90 research outputs found


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    This paper examines the effects of government COVID-19 mitigation strategies and Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) on unemployment-rate over the period November 2019 to April 2021 for the 16 most severely COVID-19 affected countries. Our specific objectives are threefold: first, to examine the dynamic relationship between EPU and unemployment-rate; second, to analyze the extent to which government’s COVID-19 mitigation response affects the unemployment-rate; and third, to examine indirectly the effects of government economic policies on the unemployment-rate through market indicators, such as the business and consumer confidence indices. We find that EPU increases fluctuations in unemployment for the COVID-19 affected countries, while governments’ vaccination drive significantly reduces it. Increases in government stringency aggravate unemployment in the informal sectors and enhances labor inequality


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    This study investigates whether the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused a contagion and negatively affected the stock market. Using data from the 10 worst-hit countries over the period from December 2019 to May 2020 and an EGARCH model, the study shows that market speculations lead to negative stock returns and higher stock market volatility. Further, estimates of both bivariate time-series regression and random-effects panel regression show significant effects of COVID-19 related media coverage on the stock market


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    This study examines the impacts of COVID-19 induced factors and country specific health-care infrastructure and co-morbid factors on economic growth between January 1, 2021, to May 31, 2021 for 19 South and South-east Asian (SSEA) economies. Our findings indicate that COVID-19 related mortality negates growth, while vaccination and testing have no significant impact on growth during this period. We further quantify the effects by instrumenting government policy measures and vaccination drives in terms of testing, tracking and mortality. Our findings show a negative effect of lockdowns on growth, while vaccination has a positive impact on growth and controls fatality rate considerably


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    In this paper, we investigate the impact of innovation and corruption on economic growth for 13 emerging Asian economies over the period of 2009 to 2018. Using global innovation and corruption indices, we show that innovation has no significant impact on growth. In contrast, corruption slows down growth in the region. Our results indicate that innovation in the region is not robust enough to attract growth and that corruption is the major hindrance to growth.In this paper, we investigate the impact of innovation and corruption on economic growth for 13 emerging Asian economies over the period of 2009 to 2018. Using global innovation and corruption indices, we show that innovation has no significant impact on growth. In contrast, corruption slows down growth in the region. Our results indicate that innovation in the region is not robust enough to attract growth and that corruption is the major hindrance to growth

    Solar Tunnel Drying System: A Literature Review

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    AbstractProduction, productivity, and area under production from fruits and spices are gradually increasing. Improper processes of freshly harvested spice and fruit products will make them undergo qualitative deterioration with each passing hour. This deterioration is more pronounced in high humid areas. Drying process in one or the other form is essential. Freshly harvested spices and fruit products in average contain more than 80% moisture. The commodities need to be dried to have a moisture content below 10% in the shortest possible time for safe storage. Drying process in most cases are accomplished by the open sun. Meanwhile, the environmental condition in solar tunnel drying is enclosure type and the product is protected from rains, dust, insects, and rodents. Solar tunnel drying, a widely used bulk dryer, facilitates faster drying than open drying by virtue of the greenhouse effect. Commercial cultivators by and large choose faster drying methods using wood and fossil fuel-fired heating sources. This study attempts to review recent advances of various designs and working of the greenhouse drying system in totality, like auxiliary drying during off-sun hours, bulk drying feasibility, ease in loading and unloading along with an analysis of key features and economics involved.Keywords: auxiliary drying, greenhouse drying system, processing AbstrakProduksi, produktivitas dan luas areal produksi buah-buahan dan rempah-rempah meningkat secara bertahap. Produk rempah dan buah yang baru dipanen akan mengalami penurunan kualitas seiring waktu berjalan jika tidak diproses dengan benar. Kerusakan ini lebih terlihat di daerah dengan kelembaban tinggi. Pengeringan dalam satu atau bentuk lain penting dalam pemrosesan. Rempah-rempah dan produk buah yang baru dipanen rata-rata mengandung lebih dari 80% kelembaban dan perlu dikeringkan hingga kelembabannya di bawah 10% dalam waktu sesingkat mungkin untuk penyimpanan yang aman. Pengeringan ini dalam kebanyakan kasus dilakukan dengan sinar matahari terbuka, sedangkan kondisi lingkungan pengeringan terowongan surya adalah tipe tertutup dan produk terlindungi dari hujan, debu, serangga dan hewan pengerat. Pengeringan terowongan surya merupakan pengering kapasitas besar yang banyak digunaka. Pengeringan dengan alat ini lebih cepat daripada pengeringan terbuka berdasarkan efek rumah kaca. Pembudidaya komersial pada umumnya memilih metode pengeringan yang lebih cepat yang menggunakan kayu dan sumber pemanas berbahan bakar fosil. Studi ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kemajuan terkini dari berbagai desain dan cara kerja sistem pengeringan rumah kaca secara keseluruhan, seperti, pengeringan tambahan di malam hari, kelayakan pengeringan kapasitas besar, kemudahan dalam bongkar muat, serta analisis fitur utama dan ekonomi.Kata kunci: pengeringan bantu, pengolahan, sistem pengeringan rumah kaca


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    Objective: The current investigation for antidiabetic activity of the plant Vernonia divergens (DC.) Edgew. has not been reported till date. However, to enlighten the folkloric claim of the plant, the study was carried out on various animal models such as albino mice, albino rabbits, Wistar rats, rabbits, hamsters, dogs, and monkeys. Methods: The whole plant of V. divergens was studied on various animal models. Screening methods generally have been carried out on rodents and non-rodents, respectively. Various biochemical and hematological parameters such as serum glucose, plasma insulin, lipid profile and activities of liver enzymes, red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, and differential counts were measured to assess the antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activities as well as safety profile of the extract. Results: Among all experimental extracts of V. divergens, it was found that the aqueous and methanolic extracts had maximum control of blood glucose in diabetic Wistar rats. While comparing with normoglycemic animals, it was observed that reduction of blood sugar level and increase in plasma insulin level are maximum with test extract. Among the study, the effects of the methanolic extract of V. divergens (MEVD) and aqueous extract of V. divergens (AEVD) were done through oral route in both the models, i.e., normoglycemic and hyperglycemic animal models. The safety profile was evaluated by toxicological evaluation and observed that, even at a higher dose level of 3000 mg/kg body weight, the MEVD and AEVD were safe and retain normal physiological and behavioral effect. The whole protein, whole cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase enzyme activity of streptozotocin-administered rats showed significantly higher than normal rats, and the test extract-treated rats significantly reduced the elevated levels. Conclusion: It is concluded that the MEVD and AEVD (DC.) Edgew. might be beneficial in effectively reducing the blood glucose concentration and managing the various complications of diabetes. However, in comparison between both the extracts, the methanol extract was found to be significantly more potent than that of the A.E. in all aspects

    A policy framework for the creative Pattachitra Artisans at the crossroad of financial scarcity and changing trends

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    The present paper introduces the handicraft known as pattachitra art, which personifies Odisha’s culture and spiritual observances. Pattachitra is a renowned traditional painting of Raghurajpur village in Puri, Odisha (formerly Orissa), Eastern India. The study aims to examine the artisan’s financial accessibility and the problems of financial scarcity confronted by them and to understand various approaches made by them to sustain their painting under changing trends. The study is a mixed method approach that includes a personal interview, observations, and rapid rural appraisal. It also includes SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), and ABC analysis, which helped to prepare a policy framework. Lastly, the paper has documented pictorial facts to show the innovative approaches adapted for sustaining this traditional art. Santrauka Šiame straipsnyje pristatomi amatai, žinomi kaip pattachitros menas, personifikuojantis Odišos kultūrą ir dvasinius ritualus. Pattachitra – tai gerai žinoma tradicinės tapybos rūšis, plėtojama Ragurajpuro kaime, Puryje, Odišoje (ankstesnis pavadinimas – Orisa), Rytų Indijoje. Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėti amatininkams skiriamą finansinę paramą ir finansinių išteklių trūkumo keliamas problemas, su kuriomis jie susiduria, bei suprasti jų skirtingus požiūrius, siekiant palaikyti šią tapybos rūšį kintančių tendencijų sąlygomis. Tyrimas grindžiamas mišriu metodu, apimančiu asmeninius interviu, stebėjimus ir sparčiai atliktą kaimo vertinimą. Tyrime taip pat taikoma SSGG analizė (stiprybės, silpnybės, galimybės ir grėsmės) ir VGA analizė, kurios padėjo rengiant politikos sistemą. Galiausiai straipsnis grindžiamas iliustruotais faktais, siekiant pademonstruoti inovatyvius požiūrius, pritaikytus šiam tradiciniam menui palaikyti. Reikšminiai žodžiai: amatininkai, kintančios tendencijos, finansinių išteklių trūkumas, Odiša, pattachitra.

    Potential of X-ray imaging to detect citrus granulation in different cultivars with progress in harvesting time

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    263-268Granulation, a physiological disorder of citrus is manifested by shriveled juice sacs and internal dryness. Extractable juice in granulated tissue is drastically reduced as a consequence of gelatinization and secondary epidermis formation. Since, the defect cannot be detected externally it leads to consumer dissatisfaction and poor returns to farmers. Processing industry also faces huge economic loss due to reduction in the juice recovery from granulated fruit. In this context, here, we studied the possibility of developing an image processing algorithm through MATLAB software to detect granulation with advancement of maturity via X-ray micrographs. Fruit of eight citrus cultivars comprising of granulation susceptible and tolerant varieties harvested at four different intervals were exposed to X-rays. Voltage of 46 kV and current of 6.5 mA given to fruit for an exposure time of 320 mAs gave the best X-ray image contrasts. The developed algorithm could effectively distinguish the healthy and granulated fruit with an accuracy of 90% as validated by subsequent destructive analysis when estimated for four different harvesting dates. The imaging technique can be employed by the processors to determine the severity of granulation and to sort out fruit online which will help in saving economic losses

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY & LIFE SCIENCES Dendrimers-a novel drug delivery system

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    Abstract Dendrimers are the polymeric materials for targeted delivery of drug molecule. These are the highly branched nanoscopic structure for the potential delivery of bioactive. The structure of these materials has a great impact on their physical and chemical properties. As a result of their unique behaviour dendrimers are suitable for a wide range of biomedical and industrial applications. The bioactive agents can be easily encapsulated into the interior of the dendrimers or chemically attached i.e. conjugated or physically adsorbed onto the dendrimer surface, serving the desired properties of the carrier to the specific needs of the active material and its therapeutic applications. In addition to supplying a multivalent backbone for drug attachment, dendrimers also provide access to various new polymer architectures that are potentially relevant to drug delivery applications. Through this review we are mainly focusing on the various properties and applications of dendrimer in pharmaceutical sciences

    LSZ in LST

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    We discuss the analytic structure of off-shell correlation functions in Little String Theories (LSTs) using their description as asymptotically linear dilaton backgrounds of string theory. We focus on specific points in the LST moduli space where this description involves the spacetime (R^{d-1,1} times SL(2)/U(1) times a compact CFT), though we expect our qualitative results to be much more general. We show that n-point functions of vertex operators O(p) have single poles as a function of the d-dimensional momentum p, which correspond to normalizable states localized near the tip of the SL(2)/U(1) cigar. Additional poles arise due to the non-trivial dynamics in the bulk of the cigar, and these can lead to a type of UV/IR mixing. Our results explain some previously puzzling features of the low energy behavior of the Green functions. As another application, we compute the precise combinations of single-trace and multi-trace operators in the low-energy gauge theory which map to single string vertex operators in the N=(1,1) supersymmetric d=6 LST. We also discuss the implications of our results for two dimensional string theories and for the (non-existence of a) Hagedorn phase transition in LSTs.Comment: 93 pages; harvmac. v2: minor changes. v3: Added reference and minor change