66 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Elementary Students’ Attitudes Toward Science as a Result of the Introduction of an Enriched Science Curriculum

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    One of the challenges facing school educators is motivating students to learn science. This study is part of an evaluation of enriched science curriculum introduced in five western Canadian (Alberta) urban schools. The objective was to develop a multidimensional instrument suitable for evaluating the attitudes of students toward science with a potential to be used for classroom assessments. The study addressed instrument validity and reliability by testing a 40-item questionnaire using data from grade 4 students. The six-factor solution provided a conceptual foundation for future studies and instrument refinement. Overall, students who had been learning the experimental curriculum for three years displayed more positive attitudes toward science than control students.Un des défis auquel font face les enseignants est celui de motiver chez les élèves le désir d’étudier les sciences. Cette étude fait partie d’une évaluation du programme enrichi de sciences qui a été présenté dans cinq écoles canadiennes (albertaines) en milieu urbain. Cette étude vise à développer un outil multidimensionnel propice à l’évaluation des attitudes des élèves face aux sciences. L’outil pourrait éventuellement servir dans les évaluations en salle de classe. La validité et la fiabilité de l’outil ont été étudiées en faisant passer un questionnaire de 40 questions à des élèves en quatrième année. La solution à six variables a fourni un fondement conceptuel pour des études ultérieures et l’amélioration de l’outil. Sur l’ensemble, les élèves qui suivaient le programme expérimental depuis trois ans ont démontré des attitudes plus positives face aux sciences que les élèves du groupe contrôle

    Assessing Student Orientation to School to Address Low Achievement and Dropping Out

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    This study contributes to applied and theoretical research for schools and districts by helping inform programs and policies directed at school improvement, raising student achievement, and high school completion. The paper features recent results of ongoing research on student orientation to school that was assessed via a multi-dimensional Student Orientation to School Questionnaire (SOS-Q). The SOS-Q was initially used by a Canadian school district to better understand the reasons for dropping out of school. Since then the project has grown into a multi-organizational collaboration. This study demonstrates persistent associations between student orientation to school, academic achievement, and high school completion and makes the case for integrating valuable non-cognitive components within comprehensive student information and assessment systems.Cette étude contribue à la recherche appliquée et théorique portant sur les écoles et les districts scolaires dans la mesure où elle pourra servir à étayer les programmes et les politiques visant l’amélioration des écoles, le rehaussement du rendement par les élèves et l’achèvement des études secondaires. Cet article présente les résultats récents d’une recherche en cours sur l’adaptation scolaire évaluée par le biais d’un questionnaire pluridimensionnel. Le questionnaire a d’abord servi d’outil pour un district scolaire canadien qui cherchait à mieux comprendre les raisons du décrochage scolaire. Depuis, le projet s’est transformé en collaboration impliquant plusieurs organisations. Cette étude révèle des associations systématiques entre l’adaptation des élèves à l’école, le rendement académique et l’achèvement des études secondaires. Elle milite en faveur de l’intégration de composantes non cognitives importantes au sein des systèmes scolaires d’information et d’évaluation


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    Maqola hozirgi davr tabiiy-ilmiy va falsafiy muammolarni hal etishda intuisiyaning sinergetik tahliliga bag'ishlangan. Shuningdek, ekologik inqiroz, begonalashuv jarayoni va global inqirozlarni intuitiv hal etish masalasi o'rin olgan


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    The purpose of the study is to determine the status of the Kypchak language in the political, social and intellectual history of Egypt during the period of Mamluks’ rule.To clarify the situation, we have made an overview of the few primary and secondary sources that deal with the functioning of the Turks’ language and the analysis of its role and place in the Egyptian medieval society from the historical, religious and cultural positions. Metaphorically, the Kypchak language was the barrier language separating the social group of former slaves from the local population of Egypt and providing the right to a special position, up to the possibility of occupying the highest office of power. It also helped not to dissolve in a much larger society of Egyptians and to maintain the identity, the main component of which it was. However, the dominance of the military caste of the Mamluks did not engender language conflicts in medieval Egypt. Despite the cultural differences between the social groups - the Turkic military elite and the bulk of the Egyptian population, the devaluation of local dialects and languages has not occurred. Moreover, the Mamluk rulers have even strengthened the status of the Classical Arabic by their strong support of the material and spiritual Islamic culture and infrastructure. However, the Kypchak language did not lose its positions remaining the language of communication not only of the Turks but also of the Türkicized Caucasian and Mongolian ethnic groups.We believe that the study of the language of the medieval Turkic world can be more productive if we include an interdisciplinary approach to the methodology of its study and not only Eastern but European sources as well.The purpose of the study is to determine the status of the Kypchak language in the political, social and intellectual history of Egypt during the period of Mamluks’ rule.To clarify the situation, we have made an overview of the few primary and secondary sources that deal with the functioning of the Turks’ language and the analysis of its role and place in the Egyptian medieval society from the historical, religious and cultural positions. Metaphorically, the Kypchak language was the barrier language separating the social group of former slaves from the local population of Egypt and providing the right to a special position, up to the possibility of occupying the highest office of power. It also helped not to dissolve in a much larger society of Egyptians and to maintain the identity, the main component of which it was. However, the dominance of the military caste of the Mamluks did not engender language conflicts in medieval Egypt. Despite the cultural differences between the social groups - the Turkic military elite and the bulk of the Egyptian population, the devaluation of local dialects and languages has not occurred. Moreover, the Mamluk rulers have even strengthened the status of the Classical Arabic by their strong support of the material and spiritual Islamic culture and infrastructure. However, the Kypchak language did not lose its positions remaining the language of communication not only of the Turks but also of the Türkicized Caucasian and Mongolian ethnic groups.We believe that the study of the language of the medieval Turkic world can be more productive if we include an interdisciplinary approach to the methodology of its study and not only Eastern but European sources as well

    Prohibition of Cross-Media Ownership as a Means of Limiting Media Concentration (on Example of R. Murdoch’s Companies “News Corp” and “XXI Century Fox” by R. Murdoch in Australia, Great Britain and the USA)

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    This article is an analysis of the practice of implementation and effectiveness of laws prohibiting cross-media ownership in Australia, the UK and the USA. The author pays attention to the evolution of antitrust laws in the field of media business and modern principles of their implementation, as well as traces the connections between the liberalization of antimonopoly regulation and intensification of the process of concentration of media ownership. The research urgency is attributable to the fact that the consolidation of media ownership today has reached a critical level and poses a serious threat to freedom of expression and media diversity in most countries of the world. In the present work this problem is explored on the example of activity of the companies “News Corp” and “XXI Century Fox” owned by R. Murdoch. The author analyses the acquisition transactions of print and broadcast media (already completed by R. Murdoch and currently under consideration by competition authorities) from the point of view of their conformity to the current legislation, as well as their impact on the level of media concentration, availability of information services and their diversification. The article presents the latest data on the state of the media market in Australia, the UK and the US and recent reforms in the field of media regulation, which allows the author to draw a conclusion about the expected intensification of the process of concentration of the media ownership in the coming years and the increase in the number of its negative effects on the back of further liberalization of media regulation and inefficient work of the Antimonopoly services

    The synthesis of benzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-f]isoindole-carboxylic acids by IMDAV reaction

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    We successfully managed to expand the described approach to benzothiophene derivatives. 3-(Benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)allylanilines were made to react with maleic anhydrides, a number of benzo[4,5]thieno[2,3-f]isoindole-10-carboxylic acids were obtained in different yields.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 19-03-00807 A)


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    This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) (project № 22-23-00179)


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    Summary.The paper contains the analysis of asthma mortality in 10 urban and rural ecological areas of the Dagestan Republic in 20022007. Asthma mortality in rural population of Dagestan Republic was higher then that in towns. The highest asthma mortality rate was found in mountain ecological areas in comparison with that in plains and foothill regions. Territories of relative risk of asthma mortality and of negative trends of mortality rate in urban and rural populations of Dagestan were detected.Резюме.В статье представлен анализ смертности от бронхиальной астмы (БА) по 10 городам, экологическим зонам сельской местности и 41 сельскому району Республики Дагестан с 2002 по 2007 г. Установлено, что смертность от БА в сельской местности Дагестана выше, чем в городах республики. Смертность от БА в горах выше по сравнению с равниной и предгорьем. Определены территории повышенного относительного риска и неблагоприятной динамики смертности от БА в Республике Дагестан

    Effects of Changed Aircraft Noise Exposure on the Use of Outdoor Recreational Areas

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    This paper examines behavioural responses to changes in aircraft noise exposure in local outdoor recreational areas near airports. Results from a panel study conducted in conjunction with the relocation of Norway’s main airport in 1998 are presented. One recreational area was studied at each airport site. The samples (n = 1,264/1,370) were telephone interviewed about their use of the area before and after the change. Results indicate that changed aircraft noise exposure may influence individual choices to use local outdoor recreational areas, suggesting that careful considerations are needed in the planning of air routes over local outdoor recreational areas. However, considerable stability in use, and also fluctuations in use unrelated to the changes in noise conditions were found. Future studies of noise impacts should examine a broader set of coping mechanisms, like intra- and temporal displacement. Also, the role of place attachment, and the substitutability of local areas should be studied

    Prohibition of Cross-Media Ownership as a Means of Limiting Media Concentration (on Example of R. Murdoch's Companies "News Corp" and "XXI Century Fox" by R. Murdoch in Australia, Great Britain and the USA)

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    This article is an analysis of the practice of implementation and effectiveness of laws prohibiting cross-media ownership in Australia, the UK and the USA. The author pays attention to the evolution of antitrust laws in the field of media business and modern principles of their implementation, as well as traces the connections between the liberalization of antimonopoly regulation and intensification of the process of concentration of media ownership. The research urgency is attributable to the fact that the consolidation of media ownership today has reached a critical level and poses a serious threat to freedom of expression and media diversity in most countries of the world. In the present work this problem is explored on the example of activity of the companies "News Corp" and "XXI Century Fox" owned by R. Murdoch. The author analyses the acquisition transactions of print and broadcast media (already completed by R. Murdoch and currently under consideration by competition authorities) from the point of view of their conformity to the cur-rent legislation, as well as their impact on the level of media concentration, availability of information services and their diversification. The article presents the latest data on the state of the media market in Australia, the UK and the US and recent reforms in the field of media regulation, which allows the author to draw a conclusion about the expected intensification of the process of concentration of the media ownership in the coming years and the increase in the number of its negative effects on the back of further liberalization of media regulation and inefficient work of the Antimonopoly services