1,087 research outputs found

    Time is Encoded in the Weights of Finetuned Language Models

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    We present time vectors, a simple tool to customize language models to new time periods. Time vectors are created by finetuning a language model on data from a single time (e.g., a year or month), and then subtracting the weights of the original pretrained model. This vector specifies a direction in weight space that, as our experiments show, improves performance on text from that time period. Time vectors specialized to adjacent time periods appear to be positioned closer together in a manifold. Using this structure, we interpolate between time vectors to induce new models that perform better on intervening and future time periods, without any additional training. We demonstrate the consistency of our findings across different tasks, domains, model sizes, and time scales. Our results suggest that time is encoded in the weight space of finetuned models.Comment: Added references to Jaidka et al. (2018) and Loureiro et al. (2022

    Original observations of Desmozoon lepeophtherii, a microsporidian hyperparasite infecting the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis, and its subsequent detection by other researchers

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    A microsporidian hyperparasite, Desmozoon lepeophtherii, of the parasitic copepod Lepeophtheirus salmonis (salmon louse), infecting farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), was first discovered in the west of Scotland in 2000. Heavily infected salmon lice are easily recognised as they have large opaque inclusions distributed throughout the body. The prevalence of salmon lice with visible signs of microsporidiosis can be up to 10% of the population from certain farm sites. The microsporidian was also isolated from the host Atlantic salmon suggesting it may have a two host life cycle. The authors believe that the infection in immunocompetent salmon may be latent, becoming acute during periods of infection with another pathogen or during sexual maturation. Since its first discovery in Scotland, Desmozoon lepeophtherii has been subsequently reported from Norway, and more recently from the Pacific coast of North America

    Conclusions on Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19

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    EFSUMB Recommendations and Guidelines for Gastrointestinal Ultrasound - Part 1: Examination Techniques and Normal Findings (Short version)

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    Abstract ▼ In October 2014 the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology formed a Gastrointestinal Ultrasound (GIUS) task force group to promote the use of GIUS in a clinical setting. One of the main objectives of the task force group was to develop clinical recommendations and guidelines for the use of GIUS under the auspices of EFSUMB. The first part, gives an overview of the examination techniques for GIUS recommended by experts in the field. It also presents the current evidence for the interpretation of normal sonoanatomical and physiological features as examined with different ultrasound modalities

    EFSUMB Recommendations and Guidelines for Gastrointestinal Ultrasound - Part 1: Examination Techniques and Normal Findings (Long version).

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    Abstract ▼ In October 2014 the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology formed a Gastrointestinal Ultrasound (GIUS) task force group to promote the use of GIUS in a clinical setting. One of the main objectives of the task force group was to develop clinical recommendations and guidelines for the use of GIUS under the auspices of EFSUMB. The first part, gives an overview of the examination techniques for GIUS recommended by experts in the field. It also presents the current evidence for the interpretation of normal sonoanatomical and physiological features as examined with different ultrasound modalities

    Anàlisi econòmica financera de les empreses gaseles de la Catalunya Central

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    Objecte: El present treball reflecteix l'anàlisi econòmica financera de les empreses gaseles de la Catalunya Central. S'han considerat les empreses gaseles per ser les empreses tractores de l'economia d'un territori i per tant ens interessa veure la seva salut empresarial en el període analitzat. L'estudi posiciona aquestes indústries i presenta els principals indicadors econòmics i financers per tal de diagnosticar la salut d'aquestes empreses en el període 2008-2012 mitjançant una anàlisi a curt i llarg termini, una anàlisi de resultats i una anàlisi dels canvis patrimonials i dels fluxos d'efectiu d'aquestes empreses gasela. Disseny/metodologia: Les dades utilitzades provenen dels estats comptables d'aquestes empreses de la base de dades SABI en el període 2008-2012, en concret, es recull una mostra d'empreses industrials de les comarques de la Catalunya Centralque tenen un mínim de 5 treballadors, que tenen un creixement de les vendes en els últims anys d'un 6% i que tenen una rendibilitat econòmica mínima d'un 5% sobre les que es porta a terme l'anàlisi econòmica financera mitjançant l'estadística descriptiva oportuna i una anàlisi de regressions arribant a uns resultats i conclusions. Aportacions i resultats: L'estudi permet assenyalar que les empreses gaseles en aquest període gaudeixen d'una bona salut econòmica i financera, amb un reduït nombre d'empreses que concentren gran part de les vendes. Són empreses amb un creixement equilibrat ja que tenen una gestió eficient dels actius, una gestió financeraprudent (excepte per les empreses de menys número dels treballadors) i una bona gestió de les despeses. Són empreses solvents, amb un endeutament acceptable, però de mala qualitat,i una rendibilitat dels actius amb tendència a l’alça i dels recursos propis més moderada. Limitacions: Seria convenient ampliar la mostra a altres comarques i arribar a dades actuals per confirmar els canvis de tendència en l'anàlisi econòmica i financera. Implicacions pràctiques: Permet valorar la projecció d'aquestes empreses en els últims anys a Catalunya, per prendre les oportunes decisions econòmiques al respecte. Implicacions socials: Els resultats permeten posar de manifest situacions a corregir per part de les empreses per poder seguir ben posicionades. Valor afegit: Per aquestes empreses dóna informacions econòmiques i financeres rellevants de la salut empresarial per assumir els reptes de futur i el manteniment de la seva posició

    Ryhmäytyminen yläkoulun seitsemäsluokkalaisten kuvaamana

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    Yläkouluun siirtyminen on tavallisesti nuorelle uusi ja jännittävä asia. Murrosiän kynnyksellä oleva nuori on usein epävarma itsestään sekä yksilönä että osana yhteisöä, ja se osaltaan voi vaikeuttaa uuteen kouluympäristöön sulautumista. Ryhmään, kuten koululuokkaan liittyminen on osa ryhmän syntyprosessia eli ryhmäytymistä, jossa epämääräisestä joukosta ihmisiä tulee yksi kokonaisuus. Joskus ryhmäytymisen tukemiseksi joudutaan käyttämään ryhmäyttämistä, joka perustuu erilaisiin toiminnallisiin tehtäviin, kuten tutustumis- ja luottamusharjoituksiin. Pohjana tutkimukselle on käytetty teoriatietoa nuoren kehityksestä, kouluympäristöstä sekä ryhmän muotoutumisesta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten tietty luokka oppilaita on ryhmäytynyt yläkoulun ensimmäisen lukuvuoden aikana. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa on selvitetty miten luokkahenki luokassa on muuttunut ja mitä luokkahengen parantamiseksi on tehty. Tutkimuskohteena olivat Iitin yläkoulun erään seitsemännen luokan oppilaat ja heidän luokanvalvojansa. Oppilaat kirjoittivat lukuvuoden aikana kaksi ohjattua kirjoitelmaa ja luokanvalvoja vastasi luokkaa koskeviin kysymyksiin kirjallisesti kaksi kertaa lukuvuoden aikana. Tutkimus oli laadullinen ja kirjoitelmien perusteella laadittiin kuvaus oppilaiden ja luokanvalvojan näkemyksistä ryhmäytymisestä ja luokkahengestä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan luokassa oli ryhmäydytty jonkin verran jo ensimmäisen lukuvuoden aikana ja että luokkahengessä oli havaittu sekä positiivisia että negatiivisia muutoksia. Sekä oppilaat että luokanvalvoja olivat pyrkineet kuitenkin parantamaan luokkahenkeä omalta osaltaan.It is always a new and amazing thing for a young person to move from primary school to secondary school. The teenager is usually unsure about himself or herself and it can be very hard to try to take place in a new community like in a new school class. Some-times they have to use some special processes to make pupils to become the group members in schools. The study was qualitative. The purpose of this study was to solve how a certain class of pupils had become to a complete group during the first school year and how the class spirit had changed. Pupils wrote two essays about their class and the form teacher also answered twice to some questions concerning the class. The results showed that there had been some changes in the group and class spirit during the first school year. They had also tried to make the class spirit better