7,119 research outputs found

    Rigidity for C1C^1 actions on the interval arising from hyperbolicity I: solvable groups

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    We consider Abelian-by-cyclic groups for which the cyclic factor acts by hyperbolic automorphisms on the Abelian subgroup. We show that if such a group acts faithfully by C1C^1 diffeomorphisms of the closed interval with no global fixed point at the interior, then the action is topologically conjugated to that of an affine group. Moreover, in case of non-Abelian image, we show a rigidity result concerning the multipliers of the homotheties, despite the fact that the conjugacy is not necessarily smooth. Some consequences for non-solvable groups are proposed. In particular, we give new proofs/examples yielding the existence of finitely-generated, locally-indicable groups with no faithful action by C1C^1 diffeomorphisms of the interval.Comment: A more detailed proof of Proposition 4.15 adde

    Search for charginos, neutralinos, and gravitinos at LEP

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    The hep-ex data base was decided not to be an appropriate place to make DELPHI notes public. Sorry for the inconvenience.Comment: the paper should not have been made publi

    Combination of DROOL rules and Protégé knowledge bases in the ONTO-H annotation tool

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    ONTO-H is a semi-automatic collaborative tool for the semantic annotation of documents, built as a Protégé 3.0 tab plug-in. Among its multiple functionalities aimed at easing the document annotation process, ONTO-H uses a rule-based system to create cascading annotations out from a single drag and drop operation from a part of a document into an already existing concept or instance of the domain ontology being used for annotation. It also gives support to the detection of name conflicts and instance duplications in the creation of the annotations. The rule system runs on top of the open source rule engine DROOLS and is connected to the domain ontology used for annotation by means of an ad-hoc programmed Java proxy

    LabVIEW-based control and acquisition system for the dosimetric characterization of a silicon strip detector

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    Theaimofthisworkistopresentanewdataacquisition,control,andanalysissoftwaresystemwrittenin LabVIEW.Thissystemhasbeendesignedtoobtainthedosimetryofasiliconstripdetectorinpolyethylene. It allows the full automation of the experiments and data analysis required for the dosimetric characterization of silicon detectors. It becomes a useful tool that can be applied in the daily routine check of a beam accelerator.MINECO ICTI2013-2016/FPA2013-47327-C2-1-RMINECO ICTI2013-2016/FPA2014-53290-C2-2- PJunta de AndalucĂ­a P12-FQM-160

    Spatial distributed modelling of erosion and sediment transport in mountain catchments in the Pyrenees: challenges for calibration and validation

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    28 p., 10 Figs., 5 Tabls.Publicado inicialmente por la Universidad de La Rioja (España) en: Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 39(2) (2013)[EN] Most erosion models applied at basin scale are based on spatially aggregated representation, for example, in a space subdivision of the surfaces to which behavior is assumed homogeneous (sub-basins, hydrological units, etc.). This approach leads to a desirable simplification of the calculations, but presents difficulties in addressing problems related to sediment transport and identification of sediment source areas, which should be treated by a continuous spatial representation. Spatially distributed models, however, allow a more accurate approach to this problem, at the cost of an increased computational complexity. The objective of this work is the calibration and validation of the model WATEM/SEDEM, an empirical-conceptual spatially distributed model, to predict erosion and sediment yield in two watersheds in the Central Spanish Pyrenees: i) the watershed of the Barasona Reservoir (1504 km2), which is drained by the Esera and Isabena Rivers, the model calibration and validation was based on the depositional history of the Barasona Reservoir and suspended sediment records over 3 years (May 2005–May 2008) at the outlet of the Isabena River; ii) the experimental Arnas catchment (2.84 km2), the model calibration was performed based on a dataset of soil redistribution rates derived from point 137Cs inventories, allowing capture differences per land use in the main model parameters. The validation process was carried with the registration of six years of suspended sediment at the outlet of the Arnas catchment. The calibration process for watershed of the Barasona Reservoir showed the problem you have when trying to calibrate the parameters of transport capacity with a single variable (the export of sediment to the basin outlet), making impossible to find a single set of parameters that optimize the error function, making it necessary to adopt a compromise solution. For the experimental Arnas catchment the model calibration processes using spatially distributed sediment yield derived from 137Cs inventories allowed calibrating the empirical parameters of transport capacity in a satisfactory way, finding a single combination of values that optimizes the error function. These results show that the calibration parameters of transport capacity are a fundamental aspect of the model WATEM/SEDEM and other similar models. To obtain a reliable estimate of the spatial distribution of erosion and sediment transport requires a calibration and validation by means of spatially distributed data of soil loss, which in turn allows a calibration of spatially distributed parameters concerning transport capacity.[ES] Una gran parte de los modelos de erosion aplicados a escala de cuenca se basan en una representacion espacialmente agregada, es decir en la subdivision del espacio en superficies a las que se supone un comportamiento homogeneo (subcuencas, unidades hidrologicas, etc.). Esta aproximacion conlleva una deseable simplificacion de los calculos, pero presenta dificultades para abordar problemas relacionados con el transporte de sedimentos y la identificacion de areas fuente de sedimento, que deben tratarse mediante una representacion espacial continua. Los modelos espacialmente distribuidos, en cambio, permiten una aproximacion mas precisa a este problema, a costa de una mayor complejidad de calculo. El objetivo de este trabajo es la calibracion y validacion del modelo WATEM/SEDEM, un modelo empirico-conceptual espacialmente distribuido, para predecir erosion y la produccion de sedimentos en dos cuencas del Pirineo aragones: i) la cuenca del embalse de Barasona (1504 km2), drenada por los rios Esera e Isabena, donde la base de datos para el proceso de calibracion fue el registro de 3 anos de sedimentos en suspension (mayo 2005-mayo 2008) a la salida de la subcuenca del Rio Isabena y para la validacion se utilizo el registro historico de sedimentacion del embalse de Barasona; y, ii) la cuenca experimental de Arnas (2.84 km2), donde se conto para la calibracion con datos espacialmente distribuidos de tasas de erosion y sedimentacion derivadas de inventarios de Cs137, mas el registro de seis anos de sedimento en suspension a la salida de la cuenca de Arnas para el proceso de validacion. El proceso de calibracion para el embalse de Barasona mostro el problema que se tiene al intentar calibrar los parametros de capacidad de transporte con una sola variable (la exportacion de sedimento a la salida de la cuenca), haciendo imposible encontrar un solo conjunto de parametros que optimicen la funcion de error y obligando a adoptar una solucion de compromiso. En la cuenca de Arnas el uso de datos espacialmente distribuidos de produccion de sedimentos derivados de inventarios de Cs137 permitio calibrar los parametros empiricos de capacidad de transporte de una forma satisfactoria, encontrando una sola combinacion de valores que optimiza la funcion de error. Con los resultados obtenidos se demuestra que la calibracion de los parametros de capacidad de transporte es un aspecto fundamental de WATEM/SEDEM y de otros modelos similares. Para obtener una estimacion fiable de la distribucion espacial de los procesos de erosion y transporte de sedimento se requiere de una calibracion y validacion con datos espacialmente distribuidos de perdida o ganancia de suelo que permita a su vez realizar una calibracion espacialmente distribuida de los parametros relativos a la capacidad de transporte.Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo con el apoyo del proyecto INDICA (CGL2011- 27753-C02-01 y -02), financiado por el Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, el proyecto ACQWA (FP7-ENV-2007-1-212250), financiado por la Comision Europea y un acuerdo entre el CSIC y el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (RESEL). N. Lana-Renault ha disfrutado de un contrato de investigacion en el Programa Juan de la Cierva (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad). En este articulo han participado numerosos colegas del Departamento de Procesos Geoambientales y Cambio Global del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia (IPE), asi como del Departamento de Suelo y Agua de la Est. Exp. Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC).Peer reviewe

    Marginal system of the Barranquilla's historical downtown: The public space as stage and refuge of social exclusion

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    The findings related to the marginality of the Barranquilla's Downtown, according to the Systems Theory, are presented. The findings show and important relation between this ambit and the public space. The epistemological approach of the Grounded Theory and its main analysis mechanism, the Constant Comparative Method, was used, to approximate to reality in natural circumstances. Ethnographic instruments were developed, such as participant and non-participant observations, indepth interviews and photographs, referring to the culture in which the daily phenomena are developed. The following questions were solved: Why is the marginal scope a system? What are its constitutive elements? How are the relationships between these elements? How are the relationships between the elements of the Marginal System and the elements of other systems in Barranquilla's Historical Downtown? The obtained outcomes affirm that the marginal scope of Barranquilla's Historical Downtown is actually a system according to the Systems Theory
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