15 research outputs found

    Proof Script Pragmatics in IMPS

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    . This paper introduces the imps proof script mechanism and some practical methods for exploiting it. 1 Introduction imps, an Interactive Mathematical Proof System [4, 2], is intended to serve three ultimate purposes: { To provide mathematics education with a mathematics laboratory for students to develop axiomatic theories, proofs, and rigorous methods of symbolic computation. { To provide mathematical research with mechanized support covering a range of concrete and abstract mathematics, eventually with the help of a large theory library of formal mathematics. { To allow applied formal methods to use exible approaches to formalizing problem domains and proof techniques, in showing software or hardware correctness. Thus, the goal of imps is to provide mechanical support for traditional methods and activities of mathematics, and for traditional styles of mathematical proof. Other automated theorem provers may be intended for quite dierent sorts of problems, and they can theref..

    Longitudinal Change in Adolescent Depression and Anxiety Symptoms from before to during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    This study aimed to examine changes in depression and anxiety symptoms from before to during the first 6 months of the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of 1,339 adolescents (9-18 years old, 59% female) from three countries. We also examined if age, race/ethnicity, disease burden, or strictness of government restrictions moderated change in symptoms. Data from 12 longitudinal studies (10 U.S., 1 Netherlands, 1 Peru) were combined. Linear mixed effect models showed that depression, but not anxiety, symptoms increased significantly (median increase = 28%). The most negative mental health impacts were reported by multiracial adolescents and those under \u27lockdown\u27 restrictions. Policy makers need to consider these impacts by investing in ways to support adolescents\u27 mental health during the pandemic

    Gol o penal : claves para comprender y disputar el deporte en el Chile actual

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    Cuando hablamos de deporte, hablamos de una práctica que hasta el momento ha asumido el control de lo lúdico, del tiempo libre y de la construcción de relaciones subjetivas que involucran diversas dimensiones de la vida cotidiana tales como el género, los negocios, la memoria y las identidades, las hinchadas y las políticas públicas, por mencionar algunas. Con este libro, espero, podemos generar nuevas ideas, nuevas preguntas y mejores respuestas frente al conservadurismo y al neoliberalismo que ha imperado en esta institución de la sociedad. Del Prólogo de Rodrigo Soto Lago

    Miloš O. Bondy and intelligence from Protektorat Bohemia and Moravia

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    The contribution refers to Miloš O. Bondy and intelligence from Protektorat Bohemia and Moravia

    Executive summary: Surviving sepsis campaign international guidelines for the management of septic shock and sepsis-associated organ dysfunction in children

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    In 2001, the Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) began to develop evidence-based guidelines and recommendations for the resuscitation and management of patients with sepsis. With the 2016 edition, the Society of Critical Care Medicine and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine recommended a separate task force be dedicated to guideline formulation for children. The objective of the “Surviving Sepsis Campaign International Guidelines for the Management of Septic Shock and Sepsis-associated Organ Dysfunction in Children” is to provide guidance for the care of infants, children, and adolescents with septic shock and other sepsis-associated organ dysfunction. Recommendations are intended to guide “best practice” rather than to establish a treatment algorithm or to define standard of care and cannot replace the clinician's decision-making capability when presented with a patient's unique set of clinical variables