15 research outputs found

    Le trotteur, un objet de puériculture dangereux (revue de la littérature sur les accidents de trotteur)

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    BESANCON-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (250562102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Apport des images satellitaires de trÚs haute résolution spatiale PLEIADES à la caractérisation des cultures et des opérations culturales en début de saison

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    This study is part of several projects aiming at spatially monitoring the effects of exogenous organic matter apply on soil organic carbon sequestration, and necessitating for this purpose the gathering of spatial data about cropping systems. The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of very high spatial resolution (VHR) PlĂ©iades images to both early season crop identification and mapping and changes in bare soil surface characteristics due to cultural operations. The study region covering 4000 ha including 2100 ha-croplands is located west of the peri-urban territory of the Versailles plain and the Alluets plateau (Yvelines, France). About 100 cropped fields were observed on the ground synchronously with two PlĂ©iades images of 3 and 24 April 2013 and one SPOT4 image of 2 April 2013. The GIS structuring of these field data was used for delimitating both training and test zones for the support vector machine classifier with polynomial function kernel (pSVM). For the single date-images, the pSVM was computed on the 4 spectral bands while for the bitemporal PlĂ©iades image, it relied on the 8 spectral bands and the two NDVI bands. For the single-date classifications of crops, the overall accuracy reached 87% for the SPOT4 image of 2 April (6 classes), 79% for the Pleiades image of 3 April (6 classes) and 82% for that of 24 April (7 classes). For the bi-temporal PlĂ©iades image, the overall accuracy was about 80% (7 classes), winter crops, grasslands and fallows being very well detected while confusions occured between spring barley at initial stages (2-3 leaves) and bare soils prepared for other spring crops. At the earlier date (2-3 April), the PlĂ©iades image very well discriminated cultural operations (>77%, user’s or producer’s accuracies) as well as fallows and grasslands, and brought unique information about within-field spatial heterogeneity of crop development stages, while winter cereals and rapeseed were better discriminated by the SPOT4 image winter cereals (>70%, user’s or producer’s accuracies). Pleiades images therefore bring information complementary to multispectral images with high spatial resolution.Cette Ă©tude s'inscrit dans des programmes de recherche visant Ă  surveiller spatialement l’effet des apports de produits rĂ©siduaires organiques sur les stocks de carbone des sols, et nĂ©cessitant pour cela le recueil de donnĂ©es spatialisĂ©es sur les systĂšmes de culture. L'objectif de cette Ă©tude est celui d'Ă©valuer, au niveau d'organisation spatiale des parcelles culturales, l'apport des images satellitaires de TrĂšs Haute RĂ©solution Spatiale (THRS) PlĂ©iades Ă  l'identification des cultures Ă  des stades de dĂ©veloppement prĂ©coce d’une part, Ă  la dĂ©tection des changements d'Ă©tat de surface des sols nus liĂ©s aux opĂ©rations culturales, d’autre part. La rĂ©gion d’étude, vaste d’environ 4000 ha, dont 2100 ha de surface agricole utile, est situĂ©e Ă  l’ouest du territoire pĂ©riurbain francilien de la Plaine de Versailles et du Plateau des Alluets (PVPA) (Yvelines). Environ 100 parcelles culturales ont fait l’objet d’observations de terrain synchrones des prises de vue des deux images PlĂ©iades acquises les 3 et 24 avril 2013 et d’une image SPOT4 acquise le 2 avril 2013. La structuration gĂ©omatique de ces donnĂ©es acquises sur le terrain a servi Ă  dĂ©limiter des zones susceptibles de servir Ă  l’entraĂźnement ou la validation des rĂ©sultats de classification assistĂ©e par machine Ă  support de vecteurs Ă  noyau polynomial (pSVM). La classification pSVM a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ɠuvre sur les 4 bandes spectrales assorties du NDVI pour les images monodates, et pour les 8 bandes spectrales assorties de 2 bandes NDVI pour l’image bi-temporelle PlĂ©iades. Pour les classifications monodates des cultures, la prĂ©cision totale atteint 87% pour l’image SPOT4 du 2 avril (6 classes), 79% pour l’image PlĂ©iades du 3 avril (6 classes) et 85% pour celle du 24 avril (7 classes). Pour la classification bitemporelle (7 classes), la prĂ©cision totale est de prĂšs de 80%, avec des cultures d’hiver trĂšs bien discriminĂ©es tandis que les confusions opĂšrent entre l’orge de printemps aux stades 2-3 feuilles et les sols nus prĂ©parĂ©s pour les autres cultures de printemps. A la date la plus prĂ©coce (2-3 avril), l’image PlĂ©iades discrimine bien les opĂ©rations culturales (prĂ©cisions utilisateur et producteur >77%), les jachĂšres et les prairies et renseigne sur l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© spatiale des stades de dĂ©veloppement des cultures, tandis que les cĂ©rĂ©ales d’hiver et le colza sont mieux dĂ©tectĂ©s sur l’image SPOT4 (prĂ©cisions utilisateur et producteur >70%). Les images PlĂ©iades apportent donc des informations complĂ©mentaires Ă  celles des images multispectrales de haute rĂ©solution spatiale.Cette Ă©tude s'inscrit dans des programmes de recherche visant Ă  surveiller spatialement l’effet des apports de produits rĂ©siduaires organiques sur les stocks de carbone des sols, et nĂ©cessitant pour cela le recueil de donnĂ©es spatialisĂ©es sur les systĂšmes de culture. L'objectif de cette Ă©tude est celui d'Ă©valuer, au niveau d'organisation spatiale des parcelles culturales, l'apport des images satellitaires de TrĂšs Haute RĂ©solution Spatiale (THRS) PlĂ©iades Ă  l'identification des cultures Ă  des stades de dĂ©veloppement prĂ©coce d’une part, Ă  la dĂ©tection des changements d'Ă©tat de surface des sols nus liĂ©s aux opĂ©rations culturales, d’autre part. La rĂ©gion d’étude, vaste d’environ 4000 ha, dont 2100 ha de surface agricole utile, est situĂ©e Ă  l’ouest du territoire pĂ©riurbain francilien de la Plaine de Versailles et du Plateau des Alluets (PVPA) (Yvelines). Environ 100 parcelles culturales ont fait l’objet d’observations de terrain synchrones des prises de vue des deux images PlĂ©iades acquises les 3 et 24 avril 2013 et d’une image SPOT4 acquise le 2 avril 2013. La structuration gĂ©omatique de ces donnĂ©es acquises sur le terrain a servi Ă  dĂ©limiter des zones susceptibles de servir Ă  l’entraĂźnement ou la validation des rĂ©sultats de classification assistĂ©e par machine Ă  support de vecteurs Ă  noyau polynomial (pSVM). La classification pSVM a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ɠuvre sur les 4 bandes spectrales assorties du NDVI pour les images monodates, et pour les 8 bandes spectrales assorties de 2 bandes NDVI pour l’image bi-temporelle PlĂ©iades. Pour les classifications monodates des cultures, la prĂ©cision totale atteint 87% pour l’image SPOT4 du 2 avril (6 classes), 79% pour l’image PlĂ©iades du 3 avril (6 classes) et 85% pour celle du 24 avril (7 classes). Pour la classification bitemporelle (7 classes), la prĂ©cision totale est de prĂšs de 80%, avec des cultures d’hiver trĂšs bien discriminĂ©es tandis que les confusions opĂšrent entre l’orge de printemps aux stades 2-3 feuilles et les sols nus prĂ©parĂ©s pour les autres cultures de printemps. A la date la plus prĂ©coce (2-3 avril), l’image PlĂ©iades discrimine bien les opĂ©rations culturales (prĂ©cisions utilisateur et producteur >77%), les jachĂšres et les prairies et renseigne sur l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© spatiale des stades de dĂ©veloppement des cultures, tandis que les cĂ©rĂ©ales d’hiver et le colza sont mieux dĂ©tectĂ©s sur l’image SPOT4 (prĂ©cisions utilisateur et producteur >70%). Les images PlĂ©iades apportent donc des informations complĂ©mentaires Ă  celles des images multispectrales de haute rĂ©solution spatiale

    Early-season mapping of crops and cultural operations using very high spatial resolution Pléiades images

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    The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of very high spatial resolution (VHSR) PlĂ©iades images to both early season crop identification and the mapping of bare soil surface characteristics due to cultural operations. The study region covering 21 km2 is located west of the peri-urban territory of the Versailles plain and the Alluets plateau (Yvelines, France). About 100 cropped fields were observed on the ground synchronously with two PlĂ©iades images of 3 and 24 April 2013 and one SPOT4 image of 2 April 2013. The GIS structuring of these field data along with vector information about field boundaries was used for delimitating both training and test zones for the support vector machine classifier with polynomial function kernel (pSVM). The pSVM was computed on the spectral bands and NDVI for both single-date PlĂ©iades and the bi-temporal PlĂ©iades pair. For the single-date classifications of crops, the overall per-pixel accuracy reached 87% for the SPOT4 image of 2 April (6 classes), 79% for the PlĂ©iades image of 3 April (6 classes) and 82% for that of 24 April (7 classes). At the earlier date (2–3 April), the PlĂ©iades image very well discriminated cultural operations (>77%, user’s or producer’s accuracies) as well as fallows and grasslands, while winter cereals and rapeseed were better discriminated by the SPOT4 image winter cereals (>70%, user’s or producer’s accuracies). As PlĂ©iades images revealed within-field spatial variations of early phenological stages of winter cereals that could be critical for adjusting management of zones with delayed development during the growing season, they brought information complementary to multispectral images with high spatial resolution. For the bi-temporal PlĂ©iades image, the overall per-pixel accuracy was about 80% (7 classes), winter crops, grasslands and fallows being very well detected while confusions occurred between spring barley at initial stages (2–3 leaves) and bare soils prepared for other spring crops. Using an additional validation field set covering ∌1/3 of the study area croplands, the crop map resulting from the bi-temporal PlĂ©iades pair achieved correct crop prediction for about 89.7% of the validation fields when considering composite classes for winter cereals and for spring crops. Early-season PlĂ©iades images therefore show a considerable potential for anticipating regional crop patterns and detecting soil tillage operations in sprin

    Contribution of VSHR Pléiades images to the assessment of agricultural systems over a peri-urban region near Paris, France

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    Contribution of VSHR Pléiades images to the assessment of agricultural systems over a peri-urban region near Paris, France. Pléiades Day

    Modelling the long-term effect of urban waste compost applications on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in temperate cropland

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    The recycling in agriculture of Exogenous Organic Matter (EOM) issued from organic waste treatment is a promising way to restore soil organic matter (SOM) content in intensively managed soils. EOM applications to crop fields may also be used as substitute to synthetic fertilisers. The CERES-EGC mechanistic model was used to simulate the effects of repeated applications of urban waste composts and manure over 13 years on both soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics in the soil–crop–water–air system of the long-term field experiment QualiAgro. Several EOMs were considered: a farmyard manure, FYM; a municipal solid waste compost, MSW; a bio-waste compost, BIO; a co-compost of green waste and sewage sludge, GWS. Each EOM application brought the equivalent of 220–400 kg N ha−1. The sub-model NCSOIL was parameterised from C and N mineralisation kinetics of EOMs measured during incubations of soil–EOM mixtures in controlled conditions. The simulation correctly reproduced the experimental kinetics. When transposing these parameters into the CERES-EGC model, C storage at the field scale was well simulated, together with crop N uptake and yields, as well as soil mineral N contents despite a slight overestimation. The GWS compost generated the highest C storage over the 13 y-period and MSW the lowest with 65% and 36% of the Exogenous Organic Carbon (EOC) applied incorporated into the soil organic C, respectively. The GWS and MSW had the highest potential of N loss because of high mineral N content and a high potential of N mineralisation, respectively in contrast to FYM and BIO. MSW had also the highest apparent N use efficiency (48.8%) thanks to a high potential of mineralisation (76.3% of organic N applied). The achieved CERES-EGC parameterisation offers promising prospects for predicting the effects of a larger panel of EOMs, and for further using this soil–plant–water–atmosphere model to manage EOM application practices at the regional scale in compliance with crop production and environmental aims

    Exposure to a sensory functional ingredient in the pig model modulates the blood-oxygen-level dependent brain responses to food odor and acute stress during pharmacological MRI in the frontostriatal and limbic circuits

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    International audienceIntroductionIn the present study, we examined the effects of a supplementation with a sensory functional ingredient (FI, D16729, PhodĂ©, France) containing vanillin, furaneol, diacetyl and a mixture of aromatic fatty acids on the behavioural and brain responses of juvenile pigs to acute stress. MethodsTwenty-four pigs were fed from weaning with a standard granulated feed supplemented with the functional ingredient D16729 (FS animals, N = 12) or a control formulation (CT animals, N = 12). After a feed transition (10 days after weaning), the effects of FI were investigated on eating behaviour during two-choice feed preference tests. Emotional reactivity to acute stress was then investigated during openfield (OF), novel suddenly moving object (NSO), and contention tests. Brain responses to the FI and the two different feeds’ odour, as well as to an acute pharmacological stressor (injection of SynacthenÂź) were finally investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). ResultsFS animals tended to spend more time above the functional feed ( p = 0.06) and spent significantly more time at the periphery of the arena during NSO ( p < 0.05). Their latency to contact the novel object was longer and they spent less time exploring the object compared to CT animals ( p < 0.05 for both). Frontostriatal and limbic responses to the FI were influenced by previous exposure to FI, with higher activation in FS animals exposed to the FI feed odor compared to CT animals exposed to a similarly familiar feed odor without FI. The pharmacological acute stress provoked significant brain activations in the prefrontal and thalamic areas, which were alleviated in FS animals that also showed more activity in the nucleus accumbens. Finally, the acute exposure to FI in naive animals modulated their brain responses to acute pharmacological stress. DiscussionOverall, these results showed how previous habituation to the FI can modulate the brain areas involved in food pleasure and motivation while alleviating the brain responses to acute stress

    Simulation with the NCSOIL model of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a loamy soil after various compost applications

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    INRA Unités EGC et PESSAC, Veolia EnvironnementSimulation with the NCSOIL model of carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a loamy soil after various compost applications. 15. International Conferences of RAMIRAN (Network on R ecycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture

    Functional interplay of DnaE polymerase, DnaG primase and DnaC helicase within a ternary complex, and primase to polymerase hand-off during lagging strand DNA replication in Bacillus subtilis

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    Bacillus subtilis has two replicative DNA polymerases. PolC is a processive high-fidelity replicative polymerase, while the error-prone DnaEBs extends RNA primers before hand-off to PolC at the lagging strand. We show that DnaEBs interacts with the replicative helicase DnaC and primase DnaG in a ternary complex. We characterize their activities and analyse the functional significance of their interactions using primase, helicase and primer extension assays, and a ‘stripped down’ reconstituted coupled assay to investigate the coordinated displacement of the parental duplex DNA at a replication fork, synthesis of RNA primers along the lagging strand and hand-off to DnaEBs. The DnaG– DnaEBs hand-off takes place after de novo polymerization of only two ribonucleotides by DnaG, and does not require other replication proteins. Furthermore, the fidelity of DnaEBs is improved by DnaC and DnaG, likely via allosteric effects induced by direct protein–protein interactions that lower the efficiency of nucleotide mis-incorporations and/or the efficiency of extension of mis-aligned primers in the catalytic site of DnaEBs. We conclude that de novo RNA primer synthesis by DnaG and initial primer extension by DnaEBs are carried out by a lagging strand–specific subcomplex comprising DnaG, DnaEBs and DnaC, which stimulates chromosomal replication with enhanced fidelity