation. Cette méthode permet difficilement d'imposer à la fois aux filtres d'analyses et de synthÚse les caractéristiques fréquentielles souhaitées. Les deux filtres sont élaborés en optimisant l'un, en fonction de l'autre donné. TrÚs vite, on s'aperçoit que cette méthode peut fournir des solutions, dont on ne maßtrise pas l'allure fréquentielle. La méthode proposée est centrée sur la synthÚse simultanée de bancs de filtres bi-orthogonaux, à partir de l'équation de reconstruction parfaite (RP), exprimée dans le domaine temporel dans le cas d'un systÚme de deux sous-bandes, ceci en utilisant des critÚres adaptés au signal parole et image tels que la décorrélation et le gain de codage

    An objective reduction technique of proteomic mass spectra based on multi-scale fuzzy thresholding

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    A proteomic approach offers a powerful and complementary tool to genomics. It allows to index and characterize proteins, and, for example, to compare their levels of expression between healthy and pathological states. Proteomic analyses are mainly based on the separation of proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and their subsequent identification by comparing the data from Mass Spectrometry (SM) analyses to the theoretical ones contained in databases. In mass spectrometry, the detector noise, the electronic and chemical noise, sometimes the small amount of peptides that has to be treated and finally the spectrum reduction noise (due to bad filtering and/or thresholding), can induce Parasitic Mass Peaks (PMP) and/or hide some Useful Mass Peaks (UMP) of low intensities. The immediate consequence is that the presence of the PMP and the absence of the UMP will be detrimental to the protein identification quality. In this article, we propose an original algorithm eliminating the PMP, detecting and amplifying those which are useful. The preprocessing principle uses a multi-scale analysis technique coupled to a fuzzy thresholding (multi-scale fuzzy thresholding), a local amplification of the UMP, and finally an adaptive Base Line Correction. The associated frequencies with the PMP are distributed on all the spectrum pass bandwidth. This leads us to a dyadic tree structure subband decomposition. The algorithm principle consists of dividing the frequential pass bandwidth of each masses spectrum into two subbands, a Low and High Frequency (LF,HF) subband, then each subband is in turn divided into two subbands etc. The HF subbands are then thresholded according to the minimization criterion of the Shannon fuzzy entropy, and then amplified locally; the base line is calculated in an adaptive way and subtracted from reconstructed spectrum. To evaluate the quality of this algorithm, we present a comparison of the results obtained by our algorithm, and those obtained by the DataExplorer software. The latter is a reduction software provided within the MALDI-TOF spectrometer software package.La protĂ©omique offre une approche puissante et complĂ©mentaire Ă  la gĂ©nomique. Elle permet de rĂ©pertorier et caractĂ©riser les protĂ©ines, de comparer leur niveau d’expression entre un Ă©tat physiologique sain et malade par exemple. L’analyse protĂ©omique se fait essentiellement par l’utilisation de la technique d’électrophorĂšse bidimensionnelle couplĂ©e Ă  la technique d’analyse par SpectromĂ©trie de Masse (SM). La premiĂšre, aidĂ©e par l’imagerie protĂ©omique, conduit Ă  la localisation des protĂ©ines candidates Ă  une analyse par SM. La comparaison des spectres de masses obtenus Ă  des bases de donnĂ©es protĂ©iques, conduit Ă  l’identification des protĂ©ines d’intĂ©rĂȘt en terme de peptides. Le problĂšme qui se pose souvent est que les spectres sont bruitĂ©s et pauvres en masses. En effet, le bruit du dĂ©tecteur, le bruit Ă©lectronique et chimique, la prĂ©sence de peu de matĂ©riel protĂ©ique et enfin le bruit de la rĂ©duction des spectres (mauvais filtrage et/ou seuillage), tous ces bruits peuvent induire des Pics de Masses Parasites (PMP) et/ou supprimer des Pics de Masses Utiles (PMU) de faible intensitĂ©. La consĂ©quence immĂ©diate est que la prĂ©sence des PMP et l’absence des PMU seront utilisĂ©es au dĂ©pens de la qualitĂ© d’identification de la protĂ©ine. Dans cet article, nous proposons un algorithme original Ă©liminant les PMP, dĂ©tectant et amplifiant ceux utiles. Le principe du prĂ©-traitement utilise une Analyse MultirĂ©solution (AM) couplĂ©e Ă  un seuillage basĂ© sur la logique floue (seuillage flou multi-Ă©chelle), une amplification locale des PMU, et enfin une correction adaptative de la Ligne de Base (LB). Les frĂ©quences associĂ©es aux PMP sont rĂ©parties sur toute la bande passante du spectre, ce qui nous conduit Ă  une AM dite en arbre. Le principe consiste Ă  dĂ©couper la bande passante frĂ©quentielle de chaque spectre de masses en deux sous-bandes, une Basse FrĂ©quence (BF), l’autre Haute FrĂ©quence (HF), ensuite chaque sous-bande est Ă  son tour dĂ©coupĂ©e en deux sous-bandes etc. Les sous-bandes HF sont seuillĂ©es selon le critĂšre de minimisation de l’entropie floue de Shannon et amplifiĂ©es localement, la ligne de base est calculĂ©e automatiquement et soustraite du spectre reconstruit. Pour Ă©valuer la qualitĂ© de cet algorithme, nous prĂ©sentons une comparaison des rĂ©sultats obtenus par notre algorithme, et ceux fournis par le spectromĂštre MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation-Time Of Flight), qui utilise le logiciel « DataExplorer » comme logiciel de rĂ©duction

    Polymorphism in apoA1 Influences High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels but Is Not a Major Risk Factor of Alzheimer's Disease

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    Background: Apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) is the major apolipoprotein constituent of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and is involved in reverse cholesterol transport. Variation in the apoA1 gene might influence the function of the protein and, thus, brain cholesterol metabolism, leading to an increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Aim: In the current report, we investigated the role of the functional apoA1 polymorphism (–75 G/A) as a genetic risk factor for AD in a Tunisian population. Methods: 173 AD patients and 150 healthy controls were studied. Results: No association was found between this genetic variation in apoA1 gene and the risk of AD. The presence of the (–75 G/A) A allele appeared, however, to be associated with lower levels of cerebrospinal fluid AÎČ42 and HDL cholesterol levels in sera. Conclusion: Our data support the observation that apoA1 polymorphism influences cholesterol metabolism and AÎČ42 deposition in the brain

    Regulation of the Fruit-Specific PEP Carboxylase SlPPC2 Promoter at Early Stages of Tomato Fruit Development

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    The SlPPC2 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC gene from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is differentially and specifically expressed in expanding tissues of developing tomato fruit. We recently showed that a 1966 bp DNA fragment located upstream of the ATG codon of the SlPPC2 gene (GenBank AJ313434) confers appropriate fruit-specificity in transgenic tomato. In this study, we further investigated the regulation of the SlPPC2 promoter gene by analysing the SlPPC2 cis-regulating region fused to either the firefly luciferase (LUC) or the ÎČ-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene, using stable genetic transformation and biolistic transient expression assays in the fruit. Biolistic analyses of 5â€Č SlPPC2 promoter deletions fused to LUC in fruits at the 8th day after anthesis revealed that positive regulatory regions are mostly located in the distal region of the promoter. In addition, a 5â€Č UTR leader intron present in the 1966 bp fragment contributes to the proper temporal regulation of LUC activity during fruit development. Interestingly, the SlPPC2 promoter responds to hormones (ethylene) and metabolites (sugars) regulating fruit growth and metabolism. When tested by transient expression assays, the chimeric promoter:LUC fusion constructs allowed gene expression in both fruit and leaf, suggesting that integration into the chromatin is required for fruit-specificity. These results clearly demonstrate that SlPPC2 gene is under tight transcriptional regulation in the developing fruit and that its promoter can be employed to drive transgene expression specifically during the cell expansion stage of tomato fruit. Taken together, the SlPPC2 promoter offers great potential as a candidate for driving transgene expression specifically in developing tomato fruit from various tomato cultivars

    Autoantibodies against type I IFNs in patients with life-threatening COVID-19

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    Interindividual clinical variability in the course of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is vast. We report that at least 101 of 987 patients with life-threatening coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia had neutralizing immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies (auto-Abs) against interferon-w (IFN-w) (13 patients), against the 13 types of IFN-a (36), or against both (52) at the onset of critical disease; a few also had auto-Abs against the other three type I IFNs. The auto-Abs neutralize the ability of the corresponding type I IFNs to block SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. These auto-Abs were not found in 663 individuals with asymptomatic or mild SARS-CoV-2 infection and were present in only 4 of 1227 healthy individuals. Patients with auto-Abs were aged 25 to 87 years and 95 of the 101 were men. A B cell autoimmune phenocopy of inborn errors of type I IFN immunity accounts for life-threatening COVID-19 pneumonia in at least 2.6% of women and 12.5% of men

    The art of writing in modern Tunisian literature : the case of Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adÄ«

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    Cette thĂšse a pour objectif de prĂ©senter la littĂ©rature tunisienne moderne au dĂ©but du XXe siĂšcle Ă  partir de l’Ɠuvre de Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adÄ«. Elle dĂ©montre comment l’écriture de notre auteur rompt avec la production littĂ©raire tunisienne et arabe qui lui est contemporaine. Ni rĂ©aliste ni romantique, son Ɠuvre propose une nouvelle vision de l’écriture littĂ©raire qui vise Ă  transgresser les codes des genres littĂ©raires. MalgrĂ© le succĂšs du roman et de la nouvelle dans le monde arabe, notre auteur s’éloigne de ces genres littĂ©raires et met en avant la forme dialoguĂ©e au service de ses idĂ©es et de sa philosophie. En essayant de comprendre le travail de l’écriture chez Al-Mas‘adÄ«, nous avons tentĂ© de dĂ©terminer sa pensĂ©e philosophique. Le choix de se rattacher au « thĂ©Ăątre de la pensĂ©e (al-Masraáž„ aត -ᾎihnÄ«) dans sa piĂšce al-Sudd (Le barrage) tĂ©moigne de son engagement philosophique. En effet, ce mouvement littĂ©raire n’est pas sans rappeler le dialogue philosophique ou le dialogue des idĂ©es, un genre de l’AntiquitĂ© grecque et latine. La critique littĂ©raire aborde l’Ɠuvre de Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adÄ«, comme un rĂ©ceptacle des Ă©volutions de la littĂ©rature arabe entre tradition et modernitĂ©. Nous tentons de l’étudier du point de vue de la pluriglossie des rĂ©fĂ©rences et de l’interaction des genres littĂ©raires.This master’s thesis aims at introducing modern Tunisian literature at the beginning of the twentieth century through Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adī’s literary works. It shows how our author’s writing breaks away from contemporary Arabic and Tunisian literary works. Neither realistic nor romantic, his work offers a new vision on literary writing as it has tried to transgress the codes of literary genres. Despite the success of novels and short stories in the Arabic world, our author drifts away from these literary genres and puts forward dialogues to help him get through his ideas and his philosophy. As we try to understand how Al-Mas‘adī’s writing works, we have tried to assess his philosophic point of view. His choice to remain connected to the “theatre of the stream of thought” (al-Masraáž„ aត -ᾎihnÄ«) in his play al-Sudd (The dam) shows his philosophical commitment. Indeed, this literary movement reminds us of the philosophical dialogue or the dialogue of ideas, a genre dating back to Greek and Latin Antiquity. Literary criticism compares Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adī’s work to a receptacle gathering the different evolutions of modern and traditional Arabic literature. We are trying to study his work from the point of view of multiple references and the interaction of literary genres

    Functional characterization of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) inhibitors in tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Au sein de l’unitĂ© mixte de recherche 619 de l’Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, le groupe « OrganogĂ©nĂšse du Fruit et EndorĂ©duplication » Ă©tudie les acteurs molĂ©culaires prenant part au contrĂŽle du cycle cellulaire dans le fruit de tomate. L’objet de la prĂ©sente thĂšse est l’étude de l’inhibiteur du cycle cellulaire Kip-Related Protein, et son rĂŽle durant le dĂ©veloppement du fruit. Identification de motifs protĂ©iques fonctionnels chez l’Inhibiteur de Kinase Cycline-Dependent SlKRP1 chez Solanum lycopersicum : Leur rĂŽle dans les interactions avec des partenaires du cycle cellulaire Les Kip-related proteins (KRPs) jouent un rĂŽle majeur dans la rĂ©gulation du cycle cellulaire. Il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© qu’ils inhibent les complexes CDK/Cyclin et ainsi bloquent la progression du cycle cellulaire. MalgrĂ© leur manque d’homologie avec leurs homologues animaux au delĂ  de leur motif de liaison CDK/Cyclin, localisĂ© Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© C-terminal de la protĂ©ine dans les sĂ©quences de plante, des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieurs ont montrĂ© la prĂ©sence de motifs conservĂ©s spĂ©cifiques aux plantes chez certaines KRPs. Nous n’avons cependant que peu d’information concernant leur fonction. Nous montrons ici que les KRPs sont distribuĂ©s en deux sous groupes phylogĂ©nĂ©tiques, et que chaque sous-groupe dispose de courts motifs spĂ©cifiques conservĂ©s. Les KRPs du sous-groupe 1 disposent ainsi de six motifs conservĂ©s entre eux. Utilisant SlKRP1, qui appartient au sous-groupe 1, nous avons identifiĂ© des motifs responsables de la localisation de la protĂ©ine et de ses interactions protĂ©ine-protĂ©ine. Nous montrons que le motif 2 est responsable de l’interaction avec CSN5, une sous-unitĂ© du complexe signalosome, et que le motif 5 a un effet redondant avec le motif 3 pour ce qui est de la localisation sub-cellulaire de la protĂ©ine. Nous montrons de plus que SlKRP1 est capable de guider SlCDKA1 et SlCycD3;1 vers le noyau, et ce mĂȘme en l’absence du motif de liaison CDK/Cycline prĂ©cĂ©demment rĂ©fĂ©rencĂ©. Ce nouveau site d’interaction est probablement localisĂ© dans la partie centrale de la sĂ©quence de SlKRP1. Ces rĂ©sultats apportent de nouveaux indices quant au rĂŽle de la partie encore mĂ©connue de cette protĂ©ine. La surexpression de SlKRP1 dans le mĂ©socarpe de tomate dĂ©truit la proportionnalitĂ© entre endorĂ©duplication et taille cellulaire Le fruit est un organe spĂ©cialisĂ© rĂ©sultant du dĂ©veloppement de l’ovaire aprĂšs pollinisation et fertilisation, et qui offre un environnement adĂ©quat pour la maturation des graines et leur dispersion. De part leur importance en nutrition humaine et leur importance Ă©conomique, les espĂšces Ă  fruit charnu ont Ă©tĂ© le sujet d’étude dĂ©veloppementales principalement orientĂ©e vers la formation de l’ovaire, la mise Ă  fruit et la maturation du fruit. La phase de croissance du fruit a Ă©tĂ© beaucoup moins Ă©tudiĂ©e, bien que la division cellulaire et la croissance cellulaire prenant place durant cette pĂ©riode soient cruciales Ă  la dĂ©termination de la taille finale du fruit, ainsi que de sa masse et sa forme. Le dĂ©veloppement du mĂ©socarpe du fruit de tomate se dĂ©roule par la succession d’une phase de division cellulaire suivie d’une phase d’expansion cellulaire associĂ©e Ă  l’endorĂ©duplication, menant Ă  la formation de cellules gĂ©antes (jusqu’à 0,5mm) avec des niveaux de ploĂŻdie pouvant atteindre 256C. Bien qu’une relation Ă©vidente entre endorĂ©duplication et croissance cellulaire ait Ă©tĂ© montrĂ©e par de nombreux exemples chez les plantes, le rĂŽle exact de l’endorĂ©duplication n’a toujours pas Ă©tĂ© Ă©lucidĂ©, Ă©tant donnĂ© que la plupart des expĂ©riences induisant une modification du niveau d’endorĂ©duplication dans la plante affectaient aussi la division cellulaire. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© la cinĂ©tique du dĂ©velopement du mĂ©socarpe de tomate au niveau morphologique et cytologique et avons Ă©tudiĂ© l’effet de la diminution du niveau d’endorĂ©duplication sur le dĂ©velopement du fruit en sur-exprimant l’inhibiteur du cycle cellulaire Kip-Related Protein 1 (SlKRP1) spĂ©cifiquement dans les cellules en croissance du mĂ©socarpe de tomate. Nous montrons une proportionnalitĂ© directe entre endorĂ©duplication et taille cellulaire durant le dĂ©veloppement normal du fruit, ce qui nous a permis de construire un modĂšle de dĂ©veloppement du mĂ©socarpe dĂ©finissant l’épaisseur du pĂ©ricarpe en ne prenant en compte que le nombre de divisions cellulaires et le nombre de tours d’endorĂ©duplication. De façon surprenante, les mĂ©socarpes de tomate affectĂ©s dans leur niveau d’endorĂ©duplication par la sur-expression de SlKRP1 ne sont pas affectĂ©s au niveau de la taille des cellules ou du fruit, ni dans leur contenu mĂ©tabolique. Nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent pour la premiĂšre fois qu’alors que le niveau de ploĂŻdie est Ă©troitement liĂ© avec la taille des cellules et du fruit, l’endorĂ©duplication n’est pas responsable de la croissance cellulaire du mĂ©socarpe de tomate.Within the Joint Research Unit 619 of the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), the group "Organogenesis of the Fruit and endoreduplication" examines the molecular players involved in cell cycle control in tomato fruit. The purpose of this thesis is the study of the cell cycle inhibitor Kip-Related Protein and its role during fruit development. Identification of protein motifs in the functional inhibitor of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase in Solanum lycopersicum SlKRP1: Their role in interactions with partners in the cell cycle The Kip-related proteins (KRPs) play a major role in the regulation of cell cycle. It has been shown to inhibit the CDK / Cyclin and thus block cell cycle progression. Despite their lack of homology with their counterparts in animals beyond their binding motif CDK / Cyclin, located at the C-terminal protein sequences in the plant, previous studies have shown the presence of conserved motifs plant specific in some KRPs, but there is little information about their function. We show here that the KRPs are distributed into two phylogenetic groups, and that each subgroup has specific short conserved motifs. The KRPs from subgroup 1 have six conserved motifs. Using SlKRP1, which belongs to subgroup 1, we have identified the motifs responsible for the localization of the protein and protein-protein interactions. We demonstrate that the pattern 2 is responsible for the interaction with CSN5, a subunit of the signalosome complex, and that the motif 5 is redundant with motif 3 with respect to the sub-cellular localization of the protein. We also show that SlKRP1 is capable of guiding SlCDKA1 and SlCycD3; 1 to the nucleus, even in the absence of CDK / cyclin binding motif previously referenced. This new site of interaction is probably located in the central part of the sequence of SlKRP1. These results provide new clues about the role of the little-known part of this protein. Overexpression of SlKRP1 in tomato mesocarp disrupts the proportionality between endoreduplication and cell size The fruit is a specialized organ which results from the ovary after pollination and fertilization, and provides a suitable environment for seed maturation and dispersal. Because of their importance in human nutrition and economic importance, fleshy fruit species have been the subject of study mainly focused on the developmental formation of the ovary, fruit set and fruit ripening. The stage of fruit growth has been much less studied, although cell division and cell growth taking place during this period are crucial to determining the final size of the fruit, as well as its mass and shape. The development of tomato fruit mesocarp occurs by the estate of a phase of cell division followed by a phase of cell expansion associated with endoreduplication, leading to the formation of giant cells (up to 0.5 mm) with ploidy levels of up to 256C. Although a clear relationship between endoreduplication and cell growth has been shown by many examples in plants, the exact role of endoreduplication has still not been elucidated, since most of the experiments leading to a change in the level of endoreduplication in plants also affected cell division. We studied the kinetics of the development of tomato mesocarp morphologically and cytologically and studied the effect of the reduced level of endoreduplication in the development of the fruit over-expressing the cell cycle inhibitor Kip-Related Protein 1 (SlKRP1) specifically in the growing cells of the tomato mesocarp. We show a direct proportionality between endoreduplication and cell size during normal development of the fruit, which allowed us to build a model for development of mesocarp defining the thickness of the pericarp by taking into account the number of cell divisions and the number of rounds of endoreduplication. Surprisingly, the tomato mesocarps affected in their level of endoreduplication by over-expression of SlKRP1 are not affected in terms of cell size and fruit, or on their metabolic content. Our results demonstrate for the first time that while the level of ploidy is closely linked with cell size and fruit, endoreduplication is not responsible for the cell growth of tomato mesocarp

    Functional characterization of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase (CDK) inhibitors in tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Au sein de l’unitĂ© mixte de recherche 619 de l’Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, le groupe « OrganogĂ©nĂšse du Fruit et EndorĂ©duplication » Ă©tudie les acteurs molĂ©culaires prenant part au contrĂŽle du cycle cellulaire dans le fruit de tomate. L’objet de la prĂ©sente thĂšse est l’étude de l’inhibiteur du cycle cellulaire Kip-Related Protein, et son rĂŽle durant le dĂ©veloppement du fruit. Identification de motifs protĂ©iques fonctionnels chez l’Inhibiteur de Kinase Cycline-Dependent SlKRP1 chez Solanum lycopersicum : Leur rĂŽle dans les interactions avec des partenaires du cycle cellulaire Les Kip-related proteins (KRPs) jouent un rĂŽle majeur dans la rĂ©gulation du cycle cellulaire. Il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© qu’ils inhibent les complexes CDK/Cyclin et ainsi bloquent la progression du cycle cellulaire. MalgrĂ© leur manque d’homologie avec leurs homologues animaux au delĂ  de leur motif de liaison CDK/Cyclin, localisĂ© Ă  l’extrĂ©mitĂ© C-terminal de la protĂ©ine dans les sĂ©quences de plante, des Ă©tudes antĂ©rieurs ont montrĂ© la prĂ©sence de motifs conservĂ©s spĂ©cifiques aux plantes chez certaines KRPs. Nous n’avons cependant que peu d’information concernant leur fonction. Nous montrons ici que les KRPs sont distribuĂ©s en deux sous groupes phylogĂ©nĂ©tiques, et que chaque sous-groupe dispose de courts motifs spĂ©cifiques conservĂ©s. Les KRPs du sous-groupe 1 disposent ainsi de six motifs conservĂ©s entre eux. Utilisant SlKRP1, qui appartient au sous-groupe 1, nous avons identifiĂ© des motifs responsables de la localisation de la protĂ©ine et de ses interactions protĂ©ine-protĂ©ine. Nous montrons que le motif 2 est responsable de l’interaction avec CSN5, une sous-unitĂ© du complexe signalosome, et que le motif 5 a un effet redondant avec le motif 3 pour ce qui est de la localisation sub-cellulaire de la protĂ©ine. Nous montrons de plus que SlKRP1 est capable de guider SlCDKA1 et SlCycD3;1 vers le noyau, et ce mĂȘme en l’absence du motif de liaison CDK/Cycline prĂ©cĂ©demment rĂ©fĂ©rencĂ©. Ce nouveau site d’interaction est probablement localisĂ© dans la partie centrale de la sĂ©quence de SlKRP1. Ces rĂ©sultats apportent de nouveaux indices quant au rĂŽle de la partie encore mĂ©connue de cette protĂ©ine. La surexpression de SlKRP1 dans le mĂ©socarpe de tomate dĂ©truit la proportionnalitĂ© entre endorĂ©duplication et taille cellulaire Le fruit est un organe spĂ©cialisĂ© rĂ©sultant du dĂ©veloppement de l’ovaire aprĂšs pollinisation et fertilisation, et qui offre un environnement adĂ©quat pour la maturation des graines et leur dispersion. De part leur importance en nutrition humaine et leur importance Ă©conomique, les espĂšces Ă  fruit charnu ont Ă©tĂ© le sujet d’étude dĂ©veloppementales principalement orientĂ©e vers la formation de l’ovaire, la mise Ă  fruit et la maturation du fruit. La phase de croissance du fruit a Ă©tĂ© beaucoup moins Ă©tudiĂ©e, bien que la division cellulaire et la croissance cellulaire prenant place durant cette pĂ©riode soient cruciales Ă  la dĂ©termination de la taille finale du fruit, ainsi que de sa masse et sa forme. Le dĂ©veloppement du mĂ©socarpe du fruit de tomate se dĂ©roule par la succession d’une phase de division cellulaire suivie d’une phase d’expansion cellulaire associĂ©e Ă  l’endorĂ©duplication, menant Ă  la formation de cellules gĂ©antes (jusqu’à 0,5mm) avec des niveaux de ploĂŻdie pouvant atteindre 256C. Bien qu’une relation Ă©vidente entre endorĂ©duplication et croissance cellulaire ait Ă©tĂ© montrĂ©e par de nombreux exemples chez les plantes, le rĂŽle exact de l’endorĂ©duplication n’a toujours pas Ă©tĂ© Ă©lucidĂ©, Ă©tant donnĂ© que la plupart des expĂ©riences induisant une modification du niveau d’endorĂ©duplication dans la plante affectaient aussi la division cellulaire. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© la cinĂ©tique du dĂ©velopement du mĂ©socarpe de tomate au niveau morphologique et cytologique et avons Ă©tudiĂ© l’effet de la diminution du niveau d’endorĂ©duplication sur le dĂ©velopement du fruit en sur-exprimant l’inhibiteur du cycle cellulaire Kip-Related Protein 1 (SlKRP1) spĂ©cifiquement dans les cellules en croissance du mĂ©socarpe de tomate. Nous montrons une proportionnalitĂ© directe entre endorĂ©duplication et taille cellulaire durant le dĂ©veloppement normal du fruit, ce qui nous a permis de construire un modĂšle de dĂ©veloppement du mĂ©socarpe dĂ©finissant l’épaisseur du pĂ©ricarpe en ne prenant en compte que le nombre de divisions cellulaires et le nombre de tours d’endorĂ©duplication. De façon surprenante, les mĂ©socarpes de tomate affectĂ©s dans leur niveau d’endorĂ©duplication par la sur-expression de SlKRP1 ne sont pas affectĂ©s au niveau de la taille des cellules ou du fruit, ni dans leur contenu mĂ©tabolique. Nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent pour la premiĂšre fois qu’alors que le niveau de ploĂŻdie est Ă©troitement liĂ© avec la taille des cellules et du fruit, l’endorĂ©duplication n’est pas responsable de la croissance cellulaire du mĂ©socarpe de tomate.Within the Joint Research Unit 619 of the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA), the group "Organogenesis of the Fruit and endoreduplication" examines the molecular players involved in cell cycle control in tomato fruit. The purpose of this thesis is the study of the cell cycle inhibitor Kip-Related Protein and its role during fruit development. Identification of protein motifs in the functional inhibitor of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase in Solanum lycopersicum SlKRP1: Their role in interactions with partners in the cell cycle The Kip-related proteins (KRPs) play a major role in the regulation of cell cycle. It has been shown to inhibit the CDK / Cyclin and thus block cell cycle progression. Despite their lack of homology with their counterparts in animals beyond their binding motif CDK / Cyclin, located at the C-terminal protein sequences in the plant, previous studies have shown the presence of conserved motifs plant specific in some KRPs, but there is little information about their function. We show here that the KRPs are distributed into two phylogenetic groups, and that each subgroup has specific short conserved motifs. The KRPs from subgroup 1 have six conserved motifs. Using SlKRP1, which belongs to subgroup 1, we have identified the motifs responsible for the localization of the protein and protein-protein interactions. We demonstrate that the pattern 2 is responsible for the interaction with CSN5, a subunit of the signalosome complex, and that the motif 5 is redundant with motif 3 with respect to the sub-cellular localization of the protein. We also show that SlKRP1 is capable of guiding SlCDKA1 and SlCycD3; 1 to the nucleus, even in the absence of CDK / cyclin binding motif previously referenced. This new site of interaction is probably located in the central part of the sequence of SlKRP1. These results provide new clues about the role of the little-known part of this protein. Overexpression of SlKRP1 in tomato mesocarp disrupts the proportionality between endoreduplication and cell size The fruit is a specialized organ which results from the ovary after pollination and fertilization, and provides a suitable environment for seed maturation and dispersal. Because of their importance in human nutrition and economic importance, fleshy fruit species have been the subject of study mainly focused on the developmental formation of the ovary, fruit set and fruit ripening. The stage of fruit growth has been much less studied, although cell division and cell growth taking place during this period are crucial to determining the final size of the fruit, as well as its mass and shape. The development of tomato fruit mesocarp occurs by the estate of a phase of cell division followed by a phase of cell expansion associated with endoreduplication, leading to the formation of giant cells (up to 0.5 mm) with ploidy levels of up to 256C. Although a clear relationship between endoreduplication and cell growth has been shown by many examples in plants, the exact role of endoreduplication has still not been elucidated, since most of the experiments leading to a change in the level of endoreduplication in plants also affected cell division. We studied the kinetics of the development of tomato mesocarp morphologically and cytologically and studied the effect of the reduced level of endoreduplication in the development of the fruit over-expressing the cell cycle inhibitor Kip-Related Protein 1 (SlKRP1) specifically in the growing cells of the tomato mesocarp. We show a direct proportionality between endoreduplication and cell size during normal development of the fruit, which allowed us to build a model for development of mesocarp defining the thickness of the pericarp by taking into account the number of cell divisions and the number of rounds of endoreduplication. Surprisingly, the tomato mesocarps affected in their level of endoreduplication by over-expression of SlKRP1 are not affected in terms of cell size and fruit, or on their metabolic content. Our results demonstrate for the first time that while the level of ploidy is closely linked with cell size and fruit, endoreduplication is not responsible for the cell growth of tomato mesocarp

    L’art de l’écriture dans la littĂ©rature tunisienne : le cas de Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adÄ«

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    This master’s thesis aims at introducing modern Tunisian literature at the beginning of the twentieth century through Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adī’s literary works. It shows how our author’s writing breaks away from contemporary Arabic and Tunisian literary works. Neither realistic nor romantic, his work offers a new vision on literary writing as it has tried to transgress the codes of literary genres. Despite the success of novels and short stories in the Arabic world, our author drifts away from these literary genres and puts forward dialogues to help him get through his ideas and his philosophy. As we try to understand how Al-Mas‘adī’s writing works, we have tried to assess his philosophic point of view. His choice to remain connected to the “theatre of the stream of thought” (al-Masraáž„ aត -ᾎihnÄ«) in his play al-Sudd (The dam) shows his philosophical commitment. Indeed, this literary movement reminds us of the philosophical dialogue or the dialogue of ideas, a genre dating back to Greek and Latin Antiquity. Literary criticism compares Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adī’s work to a receptacle gathering the different evolutions of modern and traditional Arabic literature. We are trying to study his work from the point of view of multiple references and the interaction of literary genres.Cette thĂšse a pour objectif de prĂ©senter la littĂ©rature tunisienne moderne au dĂ©but du XXe siĂšcle Ă  partir de l’Ɠuvre de Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adÄ«. Elle dĂ©montre comment l’écriture de notre auteur rompt avec la production littĂ©raire tunisienne et arabe qui lui est contemporaine. Ni rĂ©aliste ni romantique, son Ɠuvre propose une nouvelle vision de l’écriture littĂ©raire qui vise Ă  transgresser les codes des genres littĂ©raires. MalgrĂ© le succĂšs du roman et de la nouvelle dans le monde arabe, notre auteur s’éloigne de ces genres littĂ©raires et met en avant la forme dialoguĂ©e au service de ses idĂ©es et de sa philosophie. En essayant de comprendre le travail de l’écriture chez Al-Mas‘adÄ«, nous avons tentĂ© de dĂ©terminer sa pensĂ©e philosophique. Le choix de se rattacher au « thĂ©Ăątre de la pensĂ©e (al-Masraáž„ aត -ᾎihnÄ«) dans sa piĂšce al-Sudd (Le barrage) tĂ©moigne de son engagement philosophique. En effet, ce mouvement littĂ©raire n’est pas sans rappeler le dialogue philosophique ou le dialogue des idĂ©es, un genre de l’AntiquitĂ© grecque et latine. La critique littĂ©raire aborde l’Ɠuvre de Maáž„mĆ«d Al-Mas‘adÄ«, comme un rĂ©ceptacle des Ă©volutions de la littĂ©rature arabe entre tradition et modernitĂ©. Nous tentons de l’étudier du point de vue de la pluriglossie des rĂ©fĂ©rences et de l’interaction des genres littĂ©raires
