287 research outputs found

    How to Get the Most out of Your Curation Effort

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    Large-scale annotation efforts typically involve several experts who may disagree with each other. We propose an approach for modeling disagreements among experts that allows providing each annotation with a confidence value (i.e., the posterior probability that it is correct). Our approach allows computing certainty-level for individual annotations, given annotator-specific parameters estimated from data. We developed two probabilistic models for performing this analysis, compared these models using computer simulation, and tested each model's actual performance, based on a large data set generated by human annotators specifically for this study. We show that even in the worst-case scenario, when all annotators disagree, our approach allows us to significantly increase the probability of choosing the correct annotation. Along with this publication we make publicly available a corpus of 10,000 sentences annotated according to several cardinal dimensions that we have introduced in earlier work. The 10,000 sentences were all 3-fold annotated by a group of eight experts, while a 1,000-sentence subset was further 5-fold annotated by five new experts. While the presented data represent a specialized curation task, our modeling approach is general; most data annotation studies could benefit from our methodology

    Polyfunctional Hiv-Specific Antibody Responses Are Associated with Spontaneous Hiv Control

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    Elite controllers (ECs) represent a unique model of a functional cure for HIV-1 infection as these individuals develop HIV-specific immunity able to persistently suppress viremia. Because accumulating evidence suggests that HIV controllers generate antibodies with enhanced capacity to drive antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) that may contribute to viral containment, we profiled an array of extra-neutralizing antibody effector functions across HIV-infected populations with varying degrees of viral control to define the characteristics of antibodies associated with spontaneous control. While neither the overall magnitude of antibody titer nor individual effector functions were increased in ECs, a more functionally coordinated innate immune–recruiting response was observed. Specifically, ECs demonstrated polyfunctional humoral immune responses able to coordinately recruit ADCC, other NK functions, monocyte and neutrophil phagocytosis, and complement. This functionally coordinated response was associated with qualitatively superior IgG3/IgG1 responses, whereas HIV-specific IgG2/IgG4 responses, prevalent among viremic subjects, were associated with poorer overall antibody activity. Rather than linking viral control to any single activity, this study highlights the critical nature of functionally coordinated antibodies in HIV control and associates this polyfunctionality with preferential induction of potent antibody subclasses, supporting coordinated antibody activity as a goal in strategies directed at an HIV-1 functional cure

    A high confidence, manually validated human blood plasma protein reference set

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The immense diagnostic potential of human plasma has prompted great interest and effort in cataloging its contents, exemplified by the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) Plasma Proteome Project (PPP) pilot project. Due to challenges in obtaining a reliable blood plasma protein list, HUPO later re-analysed their own original dataset with a more stringent statistical treatment that resulted in a much reduced list of high confidence (at least 95%) proteins compared with their original findings. In order to facilitate the discovery of novel biomarkers in the future and to realize the full diagnostic potential of blood plasma, we feel that there is still a need for an ultra-high confidence reference list (at least 99% confidence) of blood plasma proteins.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To address the complexity and dynamic protein concentration range of the plasma proteome, we employed a linear ion-trap-Fourier transform (LTQ-FT) and a linear ion trap-Orbitrap (LTQ-Orbitrap) for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. Both instruments allow the measurement of peptide masses in the low ppm range. Furthermore, we employed a statistical score that allows database peptide identification searching using the products of two consecutive stages of tandem mass spectrometry (MS3). The combination of MS3 with very high mass accuracy in the parent peptide allows peptide identification with orders of magnitude more confidence than that typically achieved.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Herein we established a high confidence set of 697 blood plasma proteins and achieved a high 'average sequence coverage' of more than 14 peptides per protein and a median of 6 peptides per protein. All proteins annotated as belonging to the immunoglobulin family as well as all hypothetical proteins whose peptides completely matched immunoglobulin sequences were excluded from this protein list. We also compared the results of using two high-end MS instruments as well as the use of various peptide and protein separation approaches. Furthermore, we characterized the plasma proteins using cellular localization information, as well as comparing our list of proteins to data from other sources, including the HUPO PPP dataset.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Superior instrumentation combined with rigorous validation criteria gave rise to a set of 697 plasma proteins in which we have very high confidence, demonstrated by an exceptionally low false peptide identification rate of 0.29%.</p

    The Whereabouts of 2D Gels in Quantitative Proteomics

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    Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis has been instrumental in the development of proteomics. Although it is no longer the exclusive scheme used for proteomics, its unique features make it a still highly valuable tool, especially when multiple quantitative comparisons of samples must be made, and even for large samples series. However, quantitative proteomics using 2D gels is critically dependent on the performances of the protein detection methods used after the electrophoretic separations. This chapter therefore examines critically the various detection methods (radioactivity, dyes, fluorescence, and silver) as well as the data analysis issues that must be taken into account when quantitative comparative analysis of 2D gels is performed

    Positive and negative evaluation of caregiving among three different types of informal care relationships

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    Based on the caregiver stress model, we examined how care demands, caregiver motivation, coping style and external support are associated with positive evaluation and caregiver burden among spousal, adult child and other types of care relations. Data from a sample of Dutch informal caregivers of 1,685 older persons (55 and older) were analyzed employing multivariate linear regression analyses for each of the care relationship types. Spouses (N = 206) report high positive evaluation and high burden, adult children (N = 1,093) report low positive evaluation, and other caregivers (N = 386) report high positive evaluation and a low burden. Multivariate linear regression analyses showed that motives and external support were important for positive evaluation but the impact varied among types of caregivers, whereas care demands and not asking for help were associated with burden for all types. Only among 'other' caregiver relationships, positive evaluation was negatively associated with burden. It is concluded that results confirm the dual nature of caregiving among spouses and children. The care context and motivation of the different types of caregivers explain their differences in care evaluation. Various interventions for types of caregivers are discussed. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Crosslinking of a CD4 Mimetic Miniprotein with HIV-1 Env gp140 Alters Kinetics and Specificities of Antibody Responses against HIV-1 Env in Macaques

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    Evaluation of the epitope specificities, location (systemic, mucosal) and effector function of antibodies elicited by novel HIV-1 immunogens engineered to improve exposure of specific epitopes is critical for HIV-1 vaccine development. Utilizing an array of humoral assays, we evaluated the magnitude, epitope specificity, avidity and function of systemic and mucosal immune responses elicited by a vaccine regimen containing Env cross-linked to a CD4 mimetic miniprotein (gp140-M64U1) in rhesus macaques. Crosslinking of gp140 Env with M64U1 resulted in an earlier increase in both the magnitude and avidity of the IgG binding response compared to Env protein alone. Notably, binding IgG responses at an early time point correlated with Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) function at the peak immunity time point, which was higher for the crosslinked Env group compared to the Env group alone. In addition, the crosslinked Env group developed higher IgG responses against a linear epitope in the C1 gp120 region of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein. These data demonstrate that structural modification of the HIV-1 envelope immunogen by crosslinking gp140 with the CD4 mimetic M64U1 elicited an earlier increase of binding antibody responses and altered the specificity of the IgG responses that correlated with the rise of subsequent antibody-mediated antiviral functions.IMPORTANCE The development of an efficacious HIV-1 vaccine remains a global priority to prevent new cases of HIV-1 infection. Of the six HIV-1 efficacy trials to date, only one has demonstrated partial efficacy, and the immune correlates analysis of this trial revealed a role for binding antibodies and antibody Fc mediated effector functions. New HIV-1 envelope immunogens are being engineered to selectively expose the most vulnerable and conserved sites on the HIV-1 envelope with the goal of eliciting antiviral antibodies. Evaluation of the humoral responses elicited by these novel immunogen designs in nonhuman primates is critical for understanding how to improve upon immunogen design to inform further testing in human clinical trials. Our results demonstrate that Env structural modifications that aim to mimic the CD4 bound conformation can result in earlier antibody elicitation, altered epitope specificity and increased antiviral function post immunization.This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) grants, Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI)/ HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN) Early Stage Investigator (ESI) Award (U19AI067854, UM1AI068618), (HHSN27201100016C), 1P01AI120756 and the NIH NIAID Duke Center for AIDS Research Immunology Core P30 AI 64518. The NHP study was funded by NIH PO1 AI066287-02

    Foliar water uptake: a common water acquisition strategy for plants of the redwood forest

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    Evaluations of plant water use in ecosystems around the world reveal a shared capacity by many different species to absorb rain, dew, or fog water directly into their leaves or plant crowns. This mode of water uptake provides an important water subsidy that relieves foliar water stress. Our study provides the first comparative evaluation of foliar uptake capacity among the dominant plant taxa from the coast redwood ecosystem of California where crown-wetting events by summertime fog frequently occur during an otherwise drought-prone season. Previous research demonstrated that the dominant overstory tree species, Sequoia sempervirens, takes up fog water by both its roots (via drip from the crown to the soil) and directly through its leaf surfaces. The present study adds to these early findings and shows that 80% of the dominant species from the redwood forest exhibit this foliar uptake water acquisition strategy. The plants studied include canopy trees, understory ferns, and shrubs. Our results also show that foliar uptake provides direct hydration to leaves, increasing leaf water content by 2–11%. In addition, 60% of redwood forest species investigated demonstrate nocturnal stomatal conductance to water vapor. Such findings indicate that even species unable to absorb water directly into their foliage may still receive indirect benefits from nocturnal leaf wetting through suppressed transpiration. For these species, leaf-wetting events enhance the efficacy of nighttime re-equilibration with available soil water and therefore also increase pre-dawn leaf water potentials