38 research outputs found

    Performance indicators applied to brazilian private educational institutions

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    Initially focused on for-profit companies the Balance Scorecard (BSC) has been adopted by many organizations with different objectives, such as higher education institutions (HEIs). However, it is not clear if the adoption of the BSC model is appropriate, or yet is hard to perceive how HEIs have modified and implemented this tool for evaluating educational institutions, public or privates, in Brazil. This study aims to fill the gap existent in the context of using the BSC in organizations. We intend to demonstrate how these organizations use performance indicators to measure their primary activities. A quantitative and exploratory study was developed from the analysis of performance indicators found in the web sites to Brazilian universities. A total of 91 Brazilian private universities evaluation process were reviewed. Even with a considerable amount of private HEIs there are few that have performance indicators guided by numerical and statistical data covering its main activities which is a concern for their managers in terms of managerial control

    Innovation in brazilian small companies

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    This study aims to identify the interfaces and boundaries of innovation orientation of Brazilian MSEs because despite the importance of innovation for Brazilian MSEs, a thorough analysis of such initiatives in Brazil still has not actually happened. The search was developed from a quantitative approach, of applied nature and descriptive. For that a structured questionnaire was used where were interviewed 700 MSEs using a probabilistic sampling. The study offers two important conclusions. The challenges for innovation can be perceived along three dimensions: design innovation, the implementation of innovation and functional area of innovation. And the data confirms that small Brazilian companies generally have difficulties to sell their innovations. The study offers two important conclusions. The challenges for innovation can be perceived along three dimensions: design innovation, the implementation of innovation and functional area of innovation. And the data confirms that small Brazilian companies generally have difficulties to sell their innovations

    Consumer behavior and market segmentation for workplace safety consultants of small business

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    The research aims to use marketing principles to address the proper techniques that can be usefully applied by security consultant’s work for small businesses. In turn, this research can be classified as qualitative, descriptive where were analyzed information’s contained the Work Accident Statistical Year book also can be characterized how descriptive, since it describes  the marketing activities to be used with small businesses, and is a cross-sectional study involving several cases in which data were collected in a single chronological step. The literature was developed using marketing authors and Work safety. The data were analyzed using the factors that influence consumer behavior Chisnall (1995), the model of the buying decision process described by Kotler (1967), stages of growth proposed by Churchill and Lewis (1983) business, strategic and specific definitions for small businesses described by Rodrigues (2012). It was identified that small businesses have characteristics that are centered around the owner. As a marketing strategy, personal selling can be effective

    Practice of operations in companies of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil

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    This research was structured in order to respond those research problems: The companies of the city of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil practice operations management? What tools of operations management they use? What are the tools of operations management that they need more? Trying to understand these issues, we developed a quantitative survey. The research can be rated as descriptive and explanatory, applied and/or intervention. As for media, research can be classified as documentary, bibliographic and/or participant. For the better development of the study it was used a documentary approach. Regarding the sample was stratified random amount of small businesses that responded to the proposed questionnaire was used was 415. The results showed that the MPEs have a number of structural features for example: complementarity and subordination relationship with large companies, low investment in technological innovation, high rate birth and death, low capital intensity, strong family presence in the composition of labor among other


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    <p class="abstract">A comparative analysis between the use of performance indicators to public and private organizations have always been required to examine the scenario related to both. This study seeks to analyze the use of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to identify and understand the main differences and similarities in public and private higher education institutions (HEIs) in Brazil in relation to the use of other organizations performance indicators. A quantitative and exploratory approach was adopted using institutional documents analysis. Data was searched on the websites of Brazilian higher education public and private organizations in order to accomplish this analysis comparative. The results showed that even reviewing few public institutions the use of performance indicators appears to be more efficient than those applied to the private ones. Private universities should observe and improve their processes and performance indicators based on those used in Brazilian public universities. This initial research still opens a horizon so that other studies be developed within this thought stream.</p

    Young broiler feeding kinematic analysis as a function of the feed type

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    The present study aims to compare the kinematic feeding variables of 3-4 days old broiler chickens using three different feed types: fine mash (F1), coarse mash (F2), and crumbled (F3); size was 476 mu m, 638 mu m, and 1243 mu m, respectively. The head displacement and the maximum beak gape were automatically calculated by computational image analysis to find the feeding behavior of broilers. The results did not show strong correlations between birds' weight, beak size (length and width), and the kinematic variables. The "catch-and-throw" movements in F1 (the smallest feed particle) generally occurred in the first mandibulation, while in F3 (the largest feed particle) occurred in the latest mandibulation. It can be suggested that the adoption of "catch-and-throw" in the latest mandibulations increases with larger particles. Abstract Past publications describe the various impact of feeding behavior of broilers on productivity and physiology. However, very few publications have considered the impact of biomechanics associated with the feeding process in birds. The present study aims at comparing the kinematic variables of young broiler chicks (3-4 days old; 19 specimens) while feeding them with three different feed types, such as fine mash (F1), coarse mash (F2), and crumbled feed (F3). The feeding behavior of the birds was recorded using a high-speed camera. Frames sequences of each mandibulation were selected manually and classified according to the temporal order that occurred (first, second, third, or fourth, and further). The head displacement and the maximum beak gape were automatically calculated by image analysis. The results did not indicate strong correlations between birds' weight, beak size (length and width), and the kinematic variables of feeding. The differences between the tested feed were found mostly in the first and second mandibulations, probably explained by the higher incidence of "catch-and-throw" movements in F3 (33%) and F1 (26%) than F2 (20%). The "catch-and-throw" movements in F1 (the smallest feed particle) mostly occurred in the first mandibulation, as in F3 (the largest feed particle) also occurred in the latest mandibulations. It might be suggested that the adoption of "catch-and-throw" in the latest mandibulations increases with larger particles. The kinematic variables in the latest mandibulations (from the third one on) seem to be similar for all feed types, which represent the swallowing phase. It might be inferred that the temporal sequence of the mandibulations should be essential to describe the kinematics of a feeding scene of broiler chickens, and the first and second mandibulations are potentially the key factors for the differences accounted by the diverse feed particle sizes912CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQsem informaçã


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    A Teoria da Estruturação de Giddens (1984) estabelece a dualidade estrutura-agência. Algumas questões adicionais de pesquisa originam dessa teoria: em que condições, quanto e para quem é que a accoutability faz a diferença? Em que condições ela pode ser alcançada como um vetor de transformação e aprendizagem política? Que novas formas de accoutability podem ajudar a construir um sistema de governança eficaz para lidar com os desafios emergentes? Diante disso, este artigo teve como objetivo usar a teoria da estruturação, bem como outras teorias sociais e institucionais para compreender a natureza e a dinâmica da accountability na Administração Pública a partir de uma extensão natural da literatura atual. Foram identificados artigos que contêm uma ou mais das seis palavras-chave, accountability, accountable, responsibility, responsabilidade, prestação de contas e transparência, no título ou no resumo. Este artigo argumenta que a limitação crítica da literatura atual de accountability é a insuficiência de conhecimento acionável nos pressupostos de Argyris (1996). Na teoria e na prática, a falta de prestação de contas é frequentemente identificada como o problema e a solução é muitas vezes vista como simplesmente criar mais sistemas de prestação de contas, esperando que os sistemas vão magicamente levar a bons resultados

    Effect of stocking density on performance, carcass yield and meat quality in broilers of different commercial strains

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of stocking density and strain on performance, carcass yield and cuts and quality parameters of breast meat (cooking weight loss, shearing force and pH) of broilers chickens. Two thousand and nine hundred and twenty five day-old chicks were alocated in a randomized 3x3x2 factorial design, with tree commercial strains (Ross 308, Cobb 500 and Hybro PG), three densities (10, 13 and 16 birds/m²) and two sex with two replications with variable number of birds due to stocking density. The densities resulted in differences for weight gain in the starter and finisher phase and in the total period, when the density of 10 birds/m² presented higher weight gain than 13 and 16 birds/m². However, densities of 13 and 16 birds/m² was not different. Increasing stocking density increased live weight production per area and profit. Densities did not affected carcass yield and cuts as well as breast meat quality parameters. Strains was different on weight gain in all phases avaluated and for feed intake in finisher phase and total period. Strain did not affected carcass yield, however, effects on breast meat yield, leg quarters, wings, back and abdominal fat were observed, with difference for leg quarter yield among males and significant difference for abdominal fat among females. Strain affected cooking weight loss and did not affected shear force and pH. Sex affected all parameters of performance and carcass yield but no breast meat quality.O trabalho foi realizado objetivando-se avaliar o efeito da densidade populacional e da linhagem sobre as características de desempenho, o rendimento de carcaça e a qualidade da carne de peito (perda de peso por cozimento, força de cizalhamento e pH) em frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 2.925 pintos de um dia, sexados, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em fatorial 3x3x2, sendo três linhagens (Ross 308, Cobb 500 e Hybro PG), três densidades (10, 13 e 16 aves/m²) e dois sexos, com duas repetições com número variável de aves em função da densidade. A densidade afetou o ganho de peso nas fases inicial e final e no período total, sendo que a densidade de 10 aves/m² apresentou o melhor ganho de peso, porém, as densidades de 13 e 16 aves/m² não diferiram entre si. O aumento da densidade promoveu maior produção de peso vivo/m² de galpão, além de incrementar a renda bruta. No entanto, não afetou o rendimento de carcaça e das partes, bem como as características de qualidade da carne. As linhagens diferiram para ganho de peso em todas as fases e para o consumo de ração na fase final e no período total de criação, porém não diferiram para o rendimento de carcaça, apesar de diferirem para o rendimento de peito, pernas, asas, dorso e gordura abdominal, sendo que para o rendimento de pernas houve diferenças apenas entre os machos e para gordura abdominal apenas entre as fêmeas. As linhagens diferiram para perda de peso da carne de peito por cozimento, mas não para maciez e pH. O sexo das aves influenciou as características de desempenho e rendimento de carcaça, mas não a qualidade da carne do peito.1506151

    Animal housing in hot climates : a multidisciplinary view

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    Since energy balance, thermoregulation and environmental aspects of "high producingdairy cows" were thoroughly studied (Brody, 1945; Flatt et al., 1969; Berman et al., 1985),the high producing dairy cow more than doubled production with a body weight increase of about 10-20% which imposed a three fold increase of heat increment (Kadzer et al., 2002).There is an apparent world wide lack of realization that changes in the physical and geneticconstitution of cows may have affected their thermoregulatory capability in hot climate forexample, blood plasma fluctuation in volume and constituents (Maltz et al, 1994); as wellas how they cope with heat stress (Kadzer et al., 2002). As a result, research inthermoregulation in relation to housing facilities and cooling management falls behind(except for few exceptions seen below) the aggressive selection for increased productionthat livestock undergoes as well as changes in technology and housing materials. Therefore,most of the improvements in this area are farmers and designers initiatives based oncommon sense and experience.peer-reviewe