76 research outputs found

    Construing the Challenges and Opportunities of Intercultural Language Teaching Amid Covid-19 Pandemic: English Teachers' Voices

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    Due to globalization, intercultural competence becomes one of the prominent competences in English teaching. Unfortunately, the current condition, the COVID-19 pandemic happened may not lead the intercultural language teaching run as expected because it should be moved to an online setting.  Through combining qualitative and quantitative research methods with questionnaires and interviews, this study aimed to unravel the teachers' competence and the challenges and opportunities of intercultural language teaching during the current situation. This study concluded that most of the teachers' intercultural competence was deemed moderate. Furthermore, some challenges found comprised the aspects of internet access and students' psychological aspect, such as attitudes toward intercultural language teaching and learning conducted in an online classroom. Meanwhile, the opportunities found comprised the aspect of language skills, attitudes, and the other supporting skill such as critical thinking development


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine how the influence of ownership structure, profitability, dividend policy, debt policy and investment policy on company value in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2015-2019. In this research, the method of explanation is used. The variables in this study are managerial ownership structure (X1), profitability (X2), dividend policy (X3), debt policy (X4), investment policy (X5) and firm value (Y). The population of this research is manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample selection technique used was purposive sampling. The results of this study indicate that partially managerial ownership has no effect on firm value. Profitability variable partially affects firm value. Dividend policy variable partially has no effect on firm value. The debt policy variable partially affects firm value. The investment policy variable partially affects firm value. 


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    The focus of this study is to examine the effect of board interlock and external auditor towards voluntary disclosure on the annual reports of focal firm. Board interlock is a condition where the board directors occupy the same position in other firm. External auditor interlock only occurs if external auditor works in several firms. Voluntary disclosure is a firm’s voluntary information that could help the investors to make a decision. The study population is a non-financial company that is listed on the 2015 period IDX. The type of data is a secunder data from annual report. The total of sample is 48 non-financial firms that use the purposive sampling method. The data analysis used double analysis regression. The results show how board interlockpositevely influences the voluntary disclosure on the focal firm. However, external auditor interlock does not influence voluntary disclosure of related companies

    Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) Scholarship: Target Reached or Missed?

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    Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) scholarship is one of the scholarships that have many enthusiasts and is still a hot issue in the world of education until now. The problem arising from the scholarship is that the recipient students are considered to have a more consumptive lifestyle than regular students. This study aims to analyze whether Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) scholarship is exemplary on target or needs to include the mission and purpose of the scholarship itself. Furthermore, this research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through three instruments: observation, interviews, and documentation, called data triangulation. Interviews were conducted by questioning 5 respondents who were students who received Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) scholarship. After that, the data that has been collected is analyzed to make a deeper interpretation in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the research that has been found, it can be concluded that the cost of education for Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) is by the target, while the cost of living for Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) is still deviating from its primary mission and purpose

    Integrative Negotiation Strategy to Fulfill Consumer Rights at PT. Ebad Alrahman Tourism Juanda Sidoarjo

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    This research aims as a means of information related to integrative negotiation strategies in the fulfillment of consumer rights during the cancellation of hajj departures in two thousand and twenty-one years. Researchers use this type of qualitative research. In the process of qualitative data collection, researchers use phenomenological methods and inductive data analysis. Researchers used four research sources, namely: customer service, hajj handling, hajj administration, and hajj sales marketting. The results proved that integrative negotiation strategies have a significant influence on the fulfillment of consumer rights at the time of cancellation of hajj departures in two thousand and twenty-one years. Pilgrims can find a resolution to the conflict with PT. Ebad Alrahman Wisata Juanda Sidoarjo through three concepts of integrative negotiation strategies. Two negotiators take three approaches to integrative negotiation strategies: steps, methods, and success factors. The account sheet is the result of an integrative agreement between hajj pilgrims and PT. Ebad Alrahman Wisata Juanda Sidoarjo. PT. Ebad Alrahman Wisata Juanda Sidoarjo emphasized communication as a success factor in integrative negotiation strategies. PT. Ebad Alrahman Wisata Juanda Sidoarjo uses four online digital applications, such as: whatsapp, instagram, facebook, and the official website of www.ebadwisata.com

    Integrative Negotiation Strategy to Fulfill Consumer Rights at PT. Ebad Alrahman Tourism Juanda Sidoarjo

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    This research aims as a means of information related to integrative negotiation strategies in the fulfillment of consumer rights during the cancellation of hajj departures in two thousand and twenty-one years. Researchers use this type of qualitative research. In the process of qualitative data collection, researchers use phenomenological methods and inductive data analysis. Researchers used four research sources, namely: customer service, hajj handling, hajj administration, and hajj sales marketting. The results proved that integrative negotiation strategies have a significant influence on the fulfillment of consumer rights at the time of cancellation of hajj departures in two thousand and twenty-one years. Pilgrims can find a resolution to the conflict with PT. Ebad Alrahman Wisata Juanda Sidoarjo through three concepts of integrative negotiation strategies. Two negotiators take three approaches to integrative negotiation strategies: steps, methods, and success factors. The account sheet is the result of an integrative agreement between hajj pilgrims and PT. Ebad Alrahman Wisata Juanda Sidoarjo. PT. Ebad Alrahman Wisata Juanda Sidoarjo emphasized communication as a success factor in integrative negotiation strategies. PT. Ebad Alrahman Wisata Juanda Sidoarjo uses four online digital applications, such as: whatsapp, instagram, facebook, and the official website of www.ebadwisata.com

    Model Pembelajaran Protection Landing Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa SD Muatan IPA

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya aktivitas belajar dan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa yang berdampak terhadap rendahnya hasil belajar pada pembelajaran IPA. Upaya untuk mengatasi masalah ialah menerapkan model pembelajaran Protection Landing melalui Penelitian Tindakan Kelas sebanyak 4 kali pertemuan di kelas VA SDN 1 Sungai Ulin Banjarbaru dengan objek penelitian sebanyak 25 siswa serta bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan menganalisis keterampilan berpikir kreatif serta hasil belajar siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi teknik observasi, dokumentasi dan tes evaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa performa guru terus meningkat di setiap pertemuan yang diikuti oleh aktivitas siswa terus meningkat pula di setiap pertemuan. Selain itu, keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa dan hasil belajar siswa di semua aspek terus meningkat di setiap pertemuan. Sehubungan dengan hasil dari penelitian dapat di simpulkan bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran yang menerapkan model pembelajaran Protection Landing mampu meningkatkan aktivitas, keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan hasil belajar siswa

    Pengaruh Interlock Dewan Direksi Dan Interlock Auditor Eksternal Terhadap Pengungkapan Sukarela Pada Laporan Tahunan

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    The focus of this study is to examine the effect of board interlock and external auditor towards voluntary disclosure on the annual reports of interrelated firm. Board interlock is a condition where the board directors occupy the same position in other firm. External auditor interlock only occurs if external auditor works in several firms. Voluntary disclosure is a firm's voluntary information that could help the investors to make a decision.The study population is a non-financial company that is listed on the 2015 period IDX. The type of data is a secunder data from annual report. The total of sample is 48 non-financial firms that use the purposive sampling method. The data analysis used double analysis regression.The results show how board interlock positevely influences the voluntary disclosure on the focal firm. However, external auditor interlock does not influence voluntary disclosure of related companies

    Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Karet Ban Sebagai Substitusi Sebagian Kadar Aspal Terhadap Stabilitas AC-BC Dengan Metode Marshall Test

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    Perkerasan jalan di Indonesia pada saat ini umumnya menggunakan jenis perkerasan kaku dan perkerasan fleksibel. Dalam beberapa kasus yang terjadi, banyak konstruksi jalan yang mengalami masa kerusakan dalam masa pelayanan yang tertentu, padahal tujuan akhir adalah tersedianya jalan dengan standar baik sesuai dengan fungsinya. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan umur pelayanan adalah dengan meningkatkan fungsi aspal sebagai bahan pengikat dengan menggunakan tambahan atau aditif. Dalam hal ini dilakukan percobaan dengan menggunakan limbah karet ban yang tidak terpakai lagi. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi limbah adalah dengan cara mendaur ulang limbah. Pemilihan limbah karet ban pada penelitian ini adalah sebagai bahan campuran lapisan aspal panas, karena limbah karet ban mengandung zat pengikat yang bisa mengikat partikel. Pada penelitian ini diharapkan dengan menambahkan limbah karet ban untuk konstruksi perkerasan jalan dapat memberikan banyak keuntungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen menggunakan bahan tambah limbah karet ban dengan variasi yang berbeda, yaitu 3%, 5% dan 7%. Karet ban yang digunakan adalah ban dalam sepeda motor yang dipotong menjadi kecil, rata-rata 1,5 mm. masing-masing variasi dibuat 3 benda uji dengan jumlah benda uji total 9 benda uji. Pembuatan benda uji menggunakan campuran AC-BC kemudian diuji menggunakan metode marshall untuk mendapatkan nilai kepadatan (density), VIM, VMA, VFA, kelelehan (flow), stabilitas dan MQ (Marshall Quotient). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penambahan kadar limbah karet ban mempengaruhi nilai karakteristik aspal pada pengujian marshall. Semakin bertambahnya kadar limbah karet ban, maka akan meningkatkan nilai VIM, VMA, stabilitas dan juga MQ. Sedangkan nilai kepadatan, VFA dan kelelehan (flow) semakin menurun


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    Kebutuhan produk halal bagi konsumen muslim di Indonesia menjadi salah satu potensi pasar tersendiri, terutama bagi para pelaku usaha yang bergerak di platform digital seperti e-commerce. Beberapa e-commerce secara khusus menyediakan kanal halal guna mengakomodir kebutuhan tersebut. Namun, apakah cara tersebut cukup efektif dalam memikat konsumen muslim untuk membeli produk halal di e-commerce? Penelitian ini secara khusus mempelajari pengaruh keberadaan kanal halal terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen muslim. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi pengaruh faktor lain seperti kesadaran halal, religiusitas, dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian produk halal di e-commerce. Jenis analisis asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dipilih sebagai metode pada penelitian ini. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan kanal halal tidak berdampak terhadap keputusan pembelian produk halal. Sedangkan faktor kesadaran halal, religiusitas dan harga berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian produk halal di e-commerce
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