49 research outputs found

    Foreign Capital Inflows, Domestic Savings, and Economic Growth: The Case of Algeria

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    Understanding the growth process is central to development economics. Analyzing and interpreting the determinants of growth, either the process has worked or failed in countries is ultimately an empirical issue. This study attempts to explain this issue not limited to the economic impact of FCI, domestic savings, and Interest rate on economic growth in Algeria but also on how they are related in a dynamic framework.The model for analysis was developed based on the Two Gaps economic growth model.The analysis of this relationship is based on annual time series data for the period of 1980-20 10. This study employs approaches in its estimation of the dynamic relationship vector error correction model and granger causality. The results show that domestic savings have a positive and significant effect, but foreign capital inflows are insignificant to Algeria's economic growth in the long run. Also, the interest rate has significant influence towards economic growth in Algeria in the long run, The insignificant impact of FCI on economic Growth in Algeria, Could be due to the fact that FCI in Algeria during the period of the study is quite small. The finding, particularly on interest rates and savings has some policy relevance at the macro development perspective

    Power fluctuation suppression for grid connected permanent magnet synchronous generator type wind power generation system

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    Introduction. Weather changes lead to create oscillations in values of power extracted from renewable energy resources (RERs). These power oscillations pose significant challenges in RERs integration process with the power grid systems, through its effects on power system stability. Many studies have been performed in various methods to mitigate the output power fluctuation of wind power generation system (WPGS). Purpose. This study focuses on increasing the mitigation rate of the output power fluctuation of WPGS caused by the rapid wind speed changes during wind gusts. Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system through its properties represents an effective solution for the WPGS power fluctuation issue. WPGS and SMES systems are linked to power grid system through the point of common coupling (PCC). Methods. This paper proposes two robust controllers for controlling the SMES system. The first controller is a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), which has been utilized for controlling the power exchange between the SMES coil and the PCC of the utility grid. While the second controller is a PI controller, which have been utilized to regulate the voltages between the two sides of the PCC and the DC link capacitor in the SMES system. The proposed controllers have been constructed so that can make the SMES system absorb/deliver the real power instantaneously from/toward PCC according the wind speed changes. MATLAB/Simulink has been utilized to simulate the system under study and test the performance of proposed controllers. In addition, two different wind speed scenarios have been used in the simulation. Practical value. Results of simulation have proven the effectiveness of proposed controllers so that the active power fluctuation delivered to utility grid can be reduced by up to 89 %. References 31, tables 4, figures 9.Вступ. Зміни погоди призводять до коливань значень потужності, що надходять з відновлюваних джерел енергії (RERs). Ці коливання потужності створюють серйозні проблеми у процесі інтеграції RERs з енергосистемами через їх вплив на стабільність енергосистеми. Було проведено велику кількість досліджень різних методів пом’якшення коливань вихідної потужності системи вітрогенерації (WPGS). Мета. Це дослідження спрямоване на підвищення ступеня пом’якшення коливань вихідної потужності WPGS, викликаних швидкими змінами швидкості вітру під час поривів вітру. Система надпровідного накопичення магнітної енергії (SMES) завдяки своїм властивостям є ефективним вирішенням проблеми коливань потужності WPGS. Системи WPGS та SMES пов’язані з енергосистемою через точку загального підключення (PCC). Методи. У цій статті пропонуються два робастні контролери для управління системою SMES. Перший контролер є контролером нечіткої логіки (FLC), який використовувався для управління обміном енергії між котушкою SMES і PCC енергосистеми. У той час як другий контролер є ПІ-регулятором, який використовувався для регулювання напруг між двома сторонами PCC і конденсатором кола постійного струму в системі SMES. Пропоновані контролери були сконструйовані таким чином, щоб система SMES могла миттєво поглинати/передавати реальну потужність від/до PCC відповідно до змін швидкості вітру. MATLAB/Simulink використовувався для моделювання досліджуваної системи та перевірки продуктивності пропонованих контролерів. Крім того, при моделюванні використовувалися два різні сценарії швидкості вітру. Практична цінність. Результати моделювання довели ефективність пропонованих контролерів, що дозволяють знизити до 89 % коливання активної потужності, що подається до енергосистеми. Бібл. 31, табл. 4, рис. 9

    Projeto de nação e formação econômica: é possível encontrar indícios de uma Administração Política nos planos macroeconômicos do Brasil?

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    O presente ensaio se preocupou em identificar, no âmbito dos planos macroeconômicos engendrados desde a implantação do modo de produção capitalista no Brasil, indícios da presença da Administração Política no país. Para tanto, realizou-se um resgate histórico do processo de acumulação capitalista desde a era Vargas, denominado de acumulação restringida, passando pelo período da substituição de importações de Juscelino Kubitschek, que marcou a fase da acumulação plena e implantou o centro dinâmico do processo de industrialização - o departamento de bens de consumo capitalista. Por fim, desemboca-se na implantação do departamento de bens de capital na gestão do presidente militar Ernesto Geisel sob o Brasil em Marcha Forçada. Acredita-se que durante o período de 1930 a 1984 houve indícios da consecução de um Projeto de Nação, mas que se perdeu a partir daí em função da força dos preceitos neoliberais cujos alicerces se fundamentam numa ideologia que enaltece apenas a busca pela estabilização (planos de controle da inflação) em detrimento do fortalecimento das relações sociais de produção mediados pelo Estado

    ¿Cómo estructurar y desarrollar una clase metodológica instructiva?

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    The objective of the article is to propose a way to structure and develop an instructional methodological class, to serve as a guide for teachers with less experience in their development process as university teachers. Through it, the aspects to be taken into account when preparing and executing this class are explained and exemplified. To carry out the aforementioned exemplification, a problem was chosen regarding the interdisciplinary work that must be carried out from the Mathematics subjects, to make its content more understandable and interesting to study. The aforementioned interdisciplinary work focused on the articulation of contents of functions of a real variable (linear, quadratic and modular) with contents of the civil engineer's profession, related to the types of bridges that can be designed and constructed. It is very important to attend each of the components of an instructional methodological class, to efficiently achieve its teaching objectives

    Biomolecular markers and prediction of pre-eclampsia : A Narrative Review

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    Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a pathology specifically related to pregnancy ; it can lead to intense maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. To date, various and multiple models for predicting PE have been developed. This review aimed at providing an overview of research on biomarkers that predict PE and comparing them. An exhaustive search of related articles published between 01/01/2018 and 30/12/2019, using pre-defined criteria, was conducted via PubMed and Science Direct databases. A total of 21 studies including a total of 42 models for predicting PE, conducted on 111,244 women, were selected. The gestational age at the time of the prediction ranged from 35 to 37 week. Different biomarkers were identified (PlGF and sFlt-1, PLGF, IL-27, mir, rs, AU, PNN/lympho) ; the latter had considerable, significant predictive values (generally at a significance degree <0.05), and may be considered as promising predictors.

    From 'One Namibia, One Nation' towards 'Unity in Diversity? Shifting representations of culture and nationhood in Namibian Independence Day celebrations, 1990-2010

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    In 2010 Namibia celebrated its twentieth anniversary of independence from South African rule. The main celebrations in the country’s capital Windhoek became the stage for an impressively orchestrated demonstration of maturing nationhood, symbolically embracing postcolonial policy concepts such as ‘national reconciliation’, ‘unity’ and ‘diversity’. At the same time, nation building in post-apartheid Namibia is characterised by a high degree of social and political fragmentation that manifests itself in cultural and/or ethnic discourses of belonging. Taking the highly significant independence jubilee as our vantage point, we map out a shift of cultural representations of the nation in Independence Day celebrations since 1990, embodied by the two prominent slogans of ‘One Namibia, one Nation’ and ‘Unity in Diversity’. As we will argue, the difficult and at times highly fragile postcolonial disposition made it necessary for the SWAPO government, as primary nation builder, to accommodate the demands of regions and local communities in its policy frameworks. This negotiation of local identifications and national belonging in turn shaped, and continues to shape, the performative dimension of Independence Day celebrations in Namibia.Web of Scienc

    ‘Albania: €1’ or the story of ‘big policies, small outcomes’: how Albania constructs and engages its diaspora

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    Since the fall of the communist regime in the early 1990s, Albania has experienced one of the most significant emigrations in the world as a share of its population. By 2010 almost half of its resident population was estimated to be living abroad – primarily in neighbouring Greece and Italy, but also in the UK and North America. This chapter discusses the emergence and establishment of the Albanian diaspora, its temporal and geographical diversity, and not least its involvement with Albania itself. Albania’s policymaking and key institutions are considered, with a focus on matters of citizenship; voting rights; the debate on migration and development; and not least the complex ways in which kin-state minority policies – related to ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo, Montenegro, southern Serbia, Macedonia and Greece – are interwoven with Albania’s emigration policies

    The prototype opto-mechanical system for the fluorescence detector array of single-pixel telescopes

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    We present the opto-mechanical design of a new generation fluorescence telescope for the detection of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). The Fluorescence detector Array of Singlepixel Telescopes (FAST) is a proposed low-cost, large-area, next-generation experiment for the detection of UHECRs via the atmospheric fluorescence technique. The telescope is of a simplified Schmidt design, suitable for a camera consisting of only a few large pixels. The telescope has a 1 m² entrance aperture, and a field-of-view of 30° ×30°. We present the optical design of the prototype telescope as well as the mirror alignment and pointing calibration procedures. The prototype of the FAST telescope is installed at the Black Rock Mesa site of the Telescope Array Experiment.Dusan Mandat, Miroslav Palatka, Miroslav Pecha, Petr Schovanek, Petr Travnicek, Libor Nozka, Pavel Horvath, Miroslav Hrabovsky, Justin Albury, Jose A. Bellido, John Farmer, Toshihiro Fujii, Aygul Galimova, Max Malacari, Ariel Matalon, John N. Matthews, Maria Merolle, Xiaochen Ni, Paolo Privitera, Stan B. Thomas (FAST Collaboration

    Efficacy and durability of multifactorial intervention on mortality and MACEs:a randomized clinical trial in type-2 diabetic kidney disease

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    Background: Multiple modifiable risk factors for late complications in patients with diabetic kidney disease (DKD), including hyperglycemia, hypertension and dyslipidemia, increase the risk of a poor outcome. DKD is associated with a very high cardiovascular risk, which requires simultaneous treatment of these risk factors by implementing an intensified multifactorial treatment approach. However, the efficacy of a multifactorial intervention on major fatal/non-fatal cardiovascular events (MACEs) in DKD patients has been poorly investigated. Methods: Nephropathy in Diabetes type 2 (NID-2) study is a multicentre, cluster-randomized, open-label clinical trial enrolling 395 DKD patients with albuminuria, diabetic retinopathy (DR) and negative history of CV events in 14 Italian diabetology clinics. Centres were randomly assigned to either Standard-of-Care (SoC) (n = 188) or multifactorial intensive therapy (MT, n = 207) of main cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure 40/50 mg/dL for men/women and < 175 mg/dL, respectively). Primary endpoint was MACEs occurrence by end of follow-up phase. Secondary endpoints included single components of primary endpoint and all-cause death. Results: At the end of intervention period (median 3.84 and 3.40 years in MT and SoC group, respectively), targets achievement was significantly higher in MT. During 13.0 years (IQR 12.4–13.3) of follow-up, 262 MACEs were recorded (116 in MT vs. 146 in SoC). The adjusted Cox shared-frailty model demonstrated 53% lower risk of MACEs in MT arm (adjusted HR 0.47, 95%CI 0.30–0.74, P = 0.001). Similarly, all-cause death risk was 47% lower (adjusted HR 0.53, 95%CI 0.29–0.93, P = 0.027). Conclusion: MT induces a remarkable benefit on the risk of MACEs and mortality in high-risk DKD patients. Clinical Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00535925. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0053592

    Namibia Institute for Democracy

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    The Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID), founded in 1991, implements a range of civic education, civil society development, socio-political survey and research and anti-corruption programs in Namibia. Funded by a variety of donors, these programs all aim to strengthen civil society and the public’s capacity to interact with government at all levels in an informed manner, to strengthen democratic institutions, and to provide opportunities for the exchange of public opinion and the support of public debate. In this process, the NID consults with the government, civil society, interest groups, political parties, the media, institutional authorities and private citizens in the design and implementation of its programs.https://repository.upenn.edu/aboutthinktanks/1038/thumbnail.jp