1,221 research outputs found

    "[A]uf dem Weg nach SĂĽdamerika" : zu einer Poetologie des Wartens bei Clemens Meyer

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    Armut erscheint – zumindest seit der Spät-Moderne, die dem 'armen Poeten' der Romantik einen ausdifferenzierten Literatur- und Kulturbetrieb entgegengesetzt hat – in ihrer medialen Repräsentation oftmals als ein defizitärer Zustand: Im Sinne einer quantifizierbaren kapitalistischen Logik wird der Mangel an ökonomischen Kapital als ein generelles Lebensdefizit verbucht, aus dem eine affektive Reaktion des Rezipienten, die von Mitleid bis Abscheu reichen kann, generiert werden kann. Die Konzentration auf das ökonomische Kapital – im Sinne Bourdieus – scheint aber zu kurz gegriffen, da durch die Abblendung des kulturellen und symbolischen Kapitals zwei für die Identitätsbildung eben so bedeutsame Kapitalarten nicht berücksichtigt werden und Lebensentwürfe, die nicht auf eine Konzentration des ökonomischen Kapitals ausgelegt sind und ihren Fokus auf die Generierung des kulturellen oder symbolischen Kapitals setzen, im Sinne der ökonomischen Logik fälschlicherweise als defizitär verbucht werden müssen. Im Folgenden soll anhand der Texte von Clemens Meyer gezeigt werden, dass Armut nicht nur als ökonomischer Mangel definiert werden kann, der die Lebensentwürfe der Protagonisten bestimmt, sondern auch als Ausweis einer authentischen, avantgardistischen und antibürgerlichen Gegenströmung umcodiert werden kann. Nach einem kontrastierenden Einstieg, der die Erzählung der Armut bzw. des Reichtums in der Literatur ab 1968 und in der Pop-Literatur skizziert, soll ausgehend von der spezifischen 'Ästhetik der Straße' eine Poetologie der Armut und eine Poetologie des Wartens entwickelt werden; Clemens Meyers Erzählung "Warten auf Südamerika" wird hier den Schwerpunkt der Überlegungen darstellen

    Economic Resilience A new concept for policy making? Bertelsmann Stiftung Inclusive Growth for Germany|11

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    The idea of “resilience” has in recent years gained a high level of popularity in the formulation of economic- policy objectives. Given the rapid sequence of serious crises, the rise of this concept is hardly surprising. If economic shocks are apparently unavoidable, then an economy’s ability to cope with them should be a subject of interest. However, the virtually inflationary use of the resilience concept has been accompanied by a lack of precision. In particular, there is often no clear understanding that alongside its static interpretation (retention of a system’s existing functions in the case of a crisis), crisis resilience also includes an adaptive dimension (adjustment to new surrounding conditions). Against this background, this article addresses the origin of the resilience concept, illustrates its various usages in different disciplines, and distinguishes it from other key words (“vulnerability,” “sustainability,” “stability”). On this basis, the resilience concept is given additional precision and defined in a manner useful for the economic- policy perspective. A central conclusion is that the concept of resilience can become a normative economic- policy principle if 1) it is not viewed narrowly as only a static concept; 2) it is linked to the societal objectives within the economy being studied; and 3) the interplay of different societal levels is taken into account

    Drivers and obstacles towards eco-innovation of European entrepreneurs

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    This dissertation sets out to investigate drivers and obstacles towards eco-innovation for entrepreneurial small and medium-sized businesses, which have been hitherto largely neglected in academia. Recently, increasing attention for eco-innovation resulted in scholarly research in the form of various small-scale data collections and case studies. Utilizing the European Commission’s Flash Eurobarometer survey 315 with 5.222 responses, this dissertation provides one of the first European large-scale data analyses, complemented by 22 eco-innovative entrepreneur interviews. The profound triangulation enables a comprising insight into results of the probit regression model. This approach aims to identify clearly distinct drivers and obstacles, as well as ensembles of obstacles, towards eco-innovation of European entrepreneurs based on products/services, processes, and organizational methods, following Kemp and Pearson’s contribution to the scholarly field of eco-innovation. In this manner, the analysis identified eleven drivers and eight obstacles, as well as five ensembles of obstacles towards eco-innovation of European entrepreneurs. Based on the findings of this dissertation, policy-makers should consider an improvement of market and customer information access for European entrepreneurs, increasing the consumer awareness about eco-innovations, effective enforcing precise and standardized regulations across EU member states, initiation of subsidies that have long-term environmental beneficial effect among affected industries, and initiatives which gear up research institutes and universities for commercially driven development activities of more evolved SMEs. With this in mind, this dissertation derives new and deeper insights about which differentiated drivers and obstacles towards eco-innovations of European entrepreneurs are perceived and also how to address them.A presente dissertação visa a investigação dos motores e dos obstáculos à eco-inovação para pequenas e médias empresas, que até à data foram analisados em pequena escala nalgumas colecções de dados e em estudos de casos. Utilizando o inquérito Flash Eurobarometer 315 da Comissão Europeia com 5.222 respostas, esta dissertação fornece uma das primeiras análises europeias de dados em grande escala, complementada por 22 entrevistas a empreendedores eco-inovadores. A triangulação de dados possibilita uma compreensão dos resultados do modelo de regressão probit. Esta abordagem visa identificar claramente os motores e obstáculos para a eco-inovação por parte de empresários europeus. A análise é feita com base em produtos / serviços, processos e métodos organizacionais, seguindo a contribuição de Kemp e Pearson para o campo acadêmico de eco-inovação. Desta forma, a análise identificou onze motores e oito obstáculos, bem como cinco conjuntos de obstáculos à eco-inovação. Com base nos resultados desta dissertação, as seguintes recomendações surgiram: os decisores políticos deveriam melhorar o acesso ao mercado e a respetiva informação do cliente para os empresários europeus, aumentar a sensibilização dos consumidores para as eco-inovações e aplicar eficazmente regulamentos precisos e normalizados em todos os Estados-Membros da UE, oferecer subsidios de efeito benéfico ambiental de longo prazo para as industrias que estão envolvidas e, finalmente, potenciar iniciativas que atraiam institutos de investigação e universidades para actividades de desenvolvimento comercialmente orientadas para PMEs mais evoluídas. Concluindo, esta dissertação retira insights sobre quais os motores e obstáculos para as eco-inovações e como lidar com estes

    Lessons from the pandemic

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    The pandemic-related campus restrictions started on a Wednesday night right before my students’ final exam. An all-campus email went out at 5pm that said that our school was limiting on-campus classes and my exam that night was at 6pm in person, on paper. I knew the students would receive that campus email and be unsure (or some would be in transit to class and wouldn’t receive the email at all)...https://dc.ewu.edu/covid/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Vergleich des Knochenabbaus an Zähnen und Implantaten bei Patienten mit behandelter generalisierter aggressiver und chronischer Parodontitis

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    Hintergrund: Trotz guter Langzeiterfolge von Implantatversorgungen werden zunehmend auch biologische und technische Komplikationen beschrieben. Es zeigt sich, dass an Implantaten im Verlauf der Belastung ein Knochenabbau auftreten kann. Einen Risikofaktor für den periimplantären Knochenabbau stellt die parodontale Vorerkrankung des Patienten dar, bei der auch die Zähne von einem Knochenverlust betroffen sind. Viele Studien betrachten häufig lediglich den Knochenabbau an den Implantaten, ohne die Zähne mit einzubeziehen, und beschränken sich in ihrer Analyse über einen fortschreitenden Attachmentverlust auf die klinischen Messwerte mit Vernachlässigung der radiologischen Auswertung. Ziel der Studie: Ziel dieser 5 bis 20-jährigen Kohortenstudie ist der Vergleich des Knochenabbaus zwischen den Zähnen und Implantaten bei Patienten mit behandelter generalisierter aggressiver (GAP) und chronischer Parodontitis (GCP) sowie die Darstellung möglicher Risikofaktoren des Knochenabbaus. Material und Methode: 16 Patienten mit behandelter GAP (321 Zähne) und 15 Patienten mit behandelter GCP (348 Zähne) nahmen an der Studie teil. Es wurden insgesamt 151 Implantate inseriert. Nach Eingliederung der Suprakonstruktion wurden sie klinisch und röntgenologisch untersucht. Weitere klinische Untersuchungen der Zähne und Implantate erfolgten alle 3-6 Monate über einen Zeitraum von 5-20 Jahren. Die radiologische Untersuchung wurde 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 und 20 Jahre nach Eingliederung der Suprakonstruktion (Baseline) vorgenommen. Ergebnisse: Die Überlebensrate der Implantate betrug nach 10 Jahren 97,4%, die der Zähne 98,2%. Nach 20 Jahren betrug die Überlebensrate der Implantate 94,0%, die der Zähne 97,3%. Der Knochenabbau war nach 15 und nach 20 Jahren sowohl an den Zähnen (p=0,008; p<0,001) als auch an den Implantaten (p=0,048; p=0,022) der GAP-Patienten (37,01% ±15,67; 35,84% ±12,73) signifikant größer als bei den GCP-Patienten (30,03% ±12,45; 29,15% ±11,9). Bei den GAP-Patienten zeigte sich ein größerer Knochenabbau an den Implantaten bei weiblichen Patienten, mit maschinell glatter Oberfläche sowie mit festsitzender prothetischer Versorgung, jedoch ohne Signifikanz. In beiden Patientengruppen lag zu keinem Zeitpunkt ein signifikanter Unterschied des Knochenabbaus zwischen Zähnen und Implantaten vor. Nach einem Jahr wiesen 20,7% der Implantate keinen Knochenabbau auf, 56,9% der Implantate wiesen einen Knochenabbau von ≥1mm auf. Die durchschnittliche Sondierungstiefe an Zähnen und Implantaten lag bei allen Patienten während des gesamten Untersuchungszeitraums unter 4mm. Die Sondierungstiefen waren nach 20 Jahren sowohl an den Zähnen (3,24mm ±1,13, p<0,001) als auch an den Implantaten (3,62mm ±0,9, p=0,164) der GAP-Patienten größer als an denen der GCP-Patienten (2,68mm ±0,82; 3,19mm ±0,59). In beiden Patientengruppen lagen nach 5 (GCP: p=0,035, GAP: p<0,001) und nach 20 Jahren (GCP: p=0,006; GAP: p=0,015) signifikant größere Sondierungstiefen an den Implantaten als an den Zähnen vor. Die Sondierungstiefen verliefen an den mesialen, distalen und vestibulär bzw. oralen Implantatflächen gleich. An den Zähnen verliefen sie mesial und distal gleich, vestibulär bzw. oral waren sie kleiner. Eine Korrelation zwischen den Sondierungstiefen und dem Knochenabbau konnte zu keinem Untersuchungszeitpunkt nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassung: In beiden Patientengruppen lag ein kontinuierlicher jährlicher Knochenabbau an den Zähnen und Implantaten vor, der bei den GAP-Patienten höher war. An den Implantaten war zu keinem Untersuchungszeitpunkt eine Korrelation zwischen der Sondierungstiefe und dem Knochenabbau feststellbar

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationIndividuals diagnosed with serious mental illness have higher rates of comorbid physical illness than people without serious mental illness. This dissertation, provided in the Multiple Article Path format, explores how comorbidities in this population have historically been addressed and examines effectiveness of interventions to address comorbidity in primary care. This research also describes the development and implementation of a specific primary care-based program to address comorbidities and patient perspectives on that program. Theoretical frameworks of this dissertation include social constructionism, labeling theory and critical theory. The first article in this project is a qualitative study exploring patient perspectives on care. The second article describes the primary care-based implementation of a care program. The third article is a systematic review of primary care-based behavioral and educational interventions to address comorbidity

    Computation of Galois groups associated to the 2-class towers of some imaginary quadratic fields with 2-class group C2Ă—C2Ă—C2

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    AbstractWe describe a method for the explicit computation of a list of possibilities for the Galois group G of an unramified 2-class tower that combines the p-group generation algorithm with algorithms from explicit class field theory. We successfully applied this method to 19 of the 36 imaginary quadratic fields of absolute discriminant less than 20,000 that have 2-class group (2,2,2), three negative prime discriminant factors in their discriminant, and whose 2-class towers have derived length at least 3. This is the only class of imaginary quadratic fields with 2-class group (2,2,2) and three negative prime discriminant factors not entirely classified by recent work of Benjamin, Lemmermeyer and Snyder. Additionally, among the 19 are all such fields whose 2-class towers, if infinite, would provide improved upper bounds for the root discriminant problem. In each case we show that these 2-class towers are finite, and in fact write down for each a short list of candidate groups for the associated Galois groups. Some of these results are unconditional, while some require the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis

    Primary care-based educational interventions to decrease risk factors for metabolic syndrome for adults with major psychotic and/or affective disorders: A systematic review

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    Background Individuals with major psychotic and/or affective disorders are at increased risk for developing metabolic syndrome due to lifestyle- and treatment-related factors. Numerous pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions have been tested in inpatient and outpatient mental health settings to decrease these risk factors. This review focuses on primary care-based non-pharmacological (educational or behavioral) interventions to decrease metabolic syndrome risk factors in adults with major psychotic and/or affective disorders. Methods The authors conducted database searches of PsychINFO, MEDLINE and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, as well as manual searches and gray literature searches to identify included studies. Results The authors were unable to identify any studies meeting a priori inclusion criteria because there were no primary care-based studies. Conclusions This review was unable to demonstrate effectiveness of educational interventions in primary care. Interventions to decrease metabolic syndrome risk have been demonstrated to be effective in mental health and other outpatient settings. The prevalence of mental illness in primary care settings warrants similar interventions to improve health outcomes for this population

    Tradisi Basiacuong Desa Koto Tibun Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study examines the Tradition of Basiacuong Koto Tibun Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar. Basiacuong is one of the language culture of Kampar custom in general, is also a custom of the people of Desa Koto Tibun. This custom is inherited from their ancestors. Basiacuong used by ninik mamak Kampar in various custom events or not, such as opening Undiong "Runding" at weddings, eating bejambau, inauguration of adat, festivity, naming of children, circumcision and others. In this research, examined the form of social capital contained in the tradition of basiacuong and also the system maintains the tradition of basiacuong. Researchers use the theory of the habitus, arena and capital of Bourdieu. The research method is qualitative descriptive with the number of research subjects 9 people consisting of ninik mamak persukuan, kemenakan persukuan, people who learn basiacuong, community leaders and society. The results of this study indicate that the form of social capital contained in the tradition basiacuong the social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital. The author finds the system to maintain the existence of basiacuong tradition. Social capital is an important aspect of the strategy being implemented. By establishing a very harmonious relationship, well and get familiar with it all with the ninik mamak persukuan, kemenakan persukuan and people learn basiacuong to maintain basiacuong. Then the system to maintain the existence of basiacuong tradition by teaching and coaching to the young generation to continue the tradition of basiacuong, kemenakan and ninik mamak from each tribe teach and nurture to the youth generation
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