90 research outputs found

    Analisis Usaha Event Organizer MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition) Melalui Kanvas Model Bisnisdan Peta Empati: Studi Kasus Event Organizer di Yogyakarta dan Surakarta.

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    In 2013, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy stated Yogyakarta and Surakarta as aĀ destination city of MICE in Indonesia. Data from Tourism Department of DIY 2011 shows, theĀ implementation of MICE event recorded 4,509 times / year. In Surakarta, according to GTZĀ (2009), during the period between 2007-2009 MICE events that has been held as many asĀ 12,981 activities. From these data shows that there is a potential opportunity to enter in thisĀ MICE industry. By using the business model canvas and empathy map, this event organizer'sĀ business analysis is expected to provide a comprehensive overview so that business actors inĀ this field are able to fulfill the market demand and achieve sustainable competitiveĀ advantage

    Analisis Usaha Event Organizer MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition) melalui Kanvas Model Bisnisdan Peta Empati: Studi Kasus Event Organizer di YOGYAKARTA dan Surakarta.

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    In 2013, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy stated Yogyakarta and Surakarta as a destination city of MICE in Indonesia. Data from Tourism Department of DIY 2011 shows, the implementation of MICE event recorded 4,509 times / year. In Surakarta, according to GTZ (2009), during the period between 2007-2009 MICE events that has been held as many as 12,981 activities. From these data shows that there is a potential opportunity to enter in this MICE industry. By using the business model canvas and empathy map, this event organizer\u27s business analysis is expected to provide a comprehensive overview so that business actors in this field are able to fulfill the market demand and achieve sustainable competitive advantage

    Kajian Thermal Performance pada Gymnasium UI, Depok

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    Dewasa ini bangunan dengan bentang lebar seperti gedung pameran, bandara, convention center, bangunan olahraga, stasiun, semakin banyak dibangun di Indonesia, sebagian besar merupakan bangunan fasilitas publik yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam menunjang aktifitas masyarakat modern.Ā  Maka bangunan jenis ini perlu dirancang dengan sebaik mungkin, diantaranya ditandai dengan kenyamanan pengguna bangunan, serta kelayakan bangunan sebagai sarana umum. Thermal performance telah menarik perhatian bagi manusia dari semenjak manusia membuat tempat penampungan pertama yang dibangun untuk melindungi kita dari cuaca, musuh alami, dan bahaya lainnya. Kemajuan lebih lanjut dalam studi tentang thermal performance terjadi bersamaan dengan pengembangan ilmu bangunan sebagai suatu disiplin ilmu, dan dengan pengenalan komputasi personal (khususnya simulasi komputer) di lapangan. Untuk mengukur thermal performance yang pada kajian ini dikhususkan pada bangunan olahraga indoor secara kredibel, harus menggunakan prosedur pengukuran performa yang terstandarisasi internasional. Standar pengukuran yang sering digunakan adalah ASHRAE standard 55. ASHRAE standard 55 ini mengidentifikasi apa saja yang harus diukur, bagaimana pengukurannya, dan seberapa sering diukur melihat kenyamanan bangunan tersebut terhadap penggunanya


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    Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat sangat mempengaruhi di berbagai sektor. Seperti sektor industri, keuangan, kesehatan, hingga sektor pendidikan. Berbagai inovasi diciptakan guna mengembangkan sektor-sektor tersebut salah satunya media pembelajaran pada sektor pendidikan. Siswa perlu menguasai sejumlah materi dan mata pelajaran yang diberikan di jenjang pendidikan sekolah dasar yaitu mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA). Pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan di SDN Arcamanik 2 Cimenyan Kabupaten Bandung masih menerapkan pembelajaran konvensional, yaitu menggunakan metode ceramah dengan mengandalkan buku sebagai sumber referensinya. Dalam mata pelajaran metamorfosis dibutuhkan visualisasi atau illustrasi agar materi metamorfosis tersebut dapat ditangkap dengan mudah oleh siswa. Hal tersebut karena materi metamorfosis merupakan salah satu materi yang cukup sulit untuk anak kelas 4 sekolah dasar, sehingga dibutuhkan media untuk menstimulus siswa agar lebih mudah memahaminya, mengingat bahwa siswa sekolah dasar sangat tertarik akan hal ā€“ hal baru. Pada penelitian ini peneliti merancang media pembelajaran berbasis Augmented Reality menggunakan metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). Dalam metode ini terdiri dari enam tahap yaitu tahap concept, tahap design, tahap material collecting, tahap assembly, tahap testing dan tahap distribution. Hasil dari penilaian yang dilakukan oleh ahli media dengan persentase sebesar 86% yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak dengan adanya revisi minor, hasil penilaian oleh ahli materi dengan persentase 85,4% dengan kategori sangat layak dengan adanya revisi minor, dan hasil penilaian beta oleh siswa dihasilkan persentase 86,7% yang termasuk pada kategori sangat layak. Hasil penelitian pada pembuatan produk media pembelajaran berbasis augmented reality pada kelas IV Sekolah Dasar ini sangat layak untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. ----- The rapid development of technology greatly affects various sectors. Such as the industrial sector, finance, health, to the education sector. Various innovations were created to develop these sectors, one of which is learning media in the education sector. Students need to master a number of materials and subjects given at the elementary school education level, namely Natural Sciences (IPA) subjects. Learning that is carried out at SDN Arcamanik 2 Cimenyan, Bandung Regency still applies conventional learning, namely using the lecture method by relying on books as a source of reference. In metamorphosis subjects, visualization or illustration is needed so that the metamorphosis material can be captured easily by students. This is because metamorphosis material is one of the materials that is quite difficult for grade 4 elementary school children, so media is needed to stimulate students to understand it more easily, given that elementary school students are very interested in new things. In this study the researchers designed learning media based on Augmented Reality uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. This method consists of six stages, namely the concept stage, the design stage, the material collecting stage, the assembly stage, the testing stage and the distribution stage. The results of the assessment carried out by media experts with a percentage of 86% are included in the very feasible category with minor revisions, the results of the assessment by material experts with a percentage of 85.4% are in the very appropriate category with minor revisions, and the results of the beta assessment by students produced a percentage of 86.7% which is included in the very decent category. The results of research on making learning media products based on augmented reality in class IV of Elementary School are very suitable for use as learning medi

    A Customized Reconfiguration Controller with Remote Direct ICAP Access for Dynamically Reconfigurable Platform

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    As FPGA dynamic partial reconļ¬guration getting into mainstream, design of reconļ¬guration controller becomes an active research. Most of the existing reconļ¬guration controllers support only the loading of partial bitstream into conļ¬guration memory without allowing user to access ICAP directly, which can provide user higher controllability over the reconļ¬gurable device. This paper presents the architecture of a customized reconļ¬guration controller with remote direct ICAP access. Remote direct ICAP access allows user to conļ¬gure or readback device internal registers, which offer user higher controllability over the reconļ¬gurable device. Additionally, the proposed reconļ¬guration controller achieved at least 3.19 Gbps of reconļ¬guration throughput, which reduces the platform service downtime during dynamic partial reconļ¬guration. In order to reduce the latency and transmission overhead of remote functional update, partial bitstream is compressed with run-length encoding before transmission

    An FPGA-based network system with service-uninterrupted remote functional update

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    The recent emergence of 5G network enables mass wireless sensors deployment for internet-of-things (IoT) applications. In many cases, IoT sensors in monitoring and data collection applications are required to operate continuously and active at all time (24/7) to ensure all data are sampled without loss. Field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based systems exhibit a balanced processing throughput and datapath flexibility. Specifically, datapath flexibility is acquired from the FPGA-based system architecture that supports dynamic partial reconfiguration feature. However, device functional update can cause interruption to the application servicing, especially in an FPGA-based system. This paper presents a standalone FPGA-based system architecture that allows remote functional update without causing service interruption by adopting a redundancy mechanism in the application datapath. By utilizing dynamic partial reconfiguration, only the updating datapath is temporarily inactive while the rest of the circuitry, including the redundant datapath, remain active. Hence, there is no service interruption and downtime when a remote functional update takes place due to the existence of redundant application datapath, which is critical for network and communication systems. The proposed architecture has a significant impact for application in FPGA-based systems that have little or no tolerance in service interruption


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    ABSTRAK Tugas pokok Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia yang dimuat pada ketentuan Pasal 13 Undang-Undang nomor 2 tahun 2002 tentang Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia adalah pertama, memelihara keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat. Kedua, menegakkan hukum. Ketiga, memberikan perlindungan, pengayoman, dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Pada temuan dilapangan kadang kala dalam melaksanakan tugas pokok kepolisian tersebut, anggota Kepolisian Republik Indonesia mengalami permasalahan. Rumusan masalah yang akan diteliti adalah Pertama, Bagaimana penjatuhan pidana terhadap anggota Kepolisian Republik Indonesia yang melakukan tindak pidana penganiayaan di Pengadilan Negeri Tanjung Pati Kelas II. Kedua, Apa dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan pidana terhadap anggota Kepolisian Republik Indonesia yang melakukan tindak pidana penganiayaan di Pengadilan Negeri Tanjung Pati Kelas II. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif yaitu Menggambarkan Penjatuhan Pidana Terhadap Anggota Kepolisian Republik Indonesia Yang Melakukan Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan Di Pengadilan Negeri Tanjung Pati Kelas II. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris yaitu suatu penelitian yang menekankan pada ilmu hukum dan juga menelaah kaidah-kaidah sosial yang berlaku. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan penjatuhan pidana terhadap anggota kepolisan yang penulis teliti di Pengadilan Negeri Tanjung Pati Klas II adalah melalui proses pemeriksaan di persidangan dengan prinsip asas persamaan di muka hukum. Sekalipun yang melakukan tindak pidana penganiayaan itu anggota kepolisian maka ia tidak akan luput dari ancaman sanksi pidana seperti halnya masyarakat umum yang melakukan tindak pidana penganiayaan. Adapun dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan pidana terhadap anggota Kepolisian yang melakukan Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan mengandung unsur sebagai berikut: pertama, unsur barang siapa., kedua, unsur melakukan penganiayaan., ketiga, unsur mengakibatkan luka berat.akibat hukum yang didapati oleh anggota kepolisian republik indonesia dijatuhi hukuman pidana selama 1 tahun

    Modeling Router Hotspots on Network-On-Chip

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    A Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a new paradigm in complex System-on-Chip (SoC) designs that provides efficient on-chip communication architecture. It offers scalable communication to SoC and allows decoupling of communication and computation. In NoC, design space exploration is critical due to trade-offs among latency, area, and power consumption. Hence, analytical modeling is an important step for early NoC design. This paper presents a novel top-down approach router model, and utilizes this model for analysis mesh NoC performance measured in terms of throughput, average of queue size, efficiency, and loss and wait time. As case study, the proposed model is used to map a MPEG4 video core to a 4x4 mesh NoC with deterministic routing to measure the overall NoC quality of service, The model is used also to present how much occupancy of average queue size for each router that reduces resources (hardware) area and cost. The accuracy of this approach and its practical use is illustrated through extensive simulation results

    An FPGA-based quantum computing emulation framework based on serial-parallel architecture

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    Hardware emulation of quantum systems can mimic more efficiently the parallel behaviour of quantum computations, thus allowing higher processing speed-up than software simulations. In this paper, an efficient hardware emulation method that employs a serial- parallel hardware architecture targeted for field programmable gate array (FPGA) is proposed. Quantum Fourier transform and Groverā€™s search are chosen as case studies in this work since they are the core of many useful quantum algorithms. Experimental work shows that, with the proposed emulation architecture, a linear reduction in resource utilization is attained against the pipeline implementations proposed in prior works. The proposed work contributes to the formulation of a proof-of-concept baseline FPGA emulation framework with optimization on datapath designs that can be extended to emulate practical large-scale quantum circuits
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